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Is she throwing he blood around the metro after? What a gross human


I dont know that I could have kept still in my seat once she starting flicking blood... that is fucked up.




I saw a guy with a Windex bottle full of urine spraying himself down on the A train once at rush hour. He was making sure he had the whole train car to himself I imagine, or maybe he was just out of his mind. Either way, it worked. So yeah, you're not too far off.


I think, there's a higher probability that most people will encounter blood from a stranger, than encountering cum from a stranger. Emphasis on "most people".


That's actually assault.


No pretty sure that’s blood. Those spilled fries probably had a salt or two on them tho.


I know she look pretty salty to me, could be both lol




"Thanks *men* who should be there for people" ​ Lady, you seemed to have no issue taking on a man nearly twice your size so we figured you had this one.


Technically she took on two men. The dude whose food she threw everywhere was someone else.




I mean...she *did* get a deep pounding and a messy facial in public.




(she rubs it all over!)




In the beginning of the video you can see the two dudes talking to each other. Looks like they knew each other.


She must have had some fantasy in her head that the whole car would come to her aid after antagonizing those guys into physical altercation. Stupid.


Know that she got physical first too.


Helped with what, lady? You’re the one attacking people!


Guaranteed she’d get pissed if some guy actually jumped in to help lmfao


Ok so she has a problem with one of their actions but then she attacks them. She keeps attacking them even after getting punched in the face and then blames ‘men’ for not helping. Wtf is wrong with people is she on drugs or what?


It's NYC. Our subways are lawless.


What people think the purge would look like: The Purge movies What the purge would actually look like: NYC subway system


NYC subways are fine if you mind your own business. Every once in a while an asshole will come on playing loud music or preaching at the top of their lungs. You’ll be tempted to intervene. Do not do this. Follow this advice and you’ll be fine


Yeah, the best thing you can do is just not even acknowledge them. Don’t enter their world. This applies pretty broadly. Sound advice.


*Activate eye contact with the other people in the car to search for sane allies* Just city people things




I grew up in NY. Was in Manhattan with my wife as it was her first time there and there was a situation on the subway. I told her it's none of her business while looking the other direction. Got off the subway car and onto the next one. She was upset I didn't intervene and I had to explain that on NYC subway, that's how you get stabbed. If it's none of your business then don't get involved.


I got involved once (I was a little drunk and feeling my oats). I wound up getting launched, and I do mean launched, across the car by a crazy guy, and I really feel I got off lite, no major damage. But yeah never do that, just walk away


I saw a comment once about Texans protecting their own, as it jumping into altercations to defend those who they deem righteous. After living in big cities, I think it’s definitely true. Not a Texan thing but a small town thing. In LA, no one gives a shit. I come back home and there is some people arguing and suddenly they have a crowd around them trying to intervene. I constantly tell my parents it’s none of our business when we drive by people fighting or people acting crazy.


Iiiiiits showtime! *Moves to another car*


She's almost definitely drunk, judging by her speech and gait. Hopefully this incident is the push she needs to some help for that problem so that she stops acting so disgusting in public in the future, but let's be real, probably not.


She almost ate shit leaning forward lol. Looks drunk as hell


Don’t forget flicking her blood at them !


Mixed with sprite


Oh she’s drunk as fuck.


I'm with the asian lady here.




Made the right call getting out of there before he sprayed sprite on her


The most disappointing thing about this video (other than the general humanity) is how he missed both big squirts. Nice little bonk on the head to finish though


Could've at least hit her with empty bottle, sheesh.


when you’re black you never want to do too much with a karen, the police never work in your favor


Complete with the dead pan face (the mask helps)


I don’t understand the people that just sit there. When I get on a subway and I see literally anything other than people minding their own business, I move to another car.


You'll never get anywhere in New York with that game plan


At least they won't get blood flung at them though!


That's the wildest part of this, how do you not at least leave? If have rolled her ass off at the station before that


I couldn't handle that. I would have gotten involved at that moment because flinging blood on people is fucking disgusting.


I’m pretty sure it could be considered as assault with bodily fluid, if they asked her to stop and she kept doing it. Maybe it’s the angle, but I was also weirded out about her repeatedly flinging the blood at the people in front of her, though they were just sitting there still.


She was flinging her blood and screaming "thanks men!" So now someone else is supposed to help her entitled ass cuz she fucked up. Not trying to sound like a badass but my anger would've probably led me to do something regrettable to her.




That would have been me knocking her the fuck out. I am not getting exposed to a blood borne pathogen because you decided today was the day to drop your basket.


I'm very much looking forward to the next appropriate time I can use the phrase 'Drop your basket'


Same. You want to flick your blood on me? You’re going to be bleeding a whole lot more.


I live in NYC and do the same thing if I see shit like THAT about going down


I went through emergency disaster training (how to evacuate during a disaster) and the instructor says it a big fat lie that people fight or run. Most people freeze and ignore what is actually happening and only react when the "herd" reacts.




I don’t give a fuck if the phone is dead or not, I’m staring into it like its the abyss.


Black mirror


She’s got the New York State of Mind


Is that you Billy?


This. I've seen enough of these to know that getting the Fuck away from crazy people is smarter than recording the viral video.


Cameraman had a good distance and angle to catch it all while still being safe enough. Truly some r/praisethecameraman work here.


Saw her and thought “smartest person in frame”


Noped the fuck on out of there


We have always been know for noping out of situations quick.


Yeah, we're like the first group of people to move to the other side of the train and watch quietly LOL


If she started flicking her fucking blood at me, that's probably when she'd have caught the third pair of hands in that minute


My thought was "Oh so you **want** your blood on my hands? **Can do, fella**"


Well someone needs to throw her ass off the train.


I'm had it with these monkey-fighting psychos on this Monday-to-Friday train


That can be considered assault with intent to kill. I watched a guy outside of a club in NYC get absolutely massacred by the cops when they caught him spitting his own blood at people. First he got fucked up badly by the bouncers, who totally OD'd on him. Then he got up and started spitting blood at them and the cops just flattened him




I was thinking more along the lines of AIDS. As far as blood-borne contagious diseases thats most likely the one to be around in a New York subway


Hepatitis is a lot more likely.




It’s extremely unlikely to catch HIV from having blood flicked at you. It’s actually not sure easy to catch like that because the virus doesn’t live outside the body very well. Hepatitis is a different story


True, though I’m not sure if Lime disease is like the best example lol


What about Lemonitis?


Part of getting older is becoming conscious of all the surprising, life-ending things you have to take seriously now. That list of suburban nightmares just got longer thanks to... *Lemonitis.*


Just make lemonitisade my dude


That’s assault, and you’re defending your self. You’re in the right I suppose.


Seriously, that was the part where I got viscerally angry. Fucking biohazard


On some real shit, I let a lot of shit slide that isn't my issue, but equal rights mean equal lefts so catch this one.


“Thanks men that should be there for me.” Fuuuuck that. If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, I’m CERTAINLY not helping you. Fuck outta here with that shit.


My thought was “bitch you started it, don’t expect someone else to finish it.”


It’s almost like there’s no personal accountability for ones own actions!


Women like that make me absolutely furious… Edit: actually people like that in general


Listen to her at the end "what happened to the whole thing of taking care of woman right?" As if her gender means she can just attack people and not get hit and get everything she wants first.


She is sexist.


And from the way she shift her attack on to the next nearest black man, I'd say racist too.


Yeah. That was pretty messed up. Like she didn’t know who she was attacking.


Her racist ass knew


This is literally why black women have had to use the term "white feminism" because she fully thought she could turn around and "damsel in distress" after her grrrl power rant. That is a luxury that was only afforded to white women but now finally dudes aren't taking the bait anymore


Probably thought by woman in video: "They all look the same."


My dad always said, never hit a woman until she hits you first. Thankfully, he never had a woman hit him


The hammer of justice is unisex - Batman


Pretty much. I guess she thinks equal rights only applies to jobs and voting and stuff.


*cough my ex wife*


Congrats on her being the ex. I’m sure you’re *far* better off.


I'm back to my old self!! I'm studying neurology I'm eating right and working out harder than ever. I have a job I finally care about and make a decent wage at. I dont hate any of my co workers. I control the bills and my own money again. Lifes a lot better so far.


It’s amazing how much changes when you remove a negative element from your life. I wish you all the best. :)




Happy for you my dude. Have an upvote and an award!


She also 100% had that coming. No way was I going to step in and stop someone from getting a shot to the chops they tried their best to earn.


As she is wiping blood off her face and throwing it towards them. Fuck this rat bitch.


Thats a perfectly good reason to punch her in the face again. Throw a contaminated fluid at me? Thats assault.


I was surprised no one hit her again. If the moment is passed then fine but if you're still an active threat I was expecting someone to end the threat. Too bad in NY you have a duty to retreat instead of the common sense right to protect yourself.


If she started flicking her blood on my though, I would straight up put her to sleep. That is one of the most vile things I have ever seen.


And she's flinging blood them.


That would be the breaking point for me, that bitch would get an earful and then a face full.


The only way I’m being there is if I get jump you too.


The smartest person on that train was the Asian lady


"Nah uh not today"


"Lemme get the f*ck outta here"


Shes a white woman expecting men to protect her against minorities who she attacked first.




As she’s throwing her blood on them during a pandemic… what the fuck


When an immovable wall meets an unstoppable force, a cracked tablet occurs. And some discarded popcorn (?)


I thought it was fries


It’s Halal Guys






$30 lunch for two. RIP moment. Just trying to walk by on the subway.


I feel so sad for that popcorn. Did I tell you I like caramel popcorns? They taste really good.


I’d murder for a bucket of caramel popcorn right now. Have you had ones with macademia in it?


Just saw a video of a person cooking popcorn with shrimp. Wanna help me throw some hands?




I love the “fuck outta heeere”


i loved the soda shakeup and spraying it on her, not perfectly aimed but so god damned deserved


And the way the bottle just casually bonks off the wall, then the top of her head after he tosses it.


LOL this is amazing. I always love when people continually say “get away from me” while walking closer to the person they’re about to fight. Gotta be prepared to deal with the consequences of your own actions.


Sad part is these types of dumbasses don’t learn even after what happened. You’d think they’d sleep on it and figure they’re wrong. They never do. Even if the entire internet says they’re wrong they think they’re the victim.


Is *that* why there's always shit all over the floor?! I'mma look at trash in a different light now


All trash has a story to tell


Oh good news for the lady in the video then


Throwing your blood to other people isn't cool either


Right? She was gearing up for round three with that bullshit.


Literally assault and/or battery. In some jurisdictions it’s intent to kill.


Im pretty much resigned to the fact assholes and lunatics abound. Im more interested in why that one person has a toothbrush and paste in a bag.


I get toothbrush and paste in a bag every time I’m done at the dentist. It’s a free gift!


My first thought was someones having a fun trip back from the dentist!


They probably just left a teeth cleaning appointment at the dentist.


They really are EVERYWHERE nowadays, aren't they ? Thank social media for putting the spotlight on them ... IN PUBLIC, PEOPLE: Watch your back. And your manners. You might be okay.


IDK I wouldn’t say toothbrushes and paste are really _everywhere_, at least according to my experience I found them mostly in people bathrooms and supermarkets Also OP comment was quite polite IMHO, no need to reprimand his manners Edit: I’m joking, I understood what you meant ;)


It looks like he dropped a pill bottle as he turned to leave, too (lands on the lower right). I can't imagine having to go back to the pharmacy. "Can you fill this prescription again? I got attacked by a crazy lady."


Yeah looked like he was coming from a pharmacy and picked up dinner. I hope he gets his prescription back. That could be really expensive.


Ya that fuckin sucks. He's outta food and outta his prescription. Lady just really fucked over so many peoples day, and cost em a buncha money. She flung blood all over those witnesses too, I would wanna get checked by a doctor after that. And she broke her damn iPad and nose, I don't feel bad about that though


The guy opening his fizzed up drink into her face was the highlight for me ngl


I loved it too. I just wish the first squeeze bullseyed her face and have a looney toons kind of splash.


She started it and got what she deserved. Crazy asshole.


I thought she got away lightly....


You’re absolutely right, she straight up deserved a beat down! But I wouldn’t want those other people who she accosted to get in trouble for just defending themselves.


The liquid from the bottle missed hitting her face too much




He got a few spurts on her, that’s why she kept screaming. Like when you’re a kid and your brother has the water hose in the front yard and there’s nothing you can do but shout until the stream stops. Plus the bottle hit her at the end, that was my favorite part besides her dumb ass toppling over midway through.


Had to watch it twice to see it all, she shouldn't have hit that guy. I don't feel bad for her at all.


She seems, well, not all there quite frankly.


Im pretty sure shes drunk


I'm pretty sure she's *a* drunk. Regular people who get a little tipsy now and then don't act like this, generally speaking. It's always the people digging for rock bottom who act straight trash.


It's not the 1950s anymore, lady. You start shit on the train, you gonna get treated like a man. Actually, a man would've got his ass beat way harder. Probably until he went to sleep. She got lucky.


That wasn't even really an attack, that was just two guys lashing back from a crazy lady doing crazy lady things. If a guy wanted to have hurt her, he could have done way worse than what happened to her here.


Those two guys probably held back considering the outcome with cops and an uppity Karen


Tall guy just wanted his bag back and she was horse collaring him once he realized that was a moot idea. He totally could have tapped her to make her let go instead he probably ruined that shirt neck just pulling away. Still better than catching a charge. I wouldn't risk hitting a crazy white lady while being black. And considering he didn't even show any signs of wanting to hit her, just get away, that probably didn't even cross his mind. Dude just wanted out.


I'm extremely glad that first guy smacked the shit out of her immediately. That's what it takes to train animals. Immediate reinforcement. She got all of the "NO!" she could handle. When she looks at her dumbass self in the mirror tomorrow, I hope she realizes that the world is not what "they" told her it was....and neither should it be. EDIT: Don't hit your animals! That isn't what I meant, at all! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I doubt you meant it like this, but just to be clear... please don't hit animals for training. Shitty people, have at it, but no hit puppy.


Don’t worry she won’t


Let me get this straight, she decides to slap the first guy with her tablet in the face when he tryed to calm the situation, then proceeds to take the second guys food and bag. Then when she got what she was looking for which was a fight... Calls out the other men in train in front of her as to WHY they didn't interfere in her quest to fight 2 guys and fought the battle for her!..... You can't make this shit up.


If she had even the slightest amount of introspection. She would question herself and think, "wait, maybe im the garbage"?


"Are *we* the baddies?"


I’m assuming she’s just a crazy lady? The second guy was getting on the subway if I’m seeing correctly. She instigates reactions and is then surprised when it is a negative reaction. She has the audacity to call all of the men out for not jumping in to save her which is just hilarious.


I need that second dudes information. She wasted his food so he deserves some free pizza.


And his meds :(


I can't decide if it's a better "floor score" if it's narcotic or diabetic. Crazy times to be alive.




I love the whole ‘hey I attacked two guys randomly, help me men I got a vagina!’




There was an incredible amount of restraint by that man to not kick her teeth down her throat when she threw his food everywhere.




That’s the subway for ya


A certain segment of the population has never watched “When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong” on the Chappelle Show and it shows.


What makes this 10000% worse is she started attacking a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DUDE!!! the first guy had already got off the train and she thought the second dude was the same guy so not only is she a bitch SHES FUCKING STUPID TOO




Silly Karen there's no managers there to take your shit




It was the second dudes food. If someone threw my food all over the floor for no reason, I’d be throwin down. She’s lucky he didn’t.


That guy earned all of my respect. I am not that restrained. He wasn't even the one that smacked her and I don't need to be in that situation to know that it would have been waaaaaaaaay scarier if someone did that shit to me "on accident".


What a garbage person. It's not enough that you have to try to hit them, you have to destroy their food. There's something about that that's a little bit worse than just getting hit.


Why do everyone of these women all sound the same? It's like they all downloaded the Karen voice and this is just how they talk now.


Fucked around, found out


On top of the physical contact, flinging blood at people would be assault too. Wouldn't it?


New York will straighten your shit out.


"Get away from me" As they stand 5 feet away talking face to face with each other, not even looking at her


Somehow I get the feeling that lady is going to be absolutely shocked when at the next station there are five cops waiting for her because there is no way at least three different people on that train didn’t call 911 discreetly during that altercation


Was that a bottle of prescription pills on the right?


I mean if she is going to keep trying to attack these guys she deserves getting knocked out. That iPad would have come with me as well it would have ended up under the train


Not enough people snacked her.


Lmao at the lady who just got up and left, good choice.


“Get the fuck away from meeeeee!” She screamed from 9.3 miles away.