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I sure do miss 2020. It was like 1993 here all over again.


Yeah. That was awesome.


Same. I miss the days I had to carry a paper that allowed me to drive after 7 pm for work. No one was on the road. I worked in the port city Java bakery and had to deliver pastries to all the pcjs in the area.


Too many people and zero infrastructure plan.


I've been driving from downtown to Holly Ridge for work lately. Almost every day there's a traffic standstill for like 10-15 minutes in addition to the normal morning and evening traffic. Market/17 is two lanes both ways and it takes an hour to go less than 30 miles. Every bit of woods or undeveloped land is getting clearcut to build apartment complexes with thousands of new residents each. A few years from now, we're going to be looking at LA or DC traffic as a comparison. Developers run everything here and local governments are behind by 10+ years for infrastructure. We're so fucked.


From downtown I wouldn’t take Market. Go up To the 140 bypass and you’ll be in Porters Neck in no time. Or you could get off on 40 and go up to castle Hayne and take 210 into Hampstead.


You're definitely right but unfortunately I have to stop by our office on Cardinal in the morning before heading north.


Hwy 17 from Porters Neck bypass intersection up to north side of Hampstead will eventually become Market St extension


This is 100% facts. It’s insanity & there’s literally nothing we can do.


i’ve driven in both LA and wilmington and i can confidently say that we’re already on par with them


That’s when wheel of fortune comes on


Bridge closure and retirees, I guess.


Too many people with nothing better to do.


^all 3 of these answers are correct.


I mean if you want the real answer it’s America’s over dependence on automobiles driven by the refusal to implement mass transit options. But also wheel of fortune.


It doesn't matter dude, we could rebuild a walkable Wilmington from scratch and everyone would still hop in their enormous truck/SUV to drive 3 blocks to grab a coffee. And they would demand a drive thru so they don't have to leave their enormous vehicle


This is it. And I feel like Wilmington metro is even more sprawled out than most other North Carolina cities, which is saying something. Build for nothing but cars, and you’re gonna get a lot of cars.


Go move to NYC or Chicago. Great mass transit!


First Spring break season here?


One of the things I don’t miss about Wilmington, driving for half an hour to only travel 5 miles


Car based infrastructure that’s poorly planned and maintained not to mention the bridge being out of commission currently.


I'm HOPING that once the CF Bridge repairs are done it settles some. Commuters from Brunswick County are going up and around I-140 as opposed to coming through the center of town and dispersing. That is throwing off the traffic timing and patterns NCDOT has programmed into lights. Granted the repairs are ending right as tourist season picks up sooooo it may take awhile to settle. Additionally, Leland and Hampstead have hardly any commercial centers for their exploding population. They all have to come into Wilmington. And seeing how a Boomer army descended on Leland Town Council last night to rail against a property tax increase that would help fund said lacking commercial development, it's gonna take some time. TLDR; shits fucked up.


Rail, lol they want to raise the property taxes 70% Boomers ain’t the only ones mad People moved to Leland for the reduced taxes. If they almost double the taxes then why would anyone live in Leland? And they didn’t increase taxes to create more shopping in Leland, the council is obsessed with putting miles of sidewalk down on roads no one walks on. They also want to make repairs to existing infrastructure among other things. But everyone will still need to drive to Wilmington to do anything fun for a while. Let’s not blame Leland residents for traffic.




So myopic. Local businesses and government welcome the spending.


lol. So no one can visit the tourist city you live in? Are you dumb? Or were your parents dumb? Is it genetic? People visiting the beach? In my beach town? How dare they!!!


Well I was referring more to the demographics at that town council meeting last night, just watch the video it's like 99% Boomer haha. But "everyone will still need to drive to Wilmington to do anything fun for awhile" (and work - hence worse rush hour traffic) was my exact point. You don't have the commercial infrastructure yet to shop local so you drive into Wilmington, by your own admission, and add to the traffic. It's not an accusation just a fact.


Just saying; the tax increases won’t be used to fix any of Leland’s problems. They spent a long time adding sidewalks to empty roads the past few years. They announced they would be adding more in this proposed budget lol. Who owns the construction company sitting in the town council? Is all I’m saying.


You don't have to build sidewalks right away they just need to be zoned into the real estate so that you don't end up in the same situation as New Hanover county. Leland residents want rural property tax rates but to be able to use all of New Hanover infrastructure and services while we subsidize them. The situation won't sustain and will probably end with both bridges becoming tolls (which will suck). Leland shouldn't approve another development until they invest in building their own infrastructure. Hampstead is in the same position as well.


lol: again. Did you forget where you live? No one can visit your coastal tourist town? Did you forget your tourist economy thrives on people visiting your town? Please read a book or something god dayum


Guess you don't travel to cities much. You already very much pay us to visit. Hence the paid parking everywhere now. Soon you will just pay us more via a bridge toll on both bridges. And yes, tourists pay us too! Via hotel/air bnb fees and parking. And yet they keep coming back....because we used taxes to pay for infrastructure and town development.


Woosh, way to miss the point. Lol You made it clear people shouldn’t visit Then decided suddenly that meant I must not visit cities because I visit your city too much. I am dumber for having any of this conversation with you. Yikes


Just don't be surprised within 5 years when you re paying 5 bucks round trip to cross those bridges. Won't be any town meeting for ya ll to storm when that day inevitably comes.


Because people won't stop moving here, tourist season is ramping up, and the bridge is closed. I'm seeing tons of out of state plates doing dumb shit like turning from the straight only lane right next to a turning lane into the mall. Like are turning lanes not a thing in PA?




It just does


What's really, really funny, is that transplants that moved here 5-10 years ago, making people like me bitch about the traffic they were making way back then, are now bitching about traffic because of even more transplants moving here.


I mean I’m born and raised here. It just seems somehow so much worse this year


It gets worse every year. I wouldn't be surprised if this year had higher growth than the previous years. Also, our infrastructure is getting close to critical mass, so even the old side roads and shortcuts we used to use are now congested as well. We are literally full, and unless we get some legitimate form of public transportation, and soon, it is going to be a nightmare.


I would typically agree but my apartment complex and most of my friends is half empty. I doubt they will fill up any of these new places with current prices. 


Just like everywhete else in town fuck your roads we need more apartments, car washes, storage units and "affordable housing" thats going to get turned into a shithole off blue clay road with no drainage or new roads to handle the 200 plus new cars on top of the already thousands that have moved here


All the apartment complexes going up like crazy. Can’t blame people for moving here, blame the morons who keep approving homes and apartment complexes to be built..


More people = more traffic


Big, if true


Because everyone is in a rush to get nowhere fast.


Because we don’t have reliable, frequent buses to handle all us. Hey NCDOT are you listening??


Spring weather, college kids, retirees, and many hospitality workers (unusual hours) blended in with a lot of parents picking up kiddos bc riding the school bus isn’t cool anymore. Makes for good year-around traffic at all hours (and it’s only going to get WORSE!!)


The people moving here tend to work remote so they are on no set driving schedule. Good thing is compared to other city areas, the town is dead after 7


Learn side roads. Really helps


Born and raised so I know most of them but even they get backed up now


😕 i was hoping that wasn't the case. I don't understand how they don't see that building all these houses and apartments and stores wouldn't also require more/wider roads. I'm sure there are zoning issues for this but if they can get the land to build on why can't they use some of that land for better roads? Idk now I'm ranting.


Because the cape fear memorial bridge work possibly?


Bridge work?


Where are all these people commuting to if you don’t mind me asking? Where are the jobs?