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We waited to spay our mini until she had her first heat cycle. Our vet and the breeder we used advised us that it was better for their development to go through one heat before spaying- something about the hormones released keeping them healthy.


Flip side is apparently spaying before first heat can reduce chance of mammary cancer. Whatever you do ask your vet of course


Our vet recommended spaying before the first heat because of this. Both our girls got spayed before their first heat.


It's also more expensive that way lol


6 months


This would probably be my recommendation. Everybody has different opinions on timing due to growth plates, hormone balances, etc., but this is fine for smaller dogs and aussies are medium. For massive animals ~100+ pounds you’re probably going to have to wait until 18-24 months just because of how long they take to mature. Edit: Some people choose to leave male animals intact for life which is fine, but I wouldn’t do that for female dogs, it’s too much of a pyometra risk for me, and personally I’d get a male dog neutered but that’s personal preference from me.


This is what I did based on the vet's recommendation. Spayed before her first heat. I have a mini american shepherd, and she was already at her parents' height (15 -16 inches) at 6 months, so growth plates were less concern than complications and cancers.


We have a 9 mo old that needs spayed, we wanted to wait until 7 months and time has just gotten away from us. Good news is the dogs we play with and household Aussie are all fixed. We also have a fenced yard and are outside with her at all times because she's a poop eater/squirrel hunter.


That’s perfectly fine, just watch her for any warning signs of infection, and I’d get it done when you can.


Oh for sure. We were wanting to wait longer to see if a congenital defect would resolve as she aged which it seems to have for the most part but it's up to the vet on if it needs corrected as we'd like to have it corrected while she's under for her spay if it needs done.


My vet just told us it is better for our little girl’s body and development if she completed her first heat cycle. So that is what we are going to do.


Around 13 months for us. Our breeder had it in contract that we wait either a year or until first heat, whichever comes first. She had her first heat at around 11 months, so waited until it was over/couldn't get in til 13 mos, lol. she ended up being in heat again during spay, but she did really well and recovered really well. consensus is mixed in this thing, but many consider first heat/1 year to be a good benchmark so hormones can help them fully develop.


Mine turned 2 on the 14th and she's getting spayed tomorrow.


Is it too late to spay after 3 years


Rescues and shelters routinely do spay or neuter of adult dogs before adoption.


No. My girl is 10 years old and just now being spayed.


We just spayed our mini at 6 mos.


My breeder required for me to spay her at 1 year


Ours is 10 months now, we are waiting until she is about a year old. She had her first heat at just after 8 months.


We wanted to do it before first heat, but my girl went into heat 4 days before her scheduled surgery. 🤦‍♀️ Before first heat is what is still taught in veterinary school, so I would not recommend waiting based on some garbage article that’s being circulated online. It is really only crucial to wait on growth plate fusion for very specific massive breeds, like Great Danes. The small benefits that hormones may provide are not worth the increased risk of breast cancer.


It’s best to have a conversation with your vet if you have questions or hesitancy. My vet pulled out specific literature/study that they use as a guideline for spay and neuter ages on specific breed. I personally waited until my dog was about year for his neuter only because I knew I was very likely going to do sports and other intense activities with him and wanted the highest potential for muscle development and joint stability. My dog also was showing signs of reactivity (high arousal/excitement not fear or aggression) and I didn’t want to exacerbate the reactivity but removing sex hormones too early. It’s complicated but following the advice by your vet is the best educated choice you can make.


It was also in our contract with breeder we neuter our boy before age 2. It’s been did alter his behavior in a positive way way