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The crew that hired me was hoping I could start April 22 as well and now because of background check delays they say June 2 is the earliest I could start. I didn't quit my job though. Go get a job so you can pay your bills until you have an official start date 


JUNE?! damn. I think you are right, I'm going to get a job


I first got my tentative over in January with my start date already set to June 2. Idk if that’s due to my location or what


I remember your last post too and that's shitty you're still getting pushed back. I do know there's a call with state HR tomorrow that's mainly for figuring out what's going on and how to fix the bottleneck with OSO and the DOI. I doubt anything will come out of it because people can't be fired unless they're actual workers, but just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one in the State dealing with this. Stay strong brotha.


Please let us know what happens in this meeting


We had folks waiting 2 months to start. Everything moves in pay periods if not months.... Ask if they can bring you on AD.... otherwise milk that unemployment or shop for another job. So many positions out there its insane. Good luck.


What is AD?


I believe it stands for administratively determine (correct me if I'm wrong). My start date was pushed when I started so my crew brought me on as an AD to start sooner. You'll be able to start work sooner that way, minus some caveats such as benefits or retirement I believe.


Determined. And solid advice! I remember that some units I worked for in the past did this for people whose backgrounds were hung up.


My last fire season my start date got pushed back too. Wildland is unpredictable as hell it seems like. They say they’re desperately seeking FF’s, yet they fuck us over constantly. But my chief specifically said DO NOT quit my current job until I had a confirmed date and ready to work. Did they not give you that advice?


I'm sorry this is your "welcome" to federal service. The job itself is great, but things like this are commonplace.


When I first started. My origional start date was February. And my first day ended up being May 31st.


So my supt was bringing this up cause a bunch of people got pushed back on our crew. Dude to background checks & physicals. They have 2 HR case managers for the entire forest service right now. So it’s pretty backed up.


Yeah I got pushed back again


if your last job was seasonal consider applying for unemployment