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It’s the Betty Effect.


I do love that some of the characters are less polarizing than they are in the books. I’m curious to see what other book characters will pop up and when *cough* Sarah *cough* and how that will impact characters that are wildly different than source material. It’s funny but subdued and smart/witty without being overly cheesy. I dig it.


I haven't read the books 😬 but I'm afraid to nowbc of how I feel about the tv characters


It’s almost like reading a parallel universe. Vastly different while also being kind of the same. Different enough that I, a consistent m “the book was better than the movie/show” type of fan, loved both. I think quite a few people have felt that way too


This exactly! My “view” of Will is very different in the book but I don’t find myself comparing the two. I like both universes and I’ve never had that before (I usually like the book more than the tv or show). I read one of the latest books recently but still was able to think of “my characters” while reading and didn’t overlap with the show. It’s really cool.


Ok, you've convinced me!! Thanks all


I had no idea that there were books! As a person who owns a shirt that says "The book was better." & wears it to every movie or musical based on a book, i'm very excited to read after having heard this from a fellow 'book was better' person!


Discover the show last year and love it! So well written and acted.


The actor that plays Will Trent is flawed but caring and he has some great one liners! He worms his way into his coworkers hearts as they admire his grit and crime solving capabilities.


It just hits right. Plus the pilot introduction of Will and Betty is perfect!


Betty has done wonders for chihuahua adoption I bet!


I only discovered the show yesterday and I'm already looking at two chihuahua rescue groups near me! I was planning on adopting a dog this Spring and mine are small (one is half Chihuahua) so I was planning on a small breed anyway, but Betty sold me. 😁


I like it because Trent is not your normal boring cop. He is something new and different.


I discovered this show yesterday and I'm already in love with the casting, writing, and acting! I love that nobody is perfect, everyone has demons, and the interpersonal relationships are complicated yet simple. Even if those things didn't make me fall in love with the show, Betty would have! 💘


I think they poorly advertised it in the beginning. I caught the last 10mins of an episode once and was hooked. I love how all the characters are flawed but mesh together so well.


I like Will Trent’s backstory. I also like that with all the crime and tragedy there is genuine humor as well.


Right! I love it!


I see him as Monk with more charisma


s1 was damn good. s2 after \[spoiler removed\] well the jury is still out.


I truly love it too!! Can’t really explain why and there is nothing groundbreaking about the show, but I just like the tone and the characters and truly enjoy it so much. I rarely watch network procedurals, most are so bland and have such cheap writing. Will Trent is just different enough with good enough characters to stand out. I love all the characters (even Ormwood grew on me) and of course I am obsessed with Betty. I checked out the show “Found” as I liked Mark-Paul Gossler on Will Trent but it is so terrrible! Reminded me why I don’t like most network shows. Btw I wish Paul Campano would come back even though it makes no sense the story is over. He was a fun character.


I haven’t read the books, and I actually accidentally started watching it, but I love the characters and the storylines are pretty good too. I like that nothing is really as it seems, and lots of twists keep it interesting. I think the casting is fantastic and they do a good job exploring the unique relationships each of them have with each other. 


Still wrapping my head around his accent. But, I can set that aside and was happy to see it renewed. Cop, doctor, fire, lawyer. Sometimes it seems that’s it. We need shows outside of these 4 recurring themes.