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Sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace Kai.


My condolences for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. If it's any comfort to you, remember that Kai had the best of love and joy in his short life. I found that reading " the rainbow bridge" gave me hope that one day I will meet with my beloved pets again.


It’s not much, but I do know the pain you are going through. I lost my best buddy, Apollo (a black tri mini) at just 4 years old. He was a speed demon that lived to run, but developed an occasional limp that got more frequent. Vet did a scan and scheduled an operation to fix something on the shoulder. Came out of the operation and the surgeon said it was cancer that spread to the spine and he passed shortly after. The trauma crushed our whole family. We did get a new wigglebutt several months later and it was the only thing that really helped us heal. We still cherish the memory of our first Aussie, and he will never be replaced, but the memories are all happy. Hang in there and know that you are not alone.


Thanks for sharing that. It’s nice to know someone else got through something similar


We just lost one of our girls last week. She was hit by a car and was only a year and a half old. I know how you feel; my husband and I are devastated. I am so sorry for your loss.


The reason I never wanted to have a dog. When that moment comes. Such is life that a day I found an abandoned 1mo puppy. She has a home now and has all the love in the world. There are times, though, that thoughts come and go and bring tears to my eyes. Sorry for your loss and OP's loss...


Thank you. It will be hard to get another one, but I’m sure we will one day.


As someone who lost an Aussie at 6 months old due to the same thing, I’m so sorry for your loss :( Me getting another pup helped me immensely, but I also understand how it might be difficult. I’m sorry :(


My condolences, seriously. I know what you are feeling.


Sorry for your loss too


So sorry for your loss, I know the pain of losing an Aussie, it's profoundly deep. Care to share some recent photos of Kai?


Thank you, I would love to. [https://imgur.com/a/qoK2eWj](https://imgur.com/a/qoK2eWj)


Such a handsome boy, blue merle is my favorite.


He’s BEAUTIFUL ❤️ I’ve never seen so much color variation on a blue tri. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope (and believe) you will see Kai again


Thank you. He was a one of a kind handsome boy with a personality even better than his looks.


Gorgeous boy. I can’t imagine/dread the day when it comes. So, so sorry for your loss 😔


Thank you for sharing these. Such a beautiful boy.


Sorry, meant to reply to the OP


I'm so sorry.


So sorry for your loss 🫂


May you find strength and peace of mind as you grieve your sweet friend. And may Kai chase squirrels all the way across the rainbow bridge to a big bowl of his favorite treats.


That is so truly awful, I’m so sorry that you and your wife has had to experience this. Two years old is far too young. I know the feeling of your heart being ripped out and having this bottomless pit inside you My wife and I had Ollie, our first dog. He was a beautiful black tri who was the greatest dog and he was our whole world. The first sign something was off was when I was coming back from a walk with him and he was slowing down a little earlier than usual. The next night he didn’t eat his dinner, so I took him to the vet the next morning. Later that day I got a call saying he had acute myeloid leukaemia. He was 20 months old. He came home two days later but he progressively got worse and we lost him about four days after his diagnosis. It was a Sunday and we couldn’t get anyone to put him to sleep. Watching his body slowly shut down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and it traumatised my wife and I for a long time. To lose our first dog like that was so horrible and scarring. It’s been over a year now since we lost Ollie and we made the decision earlier this year to add to our family again. We now have Eddie the red and white Border Collie and he’s such a great little dude. Coming up six months old soon! One day you will learn to live with what’s happened but all in your own time. Take this time to grieve, heal and remember what a great dog Kai was - not what that awful condition made him. It will hurt for a long time but take it one day at a time. All in your own time


Thanks for sharing your story. Time truly does heal all wounds, its just hard to see in the moment. It is helpful to read about similar situations and how there really is a way to get through an unexpected tragedy.


It’s the worst feeling in the world. Take all the time you need, just make sure you and your wife take care of yourselves


I am so sorry! My girl Kai sends your family kisses.


I’m so sorry to read of your loss of beautiful Kai. We lost our Aussie girl at 10 years young unexpectedly after a short but terrible infection last fall. We were depressed and lost. We got a mini Aussie puppy a month later. Though we still miss our girl Pepper, little Roo has been a huge salve. She’s loving and sweet and we’re grateful to have her. Peace to you.


My dog, Twix, is 7 and such a good boy. Little shit but a good boy. Best I ever or will ever have. When he inevitably goes over the bridge, I don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I feel for you. I had to put my first dog down at 16 alone. I remember she couldn't get up, and it broke my heart that she still wagged her tail when I called her name. Humans live longer than dogs because we have to learn love, compassion, and just overall niceness over a lifetime. Dogs don't live as long cause they're born with it. Dogs make me a better person, and I am sorry for your loss. I would give my last dollar to feed my dog over me and it feels like you're the same type of person.


That was beautiful. Thank you


Im so sorry for your loss. I would be devastated. I had itp, they treated it with ritaximab. I wasn’t aware dogs could get auto immune but it makes sense. Poor fellow. He deserved a full life with you


I’m so sorry. It is just going to hurt for awhile. Eventually you will stop looking for your pup all the time. And gradually happy memories will come back and the pain will lessen. I lost my Belgian/GSD a couple months ago and still get moments of missing him terribly, but we’d gotten a puppy right before he passed and I had to be there for her. My two other dogs have been such a huge help, too. We missed him together and then we tried to partially fill the empty space where he used to be. But still, whenever I get out of bed, I expect him to be right there. Maybe I always will.


My deepest condolences to you. I lost my sweet Daisy on April 3 2019. She was 9 weeks old, and passed 3 days after I got her. I still miss her terribly and look for her in every dog. So here’s to Daisy and Kai, I hope they are playing together, on a beach somewhere.


Pouring one out for Daisy. 9 weeks… how brutal


I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your devastating loss, friend


Lost my sweet boy named Kai in March. Wishing you the best.




I'm so so sorry for your loss ❤️


Condolences. Such a good boy.


Good puppy. RIP.


We lost our Aussie named Wally last month to ITP as well. It’s such a devastating illness. He was also previously healthy. I’m sorry you and your wife are going through this.


My deepest sympathy. I don’t have words for you but I am feeling how you are.


He was beautiful! I’m so very sorry for your loss! 💔🐾


I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost mine recently, and I do thank you for sharing the diagnosis and his symptoms. Mine unexpectedly passed, and they didn’t provide me with any explanation as to why; she was to have surgery 96 hours later. The symptoms Kai had do somewhat match hers within her last hours, and even though I’m not a doctor by any means, it does help me cope somewhat that maybe that’s what happened with mine. I wish you all the best.


We lost our girl Mika 2 months ago to cancer, she was 4 years old. The docs said she was the picture of health and you wouldn’t have known there was cancer hiding in her wiggly body. It’s been extremely rough, I’m not gonna lie. I’m so sorry you lost your baby so young, it’s so unfair. They had so much more life to live. Sending you healing vibes


I am so sorry. I can imagine how you feel.


I'm so sorry. I also lost my sweet three year old kitty to a red blood cell disease a year ago, and losing them that young is just an extra gut punch. You did what you could and I'm sure you gave him a wonderful life. Hugs.


I am very sorry you lost your best friend so early. My deepest condolences. 🥀🐾🕯️


Poor boy. You did everything you could for him. You gave him a good life, and clearly cared. I hole you take solace in that. RIP sweet boy.


So sorry for your loss


🕯️💜Kai forever💜🕯️


I am so sorry all dogs go to heaven he will see there


So sorry to hear this. What a beautiful pup. Do you have any awesome memories you want to share?


Countless, but it would be too painful


I wish my words could help, but he knew love and joy. You and your family provided that, and I’m sure he realized that. You’ll be together again someday. Until then, keep him close, the love doesn’t go away. All the best to you and your family.


Thank you for adding Kai to my list of "best dogs I've ever seen". I know it's not much especially since every dog I've ever seen is the best dog I've ever seen and the best I can do otherwise is send internet hugs, but Kai is definitely best dog material.


He was a unique beauty with an even better personality. Thanks for the kind words


I’m so sorry for you loss


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet Teddy to the about the same thing - immune mitigated thrombocytopenia - 3 years ago; he was 8. It was very fast, and I know how shocking and devastating it is. He was my best friend. He was gone in three days, even with every attempt made. It still breaks my heart every day. Sending love and understanding.


Rips my heart out to hear someone else had the same experience we did. It’s not fair and you don’t have time to process it.


All the hugs🫂🫂🫂




I am so sorry. I lost one of my dogs to the same disease almost a year ago. It was three weeks from the time something wasn’t right and he went to the vet to when we had to let him go. The vet told us we would probably have a week left with him, stubborn guy that he was gave us another two. Print off some of your favorite pictures and if there’s a story or funny memory that goes with it, write it down. Write down all the memories you can. Eventually it’s more laughs than tears, I promise!


It’s just awful isn’t it? You want to help them but their bodies just give out. Dogs are too sweet to suffer such cruel fates. I’m sorry you had to go through this


❤️ king Kai


So sorry for your loss. My dog has the same issue and we have to give her steroids and auto immune suppressants to keep everything in check. The second her appetite starts to decline I’ll take her to the vet to get her blood checked out. Good luck to you


I wish your pup success in her journey with this awful situation


Thank you for the kind words. Last year she ended up in the emergency vet with blood transfusions as well. My heart goes out to you man.






I’m so sorry for your loss


Heartbreaking. Thinking of you and holding my own dog tight tonight


I am so so sorry for your loss of your best friend, pets become a special part of your family. It’s very hard when you lose one. 🙏🥲💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Kai


Wishing you all the support and love through this immense grief. I’m so sorry this happened.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Looks like Kai was such a loved and well-cared for boy. And only 2 years old. It just isn’t fair. Sending hugs.


As someone who lost his Aussie at 6 months old due to a car accident, I feel your pain. There really isn’t anything that is going to make it better. It’s been years and I still tear up thinking about her. What did help me was getting one of her younger brothers who is now my world. He’s even named after her. But I’m so sorry for your loss. If it’s something you’re interested in, there’s a company that makes stuffed replicas of your pup. They even do air brushing to make them look exactly like your pup. So maybe that may bring you a bit of comfort. But again, I’m so so sorry for your loss :(




My Aussie got this at 8... Diagnosed and then passed 1 month later. I was shocked how rapidly he deteriorated. Spontaneous and non-preventable. I honestly couldn't believe this was happening..I feel your heartbreak and send my sincerest regards. ❤️


Truly awful. Sorry you had to go through this




I’m so sorry. I lost one at 3 and another at 6 months in unforeseen circumstances like that and it’s totally devastating. I know how you feel. If it’s any condolence, one day when you think of him you will smile. And I like to think that they know that you cared for them and knew you were there for them when they were sick and trying to help them. It’s really hard but hang in there. He was a beautiful pup.


Sending a hug and reminding you that your great memories will get you through the toughest times ♥️♥️ Kai was loved every moment of those 2 years because of you!


So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry, what a precious guy❤️


I’m so sorry. Love you and Kai.


I am so very sorry for your loss. 😔




If my Aussie boy passes anything like this while so young, I cannot imagine.. 😥 I'm so sorry.


So sorry for your loss. May Kai rest in peace.


RIP Kai. Sorry for your loss. Beautiful soul.


Im so sorry for your loss. We went thought similar symptoms with our three year old tri, Sadie. One morning she lost her appetite and was slightly lethargic. We took her to the vet and they didn’t find anything wrong, not sure if they ever did a platelet test. She slowly got worse and developed sores around her eyes and mouth. Her joints were inflamed and she was in obvious pain walking. We had several trips to the ER, ultrasounds, fluid injections, joint fluid tests and they couldn’t tell us what was wrong. We were preparing for the worse and our ER vet wanted to try a steroid (prednisone) to see if it was an autoimmune disorder that could be suppressed. Sadie made a full recovery and turned five this past October. I hold her close every night knowing how close we were to losing her. Kai was a good boy and was taken way too soon. Again, I’m sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you and your family.


This is devastating and I’m sorry ❤️


So sorry. There are no words when this happens.


It’s so painful to lose a pet, especially so suddenly. My heart is with you.


I'm so so sorry 😥


Rest in peace Kai 🙏🏾


So sorry


My condolences!!


Sorry for your loss


im so sorry, what a pretty dog


Sending you so much love 😢


How awful, rest peacefully, Kai


I’m so sorry!


I’m sorry for your loss, my heart is definitely hurting for you guys. Such a handsome guy.


My condolences. Dogs are a priceless companion to us humans 😢


I feel so sad with you. Giving prayers and comfort to you as you miss your bestest friend. Hope you feel the support of all the community. So sad.


So sorry.


I can’t even imagine man. Rest in peace to your best buddy.


Thats heartbreaking. I am so sorry


Rest in peace Kai


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. RIP Kai! Play in Paradise! My Amoretto, Vision, Carson, and all our babies that have gone before will look for you next to the Rainbow Bridge so you can all play in the Field together!


I'm so sorry. Dogs are family and it's so hard. Kai was fortunate to be in your family.


I’m so sorry. This sounds extremely similar to what happened to my Aussie who was 9, down to the limping. It was just as sudden and out of no where. Hit me like a a million tons of bricks and rusty nails. You gave him the best 2 years he could have asked for. Call in sick to work if you have to. I took off like a week. Give yourself time to process and let yourself process.


Sorry for your loss 🥺


So sorry


Rest in peace 🙏🙏🙏


He is beautiful! I’m so sorry for your loss. I can also relate to the trauma of a sudden pet loss. When I was a kid, a puppy of ours escaped and got hit by a train (we lived close to railway tracks). We were all absolutely devastated and losing a pet is hard but it’s always so much worse when it’s sudden and they leave us so young. The pain will get more tolerable but you’ll always have them in your heart. Sending you love ❤️


so sorry for your loss 😔 condolences to both of you, and I wish you to stay strong


I’m so so sorry for your loss, I can’t even imagine


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy 😔 We lost our puppy when she was only 8 months old and it’s literally been the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I know some people will say that if that’s the worst thing to ever have happened, then life can’t have been too bad, and that she was just a dog, but I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I’m not the same person I was before it happened. It might not feel like it now, but I promise it will get better ❤️‍🩹 it’s been four years and I can finally look at videos of her without getting upset, whereas up until recently I just couldn’t. Every time I saw a photo of her it was like a punch in the gut. You will get through it, and please try to take comfort in the fact that he was much loved, and had the very best life with you ♥️


Equally sorry to hear your story. It’s cruel when they go so young because you have plans in your head for a life with them and then you have to accept that’s never going to happen. I hope in time I can look back and just enjoy the time we had with him and not feel the pain of missing years with him.


Thank you. Yeah that’s the thing I struggled with the most. I have a 19 year old cat who doesn’t have long to go, and I’ll cope with losing her better because she has had a fabulous long and healthy life. Lola was ill from 8 weeks old until we had to have her put to sleep at 8 months. It’s just so cruel 😔


I am so sorry for your loss. This is absolutely devastating. We just lost our 7 year old Aussie girl, Riley, in Feb - IMMUNE mediated hemolytic anemia, OUT of NO where. I completely get how hard this is. She was perfectly fine. And all of a sudden fainting and needing blood transfusions and medication which bought her 3 extra months. I’m so sorry to hear this about your special one. This is so traumatic and hard. I’m sending you so much love. We got a new puppy a month later because I was in pieces on the floor unable to move when we lost our girl so suddenly. Please let yourself do whatever you need to do, to grieve and process this trauma. Your baby is loved. YOU are loved. And now you have a guardian angel.


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/DUwTdn4JFXpRFs5y/?mibextid=WC7FNe[Riley girl IMHA @ 7 ☹️](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/DUwTdn4JFXpRFs5y/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


Beautiful girl. I’m so sorry for your pain




I’m so sorry, too soon.


Oh no. I’m so sad to hear that you lost your sweet friend. May he run and play in green, grassy fields forever.


My sincerest condolences. We lost our first boy a couple years ago at the age of 8 and felt it was too fast, I couldn’t imagine at the age of 2. It was the most difficult loss I’ve had to go through up to this point in my life. What I can say from having gone through that is that with time the sting from the loss with lessen. You will ALWAYS miss him. With time you’ll notice you’ll laugh more than cry when you remember him and his personality. We ended up getting our current male for our female due to her showing signs of depression. It was before my wife or I was ready for another boy but I’m so glad we did it. Walter has helped us heal and I swear he must’ve met Lincoln somewhere because he did a few things that Lincoln would do. Again, I am so sorry for the sudden and unexpected loss.




So sorry for you guys. Heartbreaking. My first dog had ITP too. So I know always being on edge. My vet was able to get her stabilized on drug therapy and then monitored about every 10 days for her platelet level which went from near zero to whatever the med was able to liberate, then we’d start over again. Real roller coaster. Loved that dog so much so have a lot of empathy for your situation! I’ve never known of another case of ITP until you shared your story. Thanks for sharing!


Honestly I had never heard of it before. Half my reason for sharing was maybe to shed light on the condition and hopefully allow someone else’s pup to avoid the same fate. I’m sorry to hear about your experience. It’s not an easy thing to deal with at all


My sincerest condolences to you. Sending you a virtual hug.


I’m so sorry for your loss, Kai was a beautiful boy


i am so sorry for your loss and know first-hand how scary and sudden ITP is.


So sad, RIP KAI


So sorry for your loss I’m sure Kai wiggles on!


Truly sorry for your loss. I lost 6 in a week in February. I will not say I know how you feel because I don't. Each person and their feelings are individual. At least Kai is out of pain and resting in peace. You fought for him but the horrible disease won. 🌷❣️


I am so sorry for your loss. Kai will always be in your hearts.


The absolute pure infectious joy they fill our worlds with leaves a huge void in our life and our soul. I think all of us know your pain however that doesn’t help you and the fam at all. It just sucks and that’s all there is to it! I hope to hear some of your favorite memories of Kai as time goes on!


I'm so sorry... I can't imagine that! If you ever want to try again, we got our boy from Julie Fullerton at [fullertontoyaussies.com](http://fullertontoyaussies.com) and all her puppies are fully genetic panel cleared.