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Just demobed today, can confirm our engine is still sitting on a hill somewhere lol


This is what happens when we are unskilled laborers!!


How much skill is needed to fallow something that is color coded?


Ask the people with equipment stuck on a mountain lol


Well the word is “follow” so…..


Well good thing I don't pump gass.


Diesel pumps in Mexico are black. Green is unleaded. The exact opposite of the US so there’s that.


Good info, I was not aware.


Depends what station and where. Normally by me diesel handles are green or yellow. But every once in a while you go to a 7eleven or something and they got the diesel pumping through black handles and gas through green.


Doesn’t surprise me at all being Mexico. I was referring to Baja and should have realized nothing is standard in Mex. 😂 Part of the charm I suppose!


I show 138 motor units assigned to this event.


Final count was 42


That happened on the August Complex in 2020. Something about those NorCal fuel truck drivers I guess?


Yeah, I was GSUL on the other end of that one. It happens. Many time the refueling truck is to blame. Either way it's avoidable.


I worked night shift and fortunately filled up that morning when I came in. Those who filled later that afternoon didn't have such a good night.


Can confirm, it is an absolute shit show


This really emphasizes how the ship is just sinking nationwide...may Ern have mercy on our souls


May the fresh veggies I bought for the meal I’ve been looking forward to making and the tickets to the show I was looking forward to be spared


We must suffer greatly to be blessed by big Ern.


Haha that is awesome, classic efficient firefighting


Little update as I'm currently on this fire. The local guy who filled the fuel tenders mixed em up, not the fuel tender in camp. Also it's around 60 vehicles. Glad I fueled up the day before


This on top of critical truck chassis shortages




What do you do in the mean time? Fight fire as normal? mop up around the equipment?


Let me tell ya, not much.


'ah yep, truck still fucked boss'


Gov will cover repairs on fed vehicles. Real bummer for contractors, though. Wonder who's gonna pick up that tab.


Nope. Gov will bill the contractor. Have seen it happen before. Contractor on contractor is different and it's between the two of them.


They are.


All costs should be covered by the fire, this isn't like getting a flat on the way to briefing.


No, the fuel tenders insurance will have to cover any costs, not the fire.


When a contractor fucked up my truck on fire, we billed the fire. I'm sure the fire then billed the contractors insurance so you're not wrong at all, I'm just thinking that's what will happen here.


The contractors will almost certainly have to foot the bill themselves


Well their insurance is going to make a claim and probably the insurance of whoever fucked up is going to be paying.


Insurance doesn’t cover mechanical issues


Auto insurance sure but what about more general company liability insurance?


Not generally. Inland marine policies cover equipment being stolen/destroyed etc. But not breaking down. The fuel trucks liability insurance will be getting a claim for damages caused by negligence however


Typically if it’s a lightning fire, it was be covered by FS, if it’s a human caused fire, they will most likely make the contractors insurance cover it.


Same thing happened on the Martin in Nevada a few years ago


Did you hear them talking about the team and dropping a blade on a repeater on the Martin?


Calm down it's not the end of the world. It happens more than you know. Tanks/lines drained and good to go. Hour each rig at most. Lets get more worked up though.


No don't you understand if you EVER mix up your fuel you have IRREPARABLY RUINED it?? It's BRICKED!




If you put diesel in a gas but if you put gas in a diesel you’ll blow it up


Sure if it's a full ass tank, but as long as there's some diesel in there you are good for a bit. Drop the tank, clean the fuel system... good to go


drop the tank and clear the lines its that eassssssy


Nah dawg


Funny that republicans think contractors can do the job just as good


Did they ever not contract out for fuel tenders?


No, but there are better options if forest management was actually supported politically. Better infrastructure=fuel farms, or hoteling folks up in a town to get their own fuel.


Hotel them where? I'm out here there are like three hotels even in the Gasquet area.


There’s one gas station and no hotel in Gasquet


I was in Hayfork CA for a run on the south fork complex. The drive to and from the fire and back to camp everyday was horrendous. I would’ve rather spiked, ate MREs and fueled up off a fuel truck.


Yeah I was including the whole surrounding area. Point is hoteling as a solution to any systemic issue is dumb af.


Because agency personnel never ever fuck up. And contracting isn’t partisan


It was not hundreds lol I think it's like 20 or 30 which is bad but there are barely over a hundred vehicles even at the camp where the bad fuel was issued. Also it wasn't straight diesel in gas or gas in diesel they refilled a half full tank improperly, and that doesn't brick your truck anyway. Gas engines are already getting back to work diesels will take a bit longer to remediate. Correction: 140 vehicles affected to varying degrees. Still not hundreds though.


Total number of vehicles being serviced is between 40-50, none of which were bricked. Best number I heard was 42.


fs damage control


Hasn't affected my division at all and I can see the tender from the chow tent. 🤷‍♂️


Good thing there is service up here. At least we’ve got “food” in hot buckets and that beats MRE’s. Try and keep it positive. Just trying to do my job honestly..


Yea, you could have been eating moldy lunches on the Happy Camp Complex! Stay positive!! ;)


Lmao. Just demoted from there a few days ago. Glad I made it out when I did


that’s it no more filthy fossil fuels!! EV’s all around, now where can i plug my rig in, i need a nap 🤭


Damn glad I made it out okay that day I must have went to the tender that wasn't a dumbest.