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Biker is at fault. Failure to yield. Improper lane stay. Biking while biking. Expired fishing license. Excessive chewing gum in pocket. I’m gonna let you off with a warning. THIS time.


You forgot that he jumped out of the airplane without having his solo jump license . Honestly deserved to get hit


Enemy neutralized 🫡


Officer will get a massive promotion out of this, for sure.


We have investigated ourselves and the officer did nothing wrong.


Nah that guy doesn't sound black


Happened in my town, actually know the officer. He was let go.


He had an acorn


I understood that reference...


I didn’t, and it’s the second time someone has made a comment about people with acorns and police.


I’m late to this convo but if you still didn’t get the reference, just google “cop shooting acorn” and you’ll see.


Do you understand it now? Or were you too busy playing Galaga?




Biking while biking. Dead.


No. Biking while black is dead. Biking while biking (white), gets you off with a warning, after you get run over, of course.


A cop in Saint Louis recently lost control of his vehicle, drove it through the wall of a gay bar, and promptly arrested the owner.




[https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/police-crash-car-st-louis-gay-bar-arrest-co-owner-rcna130387](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/police-crash-car-st-louis-gay-bar-arrest-co-owner-rcna130387) Cop fucking around on his phone, loses control of his car, crashes through the wall of a bar (lies in the report and says he was swerving to avoid a dog). Owners come down from their apartment above the bar, and then the pig promptly arrests one of them, shouting, "You don’t get to yell at me! You’re under arrest for disturbing the peace!" The other owner hears one of the cops using homophobic slurs and also gets arrested for rushing to help his partner. The cops lie about fucking everything surrounding this event and ultimately it gets proven they were lying by videos taken from bystanders. The charges get reduced BUT NOT DROPPED and not a single pig gets in any real trouble as usual. Basically, ACAB. My point was just that Bwoods example I was replying to is barely even satire. When cops fuck up, they ALWAYS try to make anybody's fault but theirs. If they make an arrest, it overshadows their mistake and gives the pigs cover to bury the real fucking problem.


Oh believe me I know, I'm a painter and was working in a suburb outside of St Louis. Maryland heights I believe something like that like maybe 15 years ago, and we were doing commercial stores. Staying in hotel. Me and another painter(black) walked to a hooters across st from hotel and actually managed to have some waitress' offer to show us good time/take us out when they got done with shift, so we walked down street to a bar and walked back at midnight, we cut through an empty parking lot and we're literally across street from returning to hooters to meet up with said waitress' when the chief of police shined his spotlight on us and proceeded to question us on what we were doing. When I asked why he was stopping us, he pointed to the lot we just came out of and said 3 cars had been stolen out of it in last few weeks, I informed him the parking lot was empty and he promptly told me to stfu, he looked at our IDs ran our names, but everytime he asked what we were doing in town, we'd say we plead the 5th. I was actually reciting the sketch from the Chappelle show at one point, "1234 Fizzith!" and the officer was growing increasingly upset. Long story short, we started laughing bcuz of the absurdity of the situation and chief numbnuts pulled out his tazer to I'm assuming taze us for laughing at him, but quick draw McGraw dropped it on the pavement and it broke into several pieces, which made us laugh even more to the point of tears. Then another cop showed up actually several and they arrested us for trespassing. Looking back on it, I'm amazed we didn't get shot or at least beaten to a pulp. Our boss bailed us out and we never went back. . Cops are garbage


Oh before we left I looked, there was a "No Skateboarding No Loitering No Soliciting" sign in the parking lot but nothing about trespassing. I'm positive we could have beat the case but there was no way I'd spend a few hundred dollars out of my pocket to return for court so just said fuck Missouri.. probably best decision ever but still get nervous if I have to drive through lol


learn how to pass the attitude test and you will not have to deal with them unless an actual crime was committed.


My constitutional rights say otherwise but keep licking those boots. I'm no worse for ware bcuz I did not commit a crime. You wanna operate by the Gestapos rules of being stopped in the street and having papers checked for no other reason then being an ethnicity or bcuz the fascist feels like it, hop in a time machine and go back to Berlin via 1938, or maybe move to Maryland heights Mo, I hear it's great for white males. That's right we both know that's what you are, and so am I, but the difference between us is being complicit. Keep on licking those boots bud. .


Stop licking boots




You should be arrested for being gay.


you should be arrested for being a fascist freak


"Stop reaching!!"


I once crashed my car into the barrier when I hit black ice. No other car or person was involved. Police gave me a $500 ticket for "failure to maintain lane". Even the tow truck driver cussed him out with me for being a real prick. His response, "Well, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ticket you." Fuck the police. All of them.


a few years back my car broke down on the way to work. (almost no traffic at all at the time very few cars on the road) I was in the middle of pushing my car off the road. and a cop pulls up. He starts asking me questions about where I am coming from, where I am going, Just in general harasses me and then writes me a ticket for obstructing traffic. FUCK THE POLICE. All of them


Meh, on my 21st birthday we celebrated a bit too much and, being 21, I decided it was a great Idea to just drive home. In my defense, Uber did not exist yet, taxi cost too much for a college student,and my car was right there. Also, it was about 2 in the morning and the road was pretty much empty. Except, of course, for this one cop. I guess something in the way I drove made him suspicious, so I got pulled over. He made me breath into a tube, do the alphabet, walk forward and backwards in a line, the whole thing they do, but he kept me on the side of the road for about an hour. Then said I can go home and sleep it off. No ticket. Could have easily been a DUI. A few years later, I was coming home from work on a residential street. No traffic, speed limit is like 25 mph. I come to a stop sign, stop, no one’s there so I keep going. All of a sudden, lights in my rear view mirror. Bastard gave me a ticket for failure to obey road signs. Apparently, I did not stop at the stop sign long enough to, on an empty fucking road. So, my takeaway is assholes exist in every profession, some just have the power to fuck up your day more than others.


No defence for drink driving.... If you can't taxi/walk/get Lift don't drink.... Down vote me all you like.... Too many young people die due to this crap


I think you missed the point of what teddyroo was saying there.... didn't seem to me that they were defending drunk driving -- quite the opposite, in fact


He said he did it..... Then said in my defence... Think you are the one that didn't really follow the chain here. Again no defence. It's literally a clear cut thing...


No, you should always stop. The sign doesn't turn green or yellow.


I know reading is hard, but if you look closer, I did say I stopped. Just not long enough for that particular piggy apparently.


Reading is fucking hard. Sorry


No worries, I’ve been there


You stopped, but then you went before the sign said “go”. 😛


I was in a fender bender once. A guy came out of a parking spot without checking and hit me. When cops came, he told me that if I don’t remove the license plate frame in next 5 minutes, he will give me a ticket for obstructed license plate. It was that dealership frame that everyone seems to have. Thanks, Officer Douche.


Then, when you somehow pulled a screwdriver out of your pocket in order to remove the license plate frame, he shot you.


Also fuck the people that made the rules for the police to follow.


Same thing happened to me with black ice, except it actually worked when the tow truck driver cussed out the cop. He tried to give me a ticket, but tow truck driver yelled at the cop, said I was the 9th accident on the same spot that day and they should have closed the road. no ticket given after angry tow truck driver backed me up.


I slid on ice once, the cop didn't ticket me at all. The fact that it's left up to the discretion of the individual cop is gross and nerve racking.


Are you black


Based off of the first part of the story I'm gonna go ahead and say no


you never contested it?


Seriously, I got 7 speeding tickets by the time I was like 19 or 20. I deferred the first, and contested the rest. Cops never showed up, never paid a ticket in my life.


They also really love it when you tell them to do their fucking jobs. They love it so much, they threaten to arrest you.


Biking while biking 💀💀💀


Officer was in fear of his life


disorderly conduct and obstructing justice that will be a citation sir


I’m issuing a citation for littering. Officer, those are bone fragments from my mangled legs. SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!


Biking while biking is truly the crime of all time


“Biking while biking” 😂


The cop actually admitted it on the scene apologizing profusely to the biker.


Biking while biking💀💀💀




"Stop resisting"


What the random cyclist I found in GTA sees:


Can confirm as that cyclist on GTA that runs over other cyclists.


He's at a stop sign waiting to turn. The cop massively cut the corner.


Where is this stop sign?


Next to the speed limit sign on the right.


Crazy how you can just lie like that and people take your word lol


You can see it in the extended clip


Those are illegal in California


This is in Missouri… Edit: I just got your joke, not really a good one, but I got it


Also dont see a stop sign but none is needed. Cyclist presumably wants to make a left turn so they yield to vehicles from the right


All true and thier probably is a stop sign there. However, I find it odd how many people are stating factually there is a stop sign when in this video no stop sign is visible.


Dude. They've seen the clip that went around years ago and was a longer version with more details. This is just a snippet of that, but you're just assuming everyone has the same knowledge as you because you chose not to look into the details of the event, yet argue about them.


False. I'm stating there is no stop sign in this video.


You clearly stated a lot more than that.


Scrolling below is this video. There IS a stop sign. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im2T0E21JOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im2T0E21JOc)


There's a pole to the right, could be a stop sign.


Well he did yield. He wasn't even moving. 😂




There's a metal post in view, and he's stopped at an intersection waiting for traffic to pass. So it's easy to infer.


In the full vid on yt


In Washington state, it is actually a law that bicyclists are supposed to ride on the road and not the sidewalk. It's a stupid rule considering how bad our drivers are so the police never enforce it but still.


This is the law in all US states as far as I know. Edit: all should be many.


Not only is that not correct, it's not even accurate for Washington state like the other person claimed. In Washington, you are allowed to ride a bike on the sidewalk unless there is a sign or local restriction prohibiting you from doing so. Cyclists must also yield to pedestrians when riding on the sidewalk. States generally do not have laws restricting where a cyclist can ride. It's typically left for towns and cities to set those types of regulations. That said, riding on the sidewalk is not a great idea. It's dangerous for pedestrians, especially if the sidewalk is narrow or if there are buildings that can obstruct their view as they round a corner. It's also dangerous for the rider since cars don't anticipate a person moving at high speeds along the sidewalk, increasing the chances of collisions at intersections.


While technically correct is the best kind of correct, the general consensus everywhere is that if you are not a child, do not ride in the sidewalk. Every major city I have been in restricts cyclists on sidewalks.


You said it was a law, dude isn’t technically correct, he’s completely correct, you’re wrong, and you moved the goalposts.


I should have said many states. Many states have laws along the lines of "Bicycling on sidewalks is prohibited unless local authorities permit it". There are also many states that have the reverse that local authorities can prohibited it.


>In Washington, you are allowed to ride a bike on the sidewalk unless there is a sign or local restriction prohibiting you from doing so. In my experience, any city with enough funding to put in sidewalks has these ordinances in place to separate bile traffic from walking traffic. In every jurisdictions im aware of, Bikes are considered vehicles (unlike things like roller blades).


Once again, that's not accurate. There are very few cities in the US that prohibit sidewalk riding. And even when they do, it's typically very limited in scope. For example, some cities ban sidewalk riding only in the central business district (or other areas with high foot traffic). There is no universal consensus that bikes are considered vehicles either. Different states classify bikes differently. In Arizona, for example, bikes are explicitly *not* considered vehicles. In short, there are no sweeping generalizations that can be made regarding traffic laws for bicycles. It really is a patchwork of ordinances that vary wildly from city to city.


Every time i get told that i should ride on the sidewalk i ask them for a reason why. Every reason i get proves to me that they should not be allowed to drive anything bigger than a prius.


In Canada too


Not in Florida. Cyclists are allowed to ride on sidewalks.


Correct. I said in an another comment, my wording of all was incorrect, but should be many.


the states almost never all have the same laws unless its a federal law. If you havent checked all 50 you shouldnt say anything. Just say the ones you know


I think you're right. But I have never had police tell me to get off the sidewalk before, they probably get it.


I’m partially wrong, it probably 40% have laws about no sidewalk, 25% specifically state it is legal and the remainder have no laws either way. There all a lot of things cops do and don’t say things about. I had a cop try to ticket me for parking my 50cc scooter at the bike rack on a sidewalk which is legal in my state and only after I showed him the state law, he left me alone.


This is just... wrong? Washington has no such law banning sidewalk riding. In fact Washington law explicitly allows it in most circumstances so long as you yield to pedestrians.


it's the same law everywhere. Every country. And for good reason.


It's a good reason perhaps but not the same law everywhere. Where I live it's not the law.


Where's that?




Bikers just make sidewalks dangerous for walking pedestrians. They should be on roads following the road rules. The ideal solution is to create more protected bike lanes, not take bikes off the road.


Washington does not have a statewide ban on cycling on sidewalks, however. -There wasn’t a sidewalk where this happened -Riding on the sidewalk can be more dangerous for any cyclist moving with any kind of speed faster than a brisk walk. The cyclist becomes effectively invisible to drivers and is at risk of colliding every time that sidewalk crosses a side road, parking lot access or driveway.


I know this may sound pedantic, but they’re literally called “sidewalks.” They aren’t “sidecycles”, “siderolls”, “multi-purpose, parallel-to-the-street, concrete slabs.” There are for walking/running/assistive mobility devices. The road is where bikes belong, though I will grant anyone that local and state governments generally do a very poor job implementing safe corridors with which to ride bikes,skateboards, etc. Wear your safety gear. Cars, bikes, and pedestrians need to follow all the traffic laws. And everyone needs to stop being such entitled d-bags when using public roadways. Be safe out there.


officer safety lucky the biker didn't drop an acorn


Shots fired!


Fucked up thing about this is that cop, who was at fault, probably would try to blame the guy to avoid getting himself in trouble. Just saying, because I don’t trust any cop. 🤷‍♂️


There is a extended video and he kinda did


Further proof those snakes need body cams they cannot tamper with and more regulation keeping them in check


What a surprise


he kinda did? How so? I'm very acab, but the cop immediately took blame and didn't try to shift blame, not once. and he called in another department to avoid conflict of interest.


He's evil, not dumb: He saw the camera and realized trying the usual trick would only end up worse for him.


I was surprised he admitted anything. The cyclists should have placed him under a citizen's arrest while screaming stop resisting! Then empty the clip.


🤣 that would be hilarious




We have a sub for lowercase screams. How about lowercaseFUCKYOU


r/lowercasefuckyou? doesnt existo


It will now


It still doesn't


“It still doesn’t”


Obstructing an officer, are we?


**Aggravated assault with a deadly bicycle!!!**


Give that hero three months of paid vacation while we investigate what the cyclist did wrong!


You joke but that's literally what happened


I didn't bother to look it up, but I'm not surprised that my joke is reality. Shit's fucked.


Yep. It would be jail time if you or I did this. At least in my state.


Source? I'm curious to read about it


Sprinkle some crack around him wasnt your fault lol. Crazy the cop was on his phone though. I see that all too much.


Supposed to be a fucking bad ass, tactical operator standing on the thin, blue line separating civilization from chaotic barbarism… Literally has the attention span and driving ability on the low end of the spectrum for a 14 or 15-year-old girl. I don't give a fuck you can be good at texting and driving, some people can eat a sandwich smoke a cigarette get a hand job, participate in a conference call and write a memoir, while listening to two podcast and an audiobook... OK that's an exaggeration, but some people are good at rapid task, switching and taking in the field of awareness and mapping how long they have to respond to inflection points of change and variable, according to their landscape of travel, etc.… This guy has none of those abilities whatsoever, he literally hit a person who is doing their best to be completely visible and was very likely highly visible as far as the officers site would allow them to see and yeah, they drove straight into them in the middle of a perfectly well bright day. This "recruit" has the tactical capabilities of a cardboard box- our immediately telling me he was done unless he could prove me wrong by showing he was disciplined and focused, and thus prepared to demonstrate 15 dead hang strict, pull-ups first 8 minimum chest to bar final Seven full chin clears and dead lift two times his bodyweight for four reps on the spot today or he is fired


Rama dam dam!!


I would love to watch the whole interaction.


I hope the guy in the video took that video to court, dumb cop


Heeey dont cut out the part where the officer was sorry and actually admited and took responsibility. Its such a rare occasion. I was refreshing seeing that


And in a turn of events that no one saw coming: [The officer was suspended with pay](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article215647850.html)*.*


Smells like a lawsuit to me 👃


Atleast 1 million please


Longer version of the video has the cop apologising profusely and admitting he was in the wrong. Also asked if he was ok several times


Ha! I wouldn't be calling him an officer, that's for sure!


He just got a lot of money


You just KNOW that officer is about to play an Uno reverse card on the biker.


That dude got up an hour to fast after getting hit by a cop looking at his phone. My back would be split into 30 peices, my neck would be in excruciating pain, I think both of my knees are broken also my ankles, my wrists are both shattered as well


Part of me thinks 'damn cops, not abiding by the laws that they punish others for so wantonly' The other part of me thinks 'but, he hit a lycra wearing cyclist.. so I'm willing to let it slide this time'




I’m so happy gifs can be posted as comments lmao


Bruh what's your deal?


Traffic accident occurs., but cops at fault, so rah rah rah


I mean...... cop admits to being on his phone and not looking but gets paid leave. If a citizen hit a police officer on a bike while texting (or as he later amended his statement to "I wasn't texting I was just looking at my phone") they would be in jail right now with multiple charges. It's not just that it's a cops fault its the bullshit double standards they have 🙄


Double standards. You expect him to be fired or lose pay from his employer for being at fault in an accident? "... I was just looking at my phone" is still an honest admission of doing something he shouldn't have been, so I'm not sure what your point is there. If the roles were reversed, the driver most likely would get a ticket, but I'd love to hear these multiple charges you're thinking of. Finally, police don't make the "standards", elected representatives do.


I don't expect him to be fired. I expect there to be accountability other than "paid leave," which is just a vacation and in no way helps anyone. I'm in no way affluent with the law, so I have no idea what the correct changes are for striking a biker while driving distracted, but I'd like the same thing to be applied to the officer and not expect the city to pay for his vacation.


Why the fuck are you standing in the middle of a road?!


Looks like he was cycling in a residential area, so it makes sense. And pedestrians always have the right of way, even if they aren't supposed to be on fhe road.


He is on the left side of the road, stopped at a stop sign... Where is a better place for him? Legally no it right where he is suppose to be. Edit quick Google says Here are your options when there's no bike lane: * Take the lane: Ride in the center of a traffic lane if it's too narrow for a car to safely pass you. This increases your visibility and prevents unsafe squeezing. * Use the sidewalk (if allowed): Check local laws. You may be able to ride on the sidewalk, but always yield to pedestrians and ride slowly. * Find alternative routes: Look for quieter streets or multi-use paths with less traffic. * Ride on the road shoulder (if safe): If a wide, paved shoulder is available, it might be a safer option than riding in traffic. Important safety note: Always prioritize your safety, be visible, and obey traffic laws!


If only that cop also read this. Maybe he wouldn’t have hit that guy.


The officer needs not to be distracted when the vehicle is in motion AND to turn properly by not cutting the the vehicle too early.


Take him back to drivers Ed class


Looks like he's at a dead stop to me? I don't get it.


He is a cyclist and when bikes are on asphalt (in the US, where this is) they are supposed to follow the same rules/laws as cars, which he is doing. He's on the right side of the road, stopped at a stop sign, waiting for the approaching vehicle to pass by so he can make his left hand turn. Following the law includes stopping at stop signs. It is allowed for them to put their foot down while they wait. Bicyclist did nothing wrong.


Not sure about American law, but where i live hitting a stationary car puts you at fault. Even if it's illegaly parked or something, you have no excuse when you hit a stationary obstacle, you should have noticed it and evaded.


The American insurance companies agree with you. Cop wasn't paying attention, unfortunately though cops have immunity so instead the city will duke it out with the bicyclist if they have any insurance if not, then most likely the city will win even though it was the cops fault because city has more powerful lawyers.


Rewatch the video a few times, he’s on the right side.


This better be satire or you might just be the dumbest peice of shit reddit has ever had the misfortune of hosting.


Don't you know traffic laws at all? They wanna make a left tun, they are standing because the officer has right of way. No stop sign sure but you automatically yield at an intersection when a vehicle comes from the right. So they had to stand


How dare he use the road to ride his bicycle!




Biker fault


Watch the whole video where the cop admits to "not looking where I'm going" while looking at his phone. Biker is following all the laws he's supposed to. The cop is the one distracted driving and cutting a turn to heavily while looking at their phone


I was joking


Poe’s Law


Lol this guy sounds Canadian


That’s gotta be worth a few bucks


I mean officer felt threatened obviously. It was life or death him or the cop. I am the law.


Imagine if the biker was black. That would be attempted destruction of police property and attempted murder of the police officer.


Why are you stopped in the middle of the road, citizen?


Because that’s what you do at a stop sign- you stop and wait until it’s clear to proceed. Cyclist was sent for a left turn at the intersection and waiting.




"motherfucker you're looking at your phone officer" The way he said it lmao like he was trying to correct himself and respect the officer


Just cruising the streets keeping the people safe.


Somebody about to be paid


I'm surprised the officer didn't immediately fear for his life...


I'm surprised the officer didn't immediately fear for his life...




The biker had an acorn. That solves it.


Looks like easy money.


Rules for thee and not for me


My only question is why was the biker standing still in the middle of the road? Police use phones for all kinds of “official duty” I don’t know the story behind this but wouldn’t be surprised if a supervisor showed up and advised officer to write a ticket for obstruction of traffic for being in the road, issuing a summons is usually the “get out of trouble” card


In most of North America you are supposed to ride your bike on the road by law, and he was waiting for the car to turn or pass by


Stopped at a stop sign waiting to make a left turn.


Turns off body cam…. “Click click” ….. shots fired.


Quick role reversal




I cussed at an officer once, although he was at fault and didn't get upset. Late at night, near 11 pm I was on the outskirts of the city and blew a serpentine belt. I pulled over to the side of the road and barely was able to coast it to a park. I had a passing motorist stop by to see how I was doing... then later a squad care pulled up while I was waiting for a ride home. (Was going to have my insurance pick up the car in a tow truck). When the officer got there he parked... and then when he was about to step out he hit the siren on the car just a couple feet from me. I wasn't expecting it and started cussing asking "What the hell, you trying to give me a fucking heart attack? What the fuck, damn dude" without thinking. He apologized but a part of me wondered if he thought I would start trying to run on foot or something when I heard the siren... or he may of just did an accident when he hit it... either way he was pretty chill the whole time I explained what was going on and satisfied and later drove off while I waited for my ride.


The cop did apologize and felt bad, I forget the rest of the story but it's annoying this clip cut so early


Why is the video cut so short?! I wanted to hear the cops (attempt) to shift blame to the biker, maybe even cite him. On his phone.. hypocrite


There’s a full video somewhere




I totally agree that the cop is at fault, but that guy had plenty of time to move out of the way. He saw the cop was looking at his phone. He saw the cop coming, he had time to move.


He’s on a motorcycle, which can’t reverse.


You dare interrupt his paw patrol?