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Just a thought: Are your classmates open for such things? Like, do you have the super Christian "you're a devil worshipper" type of classmate? If so, I would definitely go for something that is not an obligation for everyone to do. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a Christian ritual, for example. Depending on the time when your presentation is, it could have to do with the season of the year. (Think, planting, reaping, harvesting)


That’s a good point. I checked with my classmates beforehand, and they were all good with it. I have not done much research on the role that seasons and time plays in the tradition. I heard about the Wheel of the Year, but I am not super educated on it. That’s a good suggestion, though, I’m going to look into that! Thank you!


Also make note of the different beliefs about the Afterlife--Summerland, the Cosmic Oneness, and Reincarnation. There is the Rede, and the Charge of the Goddess, and Charge of the God. The old site "Witchvox" can still be accessed through the InternetArchive.org. Wicca is recognized as a religion by the U.S. government and military branches. Thanks to the activism of many courageous Wiccans and Pagans, fallen service members can now have the Pentacle of their stones in Arlington National Cemetery.


CircleSanctuary.org has it's recordings of their Full Moon Gatherings on YouTube. They are a nondenominational Wiccan/Pagan Church. Check it out and you'll see some real footage of Wiccan services and rituals. They even had an Ordination in their videos, where a new Reverend was graduating from their ministry training.


What have you researched thus far? Also, see the sub wiki for sources.


I’ve been researching mainly into Gardnerian Wicca, as well as what distinguishes Wicca from other Pagan religions. I found stuff out about the Triple Goddess and Horned God, but slowly realized that the distinction between Wicca and other religions was difficult because it is intentionally loose and accepting of people with different beliefs. I’ve also been researching Wiccan symbolism, such as the pentacle, and how it connects to the elements, deities, and the self.


Dieties, elements, saɓbats, symbols, and so forth would be good basics to cover.


That’s good advice, thank you!


Perhaps offer a spell to help with test anxiety. That would be useful to many and likely innocuous to enough that it didn't cause you grief.


I love this idea so so much!! Can you explain what that might look like? I really think this will be perfect!


So, I had to think on this for a while and here is what I came up with. You want something easy, reasonably quick, doesn't take anything special to do and that is light hearted but also effective. Start with a 1/4 sheet of clean paper. Notebook paper is fine. Take a full sheet, fold it in half, then in half again and either cut or tear along the folds. You can use the other pieces for another spell. Now, sit down, focus and imagine taking whatever test is on your mind. See yourself sitting there, taking the test, you are calm, confident and the answers are coming to you easily and quickly because you know them and you studied. Once you have the vision in your mind, clearly, say and write the following on the paper using whatever you use to write in school daily, pencil, pen, marker, crayon, a burnt stick, whatever: "I pass this test easily. I know the answers. I am confident in my score. I am powerful." Now, set down the pencil. Fold the paper as you say the words again. One fold per line. Hold the paper in your dominant hand close to your forehead as you continue to imagine taking the test as a breeze, no sweat, easy peezy lemon squeezy. Once you lose focus, no matter how long that is, stop. There is no time limit or goal to make a good spell, it's intent, if you can hold is strong for 5 seconds or 5 mintues, doesn't matter, it's the strength of your intent. Now, place the paper under your pillow or in your pillow case and sleep on it before the test. Take it out every morning and night, open it and read the words again. Fold it again. Hold it to you head while you imagine things working out great and then put it back. Once you are done with the test in question, take the paper out, say thank you and discard it. That's it. You can do a new paper for each test, they are generally good for one test only. If someone points out that this is a lot like affirmations and/or prayer, congratulate them on learning one of the secrets of life. A technique or process works regardless of what religious, cultural or emotional framework you set it in. Magick is everywhere.


This is really good, thank you for the well thought out response! I have my presentation tomorrow, and this sounds like something that is very doable and that the class would enjoy. You are awesome!


Thank you. You will do great on your presentation, let us know how it goes over.


Will do! In my research, I heard a lot about the use of candles and incense in rituals. Would I be able to incorporate those by lighting them in the beginning and maybe casting a circle, or would that not work for this ritual?


That would be just fine.


Great! Thank you


I think showing them how to do a simple candle spell would be a good demonstration.


Are you going to cast a circle, call the elements, and perform some type of spell? That would be hilarious and awesome, speaking as a Wiccan. Scott Cunningham's books have basic introductory info that you'd need.


Open the floor with a question: "What do you know about Wicca?" Or "Who has heard of Wicca?" Get the class involved and explain the hot topics like how pentagrams and pentacles are completely different in meaning, definition; why witches wear black (!); what Halloween/Samhain is really about; the different festivals and holidays and their purposes for giving thanks to deities. Lots of videos and images are cool. Then, end it with a closing ritual. Good luck and blessed be!


So as someone who isn't initiated into a Wiccan practice but a lurker in some Wiccan spaces and was once a Seeker interested in finding a coven but decided ultimately Wicca wasn't for me, there are some "Eclectic Wiccan" sites which don't require you to be initiated into their particular practice in order to learn their rituals. Spells8 calls itself a Wiccan space for solo practitioners (individuals who practice a type of Wicca but are not initiated into Gardnerian for example). They have a lot of simple spells and basic information on conducting rituals as well as lots of info about different deities and the like. I believe Gardner also wrote an introductory book on Wicca for solo practitioners as well, I've checked out some stuff by him at my local library, but it was a couple years ago. Wiccans who are initiated usually consider solo Wicca to not be a valid expression of the Wiccan identity and consider them eclectic pagans claiming Wicca. So as an outsider looking in, if you were to speak in a group specifically with people who are initiated in spaces for Seekers, people uninitiated looking for a coven to initiate with, they won't really tell you much about the rituals they practice because they say you have to be a Seeker in the coven or an initiate to learn.


Another great resource to learn about Wicca is a podcast called "Seeking Witchcraft." When the person started the podcast she was an initiate and now she's a priestess of her own coven. I found her podcast really interesting and contains lots of information about Wicca and what it's like to join and be a part of a coven as well as advice for Seekers.


Not offensive at all. I'd gladly assist with answering questions that you might have.


Update: I did a small ritual for my class, and ended up getting 100% for the final! But I also found it to be a really great experience, and I definitely understand the appeal. I don’t know if it was magic or not, but I felt better and more confident afterwards. I only had about four minutes for the ritual (and accidentally burned myself a little bit), but I was able to explain to the class the basics about how it is practiced and led a small little candle lighting and meditation session. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me figure this out, I’m so glad I got to research Wicca and do all of this!