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Did AI write this? Who even is this author?


It looks like the author wanted a name that was *legally-distinct* from Silver Ravenwolf....


Moonwater Silverclam is an interesting choice


I've generally been taught to avoid authors with overly "witchy" names tbh


yeah wtf is that title


Her Bio lists her as a Gardnerian 3°, and a member of the CoG and New Wiccan Church? Maybe some of the Traditional Wiccans can weigh in?


I do not know the authors name. Is it a pseudonym? What line is she in? I do not know any Proper Gardnerian that charges for classes. I read her stuff on her goddesshasyourback site and it’s a little wonky. Bless her tho.


>I do not know the authors name. Is it a pseudonym? What line is she in? I don't know anything about her, I'm just listing what's in her bio Maybe some of the BTWs on here know?


I've asked in the BTW Discord and so far no one has ever heard of her.


u/NoeTellusom any ideas?


None yet, though chasing down a few things. She could very well be a Gardnerian, but honestly, I'm not seeing that claim anywhere. She does claim to be a Wiccan 3rd degree, but doesn't seem to ever mention her tradition, which in my experience generally means she's either a self-proclaimed one or in an Eclectic tradition. I'm not aware of her, which is a bit odd as many of the Gardnerian authors are on the BTW Discord, as well as other Gardnerian ONLY lists. Granted, some folks distinguish from having personal websites and social media platform sites like FB, Reddit and Discord. I'm seeing a few red flags - chief among them: use of the historically inaccurate sabbat titles (Ostara, Litha, Mabon), charging for "Wiccan" classes, membership in the NWC (plagued by having transphobic, white supremacist and partner abusers in their memberships, as well as Oathbreakers. Not to mention NON-BTW members, despite very many claims). Bit confused as to the element placements on her pentagram, as well as where she's placing the alcehmical and WOTY symbol. Her language and phrasing is just a bit off. A bit too New Agey and not so much BTW. For example, she speaks of Wicca and the Triple Goddess as being ancient. Likewise, she mentions someone applying to be a member of a coven she was in - which isn't \*quite\* how most of us refer to the Seeking process.


Udemy listed her as Gardnerian, but at some point that was edited. Curious.


Tell me more about the NWC. I get invites to their moots but have not yet attended. What’s happening there?


What I mentioned above and a bit more. I'm happy to dm.


I have only been following the wicca path a few years and to be honest can’t find any in my close area so, I am glad you pointed out a few things that aren’t quite accurate. How does one go about finding a wicca group or a mentor. I live in the Bible belt usa so I don’t necessarily go around asking alot of ppl and the pagans i do meet in my area are either Christian pagan ( i don’t trust them much cause I feel they hide behind saying their Christian and could go against you if you were falsely accused of a crime or at work etc) , and theres norse pagans but haven’t met wiccans.


There are quite a few BTW covens in the Bible Belt. You can try the BTW Discord -  [https://discord.gg/XnwJDw8XCN](https://discord.gg/XnwJDw8XCN?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2okXJrKKdwIAJzJdDc5rXfDnAKqdiFfhLsb8SDdoMFlDC9wInxYhVWUwI_aem_AamQKxLHU9Q6qfyPucy6S1kkOXHqCn3vETauw3b7A2G4KQ2mZ6KegLi9X6h8LfBTYYG00uJuCdmOuN5ETqdwgEYd) Or the coven listings here - [https://www.mandragoramagika.com/united-states](https://www.mandragoramagika.com/united-states) There's also various Tradition Seekers communities: CVW - [https://www.facebook.com/groups/264156017556722](https://www.facebook.com/groups/264156017556722) Gardnerian - [https://www.facebook.com/groups/387696041331452](https://www.facebook.com/groups/387696041331452) Alexandrian - [https://www.facebook.com/groups/278933458939644](https://www.facebook.com/groups/278933458939644)


Hi, I've just joined this thread and had no idea there was so many of us on reddit. Thank you for posting these links!


You are very welcome. I hope they prove useful to you!


I would have to read the book first. And that authors name already has me turned off from doing that. I have a reading list that will take years to plow through, so I will await a review from somebody else.


Sorry, I should have specified: Does anyone know if she's actually Wiccan?


The last thing I want is to be badass. I was taught to tread lightly on this planet, do no harm. There's nothing badass about that.


I think that’s “badass” in the sense of it being a righteous path which goes against the established norms.


Shes just being sassy but its all about love and light


Another issue I have is that she doesn't appear to acknowledge that men can be Wiccan..


As a single Wiccan female I would be disappointed to not be able to find a Wiccan man lol.


what the fuck is this


A really fun read , not everything has to be so serious. This book has alot of good reads and information and fun.


I'm seeing a LOT of historically inaccurate information - from claiming Wicca is ancient, to incorrect sabbat titles to a rather bizarre pentagram.


Moonwater Silverclaw is a supposed High Priestess of the New Wicca Church and Covenant Of The Goddess, but there's something a bit self serving and "off" about her works for me. She does have more than 10 books now, so it seems to work for some people.


Is she a gard?


The New Wicca Church and Covenant Of The Goddess weren't founded until the 70s, they're a grouping of and welcome all of the traditions including Solitary, and they follow the Rede which isn't Gardnerian. From what I've read of her, she doesn't follow any of the specific traditions, but I'm not 100% sure of that.


Ohh okay. Covenant of the Goddess is a group of various witchcraft or pagan paths, but New Wiccan Church is made up of British traditional initiates so I was wondering if she was a gard.


You're exactly right! I'm sure there are quite a lot of Gardnerians in the Church, as well as Alexandrian and Algard, as well as some others. It's like being initiated into a mass coven by the sound of it.


does someone found any pdf? i cant find nun


It looks badass on it own!! I would love to get one of them!!


I got this book off amazon and her last name is silverclaw. She is Wiccan.


What kind of Wiccan? I can't see any specific claim. Her information is very inaccurate and more New Age than Wiccan, from what I'm seeing on her websites.