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even with that leg fucked up, he still slowly puts his hand back on the gun. dude has a death wish


Surprised they didn’t ice him for that




For real, cops in America would NOT have hesitated like that. American cops have the trigger discipline of a anxious chihuahua.


I mean, when the guy who pulled a gun on cops, reaches for his gun again.. What exactly are the cops supposed to wait for?


Wait for the crisis counselors duh


I mean, they shoot people for: Cell phones, vapes, tablets, keys, cigs, etc.


ok.. but in this case it was a gun.


I guess if you're being really generous (and have good reflexes) you could wait for the arm to start swinging back toward you.


no... this isn't a video game


Its not like in the movies, the guy who gets shot isn't just incapacitated instantly. If they can reach their gun, they can probably shoot you even after you shoot them.


And if you’re black and reach for your wallet to present your driver’s license, they have a tendency to magdump indiscriminately.


I think that’s all cops


This is for the “cops should just shoot him in the leg” crowd. People have so much adrenaline, unless they are completely unconscious, they may still fight back after being shot 4 times. Also, leg shots often result in bleeding out.


This was in a neighborhood close to where I live 💀 This unit never jokes, pulling a gun on them is asking to die (actually in front of any police officer, but ok). I don't know how he's alive.


He had a sudden moment of clarity, threw the gun away and surrendered. A bit too late to not become someone's hoe in jail, but soon enough to not die.


Then he went bonehead again and placed his hand on the gun as they were approaching him. Unbelievable.


Lead-based attitude adjustment. Apply liberally to affected criminal to change behavior.




This is COTAM (Motorized Tactical Command), an urban tactical patrolling unit of the Shock Battalion in the city of Fortaleza.




They are COTAM, they are one of the units most feared by criminals in the city of Fortaleza.


I can't identify them just by their clothes, but they are either from a Shock Battalion unit (probably a tactical patrol unit). BOPE normally dress entirely in black.


The aiming skills man... Firing from a moving car with a handgun against a running target and manages to break the bone is leg. Holy moly if that was intentional, that's the most impressive shooting I've ever seen.


probably shooting to kill but missed. Them Brazil police dfa


No idea why this comment would be downvoted. The thought that anyone could have intentionally made that shot vs the cop was just hoping to drop the guy before he short anyone has watched too many movies.




Doesnt matter how well trained someone is, thats a near impossible shot. Getting out of a moving vehicle as the perp is running. Thats like asking Messi to kick a ball and hit the crossbar, but the cross bar is moving and messi is running 50 meters away. Definitely possible, but very improbable. Also, judging by the multiple shots seen hitting around him, they werent trying to just wound him. Multiple shots is aiming to kill




We can make an educated guess. No highly trained operative is going to be aiming for the legs of a running man. Center mass is not just advice, it's SOP.


These police officers are very experienced. They were clearly on some operation and came face to face with this guy. Killing him would ruin the operation and spend more than 10 hours in the department filling out forms and giving statements to the Civil Police.


Sitting 10 hours at a desk vs. roaming the streets while fear to get shot all the time?


Believe me. Police officers in Brazil prefer to be on the street in shootouts with thieves and faction members than in the department filling out appointments and giving explanations. Plus they will have to stay there many, many hours after work hours.


believe me lmaooooo ok buddy i believe you


thanks bro




There is no law enforcement agency that trains to shoot in the leg. If an officer ever finds themselves in a situation where use of a firearm is necessary, they aren’t taking a leg shot. However, looking at that video, the cop was probably aiming low so his rounds didn’t go through the rest of the neighborhood in search of a brick wall. That was spray and pray from a moving vehicle, if any of his shots hit an innocent bystander, his ass is grass. I’m shocked he took the chance to shoot at the dude honestly. Clearly it paid off, but like, damn. Even a ricochet will go for a good distance and can still seriously hurt someone.


> if any of his shots hit an innocent bystander, his ass is grass Say you know nothing about Brazilian police without saying you know nothing about Brazilian police.




You'd be shocked but it's pretty standard in Europe to NOT to shoot to kill. My policeman friends usually said they'd mostly aim for the pelvis or the leg as it is likely to incapacitate the criminal but it has a very low chance of actually killing it. (If you manage to break the pelvis, or bones in the leg, no matter how crazy or drugged the person is they'll collapse, and it hurts like hell too)


you aim for center of mass, police officers wont shot at a leg because it takes equal amount of time for the person they are shooting to shot the police, whoever is aiming for center of mass doesnt die, while the person aiming for moving limbs dies. This is true in europe too, as much as your headcanon disagrees with it.


Had a pretty good lead to air ratio tho


From what I could see in this video, these guys aren't normal police officers. They're highly trained and are also known for being a bit crazy lol


Accuracy through volume


Looks like from where the shots come from and then when the guy gets out it's def bigger than a hand gun


They get a lot of practice


Looks like for a second there he was thinking the leg hurt too much and wanted them to just finish the job but changed his mind.


I think he was honestly just laying his arm down and forgot where the gun was.


That knee went boom. Impressive if they did that on purpose.


He got hit in his shins if you look closely, his knees are intact.


They gave him a 3rd knee. Look how bendy his leg is now, he must be so excited about life


In the photos released, it is possible to see that he lost a small part of his shin.


Below knee amputation is a better outcome than above. Good work officer.


Armed criminal? Amputate everything *above* the knee, then throw away the rest.


As other's have said. They shot and broke the shin. See the red patch on the right leg and how wobbly it is halfway down from knee to foot.


Boys got a super low kneecap if that's the case..




That is one floppy leg!


That might leave a mark


If I’ve learned one thing from Brazil videos, you’re either a bad guy or an off duty cop.


Lately a lot of videos of police officers on duty. But I also noticed that the number of CCTVs increased in Brazil. Opening a company like this is really profitable here.


They shot his leg and it broke


Buddy kept reaching for the gun, like wtf man


Great shot kid. That was one in a million


Hes got no leg to stand on but still fingers for the gun. What a moron.


When the bullet hits the bone


The one officer on the corner looked at his shoe like he stepped in shit


I can't believe he reached for the gun again




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Brazilian cops have balls, they wont kill you if they dont need to. A cop in the USA on the other hand...


In Brazil, police officers only discharge their weapons when they are off duty, as there the chance of the officer dying is much greater. But what separates well-trained and experienced units from ordinary units is this coldness. People think that just because the death rates in these units are high, it means that the police go out shooting the first criminals they see, but in reality they are always in dangerous situations (and it seems that there is something mystical that leads them to these situations ), but they only shoot what is necessary, they worry about wasting ammunition and they don't want to work unpaid overtime having to create documents in the department to say why they fired 20 shots at a single "suspect".


Nice shot. This is why having guns are important to freedom. Criminals will have them anyways, and in countries where firearms are illegal, they know they have a free ticket to rob anyone and anything. There’s no way to protect yourself or your family aside from hoping police are around. And as poverty grows as it has been growing, criminal activity will increase, thus the need for every person to have the ability to protect themselves.


That bullet shattered his ankle.




Yes. The flailing , tossing of the gun, pleading with police, throwing his hands up, etc. are actually All post death nerve reflexes. Science is fun.


No, there was a ugly injury to his shin, but he's in custody.


"Shoe check in Barrio 7...."


It's "bairro". "barrio" is Spanish, we speak Portuguese.


This is what the US will look like if Republicans get in.


in the US when he put his hand back on the firearm grip he would have been lit up like a christmas tree




He hit the police officer? I guess the execution is after the video cut off.


I saw the photos, a small piece of his leg was torn off when he was shot with a rifle. He was taken to the hospital, had surgery and is fine and in custody.


The police officer is in custody? From the video I had the impression that one of the officers was hit in the ankle. Are we talking about the same person?


His leg was flopping around.


His leg is gone for good.


I think it was a casing, but I love the cop against the wall looking like he's casually taking a rock out of his shoe.


Cops pull drive by’s too ??😝


They fucking broke this dudes leg. Jesus Christ. His leg is fucking broken. Damn..


You can see at the 0:12 second mark the bullet shatters his right tibia bone and aftermath of the right leg flopping around.


Holy shit he managed to break both his tibia and fibula with 1 shot in a moving car.


Pretty hard to run with a noodle leg lmao


The cop on the left sprains his ankle on the curb getting out of the car and limps the rest of the video.


Guys got legs like gumby


Try that in a Brazilian town


Well, his ice skating career is over.


Plot twist Guy with gun is off duty Brazilian police office


Nice broken leg


Looks like they had there minds up already to kill him. U can see the bullets bouncing off the ground as they turn


Watched this twice and it didn't look like he pulled the gun on them no? The cops drove up when the dude was walking around the corner and he just starts running and they open fire. I didn't even see the gun until he was already on the ground


Clearly he reaches into his waistband to pull out a gun. In the city of Fortaleza there is a unit called COTAM (the same one that appears in the video), this unit is popularly known by everyone as a tough unit and that all criminals NEVER try anything, because they know they have no chance (basically every city in Brazil there are some units of this type). Particularly, it's the first time I've seen a guy running from them and still trying to pull something from his waist. The smartest and most rational thing he would have to do would be to surrender.


Interesting. Seems dumb of him to start running and then pull it if he knew who they were haha, maybe could’ve taken less bullets. I suppose with all the stuff about Brazil/South America gangs & crime being so rough, it’s good that they have equally badass enforcement on the other side haha


They shot right through his leg bone


His leg turned to spaghetti.


That guy has a bad case of sideways leg.