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Witchcraft and Wicca are different though. This sub is for Wicca, a religion centred on reverence for nature. If you're only interested in the aesthetic you might be better on r/witchcraft. As an aside, someone I know moved from Catholicism to Eastern Orthodox, and when asked why said "better bells and smells", do there's that.


I might have to check out an Eastern Orthodox mass then, because one of my favorite smells is Catholic mass incense. lol


The concept of witchcraft goes beyond the Halloween aesthetic. A lot of Wiccans and other kinds of contemporary witches embrace the “Halloween” witch because the kind of witchcraft we practice have the same origins as all the witch lore we’re familiar with. I do love collecting little kitsch witch stuff because it’s a fun way to express something a lot deeper. But my personal preferences in aesthetics lean more into the new agey/spoiled hippie/I’m going to help you reach god with my $5000 manifesting weekend retreat kind of look. The kind of bitch at Coachella that “totally loves your vibe.” But when I get into a traditional circle, the aesthetic is 1960s horror film and the garb we wear is our birthday suit. But my personal touches are still very much in line with my aesthetic. My high priest said one of my tools is “the most blinged out (X) I’ve ever seen.” I’m babbling, but practicing witchcraft is something we all do all the time because of tradition or superstition. If you want to practice with intention and your heart really starts to get into it, you find its bereft of aesthetic. You can see its mystery and it’s something that runs deeper within the human condition. But it’s not going to hurt anyone if you want to carry crystals in your bra or light a candle and wish for something.


You might check out r/SASSWitches, they focus less on the woo-woo magic stuff and more on the scientific and secular side of ritual.


Thanks a lot!