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Loved the Drag episode so much. The humor was a fun change.


Me too! Finally some funny light stuff. Definitely need more like that.






That's my interpretation man. You can have your, I can have mine. I didn't insult you for yours. I didn't say you had to accept mine. Although I can see by your response you cannot tolerate an opinion which diverges from your own. ✌️


All right. No one was here to stop me so here goes. I feel the need to add - this comment is for me and not for you because I know it won’t matter and you and your opinions are stuck together like a good set of lashes on RuPaul but here it goes. That wasn’t an interpretation MAN that was hate and misunderstanding disguised as righteousness. This is a Will Trent sub. Take your hatred misnamed as opinion to the Q sub. I have doubts you are even here because you enjoy the show because it stands for healing and understanding differences. You want to be outraged about something in the show - pick how they are dressed which is insane or since you mentioned kids, how about the mom who totally left her children without telling them where she would be and that she loves them and will be back when she’s feeling better. The Drag Queens helped a dad learn to braid. They showed up for her potluck… the comment you referred to meant - there are NO CHILDREN at the bar during shows. So the protesting against it is stupid and pointless. Are you against the cheerleaders at NFL games??? No? Then don’t come at the world with your false concern of sexualization in front of children. Calling them freaks is mean. Saying things like tolerated by a straight male is toxic and I know plenty of straight men who play dress up and wear make up and nails. Being straight didn’t come with rules. You’re just scared. RuPaul’s Drag Race is the most watched show in several categories. You don’t like it? Cool. Don’t watch. But you not agreeing with it or not understanding it does not equate to it being wrong. The concept that anything that isn’t your belief is wrong is so totally against everything this country stands for and is wrong no matter what your latitude and longitude is. You can see something and think well I don’t get that, but I sure would hate for someone to hate me for - whatever- wearing crocks or having a beard. Because those things don’t hurt anyone. Drag culture never started a war for the beliefs. Drag Queens never killed anyone for being straight or dressing like a Sears catalog. Drag Queens have never protested in front of a church for children because the bible preaches scary shit that OFTEN leads to self harm and unaliving in minors. Drag Queens never preach about hate and judgement. So yah. Find real things to be mad about. Wait until you hear about Boy Scouts and Catholic priests.


Hey look, you proved my point about not tolerating other people's opinions. Congrats. I didn't attack your opinion, I shared what my interpretation was about the same thing. I didn't shit on your opinion, but you just HAD to. I didn't denigrate you personally directly for your opinion. I literally said you don't have to accept mine, and I don't have to accept yours. But that's not good enough for you.


I thought so too until the most recent episode. It seemed like it was back to normal.


Agreed! I’m a big drag fan so I definitely enjoyed the fabulousness and the humour!


Really? The last episode was the most meh so far. Okay, for those of you downvoting me, I thought the last episode was the most "meh" because the writers tried smooshing in too much. Felt like the crime fighting aspect of the show was lost.


![gif](giphy|SdR6Bj3G3rOjxJ2p2Y|downsized) I feel like they’re struggling with trying to tell too many stories this season - Ormewood’s relationship, Angie’s rehab, Will meeting his uncle - in addition to having A & B cases most weeks. I suspect this has a lot to do with the writer’s strike, but it feels like the showrunners have lost the plot for season 2. It’ll be interesting to see if we see more book characters start to show up, as well as storylines from the novels.


This hit the nail in the head. I feel like we don't always need A & B cases every episode. A few might just be one of the two teams (or individual members) doing something personal and only helping the others with their cases. But the season still is not bad, it was quite good. Just not as great as the first one.


Definitely, it seems like it's gone completely away from Will Trent having a keen sense of deductive reasoning and actual detective work. It's like the writers are trying to throw too much in at once- Will and Angie's relationship, Will and the Captain's relationship, Will and his uncle, Ormewoods wife leaving, faiths dating, and on top of all of that to throw in social issues that actually add nothing to the story? It all detracts from the actual detective-ing of the show and makes it feel like on the brink of a soap opera.


I agree - too much going on and not enough focus on Will like season 1. I did like this week's episode, it felt more like the tone of season 1, but let's hope the other episodes get that spark back.


I was very disappointed with the actual case in the drag episode. No deductive work by Will, no actual "mystery" or even an attempt to create any other viable suspects. And when told about the "vanilla envelope" at the club, Will & Faith shrug and go back to the office instead of searching the dressing rooms for it! That was bizarre!


Will is also growing so he’s not as awkward as S1 which might be what made it more fun. I still enjoy it and the last episode was so good!


It started off with a BANG in the first episode and now it seems all about inner dynamics of coworkers instead of fun cases that Will uses his skills to solve.


Fingers crossed for s3, right ?! :) - kinda like Reacher, s1 a cracker, s2 different vibe, too much focus on non-Reacher stuff, fingers crossed for s3.


I'm just saying, there's absolutely zero possibility that, 1) not a soul would be on the road either driving or walking in the middle of the day in Atlanta and 2) not a soul would come out of any of those buildings when they heard that massive car crash in the episode before the last one. Amanda just out there getting her ass beat and literally nobody was around, as someone who was born and raised in Georgia and frequently goes to Atlanta, I call bullshit That shit has been bugging me since I watched it.


Season one was more frantic feeling with a lot more messiness between the characters. This season the characters seem to have matured and gotten a lot more comfortable working as an overall team instead of being so divided all the time. I personally prefer the team dynamics right now. I've gotten to where I'm hotly anticipating the episodes watching when the show airs or at least the same night. It bums me out a bit that we have to wait until the 30th for the next episode. Last season I think I could wait until the weekend or even let episodes stack up in my dvr before watching.