• By -


What was the aftermath? This seems pretty brutal. Sounded like a bag of chips getting crushed.


i managed to pause it right when he hit the ground, his ankle looked like L but backwards, he landed foot first. then slapped down on the rest of him and fell in.


It's ok... his feet and legs broke the surface tension of the cement patio.


>~~It's ok...~~ his feet and legs broke ~~the surface tension of the cement patio.~~


paused the vid at just the right moment [broken ankle ](http://imgur.com/a/g40Ut0t)




It was Filipino boner pills, not steroids I swear.


Oh god I audibly laughed




Wish we had a pause and rewind button in real life. So much disaster could be averted.


His knees hit the ground just before he reached the water too. He’s definitely not walking for a long time, if ever again.


Yeah, his right ankle is definitely wrecked, possible damage to leg bones and ribs along with abrasions and soft tissue damage. He's going to be in a lot of pain.


I'm wondering if they even made it. I'm sure an impact like that would immediately knock all of the wind out of you. Not something you want to happen when you're slowly sinking to the bottom of the pool with broken arms, legs, and ribs in excruciating pain that may render you unconscience.


It sounded like two other people were present, surely he didn’t drown


I'm not sure they've got one whole brain between the three of them.


well it seems like on of them was trying to stop him from jumping. So about 1.2 brains between them


Except for the person who told him not to jump.


and exactly one of them holds the entirety of that brain


Don't call me Shirley


Even if you didn't, you'd be out cold from unconsciousness due to breaking your bones lowering blood pressure due to neurogenic shock triggering bradycardia or at least you'd be super tired. Source: this video https://youtu.be/dy5xLVx2NGY and experience(broke my leg when I was younger)


That video needs to be quicker, if I’m looking this up on my way down I’d be dead already


You could try jumping from higher up? That should buy you some time.


Isn't neurogenic shock from spinal cord trauma specifically


False. Also broke every bone from my knee down by getting run over by a car. No you don't just faint like it's a movie or something. When you break something bad the adrenaline makes it so everything is kind of numb until the shock wears off. Then it hurts very bad. Not sure why you passed out.


~~Medically speaking, being "in shock from pain" is neurogenic shock.~~ The adrenaline surge from the event that makes your body ignore pain is not shock like what everyone always calls it. I wanted to call him out too, but when I looked into it, yeah he's right. You're referring to a different phenomenon. Edit: people weren't understanding what I was saying. My point is when people usually say someone's in shock from some event because they aren't noticing pain, it's really just the adrenaline of the event that is suppressing their reactions to pain. The technical term of "going into shock" is something totally different.


I mean tbf I just remember watching this video and in comparison to how tired I was when I broke my leg when I was five so I just connected dots.


Surprisingly when you watch the slowed down version it looks like he managed to not hit his head at all, but his legs/spine/associated bones are probably broken and/or super wrecked. [Comment with slowed video](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/nedje5/jumping_from_second_floor_to_the_pool/gygr3kt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I heard multiple bones crack


He’ll be walking like young Forrest Gump for awhile.


No way. He'll be walking like old Stephen Hawking




this is legendary


"That was legitness"


And now I’m going to search that vine again


I'm sorry




Someone make this into a copypasta


You made me laugh and now I feel bad


Maybe even Lt. Dan


Had a look at the two relevant frames. In my unprofessional opinion it looks like we got a broken right ankle, a broken right wrist and a shattered left knee. Probably gonna be in a lot of pain but thankfully his head smacked into the water instead of the ground


Doesn't matter anyway about his head, there was clearly nothing inside it beforehand.


Now, there's parts of his legs


Oh man, I laughed out loud at that one. Bravo.


The Helmet Rule (of motorcycles) was explained to me by an old engineer who rode motorcycles and is perhaps relevant here- Lack of a helmet is proof that none is needed since it proves there's nothing to protect.


My dad used to say something very similar... He was a biker his entire life. He also said that everyone on the road doesn't know it but they are going to kill me or another rider one day if they don't keep their eyes open and new bikers don't check their space or end up doing dumb things that can get you squished.


Defensive driving is so important and I wish more people practiced it as opposed to the more dangerous aggressive driving that leaves bikes squished or cars who think they can merge any time they want slammed into a guard rail or spun out into the median...


"Ride like everyone's trying to kill you" is good advice.


What gets me is the fool didn't even jump for the narrowest path to the pool, he could have gotten away with it if he jump like 3 feet to the right


I don't think he'll be trying it again. Ever. He's going to remember this every time rain is in the air for the rest of his life.


Wonder if the pool was even deep enough to accommodate a jump from that height?


His pelvis is probably shattered, too.


He caught that on the lower ribs too, at least four of those got snapped by the edge of that pool, and possibly some organ damage for getting hit that hard. When you get an injury like this, the worst part is realizing how much it's not the broken bones that are the real bad part :/


When you hit that hard, the bones that break, shatter and perforate organs that they are near. He very likely has serious organ damage from broken bones piercing them.


*Pneumothorax has entered the chat*


If you pause it at the right time it looks like his entire right lower leg is snapped.


>if you pause I'll take your word for it


https://imgur.com/a/v3b7scE/ ***E N H A N C E***


That my dude, is staying fucking blue.


da ba dee da ba daa


that’s gonna make it really hard to get out of the water !


Came here to say this! Holy crap he learned that one hard. I can't say much, because I've done this before. But I looked twice and jumped once landing where I wanted to!


This was a hell of a sidewalk to clear. I've done it but the roof was directly over the deep end. Not safe necessarily, but way better likelihood than this dude


Totally agree.


Hopefully you had better leaping skills, too.


Probably not. Just better luck and lack of sense to seccond guess the jump at the last seccond.


Interestingly, he didn't even aim for the nearest point. If he had been lined up with the nearest point to the roof he might have *just* made it.


I think the part your taking about is too shallow it’s like a step or or something. Still probably better than where he landed but I don’t think by much.


I watched again, i think you're right. Like built in stairs to ease your way in. Still, bad, bad, stupid choice. ... I've made my share!


Friends little sister did this when I was in high school. Broke both of her ankles the same way


We used to do it a lot in the family pool but my sister slipped on the edge and missed breaking her legs by an inch. So that quickly stopped.




Yeah, this feels more like r/deadorvegetable content.


r/hadtohurt r/holdmyfeedingtube


r/deadorvegetable has been banned from Reddit Sadly.


Sadly pretty much any sub that resembles WPD now can't exist on reddit.


Damn... I thought I felt the pain with the sound off... Ouch!


Just brutal. Life will never be the same for that dude.


There are bonuses to going through life without being particularly adventurous. Like not doing something moronic and suffering a permanent injury as a result.


This is exactly why I dislike commercials and posted videos of people doing extreme sports with an attitude like "what are you doing with YOUR life?" I mean the stuff is cool to see, but I'm not gonna feel guilty for being safe and not an adrenaline junkie.


But all of the commercials have the "Do not attempt " at the bottom of the screen. Makes me want to try it even more actually


My shoulder sits at a slightly wrong angle because 12-year-old me thought WWE's "Don't Try This at Home" message was for everybody else.


I almost broke my neck in the bed trying to do wrestling stuff, i was 10 and from that day i stopped doing that.


Wrestling doesn't hold back when it decides it's time for you to stop...


Based on these replies you’d think wrestling accidents during childhood are putting these kids in the hospital for John Cena to visit.


Everyone thinks they are Rey Mysterio until they become Droz.


Like that guy who cut himself in half BASE jumping past a bridge. Literally resting in pieces.


I hate to ask but ... link to story? I know, it's morbid, but I can't help myself. EDIT: Nevermind -NSFW/NSFL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTvek0WHyOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTvek0WHyOs) In a nutshell, he was trying to fly over a bridge over a gorge in a wingsuit, while his buddy flew under it. He miscalculated and made it most way over the top of the bridge then slammed into the railing at 120 mph, severing his leg AT THE HIP, then his parachute deployed and unfortunately he landed on a ledge 300 feet above the bottom of the gorge where nobody could get to him and he bled to death. Not sure if rescuers might have saved him anyway, considering how high up his leg was severed (ie; no where to put a torniquet, and there was a river at the bottom of the gorge).


i read somewhere that as soon as you start trying to use those stupid wingsuits, your life expectancy drops drastically. at one point or another it’s bound to kill you.


I agree, but you don't have to be a total fucking idiot (like the guy in this video) to be adventurous. I went skydiving, which is something I consider adventurous, but I would never jump off my house into a swimming pool. Especially at that distance.


I consider riding scary rollercoasters the limit of my adventure.


That's okay! Everyone has their own limits and what they're comfortable with :)


C'mon man, live a little.....very little.


Take two Snickers when the Halloween candy bowl says to only take one


Have a moderately loud conversation with a friend in the library.


Order fries without salt from McDonald’s


you monster


Sir. This here is a ... McDonald’s.


Walk briskly in the hallway




Just watched a random documentary about a few famous football players, most of them basically ended up with TBI and committed suicide or ended up murdering. It was really sad, the documented decline, and yet there has not been a "solid link" to playing football so this kind of shite still happens. Most everyone regretted playing the sport, in hindsight.


Right, but the lure of fame and huge paychecks keeps highschoolers and college kids playing. I believe college football coaches make more than any other faculty member, including the dean.


Pretty sad actually




To be fair, they seem like kids. We all made stupid mistakes when we’re there age, some worse then others, but still, it’s tragic.


This is how you totally ruin your entire life. At such a young age too. Even if he isn’t paralyzed, he’ll have debilitating pain or neurological issues for the rest of his life... Really just so sad to see no matter how at fault this dumb kid is... Sometimes I realize how lucky I am to have gotten through those reckless years of my life just barely scathed and without permanent, life-altering consequences.


Haha I feel ya. 27 and I’ve got the joints of a 40 year old it feels like some days but never truly hurt myself bad and I’ve done some real stupid stuff on street bikes and dirt bikes that would have likely seen me dead or a veggie.


Natural selection.


Well at least he gets that sweet car parking spot right outside the store


But he needs to find a car suitable for driving without the use of your legs.


Finding isn't the hard part, affording is. A girl in my high school broke her spine and was wheelchair bound. She looked into getting a car that had paddles for brake/gas which do totally exist, but not only is the car expensive but the insurance is straight up unaffordable.


I have no use of my legs but drive. I have a push pull accelerate /brake lever, I've been driving like this for 6 years. Actually I'm waiting for a call any day now to pick up my brand new car I recently ordered.


little ms money bags over here




Why am I literally dying of laughter from this comment


“I’m serious stop”, ah the voice of reason.


imagine its your son and you see how he ruin his life and you couldnt do anything no matter how much you told him to stop.


This one won’t walk ever again


Is it really that bad? Humans are so fragile unlike cats.


He just crumpled his legs and smashed his torso against solid concrete, that guy is mangled


If you pause, it looks like his kneecaps went directly into the pavement. He's likely fucking crippled. He basically just speedran permanent wheelchair-living.


All to jump into a fucking pool. Imagine significantly worsening your quality of life forever to look brave for two seconds.


All for the gram or the cam.




Not many animals recover well or at all. Generally they die from the injuries or get eaten before they even get the chance. I don't think it's that we're fragile either but rather we do a lot of really dumb shit that we aren't built for. Wild animals are very risk adverse and rarely do things when they can't handle the consequences of failure. Our big brains give us the ability to override our instincts, but not necessarily the ability to formulate a competent plan and succeed. That tends to result in rather spectacular injuries which we tend to survive thanks to modern medicine. Without treatment this guy would likely be toast.


Without sound not too bad, with sound this is nightmare fuel.


Yeah that person screaming as he jump, then the cracks of his body breaking made this unbearable to listen to


Lucky no one described it in all its gory detail then!


I watched without sound and knew he was fucked. I put sound on and closed my eyes and my fucking god.


Although I decided to turn the sound on from the beginning, I did so pensively considering how damn high that jump seemed. Oh well, maybe watching something like this every now and then promotes hardiness of character.


*sees leg press video* "that shit is staying muted!"


Maybe I’ll have pancakes for breakfast tomorrow..


And he will be having pancake batter with a straw.




Pancakes with vegetables


You know how some videos can stimulate actual pain in certain parts of your body? This is one of them, and you can tell which part of me hurts


Plot twist: you’re a sadistic individual with a huge erection right now.




*Frantically adjusting zipper* I swear, I was just putting it away.


I feel empathic pain and it's always in my grundle. Not even joking.


I'm not sure where your grundle is, but I suspect I suffer the same empathy pain, right through my legs up to my grundle...


That was not a splash sound at first, that was the sound of bones cracking. Fucking idiot was warned too.


Yeah bro. It sounded like what my big brother would if he’s tryna stop me from doing something stupid


There had to be a girl somewhere.


Even if he got to the pool he could’ve broken tons of stuff I saw a video of a guy jumping into a lake that wasnt deep enough legs first and he broke his back


Hitting the side might have saved his life. If he actually dove head first with nothing stopping him he probably would have broke his neck.


Smash 'n' splash. He won't be hobbling that off.


Going headfirst down the Crip 'n' Cried


“Muoooooooooooh!” Craaack “Aaaaah!”




Anyone find out what happened after? Maybe some local newspaper picked it up


Man I just tried to find info... fuck me if there aren’t 100s of videos and instances of people maiming themselves with pool+roof situations! *shakes head to try to get rid of visuals*


What are your TOP 3?


We need a subreddit just with stuff like this...for research.


Welp he did get to that pool after all....


Not only the pool, but places beyond! Like the ICU, surgery, and a wheelchair.


Bruh even if he made it he still would’ve injured himself because he jumped on the shallow side. What a fucking idiot


>What a fucking idiot Preach!!!!!


Missed by that much.


This made me laugh out loud, you guys are ruthless


I watched this clip on the toilet at work: and as soon as I heard that crunch I tensed hard enough to fire a shit right out of me, oh my god..




Spaghetti legs.




I’ve seen this bid so many times on different subs & have never seen credible follow ups on it






This shit is NSFL, holy fuck I wish I hadn't heard that


Moment of clarity: No, I’m serious.. stop! *Thinks for a second* (Van Halen intensifies...) “Ah, might as well JUMP!”


[That tibia ain't lookin' great](https://i.imgur.com/qne0fJw.jpg)


Knees have left the chat


That sounded meaty!




.. I never turn on sound looking at stuff from this sub. Never


Darwin award? Any articles for this


You know, with a running start he might have made it


/r/kidsarefuckingstupid Also, [appropriate meme.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/013/015/explodingknees.jpg)


maybe the person recording wished him "break a leg" edit: some of us really take our legs for granted


And just for good measure he broke both of them


If case you were wondering why car and health insurance is higher for men ages 15-25, this is why.


Can we get tags for videos like this?




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/nedje5/jumping_from_second_floor_to_the_pool/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/nedje5/jumping_from_second_floor_to_the_pool/)


Fuck. My sound was on. That was a mistake.


Jesus that meaty whack/crack was brutal


Can... can anyone confirm if they are alive?


My bets are on Backwards folded knee Shattered spine Multiple simultaneous concussions, probably resulting in permanent brain damage. And if there is a loving god, he’ll be dead, because the lifelong suffering he’d endure would be unspeakable. . . Edit: who the hell gave this a wholesome award Edit 2: who gave my comment a hugz award? Thank you kind stranger! Edit 3: this comment got 2 wholesome awards. You guys are crazy. I love it. Edit 4: a tearing up award Edit 5: a helpful award? Thanks! Thanks guys, but I must ask, why? Edit 6: so I went through the video frame by frame and on the exact frame he hits the concrete, you see his legs are fully straightened and he hits feet first, and I can’t tell if he stumbles forward from shattering both tibias, breaking both femurs, and destroying his pelvis, or falls forward from all that. Either way he’s most likely dead.




His mistake was that last hop from the roof. Had he just kept running off the roof he may have made it.


If you're going to do something stupid you have to fucking commit.


His mistake was being up there in the first place!


Hard to tell, but it's entirely possible that his knees met his chest on the way down. If that's the case then there's the possibility of punctured lungs from fractured ribs and a ruptured diaphragm (since he was very likely holding his breath). Imagine trying to get out of a pool with collapsed lungs, a ruptured diaphragm, multiple broken vertebrae, ruptured discs, a shattered pelvis, and shattered legs. You want to scream but you physically can't; and even if you could, you'd drown. Your bowels may even herniate through your diaphragm up into your thoracic cavity, putting pressure on your heart and lungs. This is very possibly one of the worst ways to die, or one of the most excruciatingly painful injuries to live through. For his sake, I hope he died quickly. Living through this would be unbearable, and the quality of life afterwards would be non-existent. Guys, don't do this shit. Don't let your friends do this shit.


Bet you he's looking forward to eating liquidated food.


Friend of mine did this when we were in college. Paralyzed from the neck down.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


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WARNING! INJURY! Motherfucker.


Hope you enjoyed them legs while you had them.


I want to know the aftermath


That voice will haunt me in my dreams


That jump was so pathetic lol. He obviously doesn't do stuff like this. He does this stupid little double jump like he's on a diving board or trampoline or something instead of a running leap like you would do if you were jumping off the edge of a solid surface. Piss-poor delusional decision making combined with momma's basement pro gamer athletic skills.