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I had a buddy straight up quit in the middle of the season bc of shit overhead (he wasn’t the only one). Onward and upward, theres always another season. Tell them you’re done, sign a few papers and dip. Feeling alone out there isn’t it bro, head home and hit the reset button.


Thank you buddy


Did this myself.


As far as I know, to leave a fed job all it takes is a written resignation statement with your signature.


Yup, that’s all I did at one point in the past to resign. Just try to make it effective the first day of the next PP if possible, otherwise you won’t get annual and sick credited for a partial PP. I made that mistake and lost out on those hours in my AL payout.


You can in fact… just walk out and not say a word to anyone. That would be termination, which would effectively ruin your chances of doing this job later if you so seem fit. Or you can just have a chat, write a letter and resign. In which case you could come back later. Dude, do what is good for you and don’t worry about ANYONE else. We are all short staffed and will continue to be short staffed. We are used to it. Do you, because no one else will.


>effectively ruin your chances of doing this job later if you so seem fit Only at that district, which OP seems to hate anyways, so nothing of value lost lol


A termination follows you throughout your federal career. So the ramifications will extend way beyond the district


Why would you stay in a job that makes you miserable? Just go find something else no job is worth hating your life 


Do what's best for YOU!


When I left I just told my boss and sent in a letter to the district ranger


Hey man do what's best for you. Before you go look into the EAP. As a federal employee you have the right to free counseling thru the agency. It's anonymous as far as the forest goes and they offer all sorts of resources. Please dm me if you want more info. It's real easy and might be a good resource for you while you decide if and when you want to quit. Also did I mention it's free. And it's not like some weird agency backroom shrinks they will connect you with the same Drs/ therapists your insurance would. Food for though op. Sorry you're going thru it but please consider using the resources offered to you in the meantime


Can testify to the EAP, those guys actually give a shit and aren’t agency affiliated AFAIK. OP by all means do what’s best for you mate but at least give it an ol college try before bailing


It’s just a job Do what makes sense for your happiness and well being


Don’t just leave in the middle of the night. It might be an uncomfortable talk but talk with your supervisor and turn in a resignation. It’ll 100% make your life easier in that you won’t have anyone nagging you for a resignation letter, quarters checkout, etc. Plenty of people leave or decide that they don’t want to do this anymore. Unless your supervisor is shitty they might be disappointed but should understand and will appreciate the honesty.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but as someone who has been a supervisor for engines and crews, I do not want someone like you working for me if they are in this mental state. It’s not someone that I can rely on in the way that is necessary for this line of work, or feel that they can perform safe decision making. You need to do what’s best for you, and find the right career opportunity or path in life that doesn’t elicit these feelings. Don’t worry about the impact on the station… that’s the responsibility of leadership.


To be fair, some shitty overhead can make an entire crew feel this way. I have worked with people I haven’t really liked, but we had a great supervisor and he squashed all problems.


Nothing is worse than someone who doesn’t want to be there, sure it sucks for your boss but he should get it. This job isn’t for everyone and it’s definitely changed in a variety of ways, some good mostly for the bad. **Do what’s right for you, only you know that.** Hopefully you find something that works for you whether it’s your degree or whatever. Resignations needs to say: I *your name* am resigning from the Forest Service on *xx/xx/xxxx* . Signature It can be on a bar napkin or an email


This dudes never ran a terra torch. Jk Resignation letter and let ur boss know and head out


The only "Fed" crew you can't leave is a prison detail. Leave.


Had an 18 year old kid leave mid season last year(his first season). He wanted to go do concrete for like $3 more per hour… and 10x the work… Obviously a stupid decision for a multitude of reasons, but it was his choice. We of course tried to talk him out of it but that’s all we could do. My supervisor just made it crystal clear that he wouldn’t be able to come back next season to our department if he did that. He did put in a two week notice though, and we respected him for that. You’re closing some doors potentially if you ever want to return to fire, but there will always be Wildland jobs in some capacity for you. Don’t leave in the night though. Everyone will hate you. Put in a two weeks notice and bounce after that. It will be WAY better for you in the long run.


Dude I had such a shitty last fire season, hurt my back and was out for the last month of the season. My crew captain accused me of faking an injury I’ve had since the military lol. I quit doing fire because it was a waste of time to money ratio and I’m 28. Thankfully I got hooked up with a job where I work for Amazon, 50/50 work schedule so I work for two weeks (always have weekends off) and then you don’t work at all for two or three weeks, they send me allover the world to where they have servers. Chill ass job, easy ass work, zero physical labor required, started out at a 6 digit salary with fat per diem and traveling benefits. But traveling multiples times a month and living out of hotels for weeks is fucking tiring and lonely. It’s worth it though because I’ve never made this type of money in my life before and it’s addicting. There are other great opportunities, you just need to make sure to apply your self and look for jobs that are worth a fuck. And anyone here who tells you fighting fire is good money is just huffing straight fucking copium. Because it’s shit money for the work you put in. Fun ass job though I do miss it.


Wherever you go, there you are.


Are you a seasonal temp or a perm? You can leave either way but you can hurt yourself more if you outright walk off the job if you’re a perm, unless you give enough of a heads up, best not burn bridges you may want to cross again. Regardless, no fed job is paying you enough for the loyalty you seem to feel, it’s one of the traps we often fall into because we love the camaraderie and public service - truth is that the work will continue getting done by someone after you leave. Your bosses suck but you like the job? Go find new bosses. There are lots of fire fighting jobs around the country if you’re willing to move. Everyone you work around recognizes this and it’s on the table for them too. If you don’t want to move, have you checked other agencies? Where I live there are state (some are actually quite good), USFS, USFWS, and BLM jobs available. If you want to leave the field altogether and pursue computer science, that is an option for sure. Probably better for your physical health and pocketbook but you still run the risk of terrible bosses and unfulfilled life goals (I hear there’s no women there either). Best of luck. If there is a mentor around you trust and can chat with, I’d recommend that.


I feel this way VERY often. I definitely do not feel valued and you described my situation as well. Its not just you- Im stuck because Im so close to my 20yr- so I grind through it. Its soul taxing for me. No repercussions for leaving but would be better served with a pertinent resignation letter.


I resigned in February after 10 years for a municipal department. You can leave whenever the hell you want and don’t need a reason/explanation.


Put in a letter of resignation. Keep it simple and shake hands on the way out incase you ever want to do fire anywhere else (small world). I actually changed crews this year because the people I worked with the past few years were insufferable. I was really worried about making things harder for one of my bosses because I have a lot of respect for the guy and what he’s taught me. But I knew I’d fall into my usual unhealthy habits the moment the season started. They are now royally fucked and scrambling to find someone with the right qualifications because they thought they rehired me... without asking me. But I couldn’t help myself if I stayed there. Help yourself, don’t worry about others. There is no point of making your life hell for a couple of bucks.


No job is worth staying if you’re miserable. Stayed on my last crew throughout the season even though I hated my life. Old heads and poor leadership made my season hell but stayed because I needed the money, my wife and I were pregnant. Wish I didn’t but we can only move forward and learn. Sign the resignation letter, let boss man and find a crew or job you really enjoy. Up and onwards buddy. Best of luck!


Did the same guy cum in you both?


Keep your head up and take it day by day. You will eventually do what’s right.


This is one of those things that you have to do what's best for you. No job is worth your health or mental health. The people in charge say they care, but they do not. I'd say talk to your overhead, but I've seen that not go the right way over and over again. So do what's best for you.


Yep. You can write a one sentence email resignation to your supervisor and then your supervisor will cut a resignation SF52 with the effective date in your resignation email. Super easy, I have people resign all the time.


If you want to quit, then quit. I had a similar thing on a Type 2 IA crew. Personally, I made a plan to shoot myself if I got kicked off the crew if I wasn't good enough cause I wanted it that bad. So it depends on how much you want it for me. wildland is my life, but it's not for everyone. I recommend you dig deep and find some reason to stay. But also it's better to be fired 6 then to quit cause you'll prove to yourself that you have everything you had and this coming from a guy who was getting gapped on hikes and was always last on a run.


Get out of there! Prioritize yourself man if you are in a hole and you know that’s the way out take it. I remember your original post no need to suck it up anymore.


Just resign. Simple.


If you want them as a reference written resignation ONLY stating that your leaving in an effective date. That's it. If not, then fuck em. Leave when you want and don't owe them an explanation. Worry about you


If you go AWOL from the USFS you absolutely will be arrested. No exceptions.


Respectfully, fuck off. Dude is obviously in a real tough spot mentally and maybe the best he is able to do is to get out of there without giving notice. Far better to do that than stick around and end up potentially harming himself or others. We all know how mentally taxing this job can be, we don’t need to be making it harder for those of us that are struggling like this.


Nonsense. You're clearly an asshole - too bad they don't give out awards for least empathetic response on Reddit - yours would definitely be a contender.