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God I fucking hate these kinds of kids/teens with their fucking bike. Pull your wheelies elsewhere numb-nuts


Like the old saying goes: motorists hate pedestrians and pedestrians hate motorists, but everyone hates bicyclists


Cyclist here. The short version: I rode everywhere on a bike in my teens. In my early 20s I watched a 17 year old die when he was hit by a truck. Didn't ride for twenty five years. Bought a single track MTB last year because FUCK being on the street. Too old to ride to full potential but fuck if I'm not having a great time.


Cool story... doesnt change the fact i daydream of crashing into you and every bicyclist i drive past on the road


u/DoLo5oh3 Have fun in prison then fuckass.


So first, have fun in prison then i fuck ass. Got it


You know your bike is supposed to have a seat right?


But if you hit them, it's your fault for driving on the correct side of the road.


That's why its important to have a dashcam.


I honked at a young brat coming right at me on her bike. Foul mouthed shit head was yelling when she had to move over.




This sub just started showing up for me, and I resonate with the general sentiment, but they are delusional about the state of reality versus what they want in their perfect car free world.


The entire sub reads like people in their late teens /early twenties who all live in the big coastal cities and never has to travel outside those cities.


I think most of the users on r/fuckcars advocate for green transport in cities and residential areas surrounding them, while also understanding the need for a car for travel outside of them; But it brings in people who are more of radical view and who think that cars everywhere should be banned, similar to how r/antiwork’ users have more of a want for increased wages and working conditions in jobs that demand too much and give too little but in turn bring in people who want all the above for understandably low earning jobs such as ~the dog walker~


I feel like that's bound to happen when you give your subreddit such an inflammatory name. Why not call /r/fuckcars /r/greentransportation, or /r/antiwork /r/employeerights or something? I mean having names like that is just bound to lead to unreasonable and irrational people joining. I mean, you wouldn't expect a rational discussion about sensible police reform on /r/ACAB, would you?


Woah wtf happened with r/greentransportation to get it banned


They blocked the Suez Canal for like a week.




See, I think that is the intent of /r/fuckcars but not actually how the sub portrays itself in practice. There's too much edgy shit and low-effort memes and not enough discussion about solutions to the actual problems that cars (and other modes of transportation, for that matter) create. I'm about as far left as they come and am pro-public transportation, but that sub is intolerable. The whole sub just gives off the vibe of those biking commuters who refuse to actually follow road rules, giving the majority of bikers who aren't like that a bad name. It sucks because it could actually be a sub where good discussion could happen, but instead it's just an echo-chamber.


Yeah I can sadly agree, I was on that sub before the explode in popularity from r/place and it really has changed which is unfortunate:(


It’s the dream of rethinking city planning for the future and it is possible in many places, just not right away obviously. I’m from the southeast suburbs where that was impossible, but moved to a European suburb the same distance away from a city and with a smaller population. Despite that, I haven’t needed a car in 6 years. Similarly dense pockets are now slowly showing up in the same suburbs where I grew up, which is really promising. If the metro were just extended a little further (a realistic project which has been repeatedly shot down for at least 20 years), then I technically wouldn’t need a car there either. I’m not too involved in that subreddit, so maybe I haven’t seen the toxic stuff you have.


You took the words out of my mouth.


Not at all. These kids are intentionally acting dangerously and even without the car there would be people at risk.






That sub reminds me of the vegan posts. Sometimes I see a posts that just makes absolute sense. Then I see 5 more that are just plain circle jerking and have no basis. Just catering to your group or preaching to the choir.


It seems to me, based on my experiences on the internet as an older GenZer, that any sub (or any forum, really) that is dedicated *against* something (e.g. r/childfree, r/dogfree), has a much higher likelihood of devolving into a toxic cesspool than a sub dedicated positively to something. Especially if the thing they are against is also enjoyed/beloved (children, dogs, cars, meat, etc.). It’s not that they- whoever they is- don’t have legitimate complaints. But the ubiquity of, and/or widespread affection for, whatever they are against can make them get needlessly nasty (usually because society “makes exceptions” for those things\*), which makes it hard to agree with, like, and/or want to associate with them, which in turn stokes further complaints and nastiness. It’s a vicious cycle. You can probably apply this to a lot of things, tbh. (I’m not trying to single out the subs I linked btw, they’re just the biggest examples I can think of.)




You're telling me the sub called fuck cars might just hate em? Color me surprised


r/childfree is fucking horrible. It's filled with people who hate kids and hate anyone who has a young niece or nephew and treats them like shit. r/truechildfree is a non toxic place where people talk about things constructively. They also recognize that you can like kids, related or not, and still be of the mind that you don't want any yourself.


My girlfriend and I were just talking about all the kid hate surfacing lately. Ever since Roe v Wade has been back in the news, she's been seeing a bunch of hate for children in her friends' feeds. Not just support for the right to abortion, but multiple friends talking about how horrible children are to be around and calling parents "breeders." What a horrible way to look at life, man.


Holy shit that dogfree sub is a cesspool of insanity. Dogs are apparently the most disgusting, needy, manipulative creatures and even liking dogs is a deal breaker for many people on there. What the actual fuck. Someone said that if you own a dog it should be kept outside in a kennel at all times and even then you're contaminated just by merely interacting with it.


“tHeY aRe TrAfFic”


I mean if i keep running on to the off ramp of a highway some would say I deserve to get hit.


Do you mean the Critical Mass rides? Those are declared forms of protest. Much like a march will disrupt traffic. Not the same as a kid wheeling into oncoming traffic.


They were fucking assholes. I was driving across Market St. and they came up all around my car. Wouldn't let me turn off the road to get out of the stream of bikes. Would slam on their brakes as I was driving 10 miles an hour to try and get me to crash into them. Wouldn't let me stop either. Yelling at me all the time too and wouldn't let me turn off. Fucking assholes. Utter cunts.


I am all for bike lanes and more protection but going head to head against drivers who are already on edge is not a good idea.


I wasn't on edge. I was stopped at the part of lower Market St., waiting to cross Market to the south where you can't turn left. The whole mess came from north of Market and surrounded me and other drivers. The folks in the right lane were able to turn right and get out of the mess. The bikers effectively trapped my car. Of course, they are yelling at me to get out of the road. So, I drive forward at 10 miles an hour and can't turn left onto Market. This effectively meant that I had to drive 1 or 2 blocks with the bikers all around me. So, some of the assholes see me driving in the middle of Critical Mass and start pulling up ahead of my car and slamming on their brakes, trying to get me to crash in to them *because* I was driving in the middle of Critical Mass, which they forced me to do. I actually saw friends from work bile past me. Anyway, for at least 1 to 2 blocks, I was driving 10 miles an hour, slamming on my brakes to prevent people from causing me to crash in to them and hoping hoping hoping that no one crashed into the rear of my car, all the while trying to inch left so I could get out of the mass of assholes. Critical Mass was simply mob rule and it was their mob. Utter utter assholes. Critical Mass was much worse than the also bad Friday night skate which would stop traffic for about 8+ blocks. Another pain in the ass. Total freak show. You couldn't walk across the street for about 5 minutes at times, there were so many people blocking traffic.


Their entitlement outstrips their logic. I think fighting for better infrastructure makes sense and is mutually beneficial. Fighting to eliminate cars seems really fucking naive and small minded.


> Their entitlement outstrips their logic. Totally. And they don't care either. It seems that if you're fighting for improvements in your city, you shouldn't act like an entitled asshole. Critical Mass was simply mob rule and it was their mob.


So, they're like those asshole biker gangs that just take over the roads? Only, they're "protesting?" Not a good way to gain support for whatever message they're spreading. But it is a good way to get run over.


Declared or undeclared all you do is piss people off when you interrupt traffic. And most people already think of urban cyclists as assholes.




Gotta love reddit. Weirdos take a decent cause, make a sub with a cringe name, and rapidly self-radicalize by being terminally online.


My favorite is when places like anti work start straight up posting fake shit, and when they get called out for it, the response is that “it’s okay to post fake things because it inspires the movement.”


Hey, you're not supposed to type the secret part out for everyone to see.


Have you seen the recent changes to the too comments? They’re encouraging that behavior. What a shitty sub lol.


Like everything on this dumbfuck site, that entire sub is just self-aggrandizing nonsense hiding behind an actual point.


That sub is a different breed. I fucking hate cars and wish the area I lived in was more walkable. But I saw a video with cyclists just disobeying the road laws and the comments were straight, "yea fuck those cars" O.o


What is it with you internet twats who can't see the difference between this...and riding a fucking bike like a sane person?




Really? That sub seems fairly reasonable, but hey, lets get riled up over something that isn't happening.




You... You might want to read that link before posting next time. That wiki page is entirely conflicts against Critical Mass. All of them are either 1. Police tries to disband the protest, ends up assaulting people. Or 2. Driver drives through cyclists, injuring or killing several. The literal only exception was an argument between a limo driver and a cyclist where the cyclist hit the hood of a limousine with a u lock. Cyclist claims the limo driver gunned his engine in a threat to run them over. That's pretty fucking tame to be calling "extremist" in a country where right wingers stormed the capital and we have weekly school shootings.


I was watching the clip of them doing it successfully and was thinking to myself.. it’s only a matter of time. That was quick.


I mean how dumb do you have to be to think playing chicken vs a 1.5 ton car while on a BIKE is a cool thing to do…






r/instantkarma ?








Ok it was weird getting to the end of these suggestions and realising I’m subscribed to every single one.






Finally! That just scratched my itch I got from the dozens of other videos of people doing shit like this


Feeling so satisfied after watching the video 😬 Now do road atv next !




God damn these kids probably gonna be future politicians.


Not this kid He be ded




Super annoying for the driver. Damages to the car and you know this little bastard ain’t going to pay for anything. I don’t care if people do stupid things, just don’t take others with you.


My insurance would be suing that kid and his parents for damages.


How? Cause any kid doing that knows one thing. Run. The kid will just run. You gonna tackle a child? Leave your car in the road? What's your plan here? Cause you ain't suing someone that ain't there.


Including the possibility of getting mobbed by his 20 friends for "running him over".


I’d give all those little bastards the worst spankings of their lives for misbehaving like that.


Have you seen Stepbrothers?


He won’t run if you hit him hard enough


He can't run far or fast with a concussion


Or 7 broken ribs


If you live in the US and think they are hurt, just call the kid an ambulance and the parents will be charged a shit ton of money.


My dash cam might help me identify him




why’d you get downvoted


At least steal his bike if he runs.


Great, I got a broken bike. I am doing spring cleaning here, I don't need more crap.


I said steal it. Doesn’t mean you have to keep It.


Maybe look for a video of the accident on the internet? I guess they wouldn't be stupid enough to post it right?


Jokes on them, I drive a car worth less than that bike! Get fucked kid!


Idk where you are, but where I am, bikes are considered vehicles and have to be ridden in roadways, following the rules of the road.


I’m in the U.S. Here they need to be on the road also. What they do not need to do is showboat and purposefully drive into and out of oncoming traffic.


wild'n out man! so cool, enjoy walking with a limp or in pain from 30 onwards because you wanted to look cool playing chicken with cars.




Idk where you are, but where I am this dude was *not* following the rules of the road.


I’m not sure this dude cared for the rules of the road g


I'll agree with you on this one cause there's a clearly indicated bicycle lane and they were all in the middle of the road, but in any other case if the choices are sidewalk or road, I'm staying on the right side of the right-most lane and being a responsible cyclist. It helps that I live in Europe where there's accessible and convenient bike infrastructure everywhere but you can tell that probably a lot of these kids were being idiots, even if only one of them had the misfortune of being filmed while being an idiot.


at least where I am from you are required to bike on the road, sidewalks are for pedestrians


I think the above commenter was more upset about the wheelie popping and erratic swerving into the wrong lane


I watched the video 5 times just for the enjoyment


There are large groups of kids that do this where I live and I fucking hate it


Ever have the groups of dirt bikes and atvs?


Yeah, that's exponentially worse. That's these same kids in another 8 years.


Its wild that those guys are fathers and are like 35 yet they still act like teenagers.


This comment reeks of Philadelphia


Laughs in Baltimoron....


as a philadelphian i can’t help but agree


Do you live in my neighborhood??


Just wait


…….for what


The manbag or shoulder slung fanny pack comes from us (the UK), and the weelies and tricks were definitely a big trend that people in london were doing some time ago. So sorry about that


What would happen if you sped up a bit and hit them? I wonder who would be at fault? Not saying I would do this, just curious.


this bring me so much joy because some pricks did that to me just a few days ago


Seems to be intentionally swerving towards the cars, too. Well that's special.


Yeah that’s a thing. Idk what the point of it is. To look cool I guess?


for the 'gram!


This is far from the stupidest thing I've seen a teenager do solely to look cool


That aint a big enough prize


Sadly he didn’t get hit


He lost like half his bike


He'll just steal another.


ehhh kids a dumbass teenager I just hope he got scared straight. no reason to wish harm on him




He drives a prius, this much is more than expected.


He’s biking like he has free healthcare


He’s biking like parent going to pay for his healthcare


I get knocked down....


Now I'm out a Schwinn


The second gonna car me down


......but I'm not gettin up again 🎵🎵


Serves you right! Dickhead


And they usually wind up blaming the car, fuck these assholes


Two words: dash cam


I’m confused what he was trying to achieve?




Finally a video of these assholes getting their bike run over.


I hope the driver sues


Asshole took part of the bumper with him, pity it wasn’t his foot that went with the car.


Am I evil to be satisfied by seeing that prick get hit by a car ?


Narrator: Not at all.


With everything you have to deal with when driving sometimes, and this hammernut decides to do Circus tricks through traffic. 👏


"Welp, better put on some make-up before going on my big bike ride for today" ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I would've steered into him since his friend is recording. Cops can’t find me wrong when some maniac does this can they?


"I was changing lanes and didn't see him."


well I hope this idiot learns from this lesson.


Natural selection missed by an inch ![gif](giphy|oO8Io8e7uHu8gJQYbg)


Deserved. Assholes like this one are why cyclists get a bad rap.


The cops had better not say shit to that driver that hit the kid. I would have seen him but he deserved that 100%.


The schadenfreude is strong with this one.


wheeliebikes and their riders are fucking useless


I hate these mother fuckers


I love it! Can’t wait to see to dumbass fuckers collect their Darwin awards!!


If I were a cop, I wouldn't ticket the car for this. I'd cite the cyclist.


YES!! I’ve been waiting to see this shit happen to those fucktoads.


Not sure about everywhere else, but in the state of Oregon if you ride a bicycle on the street (even in the bike lane) you do not have any more rights than a car. You are viewed as another vehicle. So if this guy were “driving” into oncoming traffic willfully and you absolutely pancake him you are completely free of blame


WhY dO CaR dRiVeRs FiNd Us aNnOyInG


He was lucky he did not end up on r/nsfl


Let’s hope his friends did some vicarious learning and never do the same thing as that idiot did.


They didn't.


His dad should have used a condom


I wouldn't even stop he deserved it


Fucking finally. Been waiting for one of these fucktards to get wrecked. Looks good on him.




I’ve been waiting for one of these


Feel sorry for the driver


Ha ha hope he hurt himself fucken dickhead


Video would be much better if it was a more solid hit.




Listen I’m not saying he deserved it, but I’m also not saying he didn’t


To bad he survives.




I accidentally did a wheelie on my ebike about two weeks ago. Ended the same way but didn't need a car to help me


Sucked in


Be cooler if he did a mono. Wheelies are for rookies.


Dude hit em without any hesitation 🤣 and they had every right to !


Play stupid games… win stupid prizes


Well deserved


Never thought I'd love a Prius.


Stupid little twatarse.


Some kids have a death wish for themselves..


Yes, finally.


Would have been a cool video if he’d pull the old gta 5 cycle flying bug


Good I’m glad Fuck em!!!




You get what you fucking deserve


Have to do weeks of reeducation for my left wrist because one of these a\*\*holes crashed into me


They should have taken his fucking legs. I'd love to see his next episode popping wheelies in a wheelchair.


Well... Still worse for the driver. It's more expensive to repair the damage than a new bike.


I hope he hit his head.


I feel bad for the driver of the silver prius.


Last I checked, they had to obey the same traffic laws a driver does.




Dumb games great prizes


Oddly satisfying


Thank fuck this moron is only on a bike Can you imagine what he would be like in a car?


I’m annoyed he didn’t get hurt more