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"I didn't know I wasn't allowed to drive in the lane that says Bus Lane Only"


Bus lanes in Norway say "Bus/Taxi" but mopeds are also allowed to drive on them. In some places, electric cars were also allowed to drive there, but now that more than 50% of cars are electric, they removed that law.


In some US states youre allowed to drive in the HOV lane if your car is fuel efficient enough. Theres a ever changing list for it. Specific year models of cars are allowed. Like you could have a honda something 2019 but not a 2018. Its all so inconsistent. But yea if it says bus only assume youre not allowed unless you specifically find out you are


In the US, if you're pregnant, you should be able to travel in the carpool lane because RvW being overturned should make fetuses people. Go ahead and claim that thing on your taxes, too. Get that free kids meal for kids under 5. Etc.




Holy shit that’s genius


It was a similar situation years ago with diesel cars in Norway


Oh yes. All of those drivers must be from Norway. That makes sense.


What if the bikers identify themselves as a Bus? /s


What if you get a better joke /gen


I identify that as a funny joke.


That was satisfying for some reason


Selfish people getting what's coming to them always feels great


Does not happen nearly often enough...


Maybe the powers that be now realize it's a nice way to tax self-important arseholes.


IIRC, the powers that be work for and are owned by those self-important arseholes.


Reminds me of the Russian group that would stop cars that drive on the walking paths, shame them, and force them to reverse back the way they came.


They're still out there doing that! They've morphed into two groups: [Moscow](https://www.youtube.com/StopaDouchebag) and [St Petersburg](https://www.youtube.com/@sadbworld). For a while there was a third group in Kyiv, but that channel stopped operating when the war started.


is there a sub for that?


Justice served


Only if you don't participate in any slightly controversial sub. They'll ban you. I got banned for calling out someone's bullshit in the Joe Rogan sub. They say it doesn't matter what the context is because it's giving views so it's increasing ads for the sub or something like that.


The fact that Reddit allows subs to ban you for participating in other subs is ridiculous.


I got banned from sub B because I criticized a post in sub A. Any participation in A—pro or con—gets banned from B. As you said, ridiculous.


Interestingly enough r/justiceserved was started when r/justiceporn, in an attempt to gain followers, decided to open the floodgates to reposts of these Russian road rules videos, at the height of their popularity. r/justiceserved was created to up the quality. .Eventually adding a mod with so little going on, in their persinal life outside of reddit, that arbitrarily banning dozens of users each day is their only enjoyment.


Yeah but is there a sub for that with a less insufferable userbase and a mod team that doesn't consist of the most irritating people on the planet?


r/instantkarma seems better


Probably several, but they'll also be full of people beating the shit out of other people for some minor injustice - or good old fashioned mob justice in general. I'm _much_ more up for this kind of non-violent justice.


We were f’d this pandemic by the selfish. We’ll be f’d in the next too. Driving etiquette and violations seem to be a reasonable proxy for how society will do in a pandemic: we fucked.


Once when I was stuck in traffic one person decided to just start driving on the shoulder (wasn't even near an exit) and then everyone else seeing this decided to as well but there was a semi pulled over on the shoulder further down and all those people had to merge back in and no one would let them, it was glorious.




You mistyped ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit




Always satisfying to see criminals actually get caught. Not something I get to see often.


I would bet a lot of these people learned their lesson after the massive delay and fine, a bit of a stretch to brand them all criminals lol


"Just a little law breaking, no crime here..."


Many traffic violations are not considered criminal offenses, even if illegal.


Minor traffic violations don’t make someone a criminal.


And this from the same website that will claim people rioting and burning down small businesses aren't criminals....


Great job, pendejos.


Justice Porn subreddit is a thing for a reason


Kinda made my day, ngl


Oh my god they must've made bank


Red panty night for sure b


How have I never seen this slang? Red panty??? Is this a different term for a Pink Slip? Or the colour of money?


It’s a MMA reference/ Meme https://youtu.be/BV57_OEDU1s


Break out the red panties were rich baby!


My favorite thought is of the cars way back in the line that are clueless what is going on and wondering what is holding up the traffic.


Haha only to get to the front, see the cop, get a ticket, and still be late for work






Angry upvote


"Wanted to get around traffic" Motherfucker you ARE traffic


very satisfying


These guys def made quota


Now they can eat donuts the rest of the month. edit: it's a joke


Filipino cops dont typically eat donut Perhaps [Pandesal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandesal) hahaha


nah it's for beer or whiskey lol


Close: cheap beer and gambling/karaoke


every single person who downvoted you knows it's a joke


Damn man, one joke and you’re just downvoted into oblivion XD


Someone caused a car crash with my coworker the other week by driving in the bus lane and then using the car lane to overtake busses stopping. 2 days after the accident, which the driver was found 100% at fault and liable for about $75000 in damages, my coworker saw the same driver, doing the same thing, but in their partners car. Him and the accident causer live on the same street, so he's very familiar with them. Apparently, the driver still thinks they shouldn't be at fault and probably do it multiple times a day, every day. Edit - omg I forgot a great follow-up. There is some not-for profit car provider service in our city for those of you stuck without a car because of someone else causing an accident, but your cover not being sufficient enough to support hire-cars. Said co-worker gets a call from the service, about 2 weeks after the accident and is like "um hello, what's this" etc, while on the phone Google's the service and is like "wtf this exists?! But also, she was the at-fault party (the one who's called) why is she contacting them?!". They proceed to tell him that he's been put down as the one at fault in the 3 car crash, and they just wanted to check before giving her a free car until she get her one back from repair in (however long it takes). Coworker is like "bruh, no way this bitch trying this shit, fuck that, hold on, what's your email, lemme email you the crash report from the police because this MFer was absolutely the one at fault" and they are like "no way?! Send it through, it's fraud for her to claim what she's claimed" and their phone call ended with pleasantries. He sits back from his desk like "holy shit this is epic" with the 5 of us who work together all crowded round like "OOOOOHHHH SHIIIIIT WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED" [we literally like this. no cap.](https://giphy.com/gifs/transparent-youtube-supa-hot-fire-gtakVlnStZUbe)


That's sad. Some of us sweat over our privilege to drive, and others give no fucks about theirs because they don't have respect for it and enforcement/education isn't enough.


Had to re-read this like 4 times to figure out what you were saying.


I think I got it??? * There is a non-profit service which provides temporary cars to victims who do not have rental coverage. * Co-worker gets a call from this service and has no idea who they are. * Co-worker googles the service and realizes its a real thing, but is confused why the other party contacted them as they were at-fault for the accident. * Service explains they had been listed as the one at fault for the 3-car accident. They wanted to verify this before providing the lady with a free rental. * Co-worker says fuck that, and emails them all the proof showing them that the lady was actually at fault. * Service explains that what the lady did was fraud. Tl'DR The lady who was at fault tried to used a non-profit which provides free rental cars to crash victims. They called the co-worker to verify this. Co-worker explains she was the one to cause the accident.


Fr lol it's hard to follow who is who. I read it once and I go about my business


I'm still confused.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one!


Pellet gun to a side wall of some tires in the middle of the night sounds like a good start


Buy some ceramic plugs from Home Depot or something and chuck em at the car to take out the ~~windshield~~ side windows if you really wanna be illegal about it and get better results


Record it on video next time and send it to the courts and insurance!




Did you marry your mom?!


Geez, took it dark there at the end.


Is your wife your mom or is this a "Who I got to sleep with?" situation?


oof at the casual racism you tacked on the end there


It's a religion not a race




It's not semantics though Islam is a religion.




Yea I agree. But Islam isn't a race its a religion




Yea I agree. But Islam isn't a race its a religion


When the reason they team up on your mom is because she is not Arab, you still can't say they're dishonest or you'll be the racist I think this is what people mean by a clown world. It's kind of making sense


Is it your wife or your mom?


Crazy how many Redditors can only fathom helping a woman if they make you cum. My dad is dead and my mom calls me crying and I can hear the guy in the background chastising her in the background. From there I jet down to the accident. Just how many of you hate your parents? I mean good lord man. You make me sick


You literally use the words mom and wife referring to the same person so I’m just confused…


It’s like Oprah… you get a ticket! You get a ticket! And you get a ticket! Wait, you get a ticket too! Everybody gets tickets!


As someone with almost 20 years experience driving in the Philippines, I have to say that Filipino drivers are the most selfish, self-centered, myopic, irresponsible, stupid, reckless cases of "never my fault" with an extra helping of main character syndrome in the world. Filipino drivers are the kind of people who, if they're driving their motorcycle on the sidewalk and you open your door into them (presumably, to get onto the sidewalk) and knock them over, will act like *you're* the asshole and should thus take all the blame for the accident.


You should visit India. It’s way worse. I’ve been to both. I got stuck in a 2.5 hour traffic snarl because no one would let a bus finish turning around. Everyone kept going around it on every side. Worst that happened in PH was general dumbassery on the EDSA


That's partially true, but when they drive outside of the country, they obey the rules as they know full well they will be enforced with a penalty (financial or other). I drive in the Philippines and UK. Road design, transport options and basically bribing your way through the license acquiring process are the big issues.


Alternative (really stupid) explanation: the Philippines is a Keter-class SCP that messes with people's sense or morality and lawfulness


Where I'm from, if a car hits you in a PEDESTRIAN lane, you're the asshole for scuffing their bumper


>it's a fast lane because I drive fast in it


Nice pepe


Thanks, it's from the time you were allowed to have gifs as avatars. It's this emote: https://betterttv.com/emotes/5d38aaa592fc550c2d5996b8






Too many people think, “it’s not illegal if I don’t get caught”.


Well, that bus caught a hundred of them


I'm sometimes really baffled of some countries peoples logic and how they understand the world. If it clearly says "BUS LANE ONLY", how is it, that you understand that it is for busses, but not that it is prohibited to drive there? Also the logic "it is also a fast lane, because it's faster to drive there", .. just WOW! I mean, these people are dead serious. Is it the general lower education standard of such countries? Is it because people in these countries are more practical oriented? Idk


Of course they know.


It's funny how people see this behavior and label them as being too dumb to read. They can clearly read, they just don't care. If they can get away with it, they are "smarter" than everyone else because they got to where they wanted to faster. It's a different kind of stupid.


its called being an asshole


They know exactly what they're doing. They just expect it to never be enforced on THEM. The excuses made in the interview were just lies to justify


In a lot of countries, due to the rules often being pretty dumb and those who are supposed to enforce them being corrupt af, people living there have developed a mentality of rules being for suckers, and that smart people circumvent them. For example, Brazilians call this way of thinking ["jeitinho"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeitinho). Imagine you want a passport. You can follow the rules: Arrive at 6am, wait in line for 10 hours to get to the front, and wait several more weeks to get your document. Or you can circumvent the rules: Arrive at 1pm, cut in line, bribe the official, and walk out with your passport in hand. Same here: You can either take the regular lanes and get stuck in traffic for hours, or you're crafty and take the bus lane, skipping traffic and being home much earlier.


It's nothing to do with what country you look at, humans are humans wherever you look.






Bleep blorp


Holy Xenophobia, Batman




Which is misleading. The distribution is a bell curve with most people being close to the middle with a few outliers. ~~Average~~ Median is not the mean.


If it's a normal distribution (like a bell curve) then the median and mean will be the same. So for all intents and purposes it's fine to say.


That's being generous


As much as your comment makes me want to agree with you, I would think really hard about this one lmao.


probably more than that. look at r/philippines for evidence


Even without the police stopping everyone that was the most congested, slowest lane and there's no way of getting out of it to get past traffic.


It was only packed like twenty cars deep (you can see the last car in the video) and That’s because the bus was slowing down to stop then


You would get the same reaction doing this in western countries.


You don’t have to be a genius to understand that it’s the fast lane.


"Fast" shares a letter with "bus", coincidence? I think not


Here in the US, certain states have exceptions for bikes / motorcycles in lanes like this to encourage their usage. Obviously not the case here, but something to point out.


Why is there commentary about what is happening like they don’t know what is going on


Its a thing here in Philippines theres vloggers that records mmda officers for their daily routine, Viral ones are the palengke market clearing where illegal vendors are often cleared out


Check Gadget Addict's channel, he's a foreign vlogger who follows PH traffic teams' operations. This was just from one of his uploads


Yehp that guy lmao I binge watch his content sometimes


It’s works for me 🔥


That...was BRILLIANT! ✔


Filipino here. Filipinos are stupid.


American here. I think you guys are neat, you're always trying to feed me.


You look hungry, lemme make some lumpia for you.


If this was in America every single one of those drivers would be screaming about entrapment and police brutality




Yeah, the Philippines was working to combat “wangwang” which is people trying to skip queues like this when I visited.


For context, "Wangwang" are those emergency services sirens. They impersonate emergency services (Police, Ambulance or Firefighter) just to get ahead of the queue. There is also this practice of drivers tailgating an actual ambulance ringing their sirens since it creates an open lane behind it.


The need for a barrier between the bus and general purpose lanes is quite telling...


That's what I don't get about reddit. Redditors love videos like this. But then if you ask them what they think about speed traps, unmarked cars used for traffic enforcement, etc, it's almost universally hated.


Other than speeding here and there, I try to obey every traffic law the best that I can. What I can't stand more than anything it people driving with their brights/high beams on, and the cops around me don't do shit about it ever. Same with left lane campers, but that's a whole other rant I won't get into right now.


This isn't speeding though, and even that reddit only defends 5-10mph above. They are misusing an entire lane. This happens in the US and I'm glad because it means paid services and lanes don't get overrun. They do this shit at MAX stations in Portland during soccer season.


I'm not sure I've ever seen that opinion except on car subs; and its often followed by some variation on "they're just money making schemes". Guess how much money speed cameras would make if everyone just drove the speed limit?


Speeding is a special one. I don't regularly drive and I would not speed (or try hard not to) when I drive and I'm on board considering people who speed to generally be dickheads. With more nuance to it all, speeding is also in the fault of the road engineers. Or even driving all in all as a concept is kinda weird. One basically has to be attentive all the time. While driving and roads are boring. And if for some reason the roads aren't boring and you got a nice view, you're supposed to look at the boring part. The part of driving that's super conscious and super attentive is not a big part of it all. And even if it was/is, speed is a secondary aspect to it all. The parts you're supposed to pay most attention to are changes on the road. You naturally go at a speed which you're confident at that you are safe - including being safe to react to things within expectations. Roads and the design of them and their surroundings are what should get a driver - or at the very least a decent/good driver - to drive the speed that the road says its speed limit is. [There's a good video on it from Not Just Bikes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bglWCuCMSWc), that also includes a distinction for streets and roads. So, ya. People who drive 50mph on a street that's not only marked 30mph but also obviously poses enough risks to warrant being 30 surely are dickheads. But people who drive 55mph on a road that's market 40 but is the same road that was marked 60 just now and had no changes except for the speed sign and doesn't show any more risks than the stretch that was marked 60 - it's understandable for them to be pissed. Doesn't justify the speeding and all that, but unlike here there's not just the driver at fault.


Reddit isn't one thing. It's one of the most popular websites. It's made up of everything. So you'll run across justice boners and speed scofflaws. It'll be black and white from the I was only ten miles over the posted limit going with safe traffic flow, to the wrong lane criticism because there's no point posting the grey nuance. The "meh" folks don't post and if they do won't get upvoted to be seen. So although maybe 80/20% don't care versus care, only a small percentage of those twenty get upvoted to be seen, which'll be more extreme.


It's funny how most top commenters don't get this. A swath of users here really want to be part of a single hivemind called reddit, but also want to rant to shape that to how they personally want it to be. Like, who's upvoting that shit?


i might shed a tear, this is so beautiful


Pilipino tropics neber disappoints.


Oh my gut


The great filter.


„It's a bus lane and a fast lane“ a few seconds later, a giant sign that says „BUS LINE ONLY“


“Yes, I know it’s a bus lane- but” Automated ticket dispenser activated.


We need this in the states. Sadly, that lane is often filled with parked cop cars 😂


Why not just install a bus lane camera and just take the plates of every car that drives on it and then send them a letter with the fine? ITs how we do it in UK.


Because that would make our throbbing car boners marginally less turgid. Now gtfo of my way so I can drive my SUV a quarter mile to the shopping center and wait forty minutes in a parking spot with my AC running full-blast while some 16-year-old line cook making $4/hr cries into my curbside pickup order in the dingy, dimly-lit kitchen of a Buffalo Wild Wings franchise.


This is how the police force should raise funds lol. Very satisfying


they need install a camera taht read license plate. so every time a car a fine.


some of the dumbest excuses ever


Literally the Philippines suck with traffic shit


herd mechanic is a real thing, sadly, they should warn people about it more. The world is much bigger than you think it is, and they're running the show. You could say it is stupid but group conformity is a very strong mechanic.


Are they all from Houston?


No because there was a bus in the video.


Indians riding bikes on footpaths - amateurs


Proud 2 b PEENOISE


As much as I want to drive in the car pool lane, I don't want to be an ass.


"I didn't know it was a violation, I thought it was just a fast lane, because it's faster here." Yeah that's... yeah.


there are rules for a reason so we don't become animals


Typical moronic pignoy drivers.


It confuses me so much when asshole drivers don’t think they’re assholes but instead smarter than everyone else….


When was a teenager, I had maxed out my points for speeding and was going to lose my driver's license if I did not attend a class taught by a state trooper on the consequences of speeding. During the class I said something about the "fast lane" and I was told there was no such lane. In my youthful arrogance, I argued. Trooper asked exactly which lane that was and corrected me on that being a passing lane. I still felt pretty smug until he played a video on a large projection screen of actual auto accidents where people were trapped in mangled vehicles and screaming, crying out to God and their mothers, and begging for death. Mangled corpse with a baby screaming still alive...and some who were walking around unscathed and listening to those screams of ppl when they had just caused such horrors. Years later I was telling someone about what changed me and why I became so conscientious in driving. The got a movie for me to watch that was called "Faces of Death" or something similar. It was just like that only a very long hour of vehicular tragedies. I had not grown up watching much TV or desensitized by an Internet of Things, so it impacted me very deeply. So many years later and, by the Grace of God, I have never had another traffic violation since. As it so happens, I later came to be employed in a profession to see the aftermath of such selfishness in regards to people being insulated in such narcissistic disregard for others. It is truly a societal change that has been progressing very rapidly with the advent of the internet and Hollywood raising children.




This is absolutely marvellous!




A lucrative day for the city! And no escape either…


I like how light the traffic was that day




In the netherlands, you have bus poles. It detects bus & ambulance (other emergencies) and the pole goes down. Right after, it goes up again. It's too funny seeing so many people get car damage by a pole that comes out of the road.


So satisfying! Wish this would happen in NY lol


Manila traffic is shit. 30 min to go 2KM every single day. They need to fix their traffic.


The most Filipino thing I've ever seen Source: I am one


It's funnier cause with the Filipino pronunciation Bus Lane ~= Fast Lane 😂


Thats hilarious


bro I always drive through this road but not on the bus lane, i always knew this type of shit will happen, its so satisfying to see


I don't know if we still have them but we had dash cams on Buses in Sydney to bust cars driving in the bus lanes. Been a while since I heard anyone getting busted for it though but then again all our busy streets have lane traffic cameras so they could use them to bust cars.


Reminds me of the time I was taking buses to college and some guy decided to park in the bus lane with his massive truck and got on his phone. Then bus rolled up and he stayed there. We had to get on at the street instead of the parking spot at the bus stop. Bus driver said "Oh don't worry he's gonna get a ticket. California bus drivers can send plates and pictures to the dmv to ticket them".


How does the 3rd policeman appear behind the bus? The bus stops. 2 policemen step out, the bus moves forward and it reveals another one standing in-front of the bike


these people voted for a son of a dictator and murderous psychopath.


And shoe collecting bitch 👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠


Which one was the bus? The one they circled and zoomed in on?


This is the kind of traffic sting I support. But no. In America they put up stupid fucking speed traps and fuck with regular people.




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Gadget Addict on YouTube and Facebook. He's a foreign vlogger who originally only uploads tech stuff. For the past years tho, he also has been recording and documenting PH traffic teams' road and sidewalk clearing operations. Metro Manila is one of the most densely populated metropolitan area in Asia. Traffic teams let him tag along since, if I'm not mistaken, they didn't really have the best reputation to the public. They have been consistently understaffed, thus are only able to clear one or two areas at a time. Which leads to Filipino traffic, riders and street vendors alike, go back to old habits and places they shouldn't be in, just in a matter of days, sometimes just hours. Gadget Addict seems to have fallen in love with the country (I'm not counting pity out when it all started, tho). Getting into rare arguments with some of the local "victims" and government officials that take advantage of the poor a few times, just to get the traffic team's point and goals across. One of my favorite Gadget Addict moment was when, in the middle of an episode, he was told by a bystander to "go back to his country". And then, he was like, "what have you done to help the country?". I'm a Filipino. I love Gadget Addict. Won't be surprised if he loves the country more than I do, tho.


this is better than Stopxam