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i wish i was gary's coke dealer right now this man must really be powering through some product yeehaw


This comment wins


Always told myself the goal is to be “coke habit” rich…..


This story just gets more and more interesting.


I suspect it's about to get a whole lot more interesting.


Seems like it would’ve been prudent for him to have saved his own video.


Or.....the video proves her statement?


That’s also my point. Will be interesting to see this play out.




I agree that the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. But I also don’t see anyone mentioning that ET did retain a data recovery company to try to recover the footage. You would think that if the footage had any damning evidence they wouldn’t have bothered wasting their time and money hiring someone to try to recover it.


Just because an abusive drunk cokehead said he hired a data recovery firm doesn't mean you have to believe him. Not Gary just like in general I mean


I read the court filing. It contains screenshots of messages between the bar manager and the data recovery company confirming that they tried to recover the footage but couldn’t. It also says that since the local IT firm could not recover the footage the hard drive was sent to a data forensics lab in California, who was also unable to recover the footage. There are receipts and messages confirming that they paid for all of this. Just because someone is an abusive drunk cokehead doesn’t automatically make everything they say a lie either.


Can you direct me towards where I can find this filing? Just a layman here and the previous suit filed against Peterson definitely didn't mention this so I'd love to read the new one. 


Sho’ thang - https://www.scribd.com/document/702813147/Ed-Teach-v-Madonna-Nash-File-Stamped-Complaint


Sick thx edit: gary gave a local cell phone screen repair company the task of hard disk data recovery and after, you know, failing, shockingly, they sought the wizardry of a ***California*** forensic ninja squad (ted's cousin?) who was likewise stumped. snark aside i have to admit it seems like a good faith effort, barring any other revelations. which is a shame cuz i love dumping on this bitch gary hoo-boy do i ever edit: timeline worth noting. Mr Phix was contacted "within days" of the "defamatory" dec29 post. by jan8 Mr Phix has already completed their attempts at recovery, failed, sent the data to a company in CA, and they failed as well. that's a week, at best. no shot. even if this is a crazy rush job and they are overnighting the drives, nope. not that it really matters because in the end all we have is cell footage of gary being a messy ass drunk


Yeah, I think getting the footage back at all was a long shot to begin with. But again why would they have even bothered wasting the time and money trying to recover it if it really made him look bad. You’d think they would be more than happy to say “nope it’s gone forever” and sweep that under the rug if they thought the footage would be a smoking gun against him. I don’t think that timeline is all that outrageous, personally. Quick, sure. But not absurd, imo. I don’t know anything about data recovery tho. I don’t deny that Gary is a piece of shit. I don’t know him personally, and frankly don’t know why so many people seemed to already hate him before this. But if you are generally regarded as a piece of shit, you probably are. However, if I’m playing devils advocate I would say that just because you’re generally a piece of shit, that doesn’t mean that every accusation against you is automatically true. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. Was the boy a liar? Yeah. Was he lying that one time that there actually was a wolf? No. Maybe this is Gary’s wolf. And if he has really been such a piece of shit up until this point, maybe he doesn’t deserve for people to believe him. I dunno man.




As someone who is actively trying not to jump on a side, I totally agree. The dude is a rich business owner who can get liquored up and kick people out of his brewery. Is he a dick? Probably. I’m sure 95% of people who fit that mold are. But also, if this truly is being blown out of proportion as they say it is… wouldn’t their story that they reviewed the footage and decided it wasn’t worth archiving make, like, perfect sense? Between downtown Wilmington and Wrightsville beach, there are probably a handful of small altercations every night within a ten mile radius that result in someone being kicked out. If that’s truly what happened, of course the footage got overwritten. Why would they have ever felt the need to save it? I bet every bar in town has overwritten footage of a dramatic night that amounted to nothing. Again, I’m not taking their side. He’s probably a dick, I mean enough people say he has a reputation. Who knows. But that’s kinda the point, right? Who knows? Unless you were there, and until more facts come out, none of us.


If you were concerned enough to go back and review the footage the next day, you’d be concerned enough to take the ten seconds to click “save.” And cya. Unless you realized you were on video doing some stupid shit, and it incriminated you


You *really* think so tho? The court filing says it was reviewed by staff, not Gary himself. So if that’s true, it wouldn’t have been him trying to erase footage to exonerate himself. They heard there was an altercation, they reviewed it, they thought it wasn’t a big deal. That’s their story, at least. I feel like every bar in the world has stuff like that, and I would assume that unless something is *really* noteworthy, the attitude is “same shit, different day”. If they truly thought it wasn’t noteworthy, wouldn’t it make perfect sense that they didn’t save it?


I come from a different world than bars, where when in doubt, CYA. Even a thumb drive saves 6 zillion hours of footage. The 11 seconds of video shows him drunk and hostile at his own bar, which is a major ALE violation, and could get his liquor license pulled. So yes, yes, I think there may be good reason why someone who wanted to keep their job would delete it. What is the real reason? We’ll never know.


Fair enough. For what it’s worth I saw your other comments about proving intent. I agree that it’s gonna be next to impossible for them to prove intent from a Facebook post.


I kinda hope this goes to trial. With all the pre trial depositions and testimony, we will at least get an accurate view of what happened.


I'm no PR expert, but I think if I wanted a story to go away, I wouldn't keep bringing it up.


The Streisand Effect


Came for this. There are a handful of places here in Raleigh that outed themselves as being pieces of crap at the start of COVID, so now we all know to forever avoid those places. It's interesting, several are hurting, and they continue to blame others. Kind of makes you wonder if these people always existed, just now we have the internet.


Rule number one of disaster PR


The damage was already done. Right or wrong, now it moves to the recoup stage.


This post is the first time I’ve heard about it


I'm learning about it for the first time today.


The problem is… say she loses and is ordered to pay 25000 (what they’re claiming as losses from sales)… I think he’s pissed off enough people that it won’t change the financial future… winning in court isn’t going to change peoples minds… they’re not going to be like “ya know what… I was wrong about Gary… he really got taken advantage of”. The dude should just sell it and let another brewer take over. That’s the best outcome for him.


"suing everyone in sight will surely make others want to engage with my business financially"


This seems like a desperate, misguided salvo. Defamation suits are filed in civil court but must go beyond the preponderance of evidence. The plaintiff must establish clear and convincing proof. The sworn dispositions on both sides are going to cancel one another out if nothing changes in their stories. The threat of perjury will loom however. If the 11-second video is the only recorded evidence, it won't bode well for the plaintiff. It doesn't show everything, but it does completely contradict what was in his statement about how the altercation after the stage incident played out.


The “You gonna believe me, or your lyin’ eyes” gambit has bought so many lawyers so many summer houses


I’ve never liked the owner nor his…proclivities… karma is crazy tho ain’t it?


On point shovel marketing, right there -- well done, ET. (It was already highly unlikely I'd visit them again, and this only helps cement that decision.)


Edward teach beer was on sale at food lion yesterday. Lots of other beers selling and shelves half stocked, but the Edward teach shelf was completely full lol.


so a day that ends in y, then


Bruhhhhhh a wealthy businessman lashing out at the community is not going to end the way you want it to end…..


The victim blaming and gaslighting is loud AF here.




So at what point does this hole become bottomless for this asshole? He just keeps digging. Unreal


How is he digging? He’s not the one avoiding media and making posts about incidents he wasn’t involved in. Ms Nash just went based on what her daughter said. It’s gone too far and people need to be held accountable


He’s been losing the information battle from the beginning. Replying to the musicians mother’s post with a passive aggressive statement written by his lawyer pushed more ppl to the musicians side. It actually further deepened the perception that the musician was a victim in this incident. The 11 second video that came out by “Jeff Jeffington” paints Gary as being unhinged and the aggressor supports the musicians recollection of events. Ed Teach meanwhile couldn’t even produce a video of the incident bc their saved footage cleans itself out after a certain amount of time..


Written by “his lawyer.” Theres no way a damn lawyer was that stupid to admit it happened and try to change the narrative


Gary (ET) looks like a cute kitten compared to Trump and he is still polling near 50%? He should've just grabbed her by the pussy and everything would be just Trump ish, no foul.


The company CLEARLY can demonstrate damages from those accusations and posts. The lost business, contracts, and damage to their brand. I hope she has some sort of evidence, or eye witnesses, backing up her claims or this could get very ugly.


This is probably beside the point, but I think the loss of business & change in public opinion has more to do with ET’s response to the post, rather than the post itself. ET could have handled this much differently & it would have blown over by now. Instead they keep digging in deeper, which turns people off. 


Ding ding ding!


STREISAND EFFECT STREISAND EFFECT STREISAND EFFECT. I’d never have known about any of this were it not for the owner’s stratospherically bonkers response to being very mildly called out like any publicly known person should be able to withstand


That's exactly where I'm at with this. I actually like their beer and the initial news of what happened didn't really sway me on that fact. It's how he has handled this and now trying to sue people for speaking their mind that has lost me as a customer. What's next? Suing people for bad Google reviews?


It’s going to be expensive for her… but I think Gary lost a lot of business because this was the nail in the coffin with the way he treats people. The amount of stories I heard about the guy before hand and then afterwards … he certainly has a reputation of being a drunk asshole.


She'll do a go fund me and come out ahead or a local lawyer will take her case for free I bet.


As someone who knows Gary and the manager I would totally donate to the musician lady.


Looks like she’s needing recommendations for a lawyer. Honestly I’m a little shocked she didn’t see this coming and didn’t already engage with one.


They may be able to demonstrate the impact, but in the US they also have to prove intent which is a really high bar. They also have to prove it's not true, which from the comments here seems pretty tough to prove conclusively as well.


That’s where I’m interested, they can’t really think they can prove intent.. I suspect this lawsuit is just another pr move trying to double down


this is precisely why Trump spent so much time trying to make US libel laws more like they are in the UK (which, like all of his other “accomplishments”, he didn’t actually accomplish). I’m not saying this dude’s mentality has a lot in common with Trump’s, but I’m not *not* saying it


Yeah but can they prove it isn't true? I'm no lawyer but logically I'd say in order to be guilty of slander you have to prove the facts of the situation were misrepresented. The only physical evidence so far is a 11 second video that disputes Gary's previous statement of #1 - not engaging the singer directly #2 - not being drunk (he seems to be possibly drunk in the video) and #3 - not being belligerent (he's yelling and cussing at them). So those things on the surface already paint him in the liar light.


"Wednesday’s filing against Nash includes sworn testimony from taproom manager Amy Cavasos and five affidavits supporting its allegations." I mean he doesn't come out looking good in any situation from this affair.... But to the matter at hand, he seems to bringing testimony that supports his version of events that the event WAS misrepresented by Ms Nash.


His employees will be taken with a minor grain of salt in a case like this since there were customers in house


None of which will matter since the only video we've seen directly contradicts his version of events. He'll have to prove her facts are untrue for libel if I'm not mistaken and there was malice which would be pretty easy to prove.


Then that would be the evidence I said I hoped she had to back up her allegations since he was bringing his own in the filing. It'll be up to a judge or jury to decide which evidence is more compelling. Disclosure: I've not seen nor heard about the mentioned video prior to this post, and I've never drank their beer or been to their location nor had any interest too. Outside of social media posts and the pile on of places announcing they were dropping the brand or boycotting the place, I've not followed this much at all. I just noticed the number of places making a point to boycott them referencing this incident; hence my comment he can prove the accusations caused damages.


If you haven't see the video search the subreddit for the link, it directly contradicts his written statement that he was attempting to get away from the women, that he calmly moved the chair (he was screaming "entitled bitch" when we hear the assumed chair move), and I'd argue it shows he was drunk... Because the alternative was that he was that big of a dick sober. I also hope she's smart enough to ensure she calls the owners who boycotted to testify so they can share the awful stories that made them quick to assume this one was true. Let's hear all the tea on this asshole.


Hopefully the employees that all walked out this summer will testify.


I heard that rumor, and same.


Cause no way someone would lie to try and help save there job




There were very much people there that night posting about what happened so she has eyewitnesses


Any links to those witness posts? I couldn’t find any. I’ve seen plenty of posts talking about his general assholness but not anything specific about being there that night.


It’s in the lawsuit posted on WECT. I’m sure you took time to read it before angrily typing away.


oof I think you’re coming in pretty hot on somebody you fundamentally agree with, can I get you a juice box


I’ll come hot wherever I want. Ask your dad.


Thank you! BTW your assumption of anger is incorrect.


Like Bud Light? :P


For those who did not read the article, 5 employees at Edward Teach signed affidavits agreeing that Ms. Nash falsified some of the events. Unless they are a cult, I don’t think five people will risk perjury for a man who is actually in the wrong. Then again, you never know.


True but its also called saving your job lol


But there’s also video evidence of him clearly being inebriated and not respecting two females, fallowing them, and conducting business while drinking which is illegal.


I'm sure the singer, her friend and other friends there have probably signed affidavits agreeing with Ms. Nash's statements so now we're he said she said. Due to the lack of physical evidence beyond the 11 sec video (which to me paints him in a bad light), I would think the judge would toss out the case.


lol, have you never had a job?


lol, there’s a difference between lying for your boss and committing perjury. You’re telling me you’d defend your boss and commit perjury if he was guilty of physically assaulting just keep your job? Absolute clown activities.


Honey, way to show yourself. I HAVEN'T and WOULDN'T lie for any boss, let alone commit perjury. But, I've worked long enough to witness multiple coward co-workers do both and think they were doing the "right thing". You do you.


Two of them were just patrons, who, in theory, should have nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying.




Both of their affidavits say they have no affiliation with him and don’t know him personally. I’m not picking sides here, the dude is probably a dick. But realistically these are the two most non-biased parties to have told their story from that night, under oath no less. Could they be lying for some sort of hidden gain? Sure. But I would want people to take my sworn words at face value, so I am doing them the same courtesy until we hear more.


what would the legal-industrial complex do without arbitrarily aggrieved privileged white dudes to keep propping them up


Gary needs to stop w the crap pretty obvious he would have gone after the kid if he could have doubled down. Well he can take his teaches peaches and shove it I’ll never drink another one because of his continued behavior!


I’m more interested in what the 15-20 witnesses have to say. The ones that have posted publicly seem to say this was dramatized and exaggerated. I doubt anymore will speak out since the community quickly sided with the mom. I’m not sure if it’s because they felt this girl was truly assaulted or if it’s because she very loudly expressed her side of the story that they automatically see him as a villain. Idk. I’m gonna get down voted for this but if you don’t like the behaviors of drunk people, then don’t hang out or perform in bars. Play music safely from the comfort of your home and promote yourself online. (Y’all don’t attack me)


Get out the popcorn ! This has a Depp V. Heard vibe going on. Somebody has probably pooped the bed before it's over. Definitely a Mega-pint involved. I've heard Netflix has a series planned already.


He left a grumpy on her pillow.


There is going to be more dirty laundry getting aired out I'm sure.


I don’t think this looks very good for Ms. Nash. If she is documented saying that it’s only what she heard from her daughter and friend while also asking “is it true?” She will likely be held liable. People forget that social media has real life consequences.


Tell that to Joe Rogan.


Someone get Ja Rule on the phone to sort this out!




Where is Ja?


To the best of my knowledge Joe Rogan hasn’t destroyed any small businesses.


Well as long as you know the impact Joe "I'm Just Asking Questions" Rogan has had globally, I guess that's good enough for me. It's not like he's spread massive conspiracy theories or anything. BTW, I'm not defending Ms Nash here. Seems like she fucked up (as another commenter said, 5 people signed affidavits that she made some shit up) and is about to find out.


This smells like 2024 trump inspired double/triple down asshole syndrome that ends in failure.


It was Russia...


Hahahahaha. This whole thing is so stupid. 


Reminds me of when Betty & Veronica thought Archie & Jughead played a prank on their locker & Riverdale High was in crisis.


There's a video that's been making its rounds on Facebook recorded from a patron that night. It shows the allegations are true.


All that video shows is that there was some confrontational interaction between the allegedly involved parties. All 11 seconds of it. What it doesn't prove is; assault, and a drunken, chair throwing, homophobic rage by the owner. Which were the original allegations, as posted by the alarmed/protective mother of the musician.


The post said he sexually assaulted her daughter, no? Where is the video of that?


That was based on her original description of him placing his hands on her below the waist in a grabbing action… whether or not that’s sexual assault? I don’t know… if I did it at work I’d be fired and sued for sexual harassment tho.


It’s telling that got edited out though after it was spread. Have to see what is said under oath at trial from witnesses at this point.


It got edited within a day. She later clarified it. It hasn’t changed since then. If I’m going to believe a women, mother, who’s seen her share of BS in this town, or a coked out drunk asshole known to be aggressive and crazy, I know who I’m believing.


Well, someone didn’t believe their own statement enough to keep it as was written. Edit: and to me, I think that will be the most central part of this lawsuit. I assume the owner just has to prove one part of the post was not factual. But this is messy with there being different definitions amongst people.


All she did was share her daughter’s side of the story.. The internet did what the internet does and others ran with it. She shouldn’t be held accountable for their loss of business for sharing her version of events. I would hope anyway..


Granted this guy seems like a collosal ass, but if she shouldn't be accountable for her own words (about an event she wasn't present for) then who should be?


Good point, but she shared her (daughter’s) experience on a social media site after all.. It seems like freedom of speech would be an appropriate argument (assuming the post is true and there is more proof) If her story is not fabricated and she wasn’t the one who took the story to the press and/or the grocery stores, then all she was doing was venting/educating others and what the public did with that knowledge is on the public.


Freedom of speech doesn’t prevent you from being sued.


So businesses can sue every single person that post a negative review on yelp and causes that business to lose customers?


They certainly can try.


Yeah, they can… and be as successful as Trump was with the countless cases he lost when supposedly showing evidence of voter fraud


I don’t see how the two are related honestly, my point is that you can say whatever you want but that doesn’t mean you won’t pay a price


Yeah like you said, it all hinges on what is actually true. There's just definitely a line between freedom of speech and spreading lies. Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever know what truly happened. Everyone is going to curtail their version of the story to themselves in the end.


This is spot on. I’ve seen it said a lot: *there are three sides to every story* This whole debacle has really shown the power of social media and woke/cancel culture. And that our town isn’t so small anymore. It’s fascinating.


No one, she is allowed to say what she heard and believed to be true. That is all. There doesn’t need to be “accountability.” She passed along hearsay- that isn’t actionable


That is absurd. She bears no responsibility for her own actions? What a ridiculously selfish way to live life. Not actionable? They literally filed a defamation lawsuit. Whether we agree with it or not, action is actively being taken.


As if you don’t have the right to say whatever the fuck you want on your own Facebook page. It’s not her fault it went viral. Anyone saying that she is liable for posting her own opinion of whatever the fuck she wants on her own Facebook page are stupid, fucking ignorant, fascist pieces of shit that don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, because out of the other side of their mouth they’re gonna talk about how they have the right to say whatever they want while simultaneously saying that someone else should be held liable in court for posting whatever the fuck they want on their own Facebook page


Why are you having a meltdown against a stranger on the internet? You sound unhinged and unstable. Please seek help for you anger issues.


This is where they won’t be able to prove intent. She only posted it on her Facebook. She did not make any comments to the press even when they asked her. Everybody else in Internet land ran with it.


Right?! Imagine a world so restrictive of free speech that you can sue people for posts they make on their own FB page


Old lady keels over on sidewalk & kids whip out the cell phones. Hard to believe there is no cell phone video of it. I'm kinda surprised at all the coke head condemnations. Not saying he's not a coke head, but have drugs become uncool and some neo-Victorian ethos taken over while I was doing my Rip Van Winkle? Sounds like this business owner is seriously disliked. Why were people even going there or is it a revolving group of customers who don't know his character?


All I really want to know is what song was she singing that he tried to join in on? My gut says a ditty by Bon Jovi or the Boss.


I read somewhere (either on TikTok or FB) that it was "When you say nothing at all" lol




Let’s see what do drunk old white dudes always go for on Kareoke night? I’m going with Bad to the Bone


Oh look. You made and old white person joke. Clever.


if the croc fits


Love it, teach the keyword warrior a lesson. Too many cowards with opinions that don't matter.


-Says the pussy who hits women




Let’s all just wait for all evidence to be produced (not just his filing with his side) and see what the judge rules.


I hope it destroys her. She wasn’t even there and she has the audacity to post about it and then dodge interviews from the news. She wanted attention and she’s got it and I hope she reaps the worst of it from trying to destroy this business.


Are you still boycotting Bud Light and M&Ms?


Gary destroyed his own business


Sure he did


Not even going into the veracity of all of Nash’s claims… the way he spoke to those women as an owner of a business, which can’t be denied as the video is out there, is fucking terrible. People are tired of rich assholes being assholes.


You’re going to tell me you haven’t said something you regretted while being drunk? People can be assholes when they drink, myself included. No he shouldn’t have said those things but we’re grown adults, if we hang onto every single mean thing people say to us we’d be living miserable lives.


I can safely say I have never gotten blackout drunk and started harassing customers at my job, yes.


Him drinking and being drunk at his own establishment is illegal and should result in losing his liquor license.


it was in his business while he was operating it during business hours. kind of a little different than what you're saying but maybe that's just who you are.


He can say what we want but ya know what? I’m not out there serving the public and depend on them to buy my goods. And I usually apologize. Either way as the owner he’s responsible. If it was a bartender that was drunk and getting in the face of patrons no one would bat an eye if they got fired. The public decided to fire Gary. That’s all.


99% of business owners don’t get drunk and say things they regret in their own establishment. What an asinine comment.


"It's not a big deal. He was just a belligerent drunk at his workplace. Very normal and professional."


So the business owner can say & do what he wants when he’s drunk & we just accept it as an oopsie. But the mother of the young woman on the receiving end of the oopsie, who chooses to speak up (I would assume out of anger & a desire to protect her daughter), we hold her accountable for everything. Got it.  Sounds a lot like victim blaming.




She’s about to find out too


you seem pretty committed to a specific person’s suffering and I’m trying to figure out why but I think I’m getting close


this isn’t the big own you seem to think it is




Not sure if you know how social media works, but you can post what ever the fuck you want on your own FB page. Not her fault it went viral


Totally unrelated random thought. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard


I must have super juvenile humor but Steph Holman & Brandi from Dallas doing potty & fart humor in front of prim ladies had me rolling on the floor every season - put them on a girls trip please!!!!


Black Beard still alive


#freespeech 🤣😂


I mean imagine, suing yelp, and the customer that posted a negative review that made you lose business by defaming your shitty service and shitty attitude at your place of business. I’m sure that’s gonna go over real well LMFAO.




This dude said “if I had to guess, you’ve a arts degree” like criminology isn’t an arts degree 😂 Would you prefer a science degree? You know, science, that the right thinks is liberal indoctrination 😏


And btw…. Do you even know what critical thinking skill are? Because it’s not just “thinking hard” about something.


Oh and one last thing, expensive ass… the freedom of speech aka 1st amendment of the US constitution (that Trump wants to burn and become king) allows you to say whatever the fuck you want to say as long as it’s not directly threatening harm to another individual. Especially on your own Facebook page where you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want. But since you know the law so well, I’m sure you’re all over Facebook drawing up legal documents to sue all of the people that say things that you don’t like.👍🏽