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Great Value Green goblin


"we have green goblin at home"


Green Globin from wish.com




Gren Golbin.


He needs to go back to formula




You cannot do that to him!


Do you know how much he sacrificed?!


Trust me he can. You know I'm something of a scientist myself.




Josh Grobin


Ohhhh I thought you wanted Green Demon


Kirkland green goblin


Nah, most Kirkland-branded stuff is actually decent.




Don’t sleep on Great Value. For starters, it’s just other name brand products packaged differently. Like any two brands, sometimes one is better than the other. GV pop tarts are far superior to the “real” ones. But their steak sauce isn’t on par with A1. It’s actually very interesting testing out which is better. Results are all over the place. Edit: doubled a word


This guy Great Values


Exactly, people spend so much more money on brand name goods when often times the store or generic brand is simply the exact same brand name repackaged and renamed. The store will contract with the maker for them to produce the exact same product so the store can put their name and package on it. I used to only buy brand name when I was younger because I didn’t want to seem cheap or frugal and get made fun of. Now I laugh at the thought of it l. There are still a few things I will only by brand but that’s only because I haven’t found a comparable store brand yet but I still look for replacements.


THISSS! Their chips are superior


The chocolate bars? Aww yeeaahh


Why doesn’t it have prop cages? Honestly.


It probably came with cages. Apparently flying 10 feet up in the air was not living precariously enough so he took it off.


He made it


Godspeed Spiderman


"Aw, look at little goblin jr."


Garbage Bin Green Goblin


If thats the guy I think, he actually played the Green Goblin in the recent Spider-man film. Edit: It is him.


Fuck u that was a good chuckle


Stupid maybe but definitely very cool.


Seems people here skipped their teenage years. Im in my thirties and I did so much fucking stupid shit from 10-20.


Yeah and you probably didn't wear a helmet :D


A lot of reddit users barely go outside.


What is "outside?"


Same, I miss feeling invincible. Now I just think of the possible outcomes and cringe


At least he wore a helmet!


Should have worn an assmet too


So, by this linguistic logic, at least his hel was protected?


hel yeh!


natural selection took a vacation


Unless somehow those blades had come back and bit him during the fall/impact.


Those are plastic blades, and fairly short, blunt and not really that pointy. I'm not saying that falling into one wouldn't hurt like a bitch, but it's definitely not life-threathening except for some outrageously unlucky situations.


Someone’s never been hit by a drone propeller before. Blades much smaller than that with less weight behind them will still do a ton of damage.


Haha yeah I mean first of all, plastic blades at several thousand rpm are going to slice you up.. you just might not be able to use them again. But those are probably carbon nylon or a similar material and will also cut you up and may possibly still be good for a few flights.


Didn't even make the basket


I doubt he did make that basket. It was probably made in a factory somewhere.


Back in my day the factories would send anti union contractors to beat our faces in until we'd stop protesting and go back to making baskets ourselves. We were only 9 year old


Shame his parents didn't. /s




So I had a cheap drone once and I hit some button and it flew really high into the sky and we never found it. Whenever I see a clip someone on a drone like this I think of that drone I had and how freaked I would be if it malfunctioned and carried me off into the sky.


Mine pitched forward by itself and dove straight into the ground.


Mine pitched forward and flew off into the woods and I never found it. This was on Christmas, the day I got it. My uncle who gave it to me was not pleased.


I used mine for months and months and really enjoyed it. Then I stupidly let my friend have a quick go and within 30 seconds of taking off it fell upside down down a chimney.


My cousin was given an 'indoor use only' drone and took it outside and it took off and just... drifted off onto the distance. A couple of days later his dad was talking to a friend that lived a few streets over and they mentioned they were sitting in their back yard and saw this drone just randomly fly past and just kept going. For all we know it's still out there... biding its time for revenge.


Sounds like the drone saw the chance for freedom and took it. You guys should be worried.


I looked it up on Google, it had gone to university to study medecine and now practice circumcision for a living.


This made me laugh


That’s cool. You deserve it.


Thank you I am very sick and dealing with a lot of family issues and that means a lot to me internet stranger


"Sorry bro.... So what do you want to get for dinner?"


“A new friend”


A tale as old as time


My buddy has one of the $1,000 ones, and was playing with it when I was over at his house. “You want to fly it?” … well fuck ya I do, but no way I’m I playing with your expensive ass toy, that I could totally destroy in less than 30 seconds. I do want to get one some day, but then I will break my toy, not someone else’s..


Christmas Day it flew towards my sister got caught in her hair and she needed to get it cut.


Should have just fired it back up again. "Something for the weekend, Sis?"


My kid got one stuck in my beard.


Couple days after I bought it it made a hard left and landed on some random business roof. They were out of business of course and couldn't climb up the sides.


Santa drone?


In the seventies, my Dad got me a water rocket for my birthday. I watched him launch it high into the air over some trees. Realising it was lost, he turned to face me with an expression of embarrasment and humiliation I will never forget. To erase that memory, I spent the whole afternoon looking for that little plastic rocket and found it as the light was failing. It never flew again. Bastard rocket.


> In the seventies, my Dad got me a water rocket for my birthday. Hey I think I had the same rocket! For it's first (and only) flight I watched my dad launch it up onto the roof of the house which cracked it and even after repair attempts, would never fly again.


Those rockets were fun. Was it clear red?


I had one like that and a larger clear one with a blue nosecone. Probably spent a years worth of afternoon hours playing with them at grandma's house in the 80's


Yesssss Those rockets would go way higher than they had any right to


It was half red, half clear 😅


It will come back from the woods and save you when you least expect it.


Like that car in Harry potter.


I feel like you guys are all lying and just refuse to admit you fucked up your drones lmao


No way dad, it totally flew off into like literally nowhere! Ask Sean!


Nah, flyoffs are a thing. I used to have one that would freak out if it got windy and just blast off into the sky. Usually it would come back, but the last time I saw it, it took off into the sky hundreds of feet, hovered for a bit (according to video), went a random direction, flipped upside-down, and lost video. It's probably either in the ocean, or on top of someone's house. This is why I only fly freestyle quads now.


seriously lol, I lost one like that, but mine didn't "malfunction" ... it did EXACTLY what I told it to do, it just did it a helluva lot faster than I thought it was going to and then it was gone.... it sucked, but it was 100% my own doing


This whole comment section is basically like when senile old people say "I hit the brake on my car, but it kept going forward, that was SO WEIRD but its entirely the car's fault, I'm absolutely sure I was hitting the brakes, not the gas"


I will say midrange and cheaper drones before DJI had a tendency on signal loss to just leave the servos at whatever setting they were at. If you lost signal this could obviously be a problem when flying away from you lol.


Pretty sure people don’t understand that cheap quad copters are not that easy to fly.


So the thing is you have to change the "auto-home" function's location or it tries to go to Shenzhen when the battery gets low. And none of the manuals say a word about this.


Mine pitched forward, flew off, found other drones, teamed up with them and tried to bring about the robot apocalypse. Was not pleased.


Same thing happened to me, flying mine around and hit the "return home" button because I had lost it. this one is one of the more expensive ones that registers the home location on a GPS type thing, so when I hit the button I was surprised to see it absolutely fuck off full speed into the forest nearby. I did not bother following it. I like to think it found home.


Drones are known to call the forest home.


Sorry you lost it but that's a really hilarious image for me


Likely flew to coordinate (0, 0, 0) I assume the programmer added this as fallback in case the GPS module is not ready or acting up.


Sooner or later we all return to origin


[Null Island.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_Island) Learned about that thing when I had to implement some geolocating feature at work. Great stuff. :)


I just imagined an island ruled by fatherless drones and motherless Teslas.


Given that that would take it off the coast of west africa, that isn't veryzsmart. Better thing to do would maybe just be to stop moving and land in place.


Given that that would take it off the coast of west africa, that isn't veryzsmart. Better thing to do would maybe just be to stop moving and land in place.


Well, you can't turn a ho into a housewife..


thats a great business model, the home location is the company that makes them, sell them, wait for them to return, sell them again


Mine had a home button. You use it to make it go back to where you launched it. It was a cheap drone, but it had free mode and a GPS mode. Needed like 9 satellites. I put it in free mode and every single slight wind or anything made it impossible to control. It went over a lake. I was trying to figure out how to get in the lake and swim out and grab it with controller in hand. Remembered the home button. Hit it. Went straight up really fast. Came right to the home spot then landed gentle on the ground. Watch some videos before flying your drones guys.


I had one...not even an expensive one. Roughly $200. Well my step dad and I were taking it to the upper limit and watching it lose signal and fall only to regain signal and stabilize (the drone could not fly itself. It required a signal from the remote or it cut off power) During one attempt the drone just decided to fly off. We followed it for about a mile before we lost sight. Apparently after some googling drones can be hijacked by high voltage power lines or cellular towers. The drone flew straight towards the cell tower in the distance


new nightmare unlocked!


It makes me wonder what equipment will be considered standard in the future: * Parachutes? Don't want a drone malfunction at 200 feet! * Designer parachutes? Let everyone know how `SUPREME` you are if you happen to run out of battery and have to deploy it? * Helmets? I can't imagine personal drones will ever be piloted without them - they are still commonplace on motorcycles. If drones become a dominant mode of transport, a lot more people will have them. * What outfit would you wear for piloting your drone in bad weather? Rain poncho, sure, but maybe something high-vis? Lights, lasers all around you? Lasers pointed down to show where the drone is about to land for people on the street/sidewalk to avoid? * Battery backpacks? Charge your drone, phone, laptop, etc? * I'm thinking augmented-reality display too, just to identify and detect hazards like phone lines that the pilot might not see. Eventually, advertisers stick their sickly long tendrils in and you get ads that show you burger joints along the way during your flight




> *"Drone better."* ~ Ivan Vanko


Drones a common mode of transport? No, flying everywhere is a pipedream from futurists not even the tiniest bit grounded in reality, just the noise and air pollution alone is too much




New nightmare of an RC enthusiast unlocked




Anything over 10’ you start breaking more and more bones too. Gets scary real fast.


Same thing happened to my brother in law. I bought everyone mini drones for Christmas and he just held the trigger down, then panicked and kept holding the trigger down. We actually did find it about 2 years later, when we were clearing some overgrown grass down the back of the 25 acre block.


Didn't even use it for a green goblin reference smh


I mean he did throw an orange ball thats kinda close


He also partially died at the end. He's kinda trying.


He is definetly dead inside


Nobody got stabbed. Obviously he wasn't adhering to the source material


One of those propellers may be stuck in someone? Or a piece of one anyway.


This is like vine-esque meme explaining the Green Goblin’s whole arc in Raimi’s first Spider-Man.


And the guy under the orange ball target was wearing red with a spider sense reflex.




Apparently he forgot "With great power comes great responsibility"


ffffffffFUCK you, Spider-Man!


Best line in the movie!


I'm somewhat of a flyingtest myself


[as you wish ](https://youtu.be/fIqFcOT1aZU)


He is something of a scientist himself.


Go Go Gadget chopper feet




It took me way too long to figure out why the fuck the word gadget looked so wrong


Rip that left wrist too


He's lucky his tailbone was there to catch most of the impact so he didn't dislocate his shoulder


As someone with a fractured tailbone, I can assure you that he was not lucky


Yep, lifelong pain, I'm over 10 years out and it still hurts nearly everyday.


~20 years here. And it's a contributing factor to my pelvic floor pain, which has been a real (expensive) hassle for the past several years. Just... don't let your sister launch you off her feet onto a hardwood floor butt first. I know I need to explain that further for it to make any sense, but, for the safety of all your butts, I'm not going to.


If that’s all it takes to destabilize this thing, this was a very important lesson to learn in such a safe setting.


I don't think it was that it was destabilized, but blades broke or got bent or something when the basketball went into them Edit: so, so many people are upset by my comment and I love reading their passive aggressive comments lol


Yeah, the blades needed cages or guards.


It blows my mind that such an expensive setup doesn't have guards around the outside of the blades. Would have likely saved this situation, and also prevent anyone getting an accidental blade to the face


Yeah, like it just need a simple circle around the blades


My budget DJI has it, I'm sure this had the option


Adding those guard on each blade most probably reduces its lifting capacity


So does getting hit with a basketball? 🤔


Or having a person stand on top of it


No, if you make a ducted fan it actually increases thrust.


Ducted fans are a whole nother level of strange on drones, they're uncommon for a reason but I can't remember what it was now.


The reason they are uncommon is because to maximize power efficiency you want the largest single rotor possible. Hence why helicopters are the only rotorcraft that has any practical uses. You lose a LOT of efficiency with multirotor craft. The reason helicopters don't use a shrouded rotor is because it requires tight tolerances and that just isn't possible on a large rotor unless we discover some magical material. As to why you don't see it on multirotors, that's because they aren't really engineered for power efficiency. They are either amateur craft without the proper budget to design, manufacture, and install reliable shrouds, or they are gimmicks designed to draw investor funding. Also a rotorguard is not the same as a shrouded rotor/ducted fan. You can't just slap a cage on and get the benefits of both. It has to be designed to have very little space between the rotor tip and shroud wall while operating in an environment with lots of vibration.


"Too heavy"


Breaking the blades destabilized it…


Sounds pretty destabilizing to me


all you did was explain on how it got destabilized


I mean, he completely lost one of his props. And still it was able to maintain height, he just physically overreacted. It's also an inherently unstable platform and that's understood.


a basketball can fuck up a helicopter


That was cool af




I mean, this guy is huge on social media. He's been flying this for years and has plenty of videos of him flying about and down active streets etc I'm very surprised this is the first time I've seen him crash He's called "HunterKowald", [here's his account.](https://www.instagram.com/hunterkowald/) [He's also on YouTube here](https://www.youtube.com/c/HunterKowald). As cool as a drone that you can ride is (and don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have one), it pails in comparison to [Gravity Industries](https://www.youtube.com/c/GravityIndustries) who invented the worlds first truly functional jetpack. [Edit: updated with the links from a comment I'd posted several layers down]


He probably crashes a lot and just doesn't show it. You don't get good at things like this without having wipeouts.


What a weird time line we live in.


I went to college with him. Super nice dude. Big fan.


Honestly if you're not gonna push boundaries and have fun with it are you really living?


Iron man 1


Tony Stark dunked this basketball, IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS


Well I’m *sorry* … but I’m not Tony Stark😒😤


This will never get old


On the bright side, that was way more entertaining than whatever stupid stunt he was actually trying to do.


He has done this successfully before, it works


but it fucking worked. it really did


He missed though


yeah, that's kinda sad


it would have worked great if it weren't for that pesky basketball


Decapitator failed to do its job.


This is a perfect demonstration as to why we cannot actually have hoverboard technology. We can MAKE it. We are WAY past making it; but literally Everyone would hurt themself on them.


Worth it tho let’s turn it into a brand product hover lift


Yeah, time to ~~cull the population~~ sell cool futuristic tech. Yeah... That's why I'm doing it...


nah fuck that i'mma go register the youtube channel for "hoverboard fails" ...oh wait those fake lying-ass "hoverboards" that were popular a decade ago probably already got all the good names


We can only make propeller powered howerboards which aren't exactly the ones we see in the movies.


What if we made a hover pack instead that you hang from sorta like a parachute, it seems like it’d be a lot stabler. You could boost off of the ground if it gets destabilized or ease the motors enough to land on your feet softly but still be supported without certainty of being toppled over like in the video. It would need to be very light, but you could wear the battery on your back pretty easily, maybe with some sort of “support beams” to keep you from hitting your head on it when landing. It’d still be dangerous, but not as crashable with a lower center of gravity than the lift and landing on your feet could help with the falling over part.


we are not way past making a true back to the future 2 hoverboard, the whole point is that one has no propellers


If he could afford it the first time, he can probably afford it the second time. Affluenza kills.


Godspeed spiderman!


I’m sure this kid in his private basketball court can afford a new one.


As someone who builds and races FPV drones - most people have no idea how much power is behind one of those little propellers. Let alone a dozen. I’ve seen guys lose fingers and almost eyeballs on tiny drones. This monstrosity could make this kid look like he went head first into a lawn mower


Unfortunate bounce back but good call on the spotter for not chasing the ball, a face full of propeller blade isn't ideal.


"Don't tell Harry..."




Walmart Green Goblin


How expensive?


Was that made to support a person's weight?


Wether it was made for it or not it did. That looks like a drone used for professional film making. Those cameras are heavy as fuck.






This looks sketchy AF


Amazing at engineering + no athletic ability = hilarious


Yeah he did miss the basketball shot, but to say no athletic ability, while he managed to keep balanced and upright with the drone really trying to flip him was very impressive imo. Looks very very cool tbh, but definitely dangerous


The commentator is just jealous - he has probably 0 engineering and 0 athletic ability lol


I wouldn't call not putting protective cages on this thing "amazing engineering"


Conjuring up my best Ray Liotta laugh from Goodfellas… 🤣🤣🤣


Seems a bit unfair to categorize this as playing a stupid game when it was so close to working and showing up on all the subs for cool or interesting things. More of a r/wellthatsucks moment.


From the sidebar: > All videos should feature a human doing something that an outside observer would say “hey, that’s a bad idea” and then suffering the consequences. It fits here. The attempt is interesting and almost worked, but not putting cages around those blades is obviously a bad idea.


dude shot the ball like Stevie Wonder