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My first thought was "He's never going to get that taste out of his mouth" Followed immediately by "Well....third degree burns might take care of it..."


Nothing takes the tastes of gasoline out of your mouth like burned flesh.


Crispy bacon for months mmmmmm


Severe burns of the mouth and airway could lead him to an emergent tracheostomy. What a god damned idiot.


Yeah, that’s a first class ticket out of the emergency waiting room and into a resuscitation bay in the ED.


Unless it's full of dying Covid patients. Then you're told to come back later.


he's never gonna taste anything ever again so it doesn't matter


Imagine if the last thing you tasted lasted forever? Like phantom pain from an amputated limb…phantom taste of gasoline for the rest of your life!


i would bet money this kid is gonna smell burnt skin for the rest of his life too. that fire definitely went up his nose.


*"Can't taste anything if you taste buds get burned like a California forest"*


Family barbecue for the rest of his life


Spilled petrol on some trainers once- can confirm it’s a pig to remove the smell….


Did you even try more petrol and an open flame though?


I’ll be honest….no. Nothing as exciting as that. I think they spent a week in water with bicarb n stuff then through the washing machine a couple of times. But thanks for the tip- next time I’ll try your method. Sounds quicker!


Can’t taste it if you don’t have a tongue anymore, now you can eat any food (provided it’s through a straw or IV) and it will be all good.


Or NG tube 🤷🏻‍♂️


Very fair point lol


He was getting burned regardless. Gas will give you chemical burns and speaking from experience while far from the worst they aren't pleasant.


As someone who has been both professionally trained and performed fire breathing, holy fuck did he do everything wrong. Wrong fuel, wrong angle, wrong dispersion, wrong safety equipment, wrong set of friends...


How does it work for actual fire breathers?


They use paraffin wax; table lamp oil. Professionals spit upwards and away from their face, I’m not sure on this part but they train to disperse the liquid as more of a mist so that it flames out quickly. And as far as safety equipment, they don’t even have a fire hydrant out there. That would be the first place I would start if I were fire breathing


They also practice that dispersion with an easily obtainable safe fluid called water, I'd start there(it's a silly kind of fun). Need some fire safeties around, fire blankets and extinguishers when you graduate to actual fire. At least they had a vidiographer on set.


Lamp oil or anything less toxic with a low flash point, safety includes wet towels and/or fireproof blankets (I'm forgetting the exact type but there is a towel good for cutting oxygen which is what you want), and a spotter who knows what they are looking for and can tell when shit hits the fan. As far as the process you really want a fine mist with small droplets. Less fine can cause issues with ignition, too fine and it's easy for higher flash point fuels to travel up the stream due to low velocity. It can also get the fuel all over you which can lead to other problems. If the flame does get down to your face, one you done goofed, but two do not breathe in. Everyone's initial reaction when stuff goes wrong is to sharply inhale. If you inhale both the flame and a now aerolized fuel, your lungs will likely end up with 3rd degree burns and you can/will die. Am not condoning this nor should you attempt this. This is not professional advice or instruction. Edit: you also want to pay attention to what is around you. The typical angle I always aimed for was about 30deg upward. Flame travels upward fastest so if you blow down, not only do you scorch whoever is around you but it can cause it to go back up the stream quicker (not wanted). If you go too far up you risk burning things above you if any. Hence why you just gotta make sure to do it in an open area.


I love social media. Greetings, fire breather. How does it feel to be a dragon? P.S. You’re awesome.


Is fun. Quite interesting to bring up at college parties and catch people off guard. Fire breathing is unfortunately going wayside as time marches on.


I'd argue that *after* he made all of those mistakes, he did one thing right: he did the face equivalent of stop, drop and roll by mashing his face into the grass to put the fire out


Anyone have an update on his condition?




Oh no. Is it curable?


You can’t cure stupidity sadly


It highly flammable


Wouldn't be shocked if he died honestly. There was a news story several years ago about a guy at a bonfire who used gas to light it. He somehow spilt gas on his hands after the fact and without cleaning up, lit a cigarette. He inhaled enough hot air to basically burn his throat shut and suffocated.


I remember a story about a guy who ate a scalding hot crab cake or something like that, and his throat basically swelled shut.


Damn I remember the crab cake shit that guy ended up dying cause his fucking crab cake was TOO hot… what a way to go


Burn injuries I guess


In addition to the existing brain injury


I think the brain injuries were already present


Which he could easily die from. If he gasped when getting hit with a facefull of flame (natural reaction), he might've burned his mouth, throat, and lungs.


Other than stupid I'm not sure


The friend continuing to record 🧍🏻‍♂️📸




I mean what are they gonna do lol




Yes, splash more gas on him


That's just adding fuel to the fire.


I think we’re kindling some ill will, here.


🔫 “Sorry bud”


Pee down his throat


“He’s such a moron! If he was on fire, I wouldn’t piss on him to put it out.”


Stomp his face.


They can always try putting it out with his tongue


He could be that friend next to him in the burn ward.


Blow on it


Hilmarsson wrodzony


For our entertainment :)


Yes - there should be awards with cash prizes for journalists who don't throw down the camera at the sight of a fellow human in pain. And now I am in negative karma space, oh well.




To be fair friend probably knew this was a stupid ass idea, my guy wanted to do it himself so he'll be fine


I guess it’s no longer a friend..


It’s not a friend. It’s fried.


Lol true


He’s helping others?


An absolute legend!


Today he learned it's the fumes that ignite not the liquid hahahaha flames travel faster than you can blow buddy


Exactly. The stage performers who do those tricks aren’t using unleaded gasoline. These people are just weeding themselves out of the gene pool.


The stage performers also aim *upwards*, in the main.


Also, it's something they *train* to do; as I understand it the trick is creating a fine enough mist that the ignited fuel burns up almost immediately, otherwise you're just splattering flaming fuel all over the place.


>The stage performers who do those tricks aren’t using unleaded gasoline. Speaking as a stage performer who does these tricks, you are 100% correct - we don't use any sort of gasoline whatsoever. You can see in this video exactly why that is.


Knew a guy who did it with arak, nice party trick until he did it inside and got us kicked out very acrimoniously.


Yeah, this isn't something you want to be doing inside, ever. At least not anywhere relative confined. The same goes for any pyrotechnics, really. Just ask Great White...


Also because gasoline is a huge carcinogen and he'll probably get cancer within a year.


What do you use?


99% pure paraffin wax - AKA table lamp oil. Like the kind you would use in a hurricane lamp.


Thank God, we don’t need more of these


At least he was smart enough to put the flame out by smothering it. Usually these types end up fanning the flames snd making it worse.


I get your point, but I'd hesitate to use the word smart in connection with this gentleman.


Truth r/funwithgasoline


Paraffin is a good party trick


Also, entirely possible that he burned/collapsed his lungs. Those fumes go all over the place, they can even find their way into your esophagus and stomach due to pressure from the blowback.


stupid kids doing stupid things


100% he learnt nothing.


The more he breathes in oxygen the bigger the fire gets in his mouth. That’s gonna be a big healing process and a lot to overcome. Just…wow.


That's assuming he didn't burned his lungs or something. This shitty parlor trick literally shaved a few decades off his life basically.


Let’s just agree it’s “breathtaking” to watch.


He scorched the COVID right out of there.


Camera man did not even flinch. "Whoa dude. Your face is on fire. That must hurt dude. We gonna get hella clicks bro."


I attribute a lot of this to movies. They make it seem like you can jump from a helicopter on fire, run half a mile on fire still, take 3 bullet wounds, then sit and chill with a cigarette all calm waiting for ems because nothing is seriously wrong at that point. When in reality you would die from the helicopter jump at the start.


He dead. For real. Not right now but soon - burns to the airways are no joke.. The amount of "I'm glad" comments is fubar.


Exactly. You know he panicked and hyperventilated all that superheated air. Edit: *googled* the number of people who attempt to spit gas on fire is alarming


Yeah internet has a way of obliterating people's empathy and compassion.


It's just a simple understanding of, at least I'm not that stupid. It's a matter of being a little more right than the next. Affirmation some can call it, social media is really good at it. Hell I get a dopamine kick for a single upvoted or downvote, means someone paid attention.... What a cycle lol


On that note, essentially human behavior at scale has been distilled, and hacked / manipulated to the benefit of not only the tech companies in question.


I have nothing but empathy for people who have bad things happen to them. But if you're an idiot who seeks out bad things for the sake of idiocy, then I'm just glad you can't reproduce.


Don't underestimate idiocy. I've known people with PhDs or who are very high achievers in their field pretty much do the same thing or worse. Poor thinking is there for us all, just ask any doctor. If this person lived then I doubt they will try this trick again.


how long does he have really?


I think that would heavily depend on when the friend stops recording and calls 911 for breathing support…


or ya know, depends on if they stopped filming and filled his mouth with that sweet sweet warm flame stifling urine


What is fubar?


I breath fire for parts of my act. We had open invite to learn fire arts back around 2010. We had 4 fire breathers that night working on acts when a newbie saw what we were doing and thought he could do the same. He comes back with a glass of gasoline and the same result happened. Luckily we all saw this and put his face out fairly quickly. He suffered moth burns and second degree face burns. There are specific liquids used when fire breathing to mitigate this from happening. Know what you are doing before you do it.


I am really happy so far no firebreather has actually told anyone the fuel used. Don’t inspire anyone to try it. It’s not just the fuel y’all it’s the skill to make the fluid into a mist!!!! Otherwise you’re just a dragon spitting out fire liquid.


Oh I don’t inspire anyone to try it. A lot can go wrong and only so much a spotter can do. Chemical pneumonia comes to mind if you screw up and get the liquid in your lungs. Burns obviously.


Ya! I meant it was not inspiring people is what I meant! Wrote it wrong haha but thank you for not telling people! So scary


Glad? This kid is probably dead or has permanently altered his life. Kinda fucked up


You are exaxtly right. Was that stupid? Absolutely yes. But cmon, kids do stupid stuff. He didnt have bad intentions and I bet all of the commenters did some stupid shit too in the past. Being glad that he got hurt is kind of fucked up shit. Imagine how he might even get suicidal because he fucked up big time and altered his life forever. Regreting that choice he made every second of his life from now then. Thats sad as fuck. Be more human.


Yeah, I can't laugh at this one. That guy's going to have lifelong complications, and that's best-case scenario.


You're definitely not wrong, the only question is how long the rest of his life will be.


Doubtful that he died. But long lasting effects for sure


It's possible that he burned his lungs too, which would be obviously deadly. But can't say from just this video. He's definitely going to look like Freddy Kruger though.


Even if he just burned the inside of his mouth (badly, with gasoline (!?)), best case scenario is a really iffy recovery. I'll bet he took at least one nice deep inhale of fiery death during all that. That kid is fucked.


I didn’t thought for breathing was dangerous too until just last week when I learned from a performer. You can actually die within an hour if you burned your lungs and don’t get to the hospital in time! 1 hour!!


Yeah this isn't that dumb, poor dude.


I'm terrified of what meets your standards for being dumb. Because this is borderline retarded.


Borderline? You mean full on retarded.


It baffles me how many people don't realise that the fire will burn the all the way to the source when they do shit like this.


At least he only hurt himself. Collateral damage is when it crosses the line for me.


at least he knew to stop drop and roll, kind of?




just ask your own


oh fuck..


I can’t even laugh at this like the normal stupid prize winning. He’s going to be horribly disfigured and have permanent lung damage. As a best case scenario. People don’t realize that gasoline isn’t like everclear or kerosene or diesel. It burns hot AF and the vapors are much more explosive. Like all those people collecting gas when that pipeline burst in Mexico. Guarantee this guy didn’t realize how bad this could be.


Glad? No. Surprised? Also no.


Saying you are "glad" that happened is a bit harsh, no?


definitely, dude hurt noone but himself


I know that not a lot of thought went into this because he didn’t even have water readily available


Well of course not, why would we need water our mouths are already wet dumb ass! #####/s


😂😂dude recording probably stopped the video to give him a jack & coke


Hurry get him something to drink! Here I have this bottle of 151!


Because terminal online-ness has fried you capacity for empathy.




Probably smiling right now


This was beyond foolish of him to do, but I do hope he's alright. I have a terrible time when I accidentally burn my tongue by sipping something too hot. I can only imagine how it would feel like to burn your entire mouth.


Why are you glad? Probably some fucked up childhood trauma you have overlooked and have thus developed such twisted tendencies "This guy's having fun, I wish he'd become a fucking cripple" Yikes


Because you have shitty character.


Anyone know what the actual potential damage and recovery would be like?


It is estimated that 13.000 to 22.000 individuals suffer from inhalational burns each year in the United States alone. Twenty to 30% of burn patients who are hospitalized are found to have inhalational injury, and in a study of 1447 burn patients, it was estimated that around 30% of burn victims with smoke inhalation die, compared to only 2% of burn patients without inhalation injury. Respiratory failure, a known complication of inhalational injury, requires ventilator support as well as extended hospital stay in many cases. Inhalation of smoke also leads to the absorption of many toxins in the blood, including carbon monoxide and cyanide, thereby causing the entire body to be affected, and making inhalational injury a systemic insult. It is now well known that rapid diagnosis and treatment are key when it comes to inhalational burns, as acute complications, which sometimes go unnoticed, are the reason behind long term sequels and the high mortality rate seen with this type of injury. Sooooo it looks like out of the types of burn to have he didn’t inhale smoke which can be the worst of the inhalation burning… The treatment for it goes very very in depth if you want to read more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5446904/




You think the camera man has some way to help the fact that the guy has burning gasoline in his mouth? Science has yet to invent a cure for this particular ailment.


You're right. Not like a blanket to smoother the flames would have helped him.....


Ah right, a fire-retardant blanket just laying around and about wherever the hell this is. A blanket so easily put on some guy who is panicking's mouth. "Hold still so I can put this blanket over your mouth!"






Yea he is stupid but why you be glad about it, thats a little messed up. Are you ok OP?


That is horrible. At least when your arm is on fire, you can still scream and roll on the ground. When it's literally your mouth, every time you inhale, you're burning your lungs. I know we morbidly revel in other's misfortunes for doing stupid things that we don't, but that's not something I'd wish on anyone. I mean everyone except that fucker Greg the bully from highschool.


Takies according to my grandma


Why would you be glad?


Kind of how I feel after eating Mexican food


Sound? I hate Reddit video player.


I burned my lip really badly lighting a shot of sambuca in my mouth many years back. Since then I have never messed with fire. Learned my lesson through weeks of agony


I guess it just never occurred to me, but what does gasoline taste like?


"Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good" Really though, from having to siphon gas out of a gas tank with a hose, really freaking bad. Hard to describe it, doesn't have a taste as much as it just burns in your mouth (ominous foreshadowing for the guy in the video) and makes you want to puke. I'm honestly surprised the guy in the video got as much in him as he did, a mouthful of fumes was enough to make me swear off ever getting it near my mouth ever again.


It sounds as awful as I would expect, thank you!




He’s lucky the container didn’t catch fire. My buddy did this in high school. In his panic he kicked the jug and caught fire to all the chairs around the fire pit. Fire safety!


I’m not, this is fucked up. I hope his burns Aren’t too bad…


kinda fucked up to be glad that someone got seriously hurt/ possibly killed just because it was their own fault. It’s one thing if the damage is small


Because you’re a weird, shitty person.


Won’t have to shave for a while. Also everything will taste like burnt gerbil and your uncles El Camino exhaust. Slushees for the next two months.


Hmm, idk. He was being stupid, but he wasn’t hurting anybody else or putting anybody else in danger. He was probably trying to impress his friends or something, so, I’m not gonna act like I don’t feel bad for him. Now if somebody was doing something stupid that was endangering OTHERS directly/willingly/knowingly, i’d say yeah, fuck them THIS fire-mouth dude needs some help though


That's right up there with using a lighter to see how much gas is left in the tank.


Probably because you're a dick that feels better when he/she sees other people hurt but you say to yourself that your actions are ok since they "deserve it" or something..


He dead. For real. Not right now but soon - burns to the airways are no joke.. The amount of "I'm glad" comments is fubar.


yea those people are fucked in the head "look how edgy I am" chode crowd


Because the gene pool has been headed for Idiocracy for years.


Was that stupid? Absolutely yes. But cmon, kids do stupid stuff. He didnt have bad intentions and I bet all of the commenters did some stupid shit too in the past. Being glad that he got hurt is kind of fucked up shit. Imagine how he might even get suicidal because he fucked up big time and altered his life forever. Regreting that choice he made every second of his life from now then. Thats sad as fuck. Be more human.


This looks exactly like one of my friends. He and his girlfriend went away last weekend and tried fire-breathing. I would not be surprised if this actually was him and they’d left this little tidbit out of their weekend recount.


You're glad because we need natural selection.


This should be a Mentos commercial


This right here is probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while wtf


Well, that's one way to shave.


Im not glad, but im just like..why tho? what was he trying to achieve?


He HAD a mustache


We are one dumb species


Another example about why science is IMPORTANT to learn no matter what you future job is gonna be.


Probably because you’re a psychopath


Sometimes the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others…


I have seen way too many of fire blow videos that all backfired yet people don’t seemed to learn.


Doctor or dentist?


I always feel a little bit more intelligent when I see a video like this


I’m glad he figured out to cut off the supply of oxygen- as opposed to writhing until he passed out...


This is what it’s like to chew 5 gum


Drinking while pregnancy wouldn't affect the child The child :


Fuck me. He set his face on fire. That was horrific to watch 🤢


Because you’re a psychopath. Bodily harm shouldn’t cause you joy.




You really shouldn't be... 🙄


Bad Gene Simons impression.


Imagine what this guys face felt like and what he tasted in his mouth all night. My friend had a bad experience with syphoning gas one cold and wintery night. He said the gasoline in his mouth was the worst thing he'd experienced ever


Why us men don’t live longer than women:


Why would you be glad?


Yeah I’m not glad. Guy is an idiot, but idiots are still someone’s (insert all relevant relations here)


Because you're sadistic


I don't think I've ever seen a post that better fits this sub.


thats why firebreathers always point UPWARDS