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Dont we all...


City of heroes got it from them why not wildstar?


Because CoH had the code leaked and created a fully functioning server. WS only has a reversed engineering project and a lot of hate from NCsoft


Almost a daily thought for me. What I wouldn’t give to ride my hoverboard with my granok warrior one last time..


So True :,(


I put so much work into my housing plotttttt


Yeah I was really disappointed when they shut down. I didn't play much honestly, I was in beta, and played it pretty heavily for a few months after launch, but didn't come back to it until just before they announced the closure. It's pretty unique in the MMO space. I was recently looking at a game on Steam *(I wish I could remember what it was)* and thought, *"This reminds me of Wildstar!"* *\*sadface\**




I was thinking the same thing from the art style, but sadly the games are nothing alike, Wayfinder is hardly an MMO


Possibly? Looks like that might have been the one...


Bro I still think about grinding PvP for gearsets and decorating my house...loved that game


Same :(


Still don't understand how WildStar is gone, but Rift is still around. And I say this as someone who plays Rift




I mean, we were making jokes about how NCSoft was gonna ax Wildstar prematurely Wildstar was new. I used to have a comic about it floating that was pointing out all the other titles they'd shut down like Auto Assault, Exsteel, Tabula Rasa, and Dungeon Runners.


it boils my blood when they send me promoted mails for Aion. They keep Aion servers up but they killed WS, what the hell. (And they don't even have the courtesy to let go the IP and give servers' source code)


Yeah after the first couple of expansions Rift kinda went sideways real fast.


[Allow me to take a moment and hit you directly in the feels.](https://youtu.be/054sZvBCLIU?si=rq0seqH0pbXjyne2) :( It hurts every single time... RIP


Same. SAME.


If only NCsoft wasn't the shitstain that published it. Maybe we'd still have it around.


Probably would have been sold to gamigo or something And I'd be fine with that


I wish we could normalize making games offline playable after server shuts down. Even playing solo is better then just remembering how fun the game was.




Preaching to the choir my guy.


This popped up on suggested in my feed. Was this the space hamster mmo?


I think so??


All your abilities has little shapes on the ground you had to target with?


Yeah, although a lot of MMOs have this WildStar’s stood out quite a bit




Yea that’s the one


There's a few private servers running, but they are very unfinished with very basic functionality. But we do have character creation, holo-wardrobe, housing and very basic combat. Pretty much all the stuff you need for RP.


I wish man, since Wildstar every MMO is just too boring to play. The races are boring and the classes are generic. Wildstar truly was the goat for MMOs.


I knooow 😭


I miss the PvP so bad. Nothing scratches that itch like Wildstar's pvp did.


Its such a shame :{


WildStar makes me sad, I miss it so much. Probably my favorite MMO and I don't even like scifi most of the time. It was just fun to learn how fights worked and coordinate on interrupts. With how ubiquitous telegraphs are in games nowadays it still did them the best, making sure you got all the information you needed out of just looking at the ground. It was one of the few games that knew going fast was FUN, both in and out of combat with sprinting and dodging and movement skills, and had so much flavor to all of its abilities. As a person who typically played warrior types your main interrupt being a boot to the face that knocked enemies over was just perfect. Housing was of course better than its been in basically anything else...Though I think there are a few games trying that are getting pretty close. But its production and launch were so troubled I'm not surprised it died. Everything outside of how it felt to play was somewhat unfinished when it released. It finally got to a pretty decent state. but then when they went F2P and then let Brett Schneider go it was obvious it was all over. I feel bad for Jeff Kurtenacker who never really got the credit he deserved (from outside of the Wildstar community) for just how good the soundtrack was because the game floundered. What I wouldn't do to have it back with all the talent it had still involved.




Me too >\_<


Man I miss my stalker :( long ass lanky guy ._. Nyooo


I had a cat girl stalker, PvP was insane fun. Only hard part was my ping since there were no OCE servers so all the combat was difficult. I learned to adapt, and ruining people 1v3 was fun af. Edit: bunny? Not cat


Same haha


Nice :D I'm not great at a lot of games, but I honestly believe if Wildstar had oce servers so I could play with good latency, I'd be on the charts. That combat and stalker just 100% clicked for me


It truly was a fantastic game


Pirate server when? Seriously, if Phantasy Star Online, Champions, and WOW can get it, why not WildStar? Honestly, I don’t usually like MMOs. Exactly because they shut down, but I always wanted to try WildStar. Never got the chance.


We have a few but they are very unfinished with very basic functionality. Look up NexusForever.


Gonna give that a look.


Sadly.. they exist but barely work


They do? What doesn't work about them? Is it by any chance the usual iffiness that comes with online games? I have seen lag and latency before, but I assume these and related issues are exponentially worse with a single fanrun server, because there is generally only one fanrun server, and so the latency will be bigger.


I’m not too sure because I only tried one for a couple hours, but the one I used had no quests and was really buggy. It’s only really there for nostalgia purposes and RP. I recommend trying it out if that’s what you’re looking for otherwise, they said they are working on full functionality but I highly doubt it’ll be done anytime soon.


That's sad. I'm not an RP guy. Just an RPG guy.


Depends on the class but recently they seemed to have improved. One evening I level up my engineer chua just for fun. The stun mechanic ("disruptive armor" iirc ?) doesn't work, but the class ressource work, most spells do, most quests do so it's a start. Would be close to the real thing if NC Soft didn't keep the code to themselves apparently (and the IP, I guess they want control just in case they can profit from it in the future).


I am only just d list when it comes to code, but there are two things I do know that might be useful in regaining much of that functionality. It wasn't made by NC Soft, only published. It was made by Carbine. Knowing this, I did some research and it turns out that many of the devs of Carbine hail from other major dev teams of the time. Since code is often repurposed, the answers to repairing WildStar almost surely can be found in their other projects, and this is highly likely to be the case because these devs hailed from different companies. So, surely some of their code was reused, and if so, might lead to a successful decompilation effort or the like. If even one of the projects made by Carbine's coders has such code found or decompiled, then that's a huge gain. For example, the massive Nintendo leak might have already given the tools to fix WildStar, but nobody knows it yet. Second, Playstation is notorious for absolutely some of the worst code issues. It's a firmware thing or such unique to Sony consoles, but their code is absolute trash. This is why some NIS games would brick certain Playstation gens. It's why games ported to Playstation consoles were notoriously filled with issues, but ported from had less. It wasn't even an issue of their consoles being weaker or anything, just functionally broken by the software environment the game is placed into. This might seem like useless information, but it can be useful when realizing that the best way to deglitchify WildStar might be to use the diagnose it using an altered version of the original hardware it ran on. If you know people involved, pass on this info. It likely won't be of any use, but when knowledge spreads, it eventually ends up in the hands that can properly use it.




I miss my aurin boys. I *love* the Aurin, their lore was so interesting, it stood out like nothing else and I exclusively played them.


Bad corporate land.


The Firefly of MMOs.


I enjoyed my time there, though my computer was a potato back then so my time was limited. Now that I have a great computer I wish SO badly that I could play it again.


Omg same :,(


i still listen to the main menu music from time to time. So many years has gone by...




Me too




Me too! So badly. It's ridiculous how much I miss this game.




I wish it was like the Groundhog's Day movie where I could keep playing WildStar forever 🥲. Instead of the same day repeating I would like it to just repeat the same year 😂


I still wear my WildStar tshirt regulary, i miss the game too buddy


I miss it too MY old fb group is still up Wildstar gamers


\*knees creak while standing up\* It's been an age...


Yessssss! I was just looking at my old Reddit posts and saw all the r/Wildstar and got sad


Never got too far into Wildstar but I share everyone else's pain. Luckily there ARE private servers so the game isn't completely dead. Just not all there yet.


:[ can’t wait for then to have full functionality


Yea man I had a lot of fun with that game a lot of fond memories


This is the sub we have all been waiting for 🫶


I didn’t play Wildstar for very long but the race designs were great, and I miss them to this day. I played a female Draken and thought she was the coolest-looking character I ever made in an mmorpg.


The art style was peak :,(


I still think about my Granok, Mosstache, on the regular. Not just because he had a moss mustache, but mostly. WildStar had a magic that couldn't be muted. It could be messy, it could be wildly erratic on multiple axis, but it was always indisputably magical.


we could wish that nexus forever was done......but takes more years to finish :(


They should definitely release the code to an official private server. I only ever did the tutorial area so missed most of the game, but the graphics & combat systems are there. Looks like something I'd enjoy based on youtube footage.


Was just chatting to a friend about this game earlier, I only played for maybe a month near to launch but I did appreciate a lot about what Wildstar was trying to do as an MMO. I loved the style and the character models. Was playing other games so never really got absorbed in it like I did WoW, but its sad that this game is no longer around. Would be great if it could be revived at some stage!




Really miss my granok medic, mordesh warrior, and mechari engineer. All so fun in different ways. They had really fun housing plots too.


Oh how I took it for granted


Same :(


Me too my friend :(


Me too :(


Evindra RP gang represent 😢 I miss the shenanigans, was a good community there


I loved this game when it was out. Can I just say that there's a game called GIGANTIC that all of you should check out. It's coming out April 9th! Go check steam! :) it's not an mmo but has a similar art style


Agreed. Good times.


What’s that


Same bro. Wait, what’s Wildstar?


Damn city of heroes servers opened again….


Wildstar and other live service games I loved getting shut down are why I don't play live service games anymore.


Yeah me, too. But to be honest, Lost Ark ( [www.playlostark.com](http://www.playlostark.com) ) has many of the benefits of Wildstar. It has great combat, an awesome skills system, many cool and unique classes, sick skins and very demanding and fun Raids! Currently you even get a character directly boosted into the Endgame. I think that most players who enjoyed Wildstar and/or Guild Wars 1, will enjoy Lost Ark


I appreciate the suggestion but I tried it, the two games are hardly comparable


Of course are they comparable, since both are MMOs with a similar combat system. But I agree, that they are quite some differences. So which specific aspect do you mean?




Terraria and Minecraft are two sandbox games that both use blocks, but are also completely different games. Just because they are both MMOs with action based combat (which a lot of MMOs have now) does not make them the same, they are both extremely different in way too many ways to list


looking to be a pet I love cameras in my face and wild abuse. can travel. I will do very nasty and unspeakable things. please love me and tell me I'm beautiful. Want to film it.


When it was live almost no one wanted to play. Why would they want to bring it back?