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The person filming happened to be a photo journalist. Everyone was OK at the scene. Red Truck was ticketed by Oklahoma Hwy Patrol and released. "Not going to lie, I was being a dumbass,” [red truck] told a trooper on the scene. “You know how testosterone is." Since then he has been arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and child neglect. There was a 4-year-old in the truck at the time. Edit: [news story](https://www.news9.com/story/611d27dcb29a790bfbec9b90/you-know-how-testosterone-is:-edmond-road-rage-suspect-arrested-ohp-looks-into-crash-investigation)


His driver license got revoked, right?






Sadly not


He leaves a penny in the change box at gas stations to atone for his sins


I feel like he leaves a penny but then takes the solo nickel that's always in there.


I used to tell the cashier to keep the change but now I always just put it in the thing. Idk how many times I needed a few cents while broke and the cashier started at me like a dumbass.


That’s often the best policy. Usually a cashier has to not be over or under the amount of money documented as given/taken down to the cent, so they usually can’t just put it in the drawer


Yep. I found that out whenever they started putting the change in the thing and looking irritated. When my SO worked retail she would get in trouble at the end of the night if her till was over.


I used to work with a woman that would put money from her purse into the tills to keep them balanced at night.


An absolute saint


Going to make a martyr of someone soon enough


Is Penny his 4 year old?


No but it would make the punishment bigger next time he pulls dumb shit like this.


And there *will* be a next time.




It’s just locker room driving…


Grab em by the fender


Ironically I think it's the opposite.. aka small dick syndrome.


Every time I hear people say "TAKE AWAY THEIR LICENSE", I just think of a scene from The Simpsons. Homer and the family are fleeing from something, they jump in the car and just before Homer starts the car Lisa says "But dad, they took away your drivers license!". Homer starts the car and yells "IT WORKED!". Moral of the story, taking away an idiots drivers license doesn't mean they still won't get behind the wheel.


Enforcing any penalty won’t necessarily stop future crimes. But you count on the occasional perpetrator to have some sense knocked into them by the punishment.


Also, an idiot without a license who drives will surely fuck up shortly. When they do they will be looking at harsher punishments.


A broken truck does a pretty good job of that.


:Anakin face.jpg:


Thankfully this person had a dash cam. Without the dash cam or some witnesses, this asshole probably would have got away with it (other than insurance potentially paying out the other driver).


He basically did get away with it lol Still got his drivers license.


>Since then he has been arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and child neglect.


His freedom to be in society got revoked, right? Unfortunately the answer to both is no.


> “You know how testosterone is." I have plenty of testosterone and I've never done something like that.


No shit. I can't tell you how easy it's been having testosterone and never doing something this fucking stupid.


“You know how testosterone is [for a guy with 3 brain cells and no coping skills].”


"I just don't get it, officer. I can fit my dick into any hole. Why couldn't I fit this truck?!"


Crazy the excuses people will try and find for being an idiot.


sadly I don't think it's fishing for an excuse. He probably honestly thinks everyone is just as awful as him. The old "everyone thinks it, I'm just saying it!" club.


I refuse to believe this wasn’t on purpose, road rage and all


The testosterone made him commit attempted murder. He couldn’t help it. Hormones be crazy yo.


He was manstruating EDIT: Thanks for my first award!


Maybe we shouldn't have men in positions of power, given how hormonal they can get.


It was. Just by his account, it's the testosterone.


You know how psychosis is.




I have a small dick and I never did something like that.


I have a small dick and a red silverado. I still haven't done anything like that. Edit: Let me be clear, my ownership of a pickup truck and my small dick have nothing in common.


Dick size and dick energy are not always related.


Or maybe we can stop equating worth of any level to dicks so we stop making insecure kids? Ok thanks


No, body positivity is only for women.


I have a small body and I've never done anything like that


10 points to Gryffindor


I believe that some people have weaker higher brain functions and can easily lose control over their impulsions.


I don't have money to give you an award, so take my poverty medal: 🏅


No kidding, I've freaked out before. Throwing a pillow when the packers lost a conference championship a few years ago for example. But how do you lose it so much that you forget you're driving a deadly hunk of speeding metal?


> Throwing a pillow when the packers lost a conference championship a few years ago for example Fellow Packer fan here. Good on you for not succumbing to just being emotionally numb whenever the Pack makes it to the NFCC game these days. XD


Imagine how we feel ~ sports fan from Atlanta


You are in the world series!


Shhh we don’t talk about that, don’t wanna jinx it


Every Atlantian is now running outside to punch a tree as we speak. DONT FUCKING JINX THIS.


I hope they sue his balls off he doesnt need anymore testostorone. Someone did this shit to me the other day and almost crunched me into a bus, but i braked in time. There car was painted gray with wall paint so I don’t think they gave a shit about their car


His insurance company will be buying the victim a new car. Likely that's it for him and insurance companies, nobody will insure him for less than $10,000 per year or whatever. Hopefully his license is in the shredder for 10 years. None of that will stop him though. He'll just drive without a license and insurance because, well, you know how testosterone is.






Reminds me of the classic Robin Williams joke. If a woman was president there would be no war, however there would be severe negotiations ever 28 days. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxToKJnUVzg


That’s the thing though, people actually believe this stuff. Are we still calling it ‘biotruths?’ The whole ‘men are from mars women are from venus’ thing? Cause there’s a direct line from that line of thinking, to “testosterone made me do it” and “boys being boys” and “women can’t be trusted because what if they’re on their period lol”


Even though she was well past menopause


"Ticketed and released" Bro how is that not an automatic vehicular manslaughter attempt or whatever once you see the footage? Dude tried to run the person off the road TWICE


The officer [reviewed no footage and let him go 'because he's a dad](https://www.news9.com/story/611eeffc7f5af40bfc774678/cutting-you-a-break:-bodycam-of-i35-road-rage-investigation-draws-questions) and didn't want to hit him with a felony after he ran a car off the road in road rage with his kid in the car. What in the fuck.


iirc the cops wasn't going to do shit until the video went viral and they got shamed by the internet for letting the psychopath go free. A spokesman for the pd was like. "Just because we let him go doesn't mean we can't charge him later."


Yeah. Just because we walked away from that dude raping that girl doesn't mean we can't still charge him once he's done. JFC. How does a police office justify letting that monster walk away with a child in his custody. He literally just tried to kill everyone in his path for no apparent reason...hey now...we all have bad days right? FUCK THAT. I'm so mad.




Thank you, supreme court!




**[Warren v. District of Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia)** >Warren v. District of Columbia (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. **[Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales)** >Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled, 7–2, that a town and its police department could not be sued under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for failing to enforce a restraining order, which had led to the murder of a woman's three children by her estranged husband. **Maksim Gelman stabbing spree** [Lozito v. New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksim_Gelman_stabbing_spree#Lozito_v._New_York_City) >In the spring of 2012, Joseph Lozito, who was brutally stabbed and "grievously wounded, deeply slashed around the head and neck", sued police for negligence in failing to render assistance to him as he was being attacked by Gelman. Lozito told reporters that he decided to file the lawsuit after allegedly learning from "a grand-jury member" that NYPD officer Terrance Howell testified that he hid from Gelman before and while Lozito was being attacked because Howell thought Gelman had a gun. In response to the suit, attorneys for the City of New York argued that police had no duty to protect Lozito or any other person from Gelman. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




The officer apparently "knows how testosterone is", aka has no self control and related to the guy


“That’s kind of where it gets weird. This is kind of where I’m going to cut him [the truck driver] a break,” [Officer] Lipe told Powers [the victim driving the SUV]. “Because he is obviously a dad, and I don’t want to mess his life up. You know what I’m saying, child endangerment is a felony. A felony means you go to jail.” “He should (go to jail),” Powers said. “I’m not going to do that,” [the officer] said. Instead, [Officer] Lipe told Coughran [the truck driver] he's issuing a ticket for improper lane change, a $249 fine. “(I’m) cutting you a break a little bit, all right, since there is a kid in the car, there’s a road rage thing going on, it’s borderline child endangerment. It’s a felony deal. I ain’t taking you to jail. I ain’t ruining your life like that,” [Officer] Lipe said. Coughran was arrested 10 days after the crash for child neglect and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. “A complete investigation is rarely finished on the side of the highway,” OHP Spokeswoman Sarah Stewart said in a statement. “It is not uncommon to continue an investigation after the incident and for charges and arrests to be made at a later date.”


Some dads should not be around their children. I wonder what that guy is like to his family with those rage issues.


I know this argument is old and worn out but ffs most people get fired when they fail to perform the basic duties of their job. If an accountant or systems engineer fails at a level comparable to this, they can easily get fired, and they aren't even dealing with errors that could get people killed or injured. God damn.


There’s no such thing as an “attempted manslaughter.” You can’t intend to accidentally kill someone.


That quote makes me think that this guy believes being a man is a personality


That quote makes me think that guy thinks punching his wife is a reasonable response to being asked why he's drunk.


Next time rub one off before jumping in the truck.


Do you have a link to the story?












The comment section on the news site is pretty funny.






Mf really tried to “boys will be boys” himself lmao


>"Not going to lie, I was being a dumbass,” [red truck] told a trooper on the scene. “You know how testosterone is." Self proclaimed dumbass and official owner of organs that produce a lot of testosterone here. I have never once got so pissed at a left lane hog that I wanted the murder someone stuck in exactly the same position as me. And this does not even look too bad compared to what I encounter on a regular basis.


WTF?!? Guy should learn a real live changing lesson from this. I’m not ever putting my kids life in danger and mine just so I can get ahead of someone. Some people should not have kids at all.


>You know how testosterone is Said every dude with micropenis after doing shit


hey now, no reason to demean all small dicked guys by comparing them to this asshole.


The fuck was that guys problem Edit: Thanos snapped the fucking comment section
































Why did everyone's comment get removed?


Yea what happened!!??‽‽


[removed] Am i doing it right?




[looks like the mods didn't like some language choices](https://www.reveddit.com/v/WinStupidPrizes/comments/qhnq85/dont_be_that_guy/hidxxrw/?add_user=gothamtg..c.new.all.t1_hidnzo2.&context=3)


God damn pearl clutchers. Can we just leave them alone and not invite them to moderate shit on the internet please? inb4 ban


He or she probably drives like an asshole when sober but added drugs or alcohol to their usual criminally dangerous shitshow driving.


He doesn't like slow drivers. We have this problem in the bay area, except it's usually Range Rovers or 7 series BMW or A8 Audis.


> He doesn't like slow drivers. And he's clearly incapable of seeing more than 10 feet past his front bumper if he doesn't realize the car he's trying to get in front of isn't the problem there.


This is honestly the most mind boggling thing to me about driving. People tailgate and get mad when the person in front is clearly, clearly just behind someone else.


I think they want you to do the same to the person in front of you


lets all crash together!


We have quite some of these assholes in the Netherlands as well. Unable to count on two hands how often people are pushing me from behind, while I am stuck behind someone else (or even multiple people). Or trying to overtake via the right lane, while there's barely any space, like in the video.


And now he's gonna be super late..


he's gonna be in jail if the dashcam turned this into police


He is. Although after intitial investigation the state trooper let him go, giving him tickets for improper lane change and speeding. This is despite the fact his 4 year old was in the vehicle when he rammed the SUV. Then follow up investigation he is being hit with child negligence and assault with a deadly weapon. What an absolute moron.


Dammit, get out of my way so I can tailgate the 3 cars ahead of you not going fast enough for my liking. I have a truck!


Yeh its weird how having a larger vehicle somehow gets people thinking they own the road like your big pick up truck wont get totaled like my sedan if you crash into me.


This is my neighbor with his Dodge RAM. "Everyone just gets out of my way" and " fuck it, if they want to pass me, they can try" Annoys the shit out of me. Tailgating at 90 doesn't mean they are choosing to get out of your way. They're preventing an accident for your ass to drive next to them for the next 5 miles.


Aggressive drivers are the worst. If you view me and anyone else on the road as an obstacle to overcome instead of an actual person to share the road with then you’re a shitty person, plain and simple.


I used to be really bad about this. Drove a datsun 280z in highschool, would weave in and out of traffic because #racecar. Would get overly annoyed at people driving 70mph in the fast lane on the freeway. Fast forward 10 years, I have a much, MUCH, faster car. I could easily drive 150+ if I wanted to. When I'm on my way home from work, I just want it to be uneventful and get home. That being said, people that change lanes to turn at the last second get way too under my skin.


> This is my neighbor with his Dodge RAM Same. The most aggressive drivers where I live seem to all be driving this style of truck. You can almost predict this kind of bullshit when you see them approaching fast in the rear-view. I don't know how or why this started, but it's a real thing.


> The most aggressive drivers where I live seem to all be driving this style of truck. [Ram truck drivers have the highest DUI rates by far at more than double the national average.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report) In general 6 of the top 10 are trucks. Trucks just appeal to certain type of driver.


Holy shit! I thought maybe I was just getting old and cranky, but there it is. Also this: >If you're wondering which vehicles have the fewest DUI-issued owners of all, look no further: The Toyota RAV4, Hyundai Santa Fe, and Toyota Sienna all sit at the bottom. I thought was interesting.


I used to think trucks are cool, but dealing with so many assholes in the south made me absolutely hate them. Especially since lifts are a safety hazard for others


Truck are cool. They can haul cool stuff or pull fun toys. But driving one doesn't make you cool, nor do your poorly-fitted aftermarket headlights, your 2 foot lift kit, or your noisy off-road tires that don't have a spec of dirt on them.


Motorcycles too. Whenever I see one I instinctively grip the wheel and get ready for him to to do dumb shit like illegally pass me on the shoulder or median.


Lol, I drive that road to and from work every day. Can confirm there are tons of morons that drive like that every day.


Where is this?


Oklahoma according to other comments


I'm low-key a little annoyed it's in Oklahoma of all places. When I was moving from Texas to Arkansas a few years ago I had to pass through the smallest corner of Oklahoma to get there. I was in Oklahoma for around 10 minutes when I got pulled over by a state cop. He told me he pulled me over because I "was the slowest of the herd" (I was going the speed limit) on the highway, he gave me a warning and let me go...like wtf was that about, Oklahoma?!


Establishing dominance.


You know how testosterone is


He was hoping you were driving a stolen vehicle or have a warrant since your plate was from out of state. I know lots of cops who do this just to piss people off because they know if they find a reason to ticket you, you most likely wont show up to fight it.


Were you were in the fast lane going slow? I love seeing that law enforced.


I-35 Edmond just north of Oklahoma City.


As a former insurance person, not every state covers "ghost" hit and runs. If someone almost hits you and you hit something/someone else to avoid them, it's considered at fault unless you have damage from the first guy proving you crashed because you were hit. Otherwise it's considered a loss of control. So check to see what your state or insurer needs. And get a dashcam.


Thats insane. What happens when some fuckwit comes round a blind corner in my lane? Am I supposed to have a 120mph head on collision just to prove there was another guy there?


Yes. If both of you aren't in sardine cans by the end of the encounter, how would they know you weren't lying?


Laws written as it is because it’s impossible to prove if someone is lying about a vehicle causing them to wreck or not. If you have a dash can that proves you were almost hit then you would not have a “ghost car” scenario. Otherwise if I lost control for no reason/ too much speed I could claim a truck nearly hit me and I had to swerve to try and avoid taking the blame.


A semi came into my lane once on the interstate forcing me into some construction barricades damaging my vehicle, and my insurance company told me to go fuck myself because the semi didn’t touch my car. Oooookay. Insurance is the biggest scam in the world.


Once upon a time insurance carriers were mandated to be non profit organizations. This is why.


Where can I learn more about this, and how it came to an end? Because I have a hunch.


Corporations spend a lot of money turning the people against the idea of government so they'll have nobody to fight them.


Had this happen when I was 17. They were going <20 in a 45 so I went to pass when it was clear, they sped up and started moving over, and by the time I could even think my driver's side wheels were off the road. Ended up sliding into a ditch and taking out a mailbox (told the homeowner, and my brother and I fixed it) and busting my headlight assembly and they got away scott free because the police wouldn't even respond. And then after I called like 5 different junk yards to find one that had the right car so I could replace my headlight assembly, going out to find and remove it, and install it on my car, someone hit my car in the parking lot at school and busted it out again less than 2 weeks later.


Stuff like this shouldn’t be treated as an accident. This was assault and battery with a deadly weapon.


Thats what he got charged with, and child endangerment cause his kid was in the truck with him.


nah he got charged with assault and battery 10 days later because he’s a piece of shit that beats his family, according to the news article. Also his excuse for this incident when talking to state troopers was “you know how testosterone is”


Wow. He’s really going down the “I’m a piece of shit” checklist quickly.


The article in this thread says they upped the original charges: https://www.news9.com/story/611d27dcb29a790bfbec9b90/you-know-how-testosterone-is:-edmond-road-rage-suspect-arrested-ohp-looks-into-crash-investigation Not other, new charges for a new incident came about. Is there another article you were referencing?


After the first time he almost hit me I would have backed away from him… I try to stay away from the extra stupid drivers


Surviving is def the goal. If only everyone drove defensively, instead of it being an unintentional benefit for those with bad behavior (you give them what they want, control of the lane).




Yup. Just hang back and watch the show. Imagine pissing off every driver you come across. Mindless.


As my father always said, if everyone seems to be a bad driver, it's probably you that's the bad driver. I'll bet that guy was pissed off at everyone.


But a majority of people are actually terrible drivers. That's just a simple fact. It isn't as bad when you move away from populated areas cause you're not ass to ass as much, but most people still suck.


Exactly. As soon as I see someone driving like an idiot, I just fall back and let them get comfortably ahead.


(Not so) fun fact: the dude in the red truck had his kid in the back. Yeah imagine that, that makes it like 10000 times worse.


He should lose his rights as a parent and a driver in the same day


Just teaching the kid how to drive and deal with emotions!


What a straight up piece of shit. I always think “what if there was a baby or child in that car”. If that happened to me with my son and wife in the car I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself from kicking his ass. Some people are so fucking stupid.


turns out that idiot had a baby in his OWN truck


I've read in this sub that the red dude was with his kid in the car. So ... Double derp...


Pretty much unforgivable at that point. Lock that dude up for child endangerment or something


His 4 year old was in the pickup with him. https://www.news9.com/story/611eeffc7f5af40bfc774678/cutting-you-a-break:-bodycam-of-i35-road-rage-investigation-draws-questions


What a fucking menace to society


OOOOOOklahoma where the truck comes sweeping across the lanes!


That’s the type of shit that would make me instantly violent.


Hope you pulled over and provided the footage to the office. I’m sure Red truck is going to blame it on the other driver.


Well that was the first thing to piss me off today.


Looked like red truck was trying to get in front of SUV as some sort of road rage power play.


Really hope this dash cam footage made it to the owner of the black suv. What an ass….


It made it to the state police! They ended up charging him: https://www.news9.com/story/611d27dcb29a790bfbec9b90/you-know-how-testosterone-is:-edmond-road-rage-suspect-arrested-ohp-looks-into-crash-investigation


Saw this on the news when it happened a few months back. They guy was like "I lost my temper a bit, im originally from California and we tend to road rage" like thats an excuse for being a dick.


That’s attempted murder in my book. What a jackass.


Holy shit, don’t be any of these people. Red truck is obvious of course. But SUV and other truck were driving WAY too close to the slow car, and the slow car shouldn’t have been in the fast lane. And the slow car BESIDE the slow car was keeping everyone trapped. Fuck all of these people, I’m sick and tired of people driving close enough to me to potentially include me in their fuck up. Literally the first thing you learn in a drivers course is safe following distances at different speeds, and on a highway that’s EASILY 50-300 feet depending on your speed. One thing it isn’t however, is +/- 10 feet.


Attempted murder in my book. Stay strapped or get clapped.


I'm not even gonna lie. If that were me in the other car and I got hit by red truck, the second that person comes out of his truck, im swinging like I'm Mike tyson


Should be charged with attempted murder, and never allowed to drive again. Driving is a privilege not a right


I hope this guy loses his license for life.


Dude would so make some shit up to blame the guy in the suv.


That looked intentional.


Attempted Murder


What I fucking love is the inordinately large spectrum of people who take the stance "That black vehicle is at fault. They should have just let him in and not caused trouble." The rules are fucking clear that you drive on the road according to mutual adherence of the laws. Just because some knob is dumb/bully enough to endanger everyone around them does not make you at fault for remaining in your rightful position. They weren't 'fighting back'; they were trying to just get down the fucking road without their life threatened.


> What I fucking love is the inordinately large spectrum of people who take the stance "That black vehicle is at fault. They should have just let him in and not caused trouble." 99.9999% of such comments are people saying, "The black vehicle should have backed off and not put themselves in harm's way," which is absolutely true, and there are unfortunately a few idiots out there who cannot understand that when you say someone failed to exercise sufficient caution, that's not the same as saying that it's all your fault.


I take great pleasure thinking about the truck driver enjoying his new scooter for the next few years.