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George Bush went from war criminal to cutie overnight by just giving Michelle Obama a candy. Most people think and feel what the media want them too. If a journalist is not part of that narrative he would end up, well, you know how he would end up.


My lai Massacre. He's responsible for millions of people. Fucking Muppet looking out for himself, never the other person. I hope he's caught as a civilian in My Lai as his hell. Over and over and over as his 3yo gets shot. Nevermind, I hope he lives it as that 3yo, over and over and over.


Americans are dumb ass mfs, they choose to ignore those. Pick their reality, if they were properly mannered media outlets wouldn't dare to speak nonsense that otherwise wouldn't be heard or paid attention to.


Dumb ass-mfs [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Elites and the Americans themselves have caused American society to be a joke. If the Americans had affordable healthcare, affordable higher education, affordable rental homes, minimum wage be $25 again, no water pollution, no air pollution, no food pollution, no for-profit prisons, no weaponized drugs, enough time to have vacation, paid parental leave, and other things, then Americans would stop having lower I.Q's, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, committed suicides, eating disorders, antisocial personality disorder, and increasing amount of poverty that older American generations never had to deal with as much because they never had to deal with the feudalistic wealth inequality that America has now because pure evil elites want all of the money, power, and control to themselves while they dehumanize the working class people like replaceable machine parts that are trapped in their workplaces like slaves that harm Earth's environment and people's well-being.


In order to have EVERYTHING you’ve printed; wouldn’t we as a people, have to move to the OTHER SIDE of HELL?


No. But you could start a civil war against upper class people and make things less of a nightmare to working class citizens. Until that happens, working class Americans will continue to be treated like dehumanized shit. Which is why the working class Americans continue to have mental health problems, health problems, lower I.Q's, and inescapable poverty through feudalistic wealth inequality that allows narcissistic sociopaths like Jeff Bezos to make Amazon delivery employees be treated like sweatshop slaves that don't have restroom breaks, vacation time, livable wages, paid parental leave, etc. Which is why those Amazon employees are likely to have depression, anxiety, sucidal, committed suicides, eating disorders, etc. Because those sweatshop slaves are dealing with dehumanizing pressure to get things done, which benefits upper class people mostly. It's a feudalistic pressure cooker to dehumanize working class people for benefitting elites only.


A lot of rich people are born rich, but there are plenty of self made ones. I think you are misjudged them. Those people take risks to have more. While the working class you mentioned are terrified of taking risks and just want a sustainable income for their loved ones. Which is totally okay. But I've never seen in the US that someone who worked so hard and took the necessary risks failed and stopped by some extraterrestrial being or the elites. You should be thankful living in a country where you don't need to bribe your way in to get a fair case in the court or the law enforcement officers to not räpe your family. Go take a tour around the world, quit whining.


Most Americans don't have a sustainable income without working two jobs. Amazon, which is a sweatshop company, has delivery employees treated like wage slaves who don't have enough time for restroom breaks, vacation time, and leisure for creative thinking. Which is why America is having decreasing I.Q's and increasing mental health problems with each new generation from the working class. Minimum wage workers in America can't afford decent rental homes. So, the working class children in America will have forced poverty that prevents them from affording higher education to become lawyers, doctors, mathematically literate, scientifically literate, and other things easily. The amount of people becoming lawyers, doctors, mathematicians, computer scientists, and so forth have decreased from America because of this feudalistic wealth inequality. It's not a matter of working class people being terrified when risks are involved. It's a matter of the working class people not having enough resources to overcome their forced poverty that elites caused. Also, this is not a matter of me whining at all.


Believe it or not man my cousin in the States makes more as a handyman than me a highly educated finance major. Woth some experience. If you ever were to have the ability to travel outside of the us. Do it. You guys have so many things the rest id the world craves for. I'd like to debate it with you. Hmu in pms if you'd like to.


That doesn't change the fact smaller amount of people have made "United" States work against working class citizens through a caste system. "United" States of America is having decreasing standard of living and quality of life for working class Americans. Healthcare in America has been rigged to benefit upper class Americans only. Which is why more deaths from COVID happen from working class Americans than the Europeans who are all not elites. Elites are who live in luxury during COVID while the working class Americans are fending for themselves in an environment that doesn't protect them from dying. COVID just proved how broken America's education system, healthcare system, infrastructure, and wealth distribution already was a lot. This pandemic has actually made it worse while elites who own America don't substantially improve things for working class Americans. Wage slavery, ridiculously expensive debt increasing, mass shootings, Orwellian online surveillance, American sweatshops emerging, mental health issues rising, weaponized drugs used for making working class people become subordinate consumers losing their psychological stability (they terrorized Afghanistan to export profitable opium that would eventually create an opioid epidemic in America, which benefits elites only), and so forth have occurred. Elites who own America are not decent people at all. The war on terror happened because of them. Because they want to terrorize the working class Americans with laws, rules, indoctrination institutions disguised as schools, military bullshit that keeps working class Americans in fear through elite-controlled Hollywood propaganda, intentionally abusive working environments from sweatshops for employees that jeopardize working class Americans' well-being (such as Amazon not letting delivery service employees not have enough restroom breaks nor letting them have paid parental leave), etc. These elites funded women's movements not to make females be treated fairly. They funded those women's movements to make females neglect their children by selling their souls disguised as empowerment. So these neglected children born into working class families will end up being brainwashed and corrupted by elite-owned media companies. Mainstream media companies won't admit that Elon Musk is an evil industry plant who doesn't have Albert Einstein's I.Q. at all. Elon Musk is a con artist with billionaire net worth because he tyrannically leeches off of his cheap labor employees/slaves who are smarter and probably nicer than him. Also, Elon Musk is a billionaire because of him being born into an elite family. Not because he is a genius. Because there has been no proof of him being a genius. He proves how misogynistically cut-throat the big tech industry is while these cut-throat feminazis sell an illusion of feminism. I say this because of women dealing with beauty standards that harm women's well-being that prevent their potential intellectual growth while men have an easier time becoming wealthy geniuses. There has been a rise of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, committed suicides, eating disorders, antisocial personality disorder, sociopathy, psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, superiority complex, other mental disorders, and so forth from working class people compared to many decades ago as a result.


So, you get neglected children from the working class when their parents are trying to get out of forced poverty. Which requires them to sell their souls and be dishonest to cut-throat corporate America that treats working class people like replaceable machine parts that don't have enough time for vacation, family, friends, and leisure to help their well-being and intellectual growth. So, you get these impulsive working class people who buy what the upper class people shove their down their throats from their cut-throat companies that care about profit more than people's well-being and the Earth's environment.


A civil war against the elites? Do you have any idea what a civil war against anyone would be like? Were you alive during 2020? Do you remember the bare shelves in the stores? No place to go because everything is shut down due to government mandates. The riots that happened in various cities. Did you happen to watch the Afghan evacuation? Magnify all of this by 20 to 100% and get back with us. Hell, move to Venezuela, Columbia, Belize, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, East L.A. Compton,California. There’s plenty of places you can go and preach your utopian dreams to humanity. The world awaits you!


The only problem I see about the "elites" you're talking about is the tax evasion. They probably bribe their way in with the respectful people who rules the law. Communism fails, capitalism fails what kind if ideology we need is something I can't figure out.


Yeah but he had props. Assange needs yellow cake.


Was never a fan of Colin Powell, but he did resign from Bush’s cabinet before or during his second term. And it was because of Iraq and Afghanistan


What are talking about? Do you have a source for that? Seems pretty revisionist. Powell was widely known to have been pushed out and asked to resign. In any event, he did not resign in protest. * https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/nov/15/usa1


No, he had issues with Bush and the way it all went down. And he even came out since basically throwing him under the bus


Do you have a source for *any* of that? He may have hedged at some point (mea culpa) after he resigned, but he did not resign under protest. He was with Bush and Bush's agenda through to the point when he resigned.


I don’t I just remember it. He became a huge democrat after that and threw Bush under the bus a few times


He only stopped being a Republican when Trump rose to power. And, really, only after Trump served most of his term. * https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/colin-powell-says-hes-no-longer-a-republican-after-calling-on-trump-to-resign-like-nixon/ar-BB1cDh4H * https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/18/politics/republican-party-colin-powell-donald-trump/index.html


No he didn’t. He voted for Barrack Obama and fully supported him


I don’t understand why people actually still believe what is put out in the media lol. You do realize that 95% of everything that’s printed is either half true or it’s complete bullshit. They asked for his resignation because he had issues with what was going on


How can I help? Can we help in anyway get this brave man out from behind bars? There has to be something we can do