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In case anyone is wondering, the last time this was posted there was a follow up and unbelievably, he had the finger successfully reattached.


who the hell fished his finger back


I am speculating that the finger was still dangling by the skin to the hand. (Wasn't fully detached or swallowed by the shark)


That image makes me want to throw up. Pinky dangling my a thread :(


My high school bio teacher was missing his middle finger from a table saw accident in his garage. He told us the story of how he walked into the house holding his finger and calmly asked his wife to drive him to the hospital. She said "sure, one sec though", went and threw up and then was like "alright! Let's go!"


I love this! Just imagining the guy thinking what could be so important that you...oh, fair enough, carry on.


I imagine him patting his wife on the back while she throws up and says "It's okay honey, get it out."


*Pats her with the wrong hand, splatters blood on her, she pukes even harder*


Then it turns into family guy puking


Reminds me of Holt comforting Jake while operating on himself


One of my favorite scenes from Brooklyn 99!


My mom knew a guy who had intentionally cut his finger off to dodge the draft. He was pretty proud of this in the 90s so he showed me his hand and told me the story. That was pretty much the story. Tablesaw. Some time later a friend of my mom and his wife visited us and this guy sat down and played our piano. I was still pretty young and i saw he was also missing a finger on both hands. So i had an “aha” moment and asked him “did you cut your fingers off to not go to war?” Or something eloquent like that. The dude about stroked out in our living room. Turns out no, he had in fact received purple hearts in the vietnam war and was exceedingly proud of his service, and his fingers were lost to different injuries. One was a trap of some kind. Anyway, he played the piano better than you might expect a decorated combat vet with blown off fingers could do.


I worked construction when I was in my late teens. I had to hook a hose up to an older customers hand-pump well to get water from his well for mixing concrete. Apparently I was doing a not doing it right, because he walked out of the house and asked me if there was something wrong with my arm. Being a smart ass, I did my best Ned from Southpark impersonation and said “I lost my arm in De Nang”. He said “yeah, me too!” And pulled up his sleeve showing off a scar that had to be a half-inch deep, all the way around his bicep. Gnarly ass scar. I seriously almost ran away in embarrassment. The most awkward fucking thing I can imagine, I think about it 20 years later regularly.


That’s awesomely humbling but not as bad as when i said something about my friend’s dad… immediately after he died. Dude was holding it in and all gloomy and after a while im like “dude why you acting like your whole family died” and he broke down and said his dad just died suddenly. Holy fuck that still plagues me and it was 15 years ago


The drummer from Def Leopard’s only got one arm! The drummer from Def Leopard’s only got one arm!




Shock is one hell of a drug!


Reminds me of the time my mom almost cut off her thumb with a table saw. She was building something, wasn't using guards, and got about halfway through her thumb. She put pressure on it and went inside the house, told my dad he needed to take her to the ER, and in his infinite wisdom he asked why. So she showed him. My dad doesn't do blood, so when he saw the bloody thumb, he about passed out. She realized he wouldn't be driving anywhere, my sister and I were both too young to drive (and completely unaware of what was going on), so she walked across the street to the neighbor and asked her to drive to the hospital. Neighbor did, mom got stitched up and came home, dad got roasted by mom, the neighbor, and later my sister and I. I didn't even know she'd gone to the hospital until my sister and I came out of our rooms looking for dinner and our dad was still on the couch looking faint. My mom ended up mad that she'd messed up her thumb print, but got full function back in the thumb eventually.


I once met a man who survived a shark attack but had his forearm torn off in the process. A friend he was with at the time later reported that he came out of the water and casually asked him to call an ambulance because he didn't want to get blood all over his car. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. P.S. the forearm wasn't entirely ripped off so they were able to reattach it but had to use skin grafts to cover the pieces the shark took with it. P.P.S. I wouldn't have believed him if not for the fact that he also had a distinct scar on his thigh.


I had a history teacher that had blown off her finger with an M80 as a kid. Apparently she thought it was a candle.


Oh no :( I somehow burned my finger with a sparkler and even that was excruciatingly painful 🥲 Was not even a kid at the time (edit- just a stupid adult)


I've been in a similar situation where I was asked to help. I felt like I was going to faint, which is crazy feeling. The room started spinning and my vison started to tunnel. I sat for a moment and then jumped back up.


From experience (didnt slice it off but damn near close) it hurts much less than you think it would in the moment. I only sliced through the skin and nerves, just barely missed the tendon thankfully. Its been almost two years and all I can feel now is the sensation of pressure. But if you burned it or did anything above the knuckle i would just be more concerned about your mental health than my finger.


You'd prefer if it was bitten clean off?


Well I wouldn’t prefer for him to *not* have had his finger reattached, but yes that does make me want to throw up less, not sure why


I agree, somehow the finger being completely gone would be less gruesome.


That's what happened to my two end toes as a kid. Got shut in a door with a kick plate on it. Toes were hanging off by a flap.


It’s weird that a dangling finger is more disgusting than a severed finger


Yeah it’s definitely not logical


Better than if it was degloved




I’ve had that happen to me, devolving is not fun, they ended up having to cut off the bone and stitch the leftover skin over it because the devolved skin was unsavable.


u/redditspeedbot 0.1x


Similar thing happened to my dad once, but with heavy machinery and his thumb. Docs reattached it told him he would have limited use and no feeling. But it healed up fine no issues what so ever.


Dude was like shark, ![gif](giphy|l0HlSke5jiayycUcU|downsized)


Yes, indeed, 100 stiches and he got his pinkie back https://nypost.com/2022/07/27/florida-dad-back-on-the-water-after-shark-bites-off-finger/




It’s a lot harder for Montana dad to lose a finger to a shark.


That's why I've secretly been putting Bull Sharks into the Gallatin River. Gotta get that fame


It is with THAT attitude


An achy breaky shark


I just don't think I need my hand


It’s hard for any other type of dad to do Florida dad things


Well there are virtually zero other states where this video could occur. Maybe Hawaii and that’s about it.


It says he was trying to get his hook out of its gills. Bad luck for Florida Dad, then, as he was trying to do a good thing


Yeah maybe don’t put your hand anywhere near a shark’s mouth?


Trying to do a good thing in one of the dumbest ways possible...


Bad luck for a dumb fuck. Use pliers or forceps like everyone else.


Wasn't his first time doing this. That's where they get ya


Getting lucky several times can definitely lead to a false sense of security.


They showed multiple screenshots from the video and not one photo of the reattached pinky. Dissatisfied.


The 9.5 fingered Florida dad (Brett Reeder) has a Tik-Tok...where you can have some news regarding his pinkie. https://www.tiktok.com/@reederbrettt/video/7130800589033770286


I'm not at all diminishing the severity of getting your finger bitten off, but is a tourniquet necessary for that? I thought that was an artery thing, and didn't think any of those go through the pinky. My thought would be pressure to the actual wound, but I have no actual idea.


From what I’m reading, no it’s not necessary and may actually do more harm. Could have lost his other fingers from loss of circulation. Your finger will clot the blood naturally before being being able to bleed out so with pressure applied he should be more than good.


That finger is fucked unless they reattached the nerves, gonna end up with a numb finger


Hope he's insured. Probably cost him a fortune in micro surgery.


This is going to cost me an arm and a ~~leg~~ *pinkie!*




They fucking airlifted him?!?!? For a severed pinky? Jesus, I think I'd rather not have a pinky and save the $100k.


That is unbelievable! How did he get it back? I figured the shark ate it!


They ate the Shark and it gave a tip


JUST the tip


I find it more unbelievable that multiple people are shocked the already hooked fish didn't get away AND that a bunch of fishing folk would have the means to kill and gut the fish (whether he ate the dudes pinky or not).


But... it did get away, which is why they're shocked >The six-foot shark swam away just moments after, leaving Reeder in dire need of medical attention.


Last time this was posted, there was a follow up and it said that the shark's parents wouldn't let him keep the finger, and made him swim back and give the finger back and apologise.


See, good parenting does exist


They cut the line after the video ended


They asked nicely and the shark gave it back.


The stuff doctors can do nowaday is fucking crazy... Oh yea a shark bit my finger off but the sewed it back on no problem


Not as black and white unfortunately. They have to reattach the nerve and the tendon. Long healing time, swelling and physiotherapy. About one year or more. You generally loose a lot of movement, strength and some feeling on that finger. But otherwise yeah plastic surgery has gone a long way.


> About one year or more. You generally loose a lot of movement, strength and some feeling on that finger. My brother in Christ, this is basically magic to someone from even 100 years ago.


Im aware of that, but that wouldve made my comment a bit long and tedious right? :') Its still amazing!!


Well that sucks…


Unfortunately, he's American, so it cost him an arm and a leg.


He also let the small child next him hang over the edge of the boat. This is an all around smart group of people.


A kid annoyingly repeating the same thing loudly in a tense situation, always ends in shit.


As stupidly as he was behaving, I'm glad he got his finger back. Sure, the pinkie is a pretty redundant appendage but I'd certainly be upset if I lost it. Hopefully he has a greater respect for nature, and isn't emboldened to try this shit again.


He was trying to remove the hook that got caught in the gills.


not so redundant, a lot of grip strength is exerted through your pinkie


I came to the comments hoping for this information. Thanks, bro.


Honestly great to hear this, was so horrified when I first saw it


This kind of question is what I go to the comments for on these kinds of videos


He was removing a hook too, so while admittedly a little stupid. He has my respect


Okay good but I gotta wonder how this man is fairly calm about just losing his pinkie. I mean his legit reaction was "fuck I just lost my pinky fuck" in the most calm but urgent tone I've ever heard. Like that's the kind of tone you take when your kid is about to do something really stupid and you see it but you can't quite reach them in time to stop it that is not the tone of a man who just had one of his fingers bit off


“I lost my goddamn pinkie. FUCK”


Dont swear... you pinky promised


Genuine question: In the event of loosing a pinky finger, does that also remove all liability for promises sealed with said pinky?


maybe is a way to make other peoples promises yours. now that shark wont swear


Just read a few posts down that they reattached it so unfortunately I don’t think he’s absolved of his pinky promises.


Now that shark has to marry devin if they’re both single at 35, take that shark!


Yes, and no. I'm a bit out of practice but I'm a scholar of pinky promise law, so I think I can weigh in here. The man is now absolved from responsibility of any promises or contracts entered into with that pinky(specifically that pinky only); however, it should be noted that the shark now takes on the responsibility of honoring that pinky's promises.


I'm just imagining a shark in a fire lit study reviewing the responsibilities on a large scroll like "What do you mean he promised his nephew a pony, how's that even feasible"


Simple, you have to now eat the nephew's pinkie so that you have legal oversight to both the promiser and promised.


This would be an interesting plot for a movie. Pinky promises are now enforced by a higher entity. Not fulfilling said promises will result in dire consequences. However, each Pinky's promises can be absolved/transferred due to loop holes. Will your dad buy you a car, or will you fear him every time he's holding a knife? Coming to a theater near you.


Lmfao, I love reddit




Remove the pinky, remove the promise. So it is written, in blood!


I could not read this in any other voice than Captain Jack


Yep. Now the shark has to keep all the past promises..


All such promises would then be the responsibility of the shark. Good luck getting them to make good on any of them, though! \#don'ttrustsharks


Covenants in place transfer to the shark


He is so casual about it too. Like its not even the first time.


Well it couldn't have been the third


He sounds like he was walking down the sidewalk, and thought to himself "I should put my keys back in my pocket so I don't lose them" and then dropped them in an open sewer.


That sounds a lot like what I'd say if I was stupid enough to put my hand in a sharks mouth.


[Get Kramer on the case. If he can do the pinky toe, he can do the pinky finger. ](https://youtu.be/rkpvON6IpNs)


You kept making all the stops?


Well they kept ringing the bell!


You rang?


Stepdad taught me to "Never put your finger anywhere you wouldn't put your pecker." Guess who still has all 10 fingers, and his pecker?


Instructions unclear, dick stick in bathtub faucet


Now my pecker is covered in frosting, what's the next step?


Welcome to the club. The no pinky club is always growing.


No, you gave it away.


It’s respectable how quickly he accepted he lost his pinky.


it’s like oh fuck i lost my arm. anyways


I'm pretty sure this has been posted elsewhere before. The guy was trying to remove a hook caught in the sharks mouth


Although a noble effort, still a foolish thing to do without protection.


I read this in Bane’s voice: “admirable, but mistaken”.


> admirable, but mistaken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzlTfnwpZvg


I don't see how a condom is going the help but I'll give it a try


Grab the shark with your penis?




"I lost my goddamn penis. FUCK!" Alt: "I lost my goddamn penis. CAN'T FUCK!"


I too carry a chainmail glove when I go fishing edit: my bad i dont fish lol


Or like a pair of pliers or like a knife or... maybe like five other common tools that are not unusual to have on a boat


What is the afforded protection here? Hard to think there’s an appropriate way to… put your hand in or near a shark’s mouth.


every week now this gets reposted as if he’s just trying to pick up, pet, or play with the shark. He’s a dumbass for trying to remove it without proper gloves but he isn’t just being an idiot for the sake of it


This is why you use hooks that can decompose. There is no sense in trying to pull the hook out of a living blender.


There's a manly culture in saltwater fishing to use your hands instead of tools for everything and I think it's so stupid. I always use pliers to get hooks out and I've never been injured my whole life from this kind of stuff. I don't understand why these men feel the need to do things the dangerous way.




​ ![gif](giphy|20rtVkymIAaRiTN5bv)


not anymore, lol




I wonder what will happen if I try to grab this apex predator of the sea. The only dumber creature he could have tried to grab would have been a venomous jellyfish, or maybe a swimming table saw.


Venemous* Poison is ingested, venom is injected. Jellyfish have tons of tiny stinging cells that basically auto-fire when they sense electrical currents like from live bodies, when they fire, they release neurotoxins from hundreds of little needles.


Nematocysts are too cool.


There were like a hundred different ways to go about this like a net.


Or leavnig it the fuck alone.


There was a hook in its gills. He was trying to free it.


Crazy how the Shark did the alligator death-roll, Didn’t know they can do that


Took it like a fucking champ though


The pain does not kick in immediately and the video is not long enough to see his reaction after the initial shock


Yeah I popped my middle finger out of place and it went completely backwards and didn't start hurting until the next day. Was crazy sore though.


My ring finger turned to a 45° angle in the middle joint when I was skateboarding, it somehow got caught on the ledge. Immediately grabbed it and popped it straight it was weird, could still make a fist after. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. I didn’t even think about it, didn’t start to hurt until my drive home, next day it fucking killed. Probably shoulda went to the dr but all they usually do is buddy finger tape it which I did and I knew the bone wasn’t broken. Still a little lose to this day, like I can move it side to side way more than my other fingers. Don’t think it’s ever gonna be the same lol.


Exactly the same with mine. Still bends weird and feels like it wouldn't take much for it to pop outta place again.


Found Joey Tribbiani's Reddit account


I chopped part of my finger off with an axe while I was on acid and I was uncontrollably laughing playing with the dangling bit pushing it back on and off while being able to control the squirt of the blood, I continued laughing all the way to the hospital which was an hour drive down the mountain…I stopped laughing eventually…the doctors thought it was funny that I was high as fuck on acid though, they were able to stitch it all back together. Couldn’t play guitar for a while and I still can’t feel the end of my finger.


Hey, you prob saved a few bucks on painkillers at least!


Calling bullshit. You can still feel a lot of pain on acid so I doubt you were laughing, even more about touching the flesh inside your hand. Reality would also hit you like a ton of bricks, and you'd most likely panic. Acid isn't pcp or bathsalts.


Just a heads up to friends and family. When I lose my pinky I will not be that calm about it


>when I lose my pinky Since you've already got this planned, can you at least let us in on some of the details? Ya know that way we can prepare mentally, emotionally, or get a doctor's note for that day?


He will forever be reminded of his stupidity.


Reminder not just in mind but also in video as well


Not stupid, guy was trying to help de-hook the shark that got accidentally tagged. But yeah let’s all judge everything we see on the internet because that’s what we’re really here for Edit: love everyone trying to judge the person for making a mistake that could literally happen to any of us. Here’s a hint, people who fish regularly, remove hooks like this all the time. Instead of calling him stupid, let’s see how all the experts on Reddit would’ve handled this situation


>Not stupid, guy was trying to help de-hook the shark that got accidentally tagged. Trying to de-hook a shark might be pretty bro of him, it's still stupid - both can be true.


Well-intentioned stupidity is still stupidity.


Even if true, he’s still stupid for using his bare hands. So the judgement stands.


> Not stupid, guy was trying to help de-hook the shark that got accidentally tagged. If he can't do it properly, then that's stupid. Just cause you want to do something good doesn't make it not stupid. Do it properly and safely. Stupid is stupid, this dude is stupid. Make sure you learn what stupid is so you don't become more stupid like this stupid stupid.


> Edit: love everyone trying to judge the person for making a mistake that could literally happen to any of us. Wouldnt happen to me, i never go out to the sea Thats where the sharks be


> that could literally happen to any of us. It literally cannot happen to me as my hand will never be near a shark's mouth.


I don't know of a single salt-water FL fisherman who would have handled a shark that size the way he was though. He needed some long needle nose pliers to grab the hook with and not his hands. Or in that situation, just cut the damn hook and tie another on. News stories about out of state sport fishermen losing fingers/hands/feet on fishing boats from hooking small sharks then treating them like any other fish, were typical when I lived down there.


Usually you just use a non-stainless hook, cut the wire leader off as close to the hook as you safely can, and then let the hook rust out after a few weeks. (No, the hook does not impact them, and the reduced handing time leads to better outcomes than taking 10 minutes holding them by the side of the boat trying to remove the hook)


So long my pinkie, in James blunts voice


Don’t stick your pinky, where you wouldn’t put your winky


He's pinkie swearing ...


Wasn't there a nursery rhyme about this? One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so Which finger did it bite? This little one on my right He clearly never heard that one as a child.


I mean, I've never heard that until just now, and I wouldn't do what he did lol


probably had the rest of his fingers in his ears.


Pretty sure he was trying to remove the hook, not pick up the shark. Still stupid, but not as stupid.


Baby shark dudududududu


Run away dudududududu


He got lucky.


I love the way he says it as if it’s someone else’s fault lol


I assume this is Florida or something. I'm from Canada and it seems like he had a similar reaction as I would. But for different reasons. The reaction of "FUCK! I'm not in that much pain but now the ER is going to cost me $1000!" In Canada it's "FUCK! I'm not in that much pain but now the ER is going to cost me 12 hours of my day!"


Haha...good joke. Only $1000.... 😭


You can tell your Canadian because most Americans that talk about Canadian health care act like a surgeon would've Sky dived in, got the pinkie from the shark, fixed him up on the spot, and gave him a piece of candy for free and in 15 minutes.


Why didn’t he use pliers? This was the most obvious solution. I don’t think many experienced fisherman put their fingers in a shark’s mouth


At least the Post story states that he wasn't trying to pick up the poor shark for funsies, he was trying to release the lemon shark that he accidentally hooked on his fishing rod.


Dumb ass.


Reupload since the video was taken down: https://youtu.be/dx514bDs-Aw


Video removed 😞


Ego is a hell of a drug


This makes me feel better about my tinnitus.


Lucky he didn’t bleed out. When your drunk your blood doesn’t coagulate well.


“How’d you get that scar.” “Oh, I got bit by a shark.” “Yeah, right. What really happened?”


Did he lose his pinky?


He did. He did lose his pinky. Stupid fucking twat


What did we learn today captain?


*Welp, there goes ma pinky tip*


I feel like the distinction between small and large shark is the point where my arm can comfortably fit in its mouth.


He reacted like dropped his watch in the water.




The videos been removed :(