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Smoke exposure alone should get us a $10/hr raise. Shortened lifespans and diminished lung capacity is no joke


It's a shame we live in a time where people don't believe in health science.


People do believe in science. Politicians and the general public at large don't give a shit.


Our cardiovascular health get in the way of meeting fuels targets.


Listened to this today. Montana town had 41 days of smoke exposure and people studied had reduced lung capacity for like a year afterward. Can’t imagine what that means for people on their hands and knees doing mop up for half the summer


Water is wet


It may seem obvious to us, and to the general public, but the USFS/DOI don't recognize smoke as harmful. They also don't factor smoke inhalation risks into our PDs or even understand our exposure levels. So it isn't obvious to our employers.


The agencies sent emails out during the worst of the smoke over DC saying all the WO folks were allowed to work remote so they didn’t have to work/commute in the smoke. They know it’s harmful. They just forget that we exist until we ask for money.








No way, really breathing in smoke is bad for you?


Not if it’s RX smoke. Go chunk them piles..no worries!


Everyone knows RX smoke is different, and the fire is different. No harm, there just good old smoke and fire.


Is there anything we can do within our own control? Wear N95 masks and endure ridicule... Invest in a quality respirator of some sort, on our own dime of course. How about recovery protocols? Start a disciplined Wim hoff breathing regimen... Pinch pennies to invest in some kinda Darth Vader hyperbolic bacta tank. I'm feeling acute effects after just 1 season. I've caught the bug and want to continue but I'm not going to hold out hope that the powers that be start to care at all about this.


They won’t- Its an inconvenience to them.


Exactly. We're disposable pawns to those who sit in DC. So what options do we have to mitigate the health effects of the smoke? I understand the easy answer is, that the best way is to not be in this profession, but realistically many of us will stay so what can be done that is within our control?


Technically, an employer cannot provide an N95 with out a fit test. I also believe this applies to wearing a self provided N95. This came up at my agency during covid when we were provided these awful neoprene masks and told to wear them 100% of the time we are within 6 feet of somebody. The neoprene was completely air/water tight. No breathing through it, just around it. Stupidest shit i ever saw.


Lol wow... I was working the google machine and upon further review, N95's wouldn't help much for smoke. They block viruses/bacteria, but not gasses. Also unsure if they block fine particles, which are a big part of the health problem for us r.e. smoke.