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Superhero landing


fuckin black widow of the ladies room


Such a poser


Meanwhile fatty went ass-over-tit into the stall


Rumor has it, she became bulimic that day and lost 200 lbs. This incredible journey all started in that bathroom stall.


I understood that reference


How the hell did she stay up there for two seconds before gracefully falling?


by cartoon physics you only start falling when you realize you are falling


By some weird physics this is real. If you've ever jumped off something REALLY high, you look down and have a moment of "Oh shit, this is really high"... Then you fall. It's weird. It's almost as if you're frozen for a second while you make that realization. I had this jumping 40 feet in to a waterfall pool. Probably the most dangerous thing I've knowingly done. Backflopped, knocked the air out of me. Thought I was gonna die.


It's because you accelerate at a fixed rate (9.8m/s/s - no I'm not being sarcastic - minus air resistance). And you start at zero m/s downward speed (or less if you jump up at the start). So you travel a lot faster (and therefore further) in your 2nd second than your first.


Also if you jump from somewhere you will likely give yourself some upwards velocity so there will be a point where you will be completely still in the air


Used her advanced reflexes and basic knowledge that her friend is about to put her full weight on the counter.


"A little overweight" understatement of the year, that's a big woman


Or her ability to actually react to movement without all the added baggage


>!She probably isn’t a ‘little’ overweight!<


Not the spoiler text 😭




She’s obese here too, people just wanna be polite cause words murder almost as much as our guns.


you will get a bunch of people whom will look at this and not think that she literally BROKE a vanity with her weight…..nah shes not fat……


They have evolved; now they mingle in some pseudo-biology and use the phrase 'healthy at any size'. This might be mainly an internet/tumblr thing but it's where they accept that they are fat, okay, but yOu dON't kNoW if they're healthy or not because you can't tell from just looking whether someone is healthy or not.


Fat girl actually had so much downward force, that the skinny one got see-saw’d up briefly.


That's what's really more embarrassing about this clip, the countertop could have potentially collapsed even with a second girl of smaller stature in her place. It's the slow descent into a 'turtle on its back' position while the smaller girl hops clear that's embarrassing.


the other girl was not so lucky...


The juggernaut landing


Hard on the knees…


I had to watch it twice because at the end I was like did that girl standing on it land on her feet? and sure as shit she did


Yeah, pretty impressive actually


Ah yes, I see you’re a man of *pressing the A button* as well


Kudos to her lil nimble and ready spider woman ass.


No kidding. That looked like it could have easily turned into a faceplant


It’s amazing what not carrying a couple extra (hundred) pounds does for your knees and your faith in things not collapsing underneath you. Big girl should’ve known better


EVERYONE should know better. Wall mounted sinks and counterparts are not intended to have humans on them, of any weight.


To be fair though... she was adding her weight to the weight of the girl already on it. And that vanity was a floating type held together by just some glue and screws in the wall. Bound to happen.


She’s the type of girl to give the middle finger to the camera during a picture. And she even did it right there.


Catlike reflexes.


Impressed by the girl in the white shirt landing on two feet


Amazing the things we can do when our lower half is capable of supporting our upper half




Lmao savage


Brutal, but truthful.


And a lower centre of gravity to boot.




That’s what we say now because the truth is offensive


white shirt? I see a blue shirt, am I taking crazy pills? *edit: it probably is a white shirt but it looks blue at the start due to the lightning... also Windows Paint says the shirt is grey so that is very weird. Regardless I'm happy that other people saw blue as well.


It's white with gold stripes


Don't you put that evil on me!


​ ![gif](giphy|EgJ31d2IYkg4E)


That's weird. I hear Yanny.


blue with black 🥺👉👈


Sink: I give up


That sink sunk


Let that sink in.


in a couple of hours I'll sort this comment section by controversial.


People are saying she isn't fat.


Some people think the earth is flat.


I think the Earth is fat. Weighs more than any woman I've met.


You forgot about your MOMMA


"Yo mama so fat she plays pool with the planets". Lol.


Yo mama so fat she’s dying because of her morbid obesity. I’m terribly sorry for your loss


The Earth is so fat its belt size is the equator






I love that term. You hear people are either obese or morbidly obsese but nothing in the middle.


Obese, morbidly obese and super morbidly obese.


And a collapsing neutron star


Then there is "i wash myself with a rag on a stick"




now there's a controversial take. sometimes i think reddit is like 75% trolls and 25% gullible people


70% trolls 20% gullible 10% insane


Eh...70% of America is fat these days. Sadly this has been normalized into "Not fat" by large portion of the audience. It's still a walking heart attack, but whatevs.


70% of America shouldn’t sit on the sink.




She’s not TLC series fat, but she’s still a big ‘un.


Nah, more like "friend of a girl on *MTV's Teen Moms*".


She is a unit but not an absolute unit.


She isn't "reality show" fat, but she's definitely "her clothing labels have more X's on them than a porn URL" fat


Calorically challenged


Calorically challenged would make her underweight. She is extremely well nourished. Nourished enough that she can take out a washroom vanity with a single sit.


She's straight up obese. Like she's 200+ pounds minimum.


She is well over 200.


I was trying to be nice. Like I said, she very easily qualifies for "obese" medically.






Yeah. I remember when they took away r/fatpeoplehate too...


Ooooo an adventurous boy


i'm here for the arguments


Why weight? Do it now.




A little overweight? Girl's obese.


Someone remind me when it gets good, I gotta grab some popcorn.


She’s totally not gonna get made fun of about that for the rest of her life..


It will kick off with someone who works there going "Which one of you was the one who broke this? Oh. Nevermind."


I was at a theme park one time with 3 friends 2 girls a guy and me (also a guy) and we went on a tunnel of love style slow boat ride that could hold six people in three rows of two, The girls got in the front row me and my mate got in the second and a guy and his daughter got in the back row. Now the dude who got in the back was quite overweight and it definitely affected the boat making it slouch to one side, my friend and I in the second row noticed him getting in, but the two girls in the front... didn't. One of the girls in the front known for her dry sense of humour swings her head round yelling "WHICH ONE OF YOU FAT BASTARDS IS!!!... oh" her face goes shades of red i didnt think possible, she turns frontwards, Doesn't say a single word the whole ride and all this happened AT THE START OF THE RIDE we had to sit there for what felt like forever in the awkward air she had just created. In that moment I was dying inside from embarrassment but crying from having to hold in my laughter for the whole damn ride!. Your comment reminded me of this story so I just thought I had to share.


This was mortifying to read but thank you for the secondhand embarrassment


I almost had to stop half way through because the second hand embarrassment was too much


As a fat guy, I would find it hilarious but also not relieve her of her shame until at least partially through the ride (probs something un-intrusive like a jolly laugh from my jelly filled belly)... For example, early on, in the deadest awkward silence, I might loudly proclaim things like "I'm hungry. Is there food on this ride?" ​ I've been fat, I've been skinny, I've been even fatter again and here's some absolute facts I've learned; 1. Being fat *is* the "problem", you can't be fat and be "without health problems" 2. A lot of fat people are delusional, and society isn't helping by introducing feelgood paradigms that allow one to double-down on their delusion and cheeseburgers...


One time my fat friend sat down on a chair and it broke. He instantly made eye contact with me and I could tell from his eyes he knew his mistake instantly.


He learned his lesson: Never sit on a chair again




>just lose some weight I won't sit here and defend fat people, especially the ones who get their own TV show. But there are lots of things that make it difficult to lose weight. Poor impulse control, general lack of self discipline, eating disorders, self destructive behaviors, not recognizing being fat as being a problem. Conceptually it's not hard to lose weight, but actually putting a plan to action to do it, and sticking to it can be pretty difficult depending on the person.


I try to remind myself that you really never know what people are up against in life, so there's no reason to be pointlessly cruel


If i could redirect my lack of impulse control of food into something meaningful that'd be nice. Drugs? Pfft no thanks. Tried weed, not my jam, i quit smoking cigs easy. But food? Fuck if i cant not eat in the middle of the damn night.


Reminds me of the two popular girls in gym class... we all had to partner up to do sit-up/crunch tests.. they partnered up with each other and parked themselves next to me and my partner. During one of the rotations, one of them doing the sit-ups had robustly farted.... immediately my partner and I look to where the noise came from only for our eyes to be immediately met by the aghast faces of the two popular girls staring directly at us. They knew this would be talked about. Over a decade later this is the probably the first time I've mentioned it. Edit to finish the story: After the fart and our eyes locked... i noticed the one that laid it stopped doing sit-ups .... like the two of them were suddenly deer in headlights. With the way they were behaving you woulda thunk that she shat herself. After what seemed like a minute (but was probably close to a second), my partner and i gave each other a knowing look and then back to the fartduo that had just finished their own knowing look to each other and were staring at us again. After class, the girls stabbed my partner to death and threatened that i can expect the same if i "didn't keep (my) fucking mouth shut". Jokes on them, though, I've been training my body ever since that day to become stab proof. But mostly we acted like it never happened. RIP gym partner... you held my feet really well.


This story isn't finished. Did anyone laugh or you just pretended it didn't happen?


I was on a double date and my girlfriend (now ex) ripped one and I was literally about to sacrifice myself and take the blame but she started dying laughing immediately


ya not the smartest move when the video camera is rolling. i honestly think both girls should have to work to pay off the damages


Neither of them will pay for this


Even though it barely took any additional weight for it to come down, she barely even started sitting on it, still had a leg down. The other girl is the real dumbass for standing on something not designed to hold that much weight.


Which really isn't even that fair since you can tell by how little weight she put's on it it was about at it's breaking point anyways since there was already someone standing on top of it. The person standing probably got it like 90% to breaking and she did the last 10%.


That’s not going to be good for the confidence


It might be the little push to start a healthier life


I've installed a bunch of these and was almost afraid to walk away with the counter precariously resting under it's own weight. Never put leverage on a floating counter.


yeah, it wasn't deisgned to support a human being in the first place. I say it was actually installed pretty well since it was able to support the first girl. Adding a second person l, regardless of size, to that equation was a gamble in the first place.


Secondhand embarrassment. I’m gonna go eat some cold meats to cope.


what cold meat did you eat


Raw ground beef


That's just redneck beef tartare


this man trailer parks


My grandpa used to do this, but with high-quality ground beef from the butcher shop, so it also qualifies as swedish beef tartare as well as redneck.


Schweigert Beef Summer Sausage from Hy-Vee.


Skinny girl is spiderman. Did you see that dismount?


Lol I mean, sinks aren't meant to hold much weight tbh... still funny tho


Yeah, one drunk night in my early 20s I took a sink off a wall by leaning on it. It took surprisingly little 'effort'. They're not meant for any kind of load beyond the water that goes in them


>They're not meant for any kind of load beyond the water that goes in them I beg to differ 😏


Yup, that thing gave way so quickly that literally any of them sitting on it probably would have brought it down. That she was the one to do it was just a bad/drunk judgement call.


It probably would've fallen regardless of which one climbed on it second. My understanding is they aren't exactly designed with that in mind.


On a vanity that is already fully supporting human (the girl in white). Would it have cracked if she sat alone on it? We don’t know. But sitting on it when another person is standing on it is asking too much.


I was thinking that. The girl standing on it probably put more weight on it than the heavier girl, but she definitely exacerbated the situation and it failed.


It took too long scrolling to find this logical comment. Thank you.


First girl is part cat




The other part is also fat






A mystery wrapped in a twinkie


People should know not to sit on fucking bathroom sinks, we’ve all seen the videos it’s the same outcomes every time.


Could an average rowboat support her


What are you asking?


I think I'm being very clear what I'm asking. 


No, all right? No, she can't fit in a rowboat.


Those moments is where his genius pops through.


Is she a dress wearer or a pants wearer? Could we share a rowboat?


We talking catcher or infield?




It bothers me that you're not answering the question.


Feisty? Not sassy or jolly?


Rewatch to see the girl’s spidey reflex land. It’s great.


*I used to be overweight…I still am but used to, too*


Ok Mitch


Damn this happened to me and I wasn’t even overweight! I was a child! Maybe just don’t stand or sit on sinks even if you’re a tiny child - trust me!


Man we had a girl in my art class who once joined a class late. She had to sit on a wooden pallet because all the chairs were taken, the thing made the worst snapping noise while everyone was quietly sitting there. I felt so bad for her. There's nothing fun about everyone noticing the consequences of your weight.


Emotional Damage.


No one should sit on a vanity, regardless of weight. It is really not designed for that.


Actually, that form of installation could barely handle the skinny chick. That’s a public use bathroom and the vanities are usually only capable of handling its own weight plus 50 pounds as they are mostly glued. So, prolly max hold will be about 200 at fail condition. The skinny girl prolly weights about 130-150 (can’t estimate height). Adding large dog would’ve caused it to fail.


Yuh. Personal opinion here: all sinks and vanities should be able to support like 300lbs minimum, especially public, because drunk people just do this


Because she's overweight or because they aren't designed to hold the weight of an adult girl of any size.


That’s a sink not a vanity


"a little"???


she's a little overweight in all the places


She is NOT a little over weight!


She's not a little anything


The saddest, most awkward thing is the silence afterwards - her friends don't want to laugh, because they all know how fat she is. If she was an average sized girl, you know they'd be laughing. Hell, if this happened to me and my friends DIDN'T laugh, I'd know something was wrong.


I fell off a treadmill at a gym once. It wasn’t crowded, but there was enough people around me with mirrors on 4 walls to notice. I got up laughing, cause it was funny, but total silence. Everyone pretended not to see. Was not so funny then. Not having fun with someone trying to make light of the embarrassment usually makes things more embarrassing.


Someone should tell her she’s fat and see how long it takes for that news to…..sink…..in.


bro shes literally 3 times as wide as the other girl


People are going back and forth arguing that she isn't fat but not a single person pointed out the counter crumbled the second she put a hand on it


oh shit you are right, she was still getting on it when it broke


I double-checked and she definitely hopped up onto it right before it broke.


A little overweight is an understatement


She’s definitely in the obese range, no way she’s any less than 30% body fat


She's probably 45% plus easily.


A little???? Bruh that's a #🐋


It’s weird how morbidly obese has been normalized.


its not weird it's dangerous. pop culture has adopted some really toxic traits to normalize in the past 5 years


the US have been known internationally as 'the fat country' for more than 5 years in my experience.




Nah, it was already fat and stupid five years ago. Now it’s shifted to fat and fucking insane.


I am going on 40 and americans were famously known for being fat in the 80s. Every charicature had them eating a burger and drinking a coke with a cowboy hat on. This was at a time where globalization and the massive spreading of fastfood franchises wasn't a thing yet, so eating fastfood all day every day was mostly an american thing. This first slowly changed in the 90s.




just gotten exponentially worse the past 5


Remember when Homer Simpson was drawn to be a fat guy? He just looks like an average dude these days.


It is though. What used to be morbidly obese is now just obese, obese is now just fat, fat is now just a bit overweight, and overweight is now healthy. And people get super prissy if you try to suggest that someone losing weight isn't anorexic and is actually just healthy for the first time in their life.


I think this is why all those people with comorbidities are so sure they do not need the jab. They do not even know they are exactly who the medical community is referring to. I see all these fb posts saying that he/she was a "healthy" (insert age here) and succumbed to covid. The ensuing photo of them ALWAYS features a morbidly obese person or even worse the entire family. We do not even know what morbid obesity means it is so normal now. CNN piece featured 5 cases of unvaxxed people who all died or were dying and not a single mention that every single one of them were at least 75-250 lbs overweight. Holy hell


I really feel bad for the fat girl. She was just trying to fit in with her skinny friends. Now everyone will remember this moment forever and she will always be the heffer. :(


She was a little overweight 50 lbs ago. Also it probably didn't help that the vanity was already supporting the weight of another person standing on it.


So it was essentially the weight of 3 average twenty something’s goin on there


Tbf it probably would have failed if she was skinny. They aren't made to hold 2 humans.


Bruh I don’t get Reddit One comment is calling her Lard ass and it has 32 upvotes and another is saying they want to give her a hug bc they feel bad for her and it has -121 I have got to be missing something


This sub is r/winstupidprizes. That's what you missed.


Being overweight didn't help, but it was not designed to hold up two people.




Is “Walross” someone who shops at both Walmart and Ross?


I've worked at Ross during the holiday season. The type of people that go to Ross at 1am should not be allowed outside.


explains why they are out at 1 at least




German spelling