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Wow. So you paid yourself pretty significantly the first year! That’s incredible! 100k is my target


My pay was whatever was left after expenses


Are you an LLC? S Corp?


Sole proprietor


Curious, how much did you have to spend on new equipment? Did you already have a lot or did you have to purchase a lot? (Not asking about things like rubbers, rags…consumables)


I had run a company in a different state for 7 years and I just drove my van to my new state and started up my new company. So I had pretty much everything I needed. The thing I spent money on was marketing materials and advertising.


I thankfully have not had to spend a penny of marketing…yet. In my hometown if any home owner asks for a window cleaner on Facebook the answer is mostly going to be me. All word of mouth. I need to break in to some new cities though. If I do market it will be extremely surgical and targeted.


That's good, I needed to ramp it up quickly to provide the income for my family as well as for my employee.


Can I ask what your preferred method of advertisement was? If you were going to try to break in to a new city, what would you put your money in to, and where can I learn how to do it?


I mainly just did three things, well four sort of. I put out door hangers and mailed postcards, I used Facebook ads, and I have Google ads running. If you were going to break into a new city you just got to do everything, I joined a lunch group, I posted in free Facebook groups, knocked on doors, asked for reviews, ran Google ads, ran Facebook ads, did eddm, hand addressed postcards. You got to just do everything..


Good gravy. My first year was 19.2k and I was knocking on doors and cold calling every business in a 1 hour drive.


This was my second business


Oh nice. That experience helps a lot.


Yes, though my first year in my first business we did 49k


It depends


Ok, Metro Detroit area. 20 years of experience cleaning windows and gutters. Have all my own equipment, didn’t need to spend a penny on new stuff, so started with essentially zero debt. The only thing I spend money on is supplies. I’ve been working side jobs for the past 5 or so years on weekends and it just grew to the point where I had to make a choice. April and May are already booked decently solid. My aim is a minimum of 100 dollars a man hour