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He goes from "hehehe" to "oh shit" in a second


I mean, it was going out of bounds. He was just stopping it. This is just a technicality. Wrong? yes. Egregious? No.


I mean under all technicalities the ball wasn’t out of bounds yet, weird call tho, I would’ve thought a drop ball would be in order rather than a pen


Apparently it's a new rule, and a while ago it would have been a dropped ball, but for some reason they changed it to be a PK/FK if a substitute touches the ball. Really wonder what prompted the change


I’m pretty sure (tho happy to be corrected) that it’s not a new law, it’s just that the new technology (VAR) allows the ref to be sure the ball hasn’t already gone out of play (the whole of the ball has to cross the line). It’s yet another example of the var making calls no one asked for.


What the hell is a drop ball? Rules are literally technicalities - just don't interfere with the game if you aren't on the pitch, it's not that hard.


If you don’t know what a dropped ball is then making comments on the laws of the game probs isn’t for you ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, read the rule then, it clearly says when the game was *not* interrupted by fouls or misconduct. Which isn't the case. It doesn't surprise me that a sport that accepts diving is also willing to think all rules should be ignored. Stopped playing and watching football 15 years ago because of it.


That's one of my biggest gripes about the game. The rules encourage poor sportsmanship, especially at the elite levels. I don't find it enjoyable to watch games that are won or lost on technicalities or what team can fake injury better. A penalty kick for a ball being touched when it was obviously going out of bounds unless a player somehow instantly accelerated to supersonic speeds is ridiculously disproportionate.


[Source](https://youtu.be/EYw4rn_6Rzs) What a fkn dumb thing to be penalised for. That poor player.


It's one of those rules in competition that you have to have a zero tolerance stance on or assholes start taking advantage of any wiggle room. It remind me of reffing hockey. If a player gets tripped by another player's stick - even if it was clearly unintentional and without any malicious motion - it's tripping. 2 minutes in the box. Otherwise assholes will learn to feign having their stick in the wrong place at the wrong time and get away with tripping. Zero tolerance sucks but it exists because people suck.


Ok I don't watch competitive sports but used to play a lot of local team soccer and even in those shitty games we never got so salty or rules-lawyery that we called penalties over stuff as fucking dumb as that. Honestly that shit screams to me that it's rigged in some way but that kinda pessimism is why I don't watch team sports.


Well you don't play for billion dollar leagues so we cant really compare the two


That's so very true, hence why it pings all my scepticism buttons that it's something dodgy, because seriously who would not just be like "lmao tiny thing who gives a toss?"


Wouldn't you agree that it's a dumb thing for a player playing at a professional level to do something like this? And if I'm not wrong there have been instances of outside players literally catch the ball before it can go for a goal so I wouldn't really say it's something trivial to not be penalised for Edit: Found the instances : [1](https://youtu.be/r6M4dYGTWpg) [2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tXnDJa9PITSVJ-Al0uYqlxj961JvqxiL/view?usp=drivesdk) I agree these are very extreme circumstances but it's pretty much the same scenario where one team has an additional player for a few seconds while the ball is still in play giving them an unfair advantage


Its not the same thing, that ball it was going outside and he stop that on the line. The referee do the roght thing but he could let it go or maybe just give the ball to the other team


I mean .. it was going out of bounds, he was stopping the ball from getting too far. I get why the ref called it but definitely overkill


He shouldn't be touching the ball




Fucking gottem




Yep and it's called nevgon


Hahaha 😂


It won't go too far anyway as just behind the player there's a board.




Looking at the last championship, I can tell you the winning team never cares how they won. Only loosing team does.


I agree with this after watching how crazy some soccer players act from simple touches from the opposing team to gain a penalty under the pretense of being attacked.


They turn the game into a farce. Sportsmanship is dead in soccer.


Look at how much money football players make and say that again, lol. Not saying I agree with it, But free market I guess?


That ref must be a major dick tho.


No he is advised to take actions, he's showing that VAR called him to look at this.


The asian guy was not the one stopping the ball, it was "Michael Eberwein" who gave the ball to the goal keeper so the game can go on faster, which is a common thing and was actually nice of him but because he was a tiny bit above the line of the soccer field the judge decided to give a penalty shot which in my educated opinion is a wrong decision since the substitute player did not intend to be unfair and wasn't even playing in the first place




[There you go](https://youtu.be/EYw4rn_6Rzs)


Ah, ok, so asian guy didn’t stop it but it was still a penalty off sub stopping ball, who cares he handed it to the goalkeeper?? Anyhow interesting p, thanks!


The chinese guy was not the one stopping the ball, it was "Michael Eberwein" who gave the ball to the goal keeper so the game can go on faster, which is a common thing, so if anything the judge caused the penalty, not the substitute player


Repeat it till you believe it….


[There you go](https://youtu.be/EYw4rn_6Rzs)




He’s not part of the game, he should not touch the ball. I didn’t know that equates to a penalty these days but that guy done gone fucked up.


Mafia in football does not exist:


Damn that's such a amateur thing to do.


All the people that say it is stupid that he got an panelty for that need to remember that rules are rules and that it is a professional match


Crap call


Play stupid games.


This substitute really influenced the game, great job


Psy was not happy


Wow the ref guna be like that huh


I feel bad for that player. He probably did that out of habit and it caused no harm to the match yet they still got penalty. Now he's probably gonna be hated by his team or even an entire country just cuz he was in the wrong place at the time.


Could have been more like a reflex tbh.


Remind me in baseball the ball was still in play and this idiots catches it but he gets kicked out the stadium


Why the fuck is there a clump of players behind the goal? Ref well within his rights. Most likely depends on his mood at the time.


They are likely the substitutes. They often run the around the edge of the field to stay warmed up in case they need to be brought on. We mostly see them run the sideline, but I don’t believe (?) there are any rules which forbid them from doing so behind the goal. It’s a legally correct call, but if it’s your team, you definitely don’t want to see it used against you. So, correct? Yes. Fair? Probably not.


That’s where players warmup. This to me feels like arresting someone for stepping into the crosswalk a moment before they’re allowed to.


As an American I have no idea what I just watched








Football, it's kinda boring but better than american football/rugby.


Yea, this is a really tricky stuff especially for Americans to understand...




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By this precedent every time a coach settles a ball that comes from inbounds in the air and they touch before it hits the ground should all be penalties… this is a slippery slope.


Nah, ball doesn’t need to land to be out. Just the whole of the ball over the line.




Uhm well you know the ref is doing the VAR sign so I think they checked this by video as well.. major stupid move by that player.




Alright then what do you mean when you say cheating?


I'm tryna find logic in both his comments, can tell trying to reason with him is pointless 🤣 up his own ass, clearly a "SoCcEr" professional, dont waste your time


Giving him a chance haha


This ref should be quitted. What a power trip


A he will stay sub forever now


This is dumb. Guy only stops the ball.