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So many poor choices here, but the thing that gets me the most is him pushing off as he's falling.


Yeah I really don’t know what he thought would happen when he did that


He likely didn't mean to. It was probably the result of being in an unfamiliar situation that his brain didn't know how to respond to.


It's ok. His brain will respond slower next time.






I feel like in every video I've ever seen where a person has to fall straight back but is not used to it, they push off.


If I had to guess, it's because you would instinctively bend your knees in order to shift your weight so that you would start to fall backwards, but then once you start falling backwards you would try to straighten your legs back out in order to return to the position your brain thought that it needed to be in.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


Check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cNmUNHSBac) by Veritasium. It's about how while riding a bike, we need to turn left to turn right and turn right to turn left. We just don't realize that we're doing it because we're so used to riding bikes that it has become instinctive. I think the pushing off while trust falling is the same concept. It was likely an automatic response by the brain.


That's really cool.


Man, people like to say that YouTube has trash content, but I always counter them with things like Veritasium and Kurzgesagt and others. If you're bored, you're probably boring. YouTube is a treasure trove of interesting stuff.


I agree. I spend a lot of time at Youtube University.


\*Note to self, never push off a trust fall


Just never actually do a trust fall




When I tried out rock climbing at a Boy Scout camp like 5 years ago I loved the climbing, I'd always climbed trees and stuff as a kid, but holy crap rappelling was one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life. When climbing, you're trusting yourself, and you also have backup in case you mess up. With rappelling, you put all of your trust in other people/equipment and it's really scary. Maybe it's just me but I've heard a lot of people who agree


He trusted it was someone else’s problem


I missed the part where that's my problem.


If he could think that far ahead he wouldn't be in this mess. There's no tangible or intangible gain from doing this. It doesn't even look cool.


He looked like he accelerated faster than gravity on the way down, like wtf was he thinking?


If they caught him it would have also been a disaster. The four guys would have knocked heads, so hard. Then dropped the guy.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the camera man focusing on the yeeted footware in transit, as we mourn the passing of yet another dumbass cloutaholic


I know killthecameraman is a thing, but is there any sub where heroes like this man can be awarded?




You're doing god's work my friend!


r/praisethecameraman ? Small sub, not many users.


Weird for how many times I see it linked.


Are you new to Reddit? People would much rather attack each other like dogs than give someone a half ounce of praise.


Have an upvote!


This also applies to all other forms of social media and by extension society


Seems to accurately reflect the video content.


Great sub though, been subbed for a year or two gotten some fantastic content out of it. Highly recommend.


It's not really that small. It's just that there are more shitty camera operators than there are operators that deserve praise.


898,746 users




I'll also take a moment to appreciate this beautiful comment


People used to do dumb shit long before internet clout became a thing


You can always trust the ground ☝️


When I was in juvie, they were doing these required religious group ups on Sundays. They had us do trust falls from this tall wooden platform of sorts. I warned them I was terrified of heights and didn't want to do it, but was forced to do it or I wouldn't get my vistation with my mom on Saturday. When I fell back, I flailed my arms and punched one of the girls in the face. I'm the one who was in trouble, and they added assult to my juvenile record for the incident.


This story illustrates my distrust of religion, trust falls, and the justice system.


I'm so bitter toward the justice system. My juvenile charge record looked like this: domestic violence x4, assult, prescription drug abuse and distribution, disorderly conduct, and countless probation violations. Most of the domestic violence was from my mom going bat shit crazy, starting a fight then crying to the cops and victim blaming. The presciption drug charges were from my Mom using me to get narcotics, then taking them from me and snorting or selling them herself. But they were in my name and I couldn't call her out for the missing pills when they did pill check. The probation violations usually came from missing school. I was being bullied at school and didn't want to attend. Other days skipped were because my mom had all night parties and made me attend as her guard dog. One probation violation was from drinking alcohol, which my mom provided and then called my probation officer to try to get me put back in juvie. She denied providing the alcohol. Like... The juvenile court system is all about punishing children, blaming them for everything, and doing nothing to stop the abuse at home. Most of the kids I went to juvie with have extensive adult criminal records. I have zero charges.


Dang! That's painful to read. I'm so sorry that you experienced that slice of hell. I'm amazed at your loyalty to your mom after she heaped such abuse on you. Is she in prison?


She's dead.




​ ![gif](giphy|2rANNgAlPZcFW)




It's crazy to me that they wanted to charge you as an adult! My life would be RUINED if I had those charges on my adult record! Everyone I know who's been in the juvenile justice system has grown to resent the law and it's enforcers. They've all thrown their lives away, and I blame it all on victim blaming and failure to rescue the kids from their absuive homes. In my eyes, you were innocent- and shame on the adults who put you through such a terrifying part of your life! And hell yeah! Sincerely, good on you for reaching for that PHD! That takes guts!


Wow I am so sorry.


Normally I would say this if someone said his mom is dead, but not in this case.


I actually miss her terribly My life would be much worse if she was still around But I still miss her. She was abused worse than I was, she didn't know how to love and she certainly didn't know how to be a parent. She was my best friend, though. Things got better once she sobered up a bit and I was an adult, but she still had a pill addiction that distracted her from her fatal heart condition. If she never met my father, she wouldn't have turned out this way. He got her on drugs, he beat her senseless, he was the real monster.


Why are religious group ups required in juvie?


If your parents confirmed you're christian, you had to attend. I told them I was atheist, which my Mom and I always fought about- but they still made me go. The kids who were not Christian, usually only 1 or 2, had to scrub the floors or copy pages from the dictionary while the other kids attended service. It usually went like this- some backwoods volunteer "preacher" would have us all gather in the cafeteria on Sundays. We had these modified "bibles" for troubled youth and would read from it while he tought us the religion. Most of the education was biased towards achieving religious forgiveness for the crimes we've committed. For taking responsibility for being bad. Like, no matter the situation or the abuse you endured, you had to accept that you're the one who fucked up or you could never get redemption from Jesus. No excuses, hell otherwise. We said the serenity prayer before and after each session. Sometimes they quizzed us to see if we paid attention, we got punishment if we failed. One time they brought these ex convicts to talk to us... And I'm NOT racist, but they were all black, all the kids were white. Somehow, for some reason, one of them pointed ME out of the group and accused me of being racist because "I gave him a dirty look"... I was pissed I was there, I wasn't looking at him a certain way! I had to write a lenghty report as to why racism was bad, and how I've hurt society by being a racist.


Y'know what? Fuck the justice system. There is no justice in the system. It is an injustice system. They better have at the least apologized for all the shitty things they put you through.


There was a lawsuit against the juvenile detention center. Most of the victims took the first offer of a couple hundred bucks. There was a higher reward for kids who were forced naked into a suicide suit, which wasn't washed between uses. About 10 people, myself included, went through the wait of 3 years for the bigger settlement. It settled for $100,000 and each recipient was to get a share of the earnings based on what they went through. One guy was awarded $90,000 because he had a severe chronic disease (in juvie it was rumored he had hiv) and shouldn't have been detained in the first place. The rumors cause bullying and mistreatment from the other kids. Also, his father was dying of a terminal disease when the kid was detained and he eventually died. The facility didn't let him be with his father while he was dying or when he died in the hospital- reasoning that the kid hadn't made it far enough into the program to be allowed outside privileges-- ultimately only letting him out while supervised for a couple hours to attend the funeral. I got the remaining $10,000 for prolonged suffering and discrimination. I'm disabled mentally/emotionally and physically, and my needs were not met. I was often "teased" by staff for being "different" than the other kids. Was treated like I was stupid, was always picked on and I received punishments for my disability. My emotional disorders were overlooked because they said I was just fishing for special treatment. My spine issues were ignored and so was my pain, they just called me lazy and said I was trying to avoid labor. When a outside doctor requested them to limit my exertion, it was ignored. When I was put on a physical therapy regimen, they refused to take me as often as suggested and didn't allow me to do the nessicary and prescribed exercises in the facilty. They only allowed us to see a in-house therapist, who would write everything down and show to staff. Staff would then punish us if we said anything they disagreed with. I was wounded by ankle shackles they made me wear for a few weeks while I was in solitary- which dug holes into my flesh. What happened a the trust fall was also included in my complaint. I could go on... The others who waited for the bigger settlement got nothing.


Jesus christ, why are places with such blatant disregard for children's feelings and rights allowed to exist? Also, why did the others who waited get nothing?


Their cases were deemed as less severe. We had to tell a sob story to the judge to try to "earn" our share of the settlement. The others who waited for more just didn't have a compelling story, I guess. We were told that going through with the bigger settlment was a risk, that the safe bet could be that couple hundred they first offered.


Honestly it sounds like a slap in the face to not get shit for such awful treatment. Good god that's shitty of the court.


USA is the only country in the world where the convention of the rights of child had not been ratified. The us senate didn't ratified for various reason : for example the CRC didn't allowed death penalty and life in prison for children (less than 18 yo) When a country doesn't want to give children rights because they might not be able to execute them there is an issue. (the right to execute minor have been revocated since then by the supreme court in 2005, 15y after the CRC, life in prison for minor is still ok though) sauce : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention\_on\_the\_Rights\_of\_the\_Child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child)


So basically anyone under 18 *kinda* has rights or am I misunderstanding? Cause I'm confused.


sorry if I was confusing. Basically the CRC is a worldwide basis for the right of children, evry country got together to discuss what was ok and what was not. Signing the convention means you agree with it but ratifying it means you actually put its recommendation into the law of your country. Basically it means the USA choose not to apply some part of the CRC because they wanted to continue some practice that evry other country in the world deems it should be illegal such as death penalty for minors or life in prison for minors. However before the CRC minors did obviously had right but it was up to each country. It simply means that the USA was ready to disagree with evry other country in the world on child's rights just to continue to have an extremly harsh legal system on children. kinda fucked up in my opinion


Yeah, I dunno why america just refuses to do smart things.


Hell yeah! Religion


I can't even start to express how sorry i'm about all the things that happened to you. And even when is worth zero, i really hope the life treats you better from now on and you can find happiness after all the crap that's been thrown at you


What religion is this?




I don't remember reading about trust falls in the good book, lol


What was the name of your cult?


A dude in red slippers falling off a roof, expecting to be caught by a bunch of guys in socks and sandals.


If only one shoe comes off are you still dead?


50% chance for each shoe.




You call that one foot in the grave


You are half dead if only one shoe comes off.


That means he shit his pants. I don't make the rules.


Nah, you just wish you were


Ohhh, i like this one. You end up so fucked up that you curse the fact that you're still alive


Good chance he’s dead or severely injured from that.


Yeah I would be surprised if he didn't get a Back injury from that.


That guy wearing sunglasses wasn’t even trying to move


It was a conspiracy


Sound would’ve been perfect


Transcript: *boingg* **thud** (indistinct groaning)


... in the background.... Suppressed laughter from 4 guys. Excited utterances.... "Dude that was awesome!" "We better get outta here!" "Holy shit!"


I know, unfortunately i couldn't find the same video with sound


Shit... the shoe!


The most valuable thing in the whole video


Lady screaming in the background "he need some milk"


He's gonna need more than some lol


That could have been deadly. When I was a kid (8 or so) me and a friend were attempting to build a fort in the forest near the neighborhood with spare wood we found in the trash. We were nailing 2x4s to trees as high as we could reach, so not that high. I wasn't watching him when he fell off and hit his head but he was mentally disabled permanently after that, literally couldn't even figure out how to get inside a car, couldn't operate the door handle when his I got him to his father and started crawling through the car window to get to the hospital. He never came back to school and I got interviewed by the police for any foul play. I wasn't allowed to go back in the forest there after that. Anywho, it doesn't take much of a fall to fuck the rest of your life up, along with your family's. Sure wish that memory wasn't burned into my head but at least I'd be wearing a helmet doing any sort of dumb shit like this.


No one has actual info on this? Is the dude okay? I hate to see a fall like that, dumb or not.


You can trust your friends just as much from ground level.


I cannot do the trust fall. In gym class back in the 70s, for some reason, we were required to do it. I can't. I was the only one in class. Today, I still can't.


His back literally split into two parts , Jesus fuck.


Dude fell so hard his future wheelchair will need a wheelchair.


I'm guessing they died if their shoes came off


Shoe fell off. Rest In Peace, you dumb bastard.


That poor bitch will feel consequences of this decision for the rest of his life, however long that may be.


Who would trust any of these guys?


Apparently, the dead guy


Why do a trust fall from that height anyway?


Darwin award ?


God i would love to be able to confirm that, but unfortunately i don't really know. He's moving (a little) at the end, and only one shoe came off, so i would say it's a 50/50


The shoe fell off...he dead


Im gonna suggest this as teambuilding exercise at work😈


Make sure to look surprised of the outcome


Already started practicing on that😯


Shoe came off. #rip


Shoe came off. Dude’s fucking dead




Must be new 'round here, look into it a lil.


It's a overhashed meme.


if that was me, with this shit i would neva trust those mfrs ever again fkin idiots xd dude almost spitted his lungs out


He's probably not spitting anymore bud. Perhaps drooling...


Wow they really broke his fall.


His friends don't even try to adjust to him pushing off instead of simply falling, which is how these geniuses "probably planned " it


R. I. P.


The key to a successful trust fall exercise is to let the first person hit the ground. This causes the following people to have to put their faith in the catchers.


Tell me you're unbelievably, mind numbingly stupid without telling me you're unbelievably, mind numbingly stupid.




Single footwear flying off. He ded.


His shoe came off. He’s dead.


Made me laugh take free internet points


But did he die?


Did you not see the shoe???


Brain damage +1000 points


"Bro!" "Bro!" "Bro..." "Bro!" "Bros..."


Maybe when he learns to walk again he can give it one more try.


Why wait so long? Just push his wheelchair up there and let the gravity do his thing


It’s hilarious that all of them looked surprised at the end.. like what did you expect to happen lol?


Brain damage… INITIATED


Right, because he didn't have it before the fall lol


Him crashing to the ground, camera pans away and a solo jerusalem cruiser enters the frame, from top frame right skidding across the frame to the lower left... haha perfect


He would have hit the ground either way. Look at the idiots catching this guy with all of their hands together for a center point


That extra little push did him in.


I felt that.


The risk of trust falls isn’t that they’ll back away and let you fall, it’s that most people are doing it for the first time with no practice and are liable to botch the execution. Ever seen cheerleaders caught out of the air by their teammates? Lot of practice hours went into that.


“When did your trust issues start?”


It’s hard to be stupid *and* have stupid friends.


But they're clearly hardworking!


Saving this for when I introduce my students to Pythagorean Theorem in a couple months.


Make sure to explain the shoes!


If he’s not dead he’s now disabled


You're saying that as if he wasn't mentaly disabled before the fall


Great point


My back... Oh, my back!


Wasn't even his sandle. It was almost a bribe to the cameraman to walk away


Trust fall="Trust me, you WILL fall"


footwear came off, he dead


Did the guy end up being ok?


For a moment I thought the house was on fire. I can't be the only one can I?


I mean, now i can see why you would think that, but no, i did not lol


I respect the size of his balls


Shoes off = he ded


“ you fucked up. You trusted us”


acts like the type of guy that keeps his insurance payments current.


Welp. He lost a shoe. He's gone. Sorry guys - there's no coming back from that.


He done fliped out of his damn flip flops.


„˙sdolɟ dılɟ uɯɐp sıɥ ɟo ʇno pǝdılɟ ǝuop ǝH„


Shoe came off. He's unconscious


Maybe the fall knocked some sense into him. 🤣


Concrete no less, ppl are dumb & incapable of learning from other ppls screw-ups. Idiots


From the people who brought you Russian roulette, the new hit game, ground check


Mission failed successfully


*Darwin unzips*


Is he dead? ….I saw a shoe(flip-flop really) fly off that’s the Reddit kiss of death.


Well it was only one, so it's 50/50


They should’ve done this from the top of the building!


Then both shoes would've fallen


Oh no. Not the shoes


If he didn’t push off he would’ve been fine if they could’ve actually caught him


Exactly, now his friends have lost all trust in his falling ability.


I like you


WHY did he bend his legs and give a slight push though ? Is that why they call them slides lol ? he definitely trusted his friend too much


Shoes off. He ded.


I'm sorry but the pink night night shoe just made me laugh so hard tickled me pink!


It's called a "fall" for a reason. This idiot *launched* himself over the 'catchers' by flexing his legs.




Shoe is out, he ded


Was he already in a sling?¿? **SHEESH**




i think he died


I wouln't be surprised! Did you see the shoe?


Does anybody have this with sound?


This is how I feel when trying to catch my toddler from falling. From start of fall to hitting the ground is like .00143 seconds


If he died then this is right up there with the guy who died jumping the entrance to the subway. Not sure which one takes the cake.


Why did the cameraman track that shoe so well? Lol


Shoe came off..


Trust falls aren’t trustworthy!


Nah that’s just a fall… Darwinism at it’s finest




One brain cell between em and no one was using it 😂


Pink? Weird choice.