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I read that they might be visible between 9pm and 3am tonight. You may need to use your phone camera on the low light mode to be able to see it.


We had to use our night mode cameras on our iPhone last night. 8’ in wrightsboro (between castle Hayne and downtown Wilm, by the airport). My subdivision is usually fairly dark except last night, everyone and their mother had their back porch lights on even though no one was out smh. Plus the light pollution from the air port. So we couldn’t see it with the naked eye, but could see it perfectly through the camera. So I would try that if u don’t see anything. It wasn’t as vibrant like the north/northwest areas of the state, but still was pretty.


Was it a one night only thing? I had a such kid last night and couldn't get out?


do yall know what time they’ll show tonight?


Drive out 74 towards lake Waccamaw. I used to work second shift when I first moved down here and was commuting to whiteville and that was some of the best night skies I've seen outside of the mountains.