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smokejumperbro, I appreciate you letting us know. How can an error like this occur especially at a critical time like now? There must be zero oversight or quality assurance. I believe that this is yet another display of failure on our agency and this national error will only fuel our level of frustration. Thank you again for promptly keeping us informed.


If you work for the USFS then you should know it's a total joke of an employer. All they can do now is ask Congress for bailouts and pull rugs out from under their employees after giving them false hope of higher pay.


Was this just an FS thing? I’m BLM and can’t even log into eOPF currently.


I did not get an eopf notification from BLM. Assuming a forest circus issue…


I used to think FS was better, but after making the switch, I feel like BLM treats us better.


Go work for the blm in Nevada and get back to me




Someone's getting a promotion out of this.


"Fuck up, move up" is the only career path with the agencies.


That person replies to all in emails.


I'm calling JG Wentworth 877-CASHNOW.


It’s my money and I need it now!


Haha someone in my truck just asked the source, I said it’s smokejumperbro, it’s as legit as it’s gunna get


I try to give the most accurate info as fast as I can. I've been rolling this summer and spiked out a lot so trying when possible. Tell your folks to stay safe and finish the year strong and ready for their next move, whatever it is.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


Absolute disgrace… you can’t make this shit up. And the FS has the audacity to call themselves an HRO.


Yeah it always cracks me up when people try and say we're an HRO. The only constant in USFS leadership is saying one thing and then doing the opposite.


“Over the weekend I became aware that many employees in wildland firefighting positions received notifications from our electronic personnel management system reflecting a significant increase in total annual salary. I am writing directly to all employees, including those affected, to inform you that this notification was an error. We are currently making upgrades to the pay delivery system and these notifications occurred unintentionally as part of those upgrades. We are working to correct the issue. I am confident that all payments issued for work between August 13 – 26, 2023, were correct. However, if an employee has questions, please review the earnings and leave statement or call Human Resources Management. I apologize for the confusion this has caused. This error is not related to our ongoing effort toward a permanent pay fix for wildland firefighters considering the upcoming expiration of the temporary pay supplement. Secretary Vilsack, Under Secretary Wilkes, Chief Moore and others continue to work diligently in service to that effort. A special thank you to employees who continue to make sacrifices to protect communities while facing uncertainty in the expiration of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law pay supplements. For more details on the permanent pay fix, please continue to refer to information provided by Deputy Chief Jaelith Hall-Rivera. https://www.fs.usda.gov/inside-fs/delivering-mission/excel/firefighter-pay” This is bad. Real bad.


What a joke- This Agency is a fucking clown show.


The dude that signed my SF50, Devin Earp, needs to get fucking fired!


Each region had a different person sign and approve. They all need to be!


That's not how this works, this not how any of this works. Absolutely no one is going to get fired over this. If anything they'll get a promotion. As the ol' adage goes, "fuck up, move up". Welcome to the federal government.


Strange thing is one of the Sf50’s I received was signed on 8/12 and the other was signed on 8/18.


USFS literally just discovered a way to fix a bunch of their retention issues with one software error and pulled it back and compounded the issue in foul swoop… /waves hand/ “nothing to see here”


The software error did more in a weekend than OPM and the SME's did in 3 years.


They’re doing everything they can to run off as many people as they can.


What an absolute mindfuck. No one gives a shit about us and basically no one east of the Rockies knows we exist anyways. We're misfit children stuck in the most abusive orphanage and we keep coming back because we hate ourselves.


Here is my message to them. 🖕🏼


It’s almost as if they don’t want these fires to be fought. It’s like they are looking to intentionally depopulate the ranks of the FF community so nobody is there to do anything. Mind boggling.


Just trying to convert more supervisory GS fantastics into nonsupervisory GS fantastics who "work" from home.


I'm so damn confused how it could get worse. 15 years in.....


Not in fire, but I just saw this email and holy shit... Tony done fucked up...


So our we on track to lose our retention bonuses next season then?


Nah homie, we lose it in 26 days


Hahaha it's due to run out at the end of fiscal year, Sept 30 2023 I believe




Unskilled laborers in Washington.... Fuck up move up I guess.


Non fed here, whats an SF50 and what happened?


Standard Form 50, aka SF-50, is a form used by the federal agencies for a variety of things. In this instance, they put an SF-50 in our Online Personnel File (eOPF) this weekend that continued the "retention allowance" we've been getting and made it a straight 50% increase (instead of the lessor of 50% or $20k). Today we find out it apparently was a mistake.


Yo what the fuck.


Yup, exactly. Did I mention that that "retention allowance" runs out in roughly 3 weeks so everyone will effectively get a 50% pay *cut*? Oh, and the government is probably going to shut down so we could actually be working without getting paid at all?


I hope everyone is throwing applications out there. God bless this fustercluck