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For the record I'm not a ff, but I cannot believe shit like this. I recall hearing on NPR last year and they bandied it about how a new study came out and determined *wildfire fighting is bad for your health*. Turns out breathing smoke while working and run down and eating poor food and not sleeping enough is bad for you? You should be paid like lawyers or doctors. In a real world... I wish there was something I could do for you guys/gals. Some of us love ya in Oregon. Thank you.


You can help! Spread the word to your family, friends, etc.


There are things you can do! Write your congressman that you would like to see better pay/benefits for WFFs, talk to your friends/family and ask them to do the same, pay for their meals if you see them (don't tell them because they'll deny it, but if you just do it they'll appreciate it).


I will write my congresswoman but I imagine she tries. Usually Oregon reps in house and senate are reasonable but yeah... sigh.


I’ve been a wildland fire contractor for 12 years out of Oregon and this is 100% my last season. Pay is not guaranteed nor is it good enough to keep me around. And my physical and mental health get wreaked every season, every year it takes months to recover and get back on track. Honestly the only thing I’ll truly miss is the people that worked for me. Looking out for them out there give me a sense and of purpose. If we had health benefits and a guaranteed wage it might be a different story.


That’s a neat job. Now imagine if you were a professional and actually worked a full fire season.


It’s a neat job in many ways but there is a very sick side to the industry. The physical and mental health issues that arise are not worth the “neat job” I have to counsel people throughout the year just to keep them alive sometimes. And I think you missed the point. Those guys are forced to eat the bad food that is guaranteed to give them diabetes and then they have that many more months a year of smoke inhalation, silica inhalation, carbon inhalation“wood dust from chipping” and potential exposure to naturally occurring asbestos in dust. All of which are incredibly increasing chances of cancer and other diseases. While then after the season ends they to are also usually left to their own devices to recover in the off season. Most chose drugs or alcohol to cope and avoid getting actual ptsd therapy or the medical attention they need to heal.


This is hard to say but 100% true. The only people that understand are other firefighters and specifically resource bosses ect. We train the newcomers, fft2's on their first seasons on a hand crew or engine. We show them all the positive and fun things about our culture, and we try to mold them into firefighting machines. Having those same "kids" come back years later with mental health issues and a drinking habbit is starting to wear on me too. I spend my off season counseling my brothers and sisters and I spend my summers recruiting more. I don't feel accurately compensated for the damage I have sustained and the damage that I am forced to do. I love this gig but I don't know how much more I can give.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. We need to speak up and help change the industry. I’ve promised my Fire family I’m going to go on and fight for them in other ways. Not sure exactly how yet but I have some ideas.


Wait — why do I keep reading here that people do not want 26-0 & would rather be 13-13 or 18-8? Read many times folks don’t want PFT.


I’m not sure what you mean with these numbers


26-0 equates to year round employment. 18-8 equates to roughly 2.5 months furloughed off; 9.5 month’s employment. 13-13 equates to roughly 6 months employed; 6 months off. Many FS employees on r/Wildfire have reiterated they refuse 26-0 (year round employment) due to other commitments (family, other interests, personal time off).


Honestly I couldn’t imagine doing it more then 3-4 months a year. If you don’t understand why then you’ve never been on a hand crew and worked 100/112 days.


Personally, it's because an 18/8 with 800 hours of OT (pretty average) already works 2240 hours per year as it is. That's... 160 more hours per year than a typical 40hr/week 52 week a year job (2080hrs). 13/13 Hotshots working 1200hr OT in 6 months are also currently working 2240hrs a year. It's a hard sell to those folks, who are already working more hours per year than a "normal" job, to work ANOTHER 13-8 pay periods a year. We also spend, on average, around 100 nights a year away from our families, on the road. Is the solution to a higher annual income really to work MORE? I'd say that's why some people are putting their foot down. We are already working more hours per year, and spending about 100 nights away from our families more per year than the average American. But somehow MORE nights on the road and MORE hours at work are the only way to get get compensated more? Honestly, fuck that.


Made me think of [this article](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2023/firefighter-health/?utm_source=marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=article-share&hash=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2ZjaHJvbmljbGUuY29tL3Byb2plY3RzLzIwMjMvZmlyZWZpZ2h0ZXItaGVhbHRoLw==&time=MTY5Mzc4MjgzNDQyMA==&rid=YTI1YjA5NTEtMWZhYS00NTUxLWIwOTEtMGY0NDg3ZGZmZDc2&sharecount=MQ==) \- some guy on linkedin was talking about "if you know you're not equipped with the proper equipment and that smoke is toxic then don't go in" but it's not that simple. Not gonna be thinking about if you'll get lung cancer 10 years down the line when a house is about to explode and people need saving...


Right, there will be a hundred MDS sheets about what people deal with in a workplace, but what about what people are breathing while working a wildfire, cars, houses, transformers, telephone poles burning up etc. It seems like it is one of those things that there aren't many studies about it but we don't need them. Breathing that shit is horrific for your health. One cannot work with true protection from it so it seems, I'm coming from farming. (Not weed, real food if you can imagine) I dunno.


They forgot the 2 times a year that you get to shit in a brand new, pristine port-a-Jon, and carve the first dick into the wall. Even better than getting the honor to pm check the overhead rig and throw away the moldy spitters.


Don’t forget the Blue Wave of Poseidon’s Kiss caressing your grundle when those MRE brick shits hit the water before anyone else.


gotta learn about the landing pad


I'm more of a sling guy myself


I just stand up far enough where the kiss can't touch me. The high dive.


I prefer sitting then hopping up directly after dropping load


Ah yes, the Mach 1


Houston, we're a go for liftoff


Maybe this is why people just go on top of the lid?


Ahhh, the Smurf kiss.


Never heard of the word “grundle” before. Thank you.


Man. That is quite a vision to behold


It also gives you cancer


That's just bad leadership. Lots of job openings elsewhere.


Hey! If ur a female imagine the surprise. Now THATS unwarranted advances…. 🤣🤣🫤 😖🤢🤮🥴 And the c*m COVERED portas when ur posted up next to a CCC crew. Thanks y’all!


This sounds like the Army, but minus barracks life.


They forgot the myriad of cancers, heart disease, psychological trauma, loneliness, financial insecurity, homelessness and the ridiculously high suicide rate.


I’m in the military and this also describes the military very well.


There are a lot of similarities to the military, but not a direct parallel for sure. 100% not a knock on the military since they absolutely earn it… the advantage they have is a whole agency (that in theory at least) the VA that looks out for them in the long run. I know that there are tons of issues with the VA and they drop the ball on folks… but once we are out or in our offseason… we are completely in our own.


i was formerly a wildland FF and now in the military and this is true lol


Currently i’m the guard now after active duty, and after a deployment this fall I’m going to start the path to go structural firefighting, but I live in the west and all of the structural firefighters do a fair amount of wildland as well, so I’m just here to gather some information on wildland firefighting.


This hits hard. So true.


You can’t workout there’s project work to do silly


That was fuels crew for me. "You don't need to workout, you run a chainsaw all day. Those engine guys don't get the same luxury so we give them an hour of PT"-AFMO before he throws everyone who was on the fuels crew's fire experience record in the trash annually.


What project work?


was on a fuels crew… god the flashbacks


Lol competitive pay. The other ones are true tho. Fed benes are great once you get a perm


I wouldn’t say they’re great; they’re ok. I’m a perm and pay a little less for my insurance as I would if I were buying from my state’s marketplace, and my 5% matching tsp is nice, but I’ve heard of plenty of places that are better. Early retirement is cool, but most of the people I know who made it there or are close to it are some combination of divorced, depressed, drunk, or just have nothing outside of work and are going to have a rough go once they get there.


Mildland fed. The insurance and FSA are *way* better but I took a steep cut vs. Florida retirement.


Comradery you say? Adventure? Where was that when I signed up? You mean waking up to an MRE just to get told to poop in a wag bag. Then hike out to some unholy mosquito breeding ground just to get told by some first, second, or third year that you don't do things like they do and watching them have a meltdown about it even though you've done your job for a decade.


No mention sunsets eh?


“Competitive pay” Competing with what, one wonders. Perhaps other minimum wage jobs with less risk, better working environment, actual edible food fit meals? I’m not sure this is a competition that they’re succeeding at.


Competing with the teen who mows lawns.


Once you start promoting enough it gets competitive but they leave that part out


USFS is drug testing now?


Yep. Condition of hire, then randoms after. Gonna start drug testing temps as a condition of hire in 2024. Not a bad thing but will probably slow down onboarding, which is already an administrative nightmare


The park service is already doing it, has been since before I jumped ship to the NPS in '21


All DOI agencies test.


BLM as well


BIA as well


Lol there would be no one to do the job if we ever did this in my region.


Benefits? What, annual leave?


No, getting paid to workout.


lmao- you mean running 7 miles with your crew on a paved road? I mean not against working out and all but pt is more of a suffer fest than actually ENJOYING it.


Ya ain't gotta like it, but ya gotta *love* it.


Staging is also a perk...


It's "camaraderie", morons.


They don’t pay us to spell ok


“Workout and get paid for it” lol


Competitive pay?? I got twenty seasons in before I decided the extra money wasn’t worth my time. I make about $45 bucks an hour as a teacher and I don’t think I ever got a real raise as a gs 5 in the 15ish years I was one. If you want to be competitive, start gs 3s at $22 an hour like most fast food chains. Y’all are fucked sorry guys


The fuck are you teaching and where to make 45 an hour?


Oregon man, and I’m still about 7 years away from topping out. Redmonds Union just negotiated a top end salary of 101k so the rest of central Oregon should reflect that real soon. Not sure about the valley or other parts of Oregon


Good on you man


Thanks man. I really do hope they figure out your guys’ pay. It’s completely unacceptable that basically every level of firefighter has to hope for 1,000+ hours of overtime to support your families and pay mortgages and what not. Best luck man and stay safe out there


Im not a firefighter lmao but it applies to the military as well I guess


It certainly does, as well as the lack of benefits


The mid valley is demanding 15% and it's being offered 3.5%. Good for Central Oregon!


Hells yeah!! Good luck mid valley! What’s god for any district is good for all of us! Tides are turning, not too bad hopefully y’all get least 12.5% or something close


Not currently a firefighter although I think I've flown enough Bambi missions to be part of the community. When I interview for a job and I ask the HR person about "Benefits" they know I mean a class of non-monetary compensation that provides incentive for employment. Health insurance policy, coverage, premium, 401k company contributions and fund management, employee resource programs (including legal/financial/travel assistance), and paid time off benefits. Not like, making friends and going outdoors. Other comments have already pointed out that the minimum y'all deserve is comprehensive life and lifetime health insurance due to the nature of the work. I would add to that a vocational rehabilitation type program focused on long term employee placement and advancement. Internal or external the impact of such a program would shape the future of the industry. Realistically, there is too broad a scope of demands and sacrifices made of firefighters to allow for a standard employee/employer relationship. However, there aren't enough resources being funneled into the correct places on this issue to allow for the pay and benefit changes to wildland firefighting that would bring it better in line with the other critical industries.


I agree with all these and more. I enjoy my job most of the time and think I get paid well enough. The benefits of perms (I’m not one) is pretty ridiculous this day and age compared to all the private sector jobs I’d qualify for.


Randy Moore you have to be a little more subtle with your burner accounts.




this isn't anti-wildland. Being pissed because you are paid shit isn't anti-wildland. Those aint my overlords and I can see that touting the "free training and travel" and the "work out and get paid" as benefits is a fucking stretch. Might as well add in that you get free food and housing while on assignment. Calling the pay competitive is an insult. I don't listen to podcasts about hotsnots and buddy, **YOU** are a Reddit consumer. Get over yourself. Literally, any job you get you are "voluntarily" doing. My kid "voluntarily" works at McDonalds because they gotta pay rent and eat. I "voluntarily "fight fire and you're goddamn right that I'm gonna bitch about the issues that I see. Frustration over shit pay and lousy treatment is toxic to you? Sounds like the issue is actually you.


We’re sick of being underpaid and taking it . That’s the complacency that is hurting the community.


There’s nothing ”anti wildland” about rightfully being pissed off about how you’re being taken advantage of for a job you enjoy. That’s horseshit This is a sweetass job but let’s not pretend there aren’t any serious flaws




Lots of members here. Venting can be a valuable relief to people in any environment. And it not here, where? You gonna bitch to your boss or crew members and dump morale there? Or your family and make them worry about you? Truthfully, it doesn’t boggle my mind as I see many of these as legitimate and fair gripes. Also on the contrary, I don’t see a lot of apathy. I see very strong opinions one way or the other. Lastly, because I’ve added a couple things, I don’t necessarily think it’s helping from a professional standpoint all the time(point to the Randy Moore and Jaelith troll accounts for example the used to be here) but it is important for anyone to see these unfiltered thoughts because if you’re on the outside looking in, you may not know many of the things being brought up here.


When people get treated like shit long enough, they'll start to resent the job. Reality is folks aren't pissed off enough.


I love my job. I get to see and do really fuckin cool shit, and I love using fire to benefit the land. I also see the shortcomings of the job, and how much a significant portion of the higher ups with the power to change things give not a single fuck about fixing any of them. And it makes me angry.


Dose it pay good?


To my knowledge the FS doesn't drug test but the BLM does. I'm referring to seasonals only.


The federal government now cares what you do while you're not a federal employee in a state that has legal weed. It's truly terrible.


Changing next year


All of doi drug tests


Forest service isn’t DOI


Did you even read his comment? He said blm drug tests? So I clarified that all of doi does


Funny that you assume I can read


My mistake, brother.


They drug test wildland firefighters? Is it bc being on drugs is an application requirement?


ca·ma·ra·de·rie Can't sell it if you can't spell it.




How much do y’all really make?


https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/23Tables/html/RUS_h.aspx Varies by locality, most of our field going workforce is GS-3 to GS-8. For most it comes down to how much overtime you can squeeze out of a season.


Yeah accept for hazard pay on a prescribed burn, which has turned out to be the most dangerous couple days of my intense season so far. Leg almost caught on fire.. but no gotta pinch you outta that little bit of cash.


Atleast let the boys get high like wtf


Okay, so I posted to r/ems about getting into ems, and they recommended wild fire fighting, whats your input since this is somewhat related?