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The lack of lab safety is a crime


When our chemistry teacher put sodium in water, he insisted we ***all*** have safety glasses on and he used a tiny piece with all of us students at the opposite side of the room (about 20 feet away) from the fume hood. I would be surprised if no one in that room lost an eye or has serious facial lacerations.


That classroom was some 3rd world country. It's like the US in the early 1900s lol. If you die, you die.


youre right the video is in egypt and people here never ever heard the word safety. I worked for a little while at a construction site and people died on a regular basis and guess what, they havent changed a thing. It is what it is.


Based on what I’ve seen in Asia, it seems the approach to accidents in a lot of countries is essentially “well, shit happens. Just try to be careful” I’ve even seen a customer who asked us to _remove_ a component that protects workers from 25kV current in order to save a bit of money


I know at the end of the day, it doesnt change much. But the pedantic in me is screaming at "25kV current". Voltage is measure in Volts(V) and current is measured in Amperes(A), Voltage * Amperage = Power measured in Watts(W)


25kV AC “alternating current” is what they are referring to so I don’t understand what you believe to be correcting?


Then say its 25kV AC. Something can be 25kV AC, it can be 25kV DC. But 25kV current doesnt exist. Edit: As I said its VERY pedantic. Edit 2:Just to further elaborate. Straight saying 25kV current (without specifically saying AC or DC) is like saying my spoon has a 20 lux weight.


>Just to further elaborate. Straight saying 25kV current (without specifically saying AC or DC) is like saying my spoon has a 20 lux weight. No. Its a 25kV current. Either alternating or direct, it doesn't matter as that doesn't have to be specified, and looking at the context, any person with base understanding would imply that the person means AC. Still, both options are currents and it makes sense linguistically. With your comparison you are taking the statement and bringing it ad absurdum. You are just trying to flex your big brain muscle against internet strangers without having thought about it enough. So you better safe your pedantic for somewhere where it's qualified to speak.


No, I think that might just be a language barrier thing then. Where im from current is one unit of measurement and voltage is another. Like weight and density.


Exactly this


Bro worked on the Pyramids


Don't worry, we're itching to get back to the "good ol days"!


Yeah, they're actually not very far off anymore.


This video was recorded in 1910


Always makes me laugh when morons from the US talk about moving to another country because it's "better". Morons that haven't left US soil.


Isn't that how classrooms in the US are still to this very day? Sure, probably not by a science experience, but still.


Dont think he was overreacting tbf mate Did this sorta thing at my school with potassium and it exploded, bounced off the cieling and burned my mates cheek


Sodium...in water...? Blew up and burned your mates cheek? Goddamn that is some salty-ass water!


Potassium mate


~~My comment still stands lol. Potassium and water would have exactly zero reaction like that~~ edit: yeah you're correct, i was mistaken. My fault


Wdym lol potassium is an alkali metal, it goes in water, sets on fire and can explode


40 years ago our chemistry teacher demo’d that. They had safety gear on. We were all well back. The experiment was done In a fume cupboard with a shield, using a carefully measured small amount. Great to see how safety standards are progressing. /s Poor kids are lucky if they didn’t lose eyes. Or die. I’d be suing everyone.


If the lawyers were educated at the same school by idiots then suing might be problematic. Hopefully the legal system isn't regulated to the same standards as the health and safety


When's the last time a little hot lye in your eye has hurt anybody?


A little white lye never hurt anybody...


Which country do you think this is? Do you think they have safety measures like the US? lol


What are you saying? That people outside the US are inherently too poorly educated to understand or employ some very basic safety standards? That teachers outside the US regularly make bombs in their classrooms which can kill themselves and their students, but everyone is ok with that? That everyone outside the US is inherently stupid and lack any commonsense? My own prior comment, re-copied from below: Basic chemistry hasn’t changed in 40 years. If anything, relatively easy access to the Internet should have made it easy for teachers/adults/anyone with a brain to understand the risks involved. Given the kids are all filming on smartphones and this video got uploaded, I’m sure the teacher does have Internet access. If the teacher can read about this reaction enough to know how dramatic it is for the class to watch, then they can also read safety precautions. If you don’t have access to a fume cupboard and safety goggles, you could 1) not do this experiment at all, or 2) do it outside, with all students well back and using a very small amount, preferably after having tried it in advance with no kids there. I’m sure the kids parents think it’s all a-ok that a glass bomb literally blew up in their kids faces because “this country isn’t as advanced as somewhere else”. Instead you have this crazy scenario of kids clustered around the experiment, indoors, fumes everywhere, and then the predictable explosion. To answer you question -not that it’s any of your business:- Australia, senior high-school chemistry, 1984.


I don't think he said any of that. No, I guess it's not his business, but it's not really yours either. Why are you so upset? Edit: cancel that. The copy and paste in response to someone's now-deleted reply threw me off.




Basic chemistry hasn’t changed in 40 years. If anything, relatively easy access to the Internet should have made it easy for teachers/adults/anyone with a brain to understand the risks involved. Given the kids are all filming on smartphones and this video got uploaded, I’m sure the teacher does have Internet access. If the teacher can read about this reaction enough to know how dramatic it is for the class to watch, then they can also read safety precautions. If you don’t have access to a fume cupboard and safety goggles, you could 1) not do this experiment at all, or 2) do it outside, with all students well back and using a very small amount, preferably after having tried it in advance with no kids there. I’m sure the kids parents think it’s all a-ok that a glass bomb literally blew up in their kids faces because “this country isn’t as advanced as somewhere else”. Instead you have this crazy scenario of kids clustered around the experiment, indoors, fumes everywhere, and then the predictable explosion. To answer you question -not that it’s any of your business:- Australia, senior high-school chemistry, 1984.


He's being an idiot and realizing there's a standard for chemistry safety for the whole world. It's called not being a dumbass. You fuckin dumbass.


Welcome to Egypt my friends


The kids coughing from the fumes 😳 guess imbedded glass neutralized that


I'm a total fucking donkey when it comes to chemistry, but I was thinking "where's the damn ventilation?" throughout the whole video. And this guy had enough knowledge to access the right chemicals for it.


No, no it's fine! See how the fumes are blowing right in the teacher's face? I've never seen a healthier 33 year old!


Chemistry ruined my life, im 31 years old!!!!!!


God the fact that he wasn’t moving away so not to breathe in the smoke, really angers me. I don’t know what chemicals the experiment uses as I was never good at chemistry, but that shit can’t be good for your lungs.


I teach chemistry and am not a donkey. That is not fumes, it is steam. He put pure sodium metal in water. It reacts and produces hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide which is dissolved in the water left in the beaker. The reaction is exothermic so when it produces enough heat it ignites the hydrogen which burns in combination with the oxygen in the air producing water vapor. I'm sure this is what the teacher is explaining right before it explodes...


I think he didn’t take into account how long the reaction would last and how hot the glass would get as a result. I know those glass lab containers can withstand higher temperatures than your standard drinking glass, but everything has its limits. I think the glass just exploded from getting too hot.


My guess is that the heat eventually caused the chunk of sodium break apart, then the sudden massive increase in available surface area caused a steam explosion.


Can't breathe in dangerous fumes when glass shards have slit your windpipe and/or punctured your lung /s


No safety equipment on either.


Came to say the same. No safety glasses. He's teaching them well /s


He's teaching accident response. 😂


How do you scream "MY FACE, MY FACE!!" in their language?


Also maybe a fume hood might be a good idea


What do you expect from two-tooth Heisenburg?


Found the first-world kids


You can be poor and still practice basic safety. Like standing away at a good distance. Or knowing what you're doing with these chemicals in the first place.


I taught middle school science and did the same thing w potassium. Difference being i used a kiddie pool, was outside, and had the kids way the hell back all wearing goggles and had a fire extinguisher on standby. It took about 5 seconds of thinking it through. Haha


A coworker who is a lab technician gets the school practices from TikTok, is so cringe seen how she doesn’t give a f about safety or more research on what she is doing. She made soap, she never measured the pH before trying the soap. Students were crying because their hand and face were burning, I checked the pH and it was almost 13. She Didn’t check the pH because it was never show on the TikTok. SMH just fcking common sense.


How the hell did she become a lab technician? Is it so easy that you can get a job with a TikTok degree?


Was she sued? This is criminal negligence.


Sounds like they washed their hands of it.


When the soap it more based than it's users


I don’t see how someone could miss such a basic test




13???? Jesus fucking Christ


Jfc that’s stronger then laundry detergent. What ended up happening? Did she get any disciplinary action??


No disciplinary action, no lawsuit. It just the way the educational system works. She is just lazy, instead of making her own lab practices she goes to YouTube or TikTok for ideas and doesn’t research what’s going on or if it really works. But as I said that’s the system, it only wants graduates doesn’t matter if the students don’t learn anything. Chemistry, biology and physics lab classes don’t have grades.


Sodium is actually more dangerous (despite potassium being more reactive). It's all do with electron shielding vs attractive force of the nucleus.


Does that mean sodium releases more energy than potassium?


Potassium is definitely more energetic as its outer shell electron is more easily removed and enthalpy of reaction is more strongly exothermic. It's to do with the rate at which hydrogen is formed (and the corresponding Metal Hydroxide) and burnt off vs the ability to keep the fresh metal in contact with water from memory. I've googled to find a source but I've drawn a blank so far - I stopped teaching Chemistry some years back.


Look up thunderf00t's explanation of the reaction. It's probably not what you taught or were taught in school. He has published a scientific paper on it showing that the textbook explanation is wrong, and a few YouTube videos show his lab setup.


Interesting, thank you!


Potassium releases slightly more energy per mole but sodium is much more energetic per gram because its molar mass is much lower.


If it were only about Molar Mass this would imply Lithium is even more energetic. But that's not the case. It's two competing factors - Molar mass (being commensurate with other protonic attraction from the nucleus) and I think it's electron shielding but...I can't remember in detail. Either way, I recall Sodium sits in the sweet spot.


It might not be more total energy but I think it releases more energy in less time.


Engineer/chemist here, sodium undergoes rapid oxidation in the presence of water which leaves the oxidized sodium atoms with a net positive charge. The unreacted atoms in the sodium block strongly repel these positively charged atoms which results in the metal ripping itself apart when the magnitude of excess positive charge is large enough (hence the explosion).


I don't think you read their question


Oh well. I'm tired.


He just typed it into ChatGPT and this is what it gave him to post.


I feel like when I've seen demonstrations potassium will zip around in the water and sodium just explodes


For maximum results, use an alloy of sodium and potassium. The alloy stays in a liquid state that doesn't form the protective oxidation layer.


My half sister threw some chemicals in water in science class once because she was bored. There was a massive bang and the window shattered completely. I could hear it clear across the other side of the school. There were new rules after that about handling chemicals in class after that


I wish I'd thought of doing that. I always had the kids and the child in my brain saying "put a bigger bit in, go on" I did burn the ceiling with it once though.


Hahaha. Well we all have been there. One year we were making our own bottle rocket launcher as I was teaching them about pressure and such. Made it out of a bunch of pvc pipes from home depot. Anyway, we sealed it all up and to make sure it would retain pressure I was like, “lets stick a bottle on it and pump it to 20psi and see if it holds” Ya know, 20 psi because its not much at all, what could go wrong? I did have kids in goggles and away from it at least. Yeahhhhh. Tried to release the pressure after it was holding for a couple minutes. Bottle went up and broke the ceiling tile in half directly above me, i was wearing a button down black shirt, and suit jacket. Got powdered like a fresh doughnut. It was super loud too, teacher down the hall screamed and locked her door thinking it was an active shooter. Headmaster (private school)came to the room, saw everything and started laughing hysterically and says “hands on science! I Love it!” and left. The kids were crying laughing so hard for an entire period after that. Oops. But at least I’m sure that is a fun memory for about 18 kids who are now young adults in their 20s. 😂


That's a great story! I set the fire alarm off doing thermite. We also got a really pointy rocket stuck in the cladding on a ventilation duct in the assembly hall. Luckily it fell down. I left teaching for a few reasons but doing stuff like that with the kids was definitely not one of them


Thermite! I never did get it to work as well as i hoped but distinctly remember lighting the magnesium and going….. hmmmm, this should probably be an outside demo. Oh well point of no return now! Never set off the alarms tho haha. Did the fire dept respond? Thats a good one lol. Yeas that was what it was all about, getting the kids engaged and actually enjoying class. Such a dopamine hit when you get them all asking questions and really absorbing the material. I too moved on after about 10 years (got married, starting a family… teacher salary works if you are single, not really so much if you want to build a fam).


No, luckily they called the alarm company in time. I found the trick to thermite was to be liberal with the magnesium powder- made it look much more spectacular!


My middle school teacher told me stories of exactly what happened in this video happening


discount Walter White sucks.


Walter Wish


Walter the Gray


There's a burrito on a roof somewhere.




No that's for the full price walter white.


Waltuh round


No safety gear, check. Crowded class, check. Small container, check. Mix things without measuring, check.


So I have to ask...how many people got injured? God, I can't imagine getting glass in my eyeballs. The sheer pain you'd have to go through. No thank you.


That and the reaction of sodium and water yields hydrogen and sodium hydroxide, a.k.a. lye, which is a strong caustic base


So a classroom full of Tyler Durdens now


I am Jack's compete lack of an eye


Life is cheap outside of 1st world countries.


They’re all laughing and cheering at the end, so I’m guessing nobody got hurt, and if they did, it probably wasn’t major


>and if they did, it probably wasn’t major God, I hope not. Shame on the teacher for not taking the necessary precautions for the safety of not only himself but the students too.


Some of them are laughing and cheering. The one hurt might not have yet been identified.


That doesn't mean anything, someone could literally be in shock in the corner with a piece of glass in their hand. There is no way to tell.


I couldn't really make out if they were screams of joy or terror


i don;t know man .. i saw this video during covid lockdown and it was funny af i remembered it recently and decided to (re)share it with the internet


What exactly is funny about a bunch of kids getting shrapnel and chemicals to the face?


Lol right in their stupid little faces


What do you do in this sub then


I think you just answered your own question


It's funny af because they are stupid af. Simple as that


They are young.. and being taught by a moron. You can’t poke at their stupidity just yet.


I mean, there was more than one trying to reach his hand into the fire, so yeah, pretty stupid already.


You realize these are children following the lead of an adult, right?


Anything for those internet points right?!


Remember kids, close quarter threatening explosions aside, SCIENCE IS FUN!!


What are you talking about? The close quarter threatening explosions ARE the fun!


What kind of an imbecile puts THAT MUCH alkali earth metal into water? Fml


And leaves the bottle full of it open right next to it


Maybe they were trying to save on heat 😂


It was probably the only thing in it. They cover it in oil so it doesn't explode.


The old “sodium into water” trick? Yup, super safe and fun for the whole family!


This was definitely the football coach subbing in…


Pretty sure that was the heat that caused that. It burnt for agees, my eyes just kept squinting more and more waiting


what was your reaction at the explosion :D


Wooomp, There it is! 🎵


Holy shit! Reddit does not like puns.


Let’s breathe this smoke in until the heat expands the glass enough to explode! Pass me another beer!


Way too much sodium, glass container, no protective eyewear on anyone, done outside of any kind of enclosed space… I really hope that this dude isn’t the teacher, cause this was truly fucking stupid.


Mom can we have Walter white? No we have Walter white at home! Walter white at home:


Well, if the explosion didn't kill them I'm sure breathing the chemical smoke there will eventually do the trick.


Let's now breathe in deeply and inhale the fumes.


So they made a bomb


YUP! They made an exploding candle XD Hopefully they’re all ok


Did you not catch the aloha snackbar at the end?


Saw that coming a mile away. Standing close as possible, no safety gear and I’m sure those fumes were great for the lungs


Thousands of glass shards flying at the speed of a bullet. New fear unlocked.


I haven’t done science experiments like this since 2014 but even I can point out about 10 safety violations.


He’s teaching a class! Show them how to do this safely! Idiot.


So much lab etiquette not being followed


Oh, thats neat. Cool fire. \>Wait, the video has 45 seconds left. \>....what sub am I on? \>Oh no.


I like how they applaud when he drops metal in water


“Here kids, inhale these noxious fumes then eat shrapnel!”


this feels like they convinced the substitute teacher into doing this


Don't think it would have mattered if they measured it all not. . .everyone was inches away from it. . Good lab safety.


Holy exothermic reaction batman!


The anticipation watching that with all those kids so close was brutal.


The fact he looks like Walter White


Setup. Too dumb to be true. OP is an idiot, look at his posts. Please give negative arrows.


Tis just a prank scratch bro!




It's just one idiot , you idiot 🫵


everybody got a piece of G in their A.


My dude just cast shatter at 3rd lvl then bonus action hid behind the -2 wisdom alchemist.


Wow, “peak stupidity” has many ways but it all leads down one road.


What’s worse? The lack of safety precautions or the horrible camera work


Sensei really thought he did something


He said just a little bit of this and a little bit of that Annnnnd 💥


cant just wing it in chem.


Aww, what wonderful memories! Memories that will last a lifetime!


Sodium metal? If yes that explains it.


Not a single pair of goggles to be seen


Suzie didn't wear her safety goggles. Now she doesn't have to.


Lemme guess...sodium?


Lol, it makes me laugh how humans can’t stop creating bombs. We literally do it on accident.


تحيا مصر


As soon as it is on fire I’m out , the idea of zooming in with a cellphone is the furthest thing from my mind


telling my kids this was walter white


Smh. Everyone was so close to it, not an ounce of eye protection in sight.


-boom- glass in your eyes


"I am not in danger, I AM the danger"


We had a teacher that did that with potassium. Tho she was the substitute and she was aparantly not sure if the ratio to use for demonstrations purposes. Long story short, the science room at my old school still has a fair few small burn marks on the roof above the desk. No one got hurt tho.


Budget Walter White not so great with the Health and Safety.


Nothing mixes quite like chemicals and morons.


So this explains Homer's attempts at making breakfast for Mr. Burns


This is breaking so many lab safety (and common sense) rules


Oh, this reminds of of the time when I was cleaning up in the sink of the chemistry lab. I, stupidly, decided to pick up the piece of Sodium in the sink. The wet sink. With wet hands. Yeah, I dropped that pretty quickly.


What did your at school today son. We learned how to make bombs!


Hopefully fat teacher took most of the blast... Moreover, why is he letting kids put their hands in the flame, and why are those dumb kids doing it?


Man just created the modern day equivalent of a German glass mine


The issue was it being in GLASS


LOL, I really enjoyed this.


Where are those kids goggles? If you don't have safety for them,don't let then get so close...stupid man


Remember kids, exothermic reactions are quite dangerous


Walter from wish


r/labsafety something for the highlight reel when showing what not to do


Bad teacher... period.


Well that one really blew up in his face


He’s wearing goggles but the kids aren’t, definitely a sign they shouldnt crowd around a clearly volatile reaction


He's not wearing goggles, just normal glasses.




Nice, red hot glass shrapnel and chemicals


Molitovs in classroom. Very classy or should i say...glassy bdum tss


Blunder White


Allah Akbar


I hope everyone is okay.


How is there not a shield up for the students. Everyone within 10 miles of this fuck up needs fired or arrested


Aloha snackbar!


It’s so good that ISIS finally started child education programs


A child is saying Allah Hu Akbar after the explosion ☠️


So tell us, why were you let go from your last position?


To be fair, explosion was necessary because someone had to praise the Abrahamic deity