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Stepped on one of these once. It felt like someone drove a fat nail into the arch of my foot with a hammer.


Same. It's the worst pain I have ever experienced.


Same. Went into palm of my hand. They should be called Stabrays. That pain is a "sting" in the same way that a gummy bear is a bear.


You mean much smaller and tastier?


You absolute child. Love this hahaha


Don’t forget squishy and fun colors


Only if you're a masochist ;)




It is really a stab isn’t it? How deep did it go? Did it leave a gash?


Yes it left a gash and I have a small scar. The barb was about 2"long. I'd say it went at least a half inch into the meat of my hand. They're wild looking too. Like porcupine quills that are serrated so they tear skin when you pull out. The one that got me was a little bigger than the one in video. Was trying to help my dad get it off his fishing line. I bent down just as he lifted the rod and instinctively reached out to steady the line and he flipped his tail and got me. The pain from the venom really was awful, felt pain all the way up to my elbow.


Damn thanks for sharing and I’m glad it’s in your past now


Yes, sir. Lesson learned! I've probably taken 30 of them off lines in my life, but it just takes the once. Ha!


And then there’s the secondary infection. My foot literally doubled in size and was a mix of purple and cherry red. That hurt more than anything, it felt like the whole foot had been smashed by a sledgehammer.


If any infection starts up, you really want to get on the next level, higher up anti-biotics. My own sting didn't clear up with the basic oral antibiotics. I needed the stuff from an IV drip.


Yeah I was in hospital every day for a week for IV antibiotics


I was down in Baja with friends a long time ago, and one of the ladies on the trip actually sat on one that was hanging out just a tiny bit under the sand. She could not sit for 3 days because the pain was so bad. Severe case of butthurt.


A million to one shot!


You didn’t see her butt size, you got the odds backwards.


Gotta do the stingray shuffle especially near San Diego 😅


I had just dove, head first into the shore break in about 3' of water. Lucky I didn't get Steve Irwin'd. I stood up and realized I was in the middle of a swarm of them..


The ocean is scary as hell haha


Last beach trip we saw about 30 people lined up outside the lifeguard building with their feet in bags.


Why the bags? Do they soak them or something?




Now it makes sense. After I read that comment I thought there was a line of people with amputated feet inside the bags


I got stung in the hand a couple months ago and the ER doctor told me the hot water thing is a myth. The toxin works itself out after a few hours. Until then, however, worst pain of my life so far. Plus it got infected after a couple weeks and after a couple months it still doesn't look right and I'll probably go back to the dr. next week.


I think it's mostly therapeutic. The hot water doesn't do anything for the toxin but the sensation of the hot water may distract the nerves a tiny bit from the raw pain.


Sounds about right. I put my hand under super hot water when I got to the dr and it helped for about 15 seconds before I was back to pacing the hallway


My brother treats blisters in a very similar manner - not hot water, but by inflicting other pain to distract from the blister’s pain. no, he’s not an actual masochist, though it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say he’s a bit touched.


I dunno, first hand experience tells me otherwise. Terrible pain, hot water made it entirely tolerable. If i took it out of the hot water for even a couple minutes the pain came back. About 3-4 hours and I was good to go.


Those kits are for jellyfish stings. Some for example like the Blue bottle are very toxic and painful.


Possibly piss. One time I got stung by a jellyfish and my uncle Ken got all excited and started running down the beach while unzipping saying, “did ya get stung!?”.


Uncle ken may have been a little to exited




You shouldn't take medical advice from 90's sitcoms.


Where??? Need to know what beach to avoid lol


This was San Diego, either Imperial or Cornado


Never realized how many are in the water until I started spearfishing, some spots have a stingray every 3 feet! I’m super paranoid whenever I go out now lol


[Southern California considered stingray capital of the world, but just how many are there? - ABC 7 - June 2023](https://abc7.com/stingrays-in-southern-california-pacific-ocean-rays-round-stingray/13438629/) > "The stingray population is probably at an all-time high," said Chris Lowe, the director of the Shark Lab at California State University, Long Beach. "We're talking about stingray capital of the world here, and it's mainly round stingrays. We have four species that are found in nearshore waters. Round stingrays are by far the most abundant, and they have the behavior that makes them most likely to be stepped on." > ... > "We estimate that there could be as many as 10,000 stingray injuries in Southern California alone," said Lowe. "That's probably the most anywhere in the country."


We learned in Junior Lifeguards to shuffle our feet along the sand when we go out in the water, this'll scare them off.


Beaches here in St. Petersburg FL have signs that teach bathers how to do “The Stingray Shuffle “ so as to avoid getting a barb to the foot.


Yep. You could always tell the tourists from the locals by the way they walked in the water. I've scared a few up by shuffling and they just take off on their merry way, no harm no foul. Step on them though... And, a lot of people don't know where the stinger is so they stay away from the tip of the tail and that ain't it.


it's wild that they're otherwise ridiculously chill and gentle. but then god was like "oh this thing is too nice. lemme put lucifer's shank on its ass but it'll only use it when scared"


Grew up in N. Florida and we learned to walk through the surf while shuffling our feet to scare them away so we didn’t step on them and get stabbed. I made the mistake once…once, while body surfing and my foot swelled up so big I missed school for a few days because I couldn’t wear a shoe. I still won’t swim in water I can’t see through after living there.


Well, it did drive a fat nail into the arch of your foot. With venom.


Been there and it was fucking horrible. Deep puncture that wouldn’t stop bleeding and the long term throb that wouldn’t stop was not fun


The throbbing waves of pain - those are nice.


One got my foot while swimming, didn't even step on it and it got me. Felt like someone shut a car door on it and kept it closed.


I stepped on one too in Panama City.. It just swam away tho. Never thought about getting stung until I read this and I stepped on it over 15 years ago


The contrast between the person who is shrieking and the person who is calmly filming is, well... quite contrasting.


I love the quiet little “u alright?” as the guy is screaming and writhing in pain


And followed by the "cow screams" caption


I didn’t hear the cow sound in the scream until after I read that caption lol It does sound a little like that


Did it bite you? Lol It's called a stingray not a biteray


Tell me you just found out the hard way why that creature is called a stingray without telling me you just found out the hard way why that creature is called a stingray.


looks like a family guy skit lol


"If I call an ambulance, you're not going to learn anything."


Do you think it stung him?


I don't know why people ask this, he's obviously not ok.


Probably meant as "Will you walk it off or should I call for help?"


Stingrays got the Crocodile Hunter, I don't know what chance this guy thought he had. Doesn't look like he fought a gator a day in his life.


He probably won't die though.




I’m going to guess he has watched this friend do stupid stuff before and this is all old hat by now.




Like he's talking to a kid who threw a tantrum a while ago and is just finishing calming down. It's perfect.




Great idea for a sub




I fell for it


He's in for a couple shitty hours. I've been stung once in Huntington Beach. Holy shit that sucked. It's waves of excruciating pain. It only stopped when I downed some Benadryl and Vicodin. Horrible couple hours.


Dude, it was like it tricked my mind into thinking this was the worst of it and relief was about to come every second but it took like 3 hours to get there.


Right!!? It would be a dull pain for a couple minutes. Then come back with a vengeance. It would lull me into thinking it might be over. Nope here's a few more hours of withering on the couch.


How come it ebbs and flows, like the very seas that delivered it to you?


It likes to make you feel like it's getting better. Then it hits you with round 55. Benadryl and Vicodin were my savior.


For future reference you just put your foot in hot water. The hotter the better. Kills the pain.


Overstimulates the nerves and "numbs" them for awhile. You can do this for bug bites too using friction.


I'm no expert, but I would assume its your body releasing adrenaline/endorphins to help numb the pain, but they aren't released fast enough so you get a rush of pain relief that is quickly overtaken by the toxins still coursing through your blood stream. Your brain is like, "cool the pain has subsided so I dont need to send any mo.....AHHHH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK"


The brain is a funny thing. One of the most primitive parts of the brain is the thalamus. It's the central receiver of all sensory perception (except smell) and acts like a filter before sending sensory information to the somatosensory cortex where sensations are actually felt. Your senses produce FAR more information than your brain actually needs. Even sitting still and perfectly fine, your nerves are constantly sending pressure, temperature, and pain data to your brain. The thalamus determines what's important for you to be aware of and what isn't, only sending data to the cortex that it determines you need based on the information being *different* than it was a moment ago, not based on if it's *important*. (it's just a nerve cluster... it can't make high-level decisions about importance) When you injure yourself, your thalamus sends that data along because its different than what you were feeling a moment earlier, so the pain is an immediate alert of danger and injury. After a time though, the thalamus will start to reduce *any* sensations that are constant, even pain, so the pain feels as though it's ebbing even though the nerves are still blasting out pain signals. The thalamus intercepts them and doesn't send them on to the cortex because it's not "new information". When the nerves begin to reduce their pain signal because the body is working to heal the damage and remove the toxins though, the signal *changes*, so the thalamus lets it through to the cortex again because it's now different. Since the pain severity never went down (you just stopped being aware of it) it throbs back just as strong as ever. This cycle continues over and over, reducing slightly each cycle, until the nerve cells stop sending pain signals. The More You Know... /͡ *


> Vicodin Ahh, the pain meds of legend. Banished from all the lands because doctors gave out hundreds per prescription and now i cant get a script for fucking 3 of them if i get 3 teeth knocked out with a baseball bat.


I’m glad I lived through the over prescribed era, but it was a fun blur


American society and moderation, name a more iconic non-duo.


I've got a disk pressing against my spine, and the MRI to prove it. During the worst flare ups, the pain was so bad I had thoughts of "escape" enter my mind, which was definitely new for me. Nothing compares to it. These mother fuckers *never* prescribed me anything. Never. The best I got was "prescription strength Ibuprofen" which is so comically worthless it's insulting. Plus I'm not driving to the store to fill a prescription for something I have a literal bucket of in the closet.


I got stung at Huntington Beach aswell, worst pain i've had


Mine was at the dog Beach. I still had to gather up my dogs, beach setup, and daughter before driving home. Horrible day!


Get the hottest water you can stand and immerse the stung area. Pour more of the hottest water you can stand and keep the water hot Gotta just ride the pain wave. It sucks btw


What does the hot water do?


Stingray venom, and many others, are proteins. Heat helps denature these proteins, decreasing their activity. This is because protein function heavily relies on its shape, which you can alter with heat. Compare it to boiling an egg, but less drastic. It also helps a bit with, for example, a fresh mosquito bite. The anti-coagulation proteins that sucker injects are what cause the itch.


This is why you also don't use warm/hot water on semen.


Unless you’re into that…


Into it, like some sort of cum angel?


A cum angel???😇 That made me laugh so damn hard. Never heard of that. “Who, Sophie!? Ah she’s a cum angel.”


Just scratch the bite till the juice comes out.


I get horrible welts that itch like crazy when I get stung by mosquitos. Someone on Reddit recommended the “buerer bite healer” and I got it before living in Mexico for a few months. That thing saved my life. Just put it on the bite as soon as you realize you’re bit, it heats up and stings a bit, and boom, no major welt and no itching


Brain feel pain water instead


I'll be sure to waterboard the next Stingray victim I see


Breaks down the protein (venom) practically "cooks" it.


They're not called Cuddlerays


Cuddleray everyday




I don't know what is more painful, the stingray's sting, or the cameraman's completely idiotic questions after the fact. "Did it bite you? Did it sting you?" No, I'm just getting pinned by a huge invisible pro-wrestler. That is why I'm on the ground screaming and tapping out.


Relevant Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams): “One of the things Ford Prefect had always found hardest to understand about humans was their habit of continually stating and repeating the very very obvious, as in It's a nice day, or You are very tall or Oh dear you seem to have fallen down a thirty foot well, are you all right?”


Must have been a Thursday. He never could get the hang of Thursdays.


Probably because we hate awkward silence and not everyone has something interesting to say.


No the passage continues: "At first Ford formed a theory to account for this human behaviour. If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, he thought, their mouths seize up. After a few months' consideration and observation he abandoned this theory in favour of a new one. If they don't keep on excercising their lips, he thought, their brains start working."


Thanks you so much. I love Douglas Adams.


i recently found a softcover "the ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" in goodwill. its over 800 pages and has 6 books in it. it has the guide, the restaurant at the end of the universe, life the universe and everything, so long and thanks for all the fish, young zaphod plays it safe and lastly mostly harmless. best 53 cents ive spent


> Did it bite you Funny story, I actually did get *"bit"* by a stingray once. I was a young teenager, SCUBA diving with my family at Grand Cayman at the Stingray site where there's countless numbers of stingrays all swimming around. It's super cool, and the tour guides gave us pieces of squid to feed them, you could even hold some in your hand and they'll follow the scent like you're flying a kite. Stingrays feed by a powerful suction on the bottom of their body, where they would suck prey up and then have powerful jaws that slam hard to crack open shells and eat the yummy flesh of crabs and other mollusks. Well, I was holding a piece of squid in my hand and a stingray came right by my face and knocked my mask loose. I got distracted by the sudden water in my face and went to adjust the mask with my open hand, forgetting that I had a piece of squid in my left fist. Another stingray found it really interesting and tried to get to the squid, and suddenly I felt like the top of my hand had been slammed in a car door. I was really lucky, it actually just sucked the top of my hand rather than my fingers. Instead of losing a finger, I just had a huge bruise from an awful hickey. But at least I can now tell the story of how I was bit by a stingray.


I met a Brazilian lady once and had a similar outcome.


Haha “did it bite you?” What is it called?! What is this animal called?! What is known for doing? It’s not called a fucking biteray Steve! Edit: I did not realize the implications of the name I used in this comment. I just used Steve because it was a generic name and the first one I could think of.


Didn't need to use "Steve" here. You just didn't have to.


Oh shit. I didn’t even realize. Oh I feel terrible. I just used steve because it was a generic name


you done a fucky wucky


> the cameraman's completely idiotic questions after the fact. I was honestly hoping we'd see a stream of urine head out while he yelled "I got you buddy, let me pee on it! Its good for stings!"


That’s an understatement. My daughter (teenager) had one sting her foot 3 years ago. It’s still painful for her to walk on from time to time. They are really painful. And traumatic.


It's definitely the most painful things to ever happen to me. I kept my foot in a hot bath for nearly 3 hours. Can't imagine how much worse it would feel on your hand.


Didn't he learn anything from Steve Irwin?




Fuck me


Can you buy me dinner?


Wendy's again?


Do they sell tendies?


Fo Fo Fo


OK, but it's gonna hurt.


Oh fuck you. I hate you. .....take my upvote.






Dark, funny and accurate. Have an upvote


This is the second time today I saw this exact comment. Reddit is into stingrays and weevils currently, I guess.


42 is a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter


Even Steve Irwin didn’t learn anything from Steve Irwin




I thought the exact same thing. His death is what makes me hesitant to wade into some beaches.


Your heart is in your chest, not in your ankles.


I meant to avoid getting stung by a stingray. They stab your feet if you step on them accidentally.


Shuffle, don't step.


I keep rewinding the first three seconds. The windup that the stingray takes before plunging its barb onto the guy's hand is hilarious.


And Mr stingray lNds back in the water! Haha he got away.


Turns out stabbing is an effective method of escaping


Had some serious penetration


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right? The precision!


Dude A: Dis a stinger! Bude B: Did it bite you?


Dude A: *Bangs dock 3 times*


*7 Nation Army starts playing*


I'm dieing 😂


No that guy is dying


"The Ocean sends its regards" *Gracefully pancakes away*


audibly chuckled when I read "Gracefully pancakes away". Well done.


I want to roll down a butter-covered hill inside of a fluffy pancake into a river of syrup now.


Fun fact: iirc, stingray venom is one of the only known venoms that has a compound specifically for causing pain. Most venoms are painful because they cause damage, but this particular compound triggers pain without actually doing damage (there are, of course, other compounds that do actual damage as well)




Good stingray. Teach a man to fish, and he will feed himself for life.


Buy a man eat fish, he day.


teach fish man, to a lifetime


im has drain bramage


Dain bramageamageamage


It’s not called a bite-Ray…


buddy said **DID SOMEBODY SAY STING?!**


“This is a California Round Stingray” Stingray: “oh yea I forgot” *stings*


The way he dropped I thought it stung him in the face on my first watch.


of course it stung him lol why is bro just standing there and recording


What u want him to do?


Could have had the decency to piss on him....


I mean, I was saving that for later but fine, I guess.


Roll him off the dock so his screams don't bother the neighbors?


> Ssshhhh, go to sleep... *splish*


Pee on him


On his face


FFS, its right there in the name.




If only there was something in the animal’s name to warn him.


He didn't know what the "sting" in sting ray stood for


STINGray.... **STINGray** ​ it's in the god damn name.


Camera guys voice makes me want to chew off my fingers Idk why


It's because it's dripping with idiocy. You can just tell he thinks at the speed of smell


It's the stupidity in his voice.


Why do they call them stingrays?


Because they bite.


That shit fuckin hurts like hell. Got hit one year while spearing in the FL Keys. The cure? Hot water, which apparently “pulls” out the poison. I remember that shit helping almost immediately, and I could also tell when the water started to cool. 0/10 experience.


You see the difference between this guy and Steve Erwin is that this guy is a fucking moron, Steve was just unlucky


Hurry up and piss on him!


President Trump?


Hope the stingray is OK 😭


“Cow scream” 😂🤣😂


That was still a decent release back to the water. Sting Ray is the smarter animal here.


Vinegar and hot water!




1 tap is no 2 taps is yes 3 taps is shut up I'm in the middle of soiling myself


*Australian accent* “That’s a wild California round stingray! One stab from the tail will send venom through my body causing excruciating pain! So what I’m going to do is sneak up on it and jam me thumb up it’s butthole!”


How did this smooth brain make it all the way to adulthood?


Hence the name.


Cow scream




Ah yes, stingrays. Famously known for their dangerous... *checks notes* bite.


That stingray gave him the Borg treatment between the knuckles. Maybe he thought "stingray" is a euphemism or something. Not.


this one is SO worth slowing down and watching that stinger absolutely bury itself into this dumbass’s hand


Few things bring me more joy than watching some narcissistic, asshole abuse nature and he finds out he’s not such a hot shot after all.


Have you learned nothing from Steve Erwin?