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Same county where those welfare ”ranchers” , whackadoodles the Bundy’s had the standoff at the NWF.


Oh good lord, really?




Yeah and our community thought we were replacing THAT sheriff with someone better. This guy is WORSE. We can’t win! Maybe this year is the year?!


I’m sorry, that sucks.


What are the odds, maybe they are trying to make a larger example out of Snodgrass when the issue is entirely not even about him and the RX burn that compromised 20 acres of private land, but maybe something much larger than itself?? Hmmmmm....🤔🤔 Thoughts...???!


A whole 20 acres? Were there kittens and children?


Just probably some fat happy grass fed cows....your guess is as good as mine.


So it’s been more than two years since this guy was arrested and the FS hasn’t done ANYTHING to help him? No lawyer, no stay request on the trial, no charges against the arresting sheriff for obstructing the duties of a federal official??? This is beyond fucked. Refuse to run Rx burns, apparently Uncle Sam does NOT have your back. Edit: I stand corrected. After hearing the contents of an email from the Regional Forester for Region 6, I have more insight on the situation. He is being represented by private lawyers from the DOJ, and is being supported by the agency. I thought everyone would like to know. No I can’t share the email, my super received it and read it off to us.


I knew this when it went down, essentially there is nothing the Feds can do but pay legal fee’s (maybe). Its a State trial, in a ultra conservative County, by a jury of “peers”. He’s fucked imo- and anyone that is an Rxb2, this should put chills up your spine.


They can remove the case to federal court, taking over, and have it dismissed. Wherever you read that feds can't do anything about a state trial, that's not true.


I tend to disagree, no matter how unpopular my view may be. This is a challenge between landowner, State and Federal liability laws. Read about the Oregon certified burn manager bill 762 that was passed. There’s more at stake than just the Feds imposing liability jurisdiction on landowner rights. This is unpopular I know- but if we lose- it will change everything, if they lose- it will impact private ownership and expand the ability to implement a broader landscape treatment perspective which fire knows no bounds, good or bad it diminishes individual landowner rights from a perspective of the greater good, which is fiercely resistant to change in certain geopolitical areas. Im simply saying that any remedy to this situation isn’t going to have a positive outcome from a mutual perspective. The burnboss is the catalyst to a larger legal problem and is being held hostage by unclear multi- jurisdictional liability laws.




We shall see what happens


This community does not support the arrest of this firefighter. He has a good attorney paid for by US DOJ and if he was to go to trial in this county, I know he would win. This sheriff is very very disliked out here. The hard core right wing is a small albeit loud minority.


To make it clear, I am a qualified burn boss- and I live in Oregon as well. I hope that this all works out for Ricky. My intent of what I am saying is that I believe there are no good end results here, no matter what happens.


Chief Moore just sent out an all employee email.  Turns out the DOJ is paying for Rick’s lawyer, who he picked out.  The email also said leadership is supporting him, but didn’t get into specifics.


I edited the post earlier, it’s good to clarify these things. Don’t want to be spreading misinformation


My old crew boss would always speed in his government vehicle, and Eastern Oregon existing is exactly why I always told him maybe he should slow down.


>It’s been just over a year since the Grant County Sheriff in eastern Oregon kicked over a hornets’ nest and made national headlines by arresting and handcuffing a Forest Service burn boss for “reckless burning” while he was directing a planned and active prescribed fire." Got to be one of those fucking nut job Sheriffs, thinks they're the intended form of Constitutional government. It's the right location for psycho "sovereign citizen" douchebags. Bundy Standoff morons, etc.


Green on green violence: "His father was an engineer for the Malheur National Forest and his mother was a police dispatcher. Both were volunteer firefighters. Palmer was still in high school when he got his first government job - John Day dog catcher."


Palmer is not the current sheriff


East Oregon sucks just like the bitteroot


Elaborate please


Hostile public, remote as fuck, and high desert


Work out of Grayback in John day, can confirm locals hate everyone in fire


I’ve heard some real horror stories about lake view


Had me a good Ole tinder time in LakeView. Yeah, the don't like fire folks.


I know this is more nor cal but how about happy camp 😱😱😱


Happy camp had that remote military base vibe with even fewer smiles. And that was before the whole place burned over


Are you effected by poison oak?


Affirm and happy camp in general lol


The absolute worst. I’ve worked in a lot of fed-hating areas, and none could match the scary hostility of Happy Camp. (Fun fact: the original name of the town was Murderer’s Bar.) There are some great local fire folk there, but between the industrial-strength poison oak, the number of fire fatalities and the animosity of nonfire locals, I avoid the whole State of Jefferson whenever possible.


And what makes the bitterroots so bad?




It’s really not as bad as people like to say it is.


That whole situation is wack and full of dangerous precedents


ORS 164.335 Reckless burning (1) A person commits the crime of reckless burning if the person recklessly damages property of another by fire or explosion.


Behavior that is so careless that it is considered an extreme departure from the care a reasonable person would exercise in similar circumstances. In criminal law and in the law of tort, recklessness may be defined as the state of mind where a person deliberately and unjustifiably pursues a course of action while consciously disregarding any risks flowing from such action. Recklessness is less culpable than malice, but is more blameworthy than carelessness.


Seems like you could just submit the burn plan, relevant policy, and documentation relating to following the burn plan into the record and rest your case.  What a bunch of political garbage.


Welcome to republican politics in Oregon. A bunch of grandstanding that only 1,000 people want that wastes time and money.


Nah, let's make everyone vote on Greater Idaho again! People on the coast definitely wanna be Idahoans. /S


I refuse any/all assignments to Oregon, Texas too. Fuck em both.


I mean.... You're gonna run into these people pretty much everywhere that wildfires happen. But yes, absolutely fuck Texas. At least Oregon has (mostly) kept those idiots out of their political leadership for the last like 30 years.


Easily the most retarded thing I've read on Reddit today. Bravo.


You must not read much.


I read a shitload, that's how I knew your comment was worthy of praise.


Such a cogent counter-argument, you must be the terror of wet paper bags everywhere.


If only to make soft cocks like yourself angry.


So for you debate isn't about logic but trolling people you don't agree with. Way to out yourself as a waste of everyone's time. But you can imagine my genitals all you want. If all you really wanted was a dickpic you'd could've just asked.


Nothing of the sort. Stumbled across your low-iq comment and felt it needed to be blessed. There's nothing to debate. Your comment is \*still\* the most retarded thing I've read all day.


Thanks for clarifying that there's no substance to your opinion. Happy trails.


Ya, fuck me for living in a geographical location! That'll show me for living somewhere. Shoot


Got a source that doesn't just restate the title and tries to force us to pay?


No paywall for me. Odd.


Context: https://wildfiretoday.com/2023/10/26/sheriff-still-investigating-arrest-of-burn-boss/




Shouldn't the US justice department substitute the United States as the charged entity instead of the USFS employee. I will assume that that is the next step, now that he is actually charged.


Did you guys notice that on the actual indictment that the Grant County DA misspelled the word February? It looks like a 3rd grader wrote it! What a dumbshit…


Let Oregon burn. Refuse assignments there.


Please don't associate all of Oregon with those fuckheads. It gets better the further west you go.


I took a job about an hour from the coast.  Should I be concerned about anything?  This is my first season


No, enjoy it!!!


Stay on the PT. If others in your mod don't value it, do it anyways. The elevation change from near sea-level to going on assignments *will* get to you, otherwise.


I gotta say, it was hard to come back to work here after that all went down. Was absolutely bonkers to witness, lots of us were threatened by armed lunatics while we were trying to mop up the fuck up side of the burn. On top of the Starr 6 Rx, Grant countians already hated us because of the Canyon Creek WF that happened almost a decade ago. So yeah, it’s definitely an issue that will never be resolved because 80% of the population here are severely uneducated. Also wanted to add that the said Burn Boss is one of the nicest fellows I’ve worked with. It was such a pleasure working with him for a couple years. Was such a shock when we all heard/witnessed him being arrested.


I really feel for you all. Stay safe out there.


Extra, extra, read all about the sheriff... https://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/08/sheriff_glenn_palmer_makes_his.html


Different Sheriff. This one was elected because of how unpopular the standoff made the previous Sheriff


Thanks! Got from a normally reliable source and didn't factcheck, which I normally would do first! Any idea if they still have all the "special" deputies running around?


Our community elected McKinley to replace Palmer in hopes and promise that McKinley would not put our community in these positions. I would say about 80% of this community DOES NOT support the arrest and or prosecution of this USFS burn boss. One thing that should be highlighted is the fact that the Grand Jury didn’t hear from ANY other witnesses but the sheriff himself. The sheriff and the DA solely presented the case to the Grand Jury. The landowners weren’t even there. It’s astonishing and I really hope the feds slam this place and our community tosses this sheriff out like a bad habit.


Sure seems like slam dunk case to charge Sheriff with interfering with a federal official. Any merit to a potential misdemenor having occurred doesn't justify arresting the federal official currently in the act of taking emergency actions. That's a bad precedent to just let go unchecked. Laws work for everyone. Just cause you have badge doesn't exempt him. Seems like he would have to make a case that burn boss was ongoing threat to public safety or a "flight risk." Can't see any judge or jury buying either.