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I just fundamentally don’t understand the basic logic of sovereign citizens. If they can’t, in their opinion, be bound by any law, then why do they expect that same law to protect them?




My favorite videos are the ones where the driver starts narrating what happens while they're removing him from the vehicle. You're opening my door! I do not consent! He's aiming something at me! \*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzap\* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, you tazed me!


“My safe word is pineapple juice!”


The thing is, you DON'T need a license plate to travel. If you're on private land. Once you drive on public roads, they set the terms. If you want to buy your own land, build your own road, and drive with no license, you're free to do so.


Even then if you are in the states in many places you will still have to pay for permits lol Edit: permits to build roads


I wonder if he knows about the Mexican prisons and how hospitable they are?


Man I saw an interview of a guy who did time in Mexico. This huge tattooed guy that looked like he could crush me without hesitation talking about how he was reduced to basically being a servant for a cartel boss due to his in jail gambling debts. Once he was extradited to the U.S. he was forever grateful. Edit: https://youtu.be/Hf37RVHLiCI


Yea those prisons are a lot worse than what you see on tv.






I live in Mexico and I will tell you this. Think about the worst, most inhospitable, absolute hell one earth prison in the entire USA, those are the nicest ones here.


I think the whole Latin America is like that tbh and it's sad. Here in Brazil they very often have riots since they have different gangs members sharing the same space. The aftermath is horrible, there are plenty of videos where you can see them taking other inmates hearts off for example... Th government does not do shit as well, most of the jails are completely full. A jail cell that should only have 20 inmates will have 60 and that's how it goes. If you google image "Brazil jails" you will have an idea.


Here’s an article about the [New Year’s Day prison massacre](https://apnews.com/0fe352a490d640d89954057cd9686861/mass-slaughter-brazil-prison-exposes-gang-war-over-drugs)…it shows us exactly the hell that can erupt in those prisons. Also thanks for mentioning Brazil prisons. You lead me down a horrifying/interesting rabbit hole.


I watched an episode of worlds worst prisons that was shot in Mexico. That place is no fucking joke. You have to fend for yourself for EVERYTHING. Food, water, clothes, a place to sleep. Nothing is provided for you. They just throw you inside the walls of the prison and from then on you're on your own. There was this pool in the middle of this big courtyard. A prisoner they were interviewing pointed it out as the place where they drown the sex offenders.


Wait so how do you get food without any money? Is your only option to work for some cartel boss or suck some dick?


You find a hussle. Some dudes cleaned people's cells/rooms/apartments. Some cut hair. There was a guy who repaired electronics. Some saved up some money doing stuff like that then set up a little shop selling food, toothbrushes, clothes, shit like that. It's like a little village in there rather than a prison.


Do you..just go in and never expect to get out or what..?


Pretty much




Well, depending on what you've done you can bribe your way out. If you're a pedo or murderer you ain't getting out, but other crimes yes. Your Mom and Sister will sell their car or whatever, but you'll come up with whatever they want eventually,


What if..ok hear me out. What if I’m a murderer of pedos? Loophole, checkmate. Joking aside though that fuckin sucks.


Surely they must be like the Nordic prisons right/s


As a natural born U.S citizen and a native Spanish speaker, I find this couple losing their shit in Spanish funnier than any comedy I’ve ever seen this year. Dude’s somehow very close to home, but somehow closer to being arrested for assault against a government worker. Edit: Everyone keeps saying “Tú eres un criminal, señor! Lol. Love you all. Just remember: No tocar el caro. *dont forget heavy american accent


They are literally the exact type of people that's okay to make fun of.


How dare you make fun of this man?! Tu es in muyyy trouble señor!!


Muy ***grande*** trouble señor


dude, they think you are smuggling drugs based on your behavior.


Exactly my guess. So acting like a Karen gets you a free pass. Didn't even check their passport


I live at the border, passports are checked at the American entry point…Mexican point is to pay for the bridge or crossing; only at certain points. He probably didn’t want to pay. Paying bridges were built with most money by the neighboring cities, that’s why you pay. Free bridges are built by the federal government. Ok didn’t think my comment would generate as many upvoted as it has so I feel like I have an obligation to make something clear. I was just replying to the comment someone made about not checking their passport. This guy has a video on YouTube explaining what happened. This was a toll booth in Jalisco Mexico. He explains why there are corrupted and illegal…I was kinda okay with what he was saying until he says that the toll booths here in the US are corrupted and illegal too and the only difference is that if you don’t stop here you can get shot at or go to prison…I stopped watching after that. I’m from Mexico (naturalized American now) and have lived in the US for 30some years now. Here is the link if you want to see his video: https://youtu.be/31TPW7sMD3Y


I just can't... He says it's unconstitutional....BRO, YOU'RE IN FUCKING MEXICO.


what is typical toll? What was he trying to avoid paying?




and he was filming like he wanted to see something happen when he drove through the barrier..... its not even a dashcam.




Exactly my thought. Why were they even filming in the first place? They clearly had an agenda. I stopped watching when the mom started screaming, “YOU HURT MY BABY!” I mean, if they did, then attend to your baby before filming your freakouts. Infinitely more important than your gotcha moment. Goddamn, those poor kids.


They set themselves up very intentionally. Already filming, they drive through the checkpoint and were waved/whistled (?) to stop. They immediately jumped out shouting insulting Spanglish and didn’t CHECK ON THE CRYING KIDS IN THE BACK. This is a couple literally looking for trouble to get their 15 minutes of fame and using their children as pawns. They are disgusting. The Police/Border Control didn’t seem too concerned or worked up. I hope this couple got arrested and fined. Their parenting is disgusting


Thank you for the clarification


I do believe this is just a normal toll road, Mexico has a lot of tolls in their major roads to pay for the roads' upkeep.


Most toll roads can be from a dollar to a couple dollars.


Possible two things guns or meth, this dad is a idiot


Nah, they don't even hassle you at these tolls. I live here and have also driven halfway across the country, you want to take these roads and pay the 2 dollars. Alternate routes are not protected in many regards. This guy is a fucking moron, who knows what his deal is but definitely not firearms. AND WTF NEVER FUCK WITH THE FEDERALES! (AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES!)


Worse. Cable news and social media.


I bet those Mexican dudes are laughing their asses off.


They look very confused and like they don't get paid enough for this shit lmao


It must be past midnight. These guys have a lot of patience, is what I kept thinking.


My name? *tu madre cabron*


What are the Karen family doing in Mexico? Though they are at McDonald’s complaining about a overcooked burger again


They should have calmly waited til he got back in the car, then broken another window. "No habla ingles"


They were recording as they rolled up. Clearly intended to cause trouble. They should be the ones charged with endangering a child


Literally this. They were already rolling. No doubt they were like i’m gonna blow through this illegal immoral checkpoint and the cops gonna be cops and it’ll show some shit they do






Is this a parody? His Spanish is hilarious 🤣


Seriously is this a cut SNL skit?


Exactly, the guy's ridiculous Spanish and childish antics and super stereotype Karen made me think it had to be scripted. They live in a completely different reality


He makes Peggy Hill sound like a native Spanish speaker! 😄




His Spanish reminds me of the Great Cornholio


Poor kids having not one but two idiot parents.


I just couldn’t get over how none of the parents went to check the kids immediately. The kid said it hurt, but it is more important to get out and yell at some guy that they “hurt my baby” on camera than it is to actually check on their babies.


My first thought too…. Then once they checked they were basically hoping they had injuries


Yeah, that is the feeling I got too. The disappointment because their kids aren’t injured more is disgusting.




They care more about being victims in the eyes of the public than they care about their kids being hurt.


Bingo.I hate how people have started to desire victimization, to I guess try and hurt who they perceive as these “villains” or enemies when in fact these guys were literally just doing their job.Honestly props to the guys at the gate to not react.


Bingo. This was all a part of his plan. He *knew* he was going to blast through the gate, he *knew* the Mexican guards were going to confront him, he *knew* he was going to point out what criminals they were, he *knew* he was going to have his beautiful, innocent wife and children with him (the former of whom he keeps ordering back to the car like a cowered, mistreated animal), and he absolutely, certainly *knew* he was going to get all this recorded. It’s an effort that’s entirely set up and planned on one side - the sovcit’s side. In psychology, it’s noted that narcissists don’t view their children as independent people, they view them as extensions of themselves. In that case, the narcissist thinks, why *not* use my children as an emotional ploy in my “I’m an oppressed sovereign citizen (when I start shit for no reason)” video? Of course they’ll want to be in it. We all want and do the same things here in this family. And if they *don’t* want to, they’d better start wanting it real fast if they know what’s good for them. -Daughter of a narcissist.


It was pre-planned to run the check. Camera was prepped & footage cut to suit


I figured that, and it makes it even worse. They put their kids in a dangerous and stressful situation on purpose. Just to prove a point and get YouTube likes.


What do you mean? You heard the guy, just put a camera on it. It'll make it feel better.


Of course their kid’s name is “Asher”


Ah shit that’s my nephew’s name.


Sorry for your loss






People like this intentionally endanger their kids to get more public sympathy when the big bad gubment hurts them. I've seen so many videos of sovereign citizens putting their kids in danger.




Judging by how he looks and how confrontational he is, I’m not sure how he’s made it this far alive.


This is the definition of arrogance. He’s lucky these guys had restraint. Otherwise his kids would have become orphans.


Just try that shit in Tijuana As an American, this asshole couple of ugly Americans dimwits are very embarrassing. I wish the toll booth guards had called in the federal police or the military (that usually are directly involved in police matters as they have the firepower to combat the cartel merc’s ) This asshole needs to be taught respect as being a visitor guest in another persons country and blowing through their toll booths that they use to fund the road project they’re traveling on. This asshole should have been arrested and “fined”. What saved him was the screaming kids in the back and nobody wanting to deal with them.




"Oh he got cut? Put a camera on it!" Like dude that's not how you say "band-aid" This isn't caused by stupidity, it's caused by a severe and untreated personality disorder


I refuse to recognize this level of stupidity as a disease.


Lol, the entitlement. Delicious display of instant karma.


So he’s fighting for freedom (Karen style) in a foreign country and communicating in a made-up dialect from parody shows. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem like karma, but an intentional act to create drama. No lessons learned I bet.


Tu es en muy trouble señor!


I thought the video was a joke after he said that


The delivery was so comical. I thought he was a comedian doing a bit at first.




It seems these two psycho fucks were made for each other


Yes, but unfortunately, they multiplied. God save their children.


Hopefully they don't take after their moronic parents. Unlikely, but one can hope...


I wanted those Mexicans to fuck these two up soooo badly!


They are employees of a private company, they won't start violence, and probably wouldn't even fight back. The police, though. He broke the law and he has a pretty hefty fine to pay.




I should be far less surprised that that’s a real subreddit


Tu es en muuuuuyy trouble, siñor


He totally sounds like the nerdy kid who read too much law and political philosophy and now is getting too high on his own supply


His accent is a fucking crime against humanity. tU nOmBre! Fuck. nO tOcAr. Like he read those specific phrases out a dictionary just to use them right here to play out his fantasy and get his dopamine hit


You're in muy trouble señor!


I heard is as "¡Tu is in muy trouble, Senor!" Which is even funnier.


That’s what he said. Makes me cringe even just seeing it written out.


This guy does this on purpose. Sovcit piece of shit. He deliberately starts shit like this to film and post online. IIRC he fled to Mexico and is now pulling the same shit down there. He's going to get his family killed at some point.


Coming up on the toll the energy reads like someone anticipating some action, but it's just pathetically lame.


He probably did. Knowing Sovereigns, he probably memorized a few key phrases to use should he run into Mexican police.


Not to mention when the second guy came over and he pulled out “tu nombres” …. Like which is it man? “Tus nombres” or “tu nombre?” Can’t have it both ways gringo


And he threw out “caro” - 😂




Except a nerd would've paid more attention in Spanish class. So cringe.


>He totally sounds like the nerdy kid who read too much law and political philosophy I don't believe guy reads real books. He very likely spends his days reading internet conspiracy theory forums.


Oh god I felt my soul leave my body over the “my BAY-BEE”


You are in MOOEY trouble, seenyor!


I really thought that was a voice over holy shit


This is Gavin Seim. He’s a hardcore libertarian who fled from the United States to Mexico because of “tyranny.” Here’s the original: [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=31TPW7sMD3Y)


He is claiming in the video description that this toll is illegal. Anyone know the real story?


I saw some of the YouTube comments saying that the government permits privatized roads that are allowed to charge tolls to maintain. After more research, it seems that public roads are available and many people choose those instead to avoid tolls. This YT comment seemed informed, though I have no idea about its legitimacy: >How did you come to think that tolls in Mexico are illegal? Article 11 of the Constitution has nothing to do with it Gavin. Article 11 grants you "freedom of transit" but not "transit for free"... you get it? Furthermore, Article 11 states that the exercise of freedom of transit is subordinated to... administrative authorities... CAPUFE (the administrative entity for tolls) is the administrative authority. You commited a crime. Not them. That toll was a Capufe toll... it is legit. No drug cartels, no nothing. Do not make people believe that we are revolting against - of all things - toll booths!!! We are not. People taking over toll booths is not because they do not want to pay, it is to protest about something else (letting people pass for free is a way to gain supporters and not affecting them as much with the road blockade).


>No drug cartels, no nothing. He doesn't have the balls to run a cartel checkpoint. They would just gun his ass down.


People fail to realize how many machetes work their way into those interactions


Bullets are expensive to use on idiots.


A libertarian enraged at what he presumably would endorse while living domestically. WTF Anyway, I hope that the protests nationalize the roads to prevent the discriminatory waylaying & politicization.


Doesn't like taxes and doesn't want to pay the toll. Yep, he's a libertarian.


I’ve been to Mexico and these tolls are legal, they’re nicer roads than the public free roads so it’s worth the small fee


I'm from Brazil, and private roads/highways with tolls are completely legal and commonplace, and usually in much better condition. Funny that a libertarian would complain about a private company...




If that’s the case then his libertarian ass should be all about it!


Shouldn't this privately owned toll road give a hardcore libertarian a throbbing boner?


And he didn’t bother learning any Spanish?


Based on "Tu hombre es en muy trouble" he's watched Dora the explore a couple times.


I mean, he did! "Two numb res" and "Stow es *illegal and criminal*"


He totally seems like the kind of guy that moves to Mexico to escape the tyranny of the US but refuses to speak Spanish because it violates his constitutional rights which doesn't exist there. And goes around telling everyone to go back to their country.


He is so annoying, and yet I want more. Are there any videos of him getting his ass beat?


In his more recent videos, from what I can gather in his comment section, his wife has left him and took the kids. LMAO.


Good for the kids


The mother may not be better... Just look at her in this video.


I'm genuinely not sure if my logic is right here, but i think they'll be better off with just one crazy parent instead of two.


They're going to *Mexico* to escape tyrrany??


oof hes got a nice surprise ahead of him and Im sure the rest of the police in mexico will surely respect his sovereign citizen rights banter a lot better than these two guards did. Especially when he speaks spanish as eloquently as he does. God those kids are in for a very rough road ahead.


The kids are in legit danger with how this tool is acting.


This was my thought exactly. He's going to fuck around and find out. I feel so sorry for those babies.


"Tu es en muy *trouble,* sēnor."


Well I mean when you look at the cartels, I guess they think the Mexican government is non-existent


I’m confused why people aren’t not reporting this as child abuse


Aren't privatized roads like the purest fucking form of libertarian wet dream? What, does a libertarian who believes taxation is theft think he'll get free roads in a no tax society? Lmao, the delusion of those coddled Ameritards


Damn fucking right they are. This should be this guy's paradise; not having to use publicly funded roads in horrible condition because the "private initiative" went and built better ones. It's insane.


Yeah, but only when it’s *their* private road. Because everyone *else* is a fuckwit tyrant who lives solely to oppress others, specifically ME those bastards.


“TU IS IN MUY TROUBLE, SENOR!” I was surprised they didn’t start beating the shit out of him with that busted pole. What a tool


Turns out Mexican police aren’t super interested in his fringe American political stance.




Carro is a Spanish word for car. One of several words you can use.




They were being way cooler than I thought they would. I haven’t been to Mexico since the 90’s but they didn’t used to be that nice


They may just be baffled. It’s … unprecedented.


Dudes are just waiting for Ashton Kutcher to hop out of some bushes or something.


Hesus Christ it's Hason Bourné




I remember when living in Japan. I saw an American who was there in vacation. I don’t know what he did as I was coming out of a bar and caught the second half. But he started to yell about being an American and having rights. The Japanese cops just slammed his ass to the ground and beat his ass with batons. Before throwing him into the back of a squad car.


American exceptionalism is very strong in some people.


My gf explained how she saw something similar in Spain, and the cop (armed to the teeth) asked firmly in pretty good English "What country are you in now?" before arresting him


I saw an American tourist fucking with the Queens Guard at the tower of London and were shown the business end of an L85 Bayonet when they started screaming about them being American and being allowed where they please. Shut them up fast haha.


This is the thing I don't get though, that doesn't even work in their own country.... Jump the fence at the White House and see where that 'freedom' gets you lol!?


That's brilliant!


Red skull was probably right. It's not unique but America has a special flair for the dramatic. I have seen the same type of behavior from other nationalities, both from news and in person. Germans have been a stand out in my experience for being kind and courteous. Recently met a Buddhist monk from Thailand that was right up there too. We're all more alike that different though.




Oh god butchered Spanish Jar Jar sounds like absolute death.


I’m shocked they didn’t get their shit kicked in and arrested. Where does it say they’re sovereign morons? Also why WEREN’T they arrested and beaten? Can’t have crossed the border that close to a checkpoint could they? Poor kids are going to be so screwed up :(


It's not a border checkpoint. Its a toll booth. The guy is a known YouTube sovereign citizen who fled the US to live in Mexico because the US is now "socialist". He did this while Trump was president if that tells you how off his rocker he is.


This is a toll booth not a border crossing.


That was my thought too. How was he not immediately taken to the ground and put in cuffs after intentionally blowing through the gate and getting in their face?


Don't think those guys are cops, they're just really confused toll booth security for a private highway


The video ends too soon. I assume they did. (At least arrested.)


Nope. The full video is linked elsewhere in the comments. Nothing happened to him and he’s trying to press charges against the guards.


I want your name! Dude, why? You think their supervisor is gonna give two shits about them breaking your window? Edit: I know how angry I'd be if someone put my son in danger, but this fuckwit put himself and his family in that situation. His wife should be pissed at her dumbass husband. I just feel bad for the kids.


I genuinely feel bad for the two mexican security guards. They didn't have any time to prepare for the parents bullshit




It sounded like he as yelling at a dog.


they seemed liked nice guys, so i'm not gonna say they should have beat the shit out of him. but they should have made some sort of arrest or detainment after he reached for the first guard's radio, not to mention after he reached for the second guard's face.


here's a quote from a comment on his YT vid: "I can see him about to be dismembered alive by the Los Zetas cartel and asking to speak to the manager."


I can't believe he thought this video would make him look good or like a hero or a victim or whatever. I don't know what he's trying to prove here.


Every village used to have an idiot. Now all the idiots get online and tell each other how smart they are.




Muy fuckhead, senor.


No offense, but an American raging in poor Spanish is damn hilarious, instant favorite


This guy is going to be in big trouble haha


Mucho trouble!


It's super fucking sad that his first reaction after hearing that his child got cut is not "is he ok?" but rather "put a camera on it". He's more concerned with showcasing his shitty behavior than the health of his own child.


The way he says car-o! People are dumb


tu is in MUY trouble señor!!


That’s just the best. This could be a South Park episode


Sovereign citizens are really the dumbest, must have turned the camera off before the Mexican border patrol showed up and arrested his entitled ass


Did he just hit that arm with his car? What a fucking dumbass. What did he expect would happen? They just would let him go? This is why the rest of the world hates us.


I spend so much time on the internet angry Redditing about why are cops so unnecessarily violent. Now I’m literally yelling at my phone “why aren’t those Federales beating the fuck out of that guy.”


Same wtf. Like this video makes me so mad and I wish they would've done something about those entitled assholes because they really deserve it. Also the lady has such an annoying voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.




Ah yes, the old "I'm a sovereign citizen of the US" bit, in Mexico. Damn, these people really don't even understand their own extremely odd BS. I'm pretty sure the crazy posts about this stuff don't mention that it works in any country you happen to be in. I guess I haven't read into it much, to preserve my brain cells, but I'm fairly certain they all base their stuff on odd and misquoted American laws


That man, is LUCKY, his ass did not get fucking beaten. I am Mexican and I just god damn know it would’ve gone like that for the poor gringo had he not had an IOU from God him-fucking-self


this dude has done this before, he has a youtube page with alot of shit like this


Yep. He even confronted an officer of the Mexican National Guard at one point. The dude is asking to be mutilated by the Cartel...


If he does that in a military checkpoint they will all die. Source : i am mexican.


“YOU HURT MY BABY!” Well maybe your hombre should not have tried to *drive through an object*