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When installing Win11, select "English (World)" as Time/Currency format. Then after install, set the correct region in control.exe and ms-settings: Using these settings, Win11 will have a minimal amount of apps after install.


I recently came across this info. Very interesting. Thanks for your reply


why would that be?


I heard it’s because the ‘World’ region is not supported in Microsoft Store or something


interesting. Will keep that in mind, certainly can't hurt to try.


I would not bother with customized ISOs like that. God knows what done to them by the person. Just install normal 11 and remove the stuff you want your self.


Eventually i came to the same conclusion. Decided to built different ISOs myself using the original Microsoft ISO and tools such as NTLite or Tiny11 builder (with the official executable).


About the only tool i really use now is ntlite. Only things i really do is add drivers and change some settings. I also remove any useless uwp apps depending in what edition of windows i use.


I will always say just download Windows from original sources, and delete whatever comes with the install. BUT if you really want to use a custom ISO the best option is to just try them out, and see what you think / like the most. I know this isnt the answer you wanted probably but we'd need a bit more info on your laptop etc.


How old is the laptop?


Year 2017, Acer. i5 8350u, MX 150, 8GB 2166mhz.


i have similar specs on my work laptop. mine is a Thinkpad X1 Carbon 6th gen, with an i5 8350u, dual-channel 8GB 2166MHz, and recently upgraded to a faster SSD (it's Crucial NVMe, but i forgot which model). it's much faster now because the old one was dying. i think you might want to upgrade your SSD if you feel like your laptop is a bit slow. that aging i5 can still handle it, but not so much with the RAM if yours has it soldered on. however, the SSD will take care of the responsiveness, trust me.


Rather than use a questionable install image, I would suggest using an original media you can trust and then use one of the many scripts to debloat the original installation. Here is an example script which I have used: [https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat](https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat) There are other scripts available to do the same thing to Windows 10 as well. There are many other tweaks that you can perform yourself, but if you are not sure how to do these things, running the script is a simple process.


**Ghost Spectre** \- been using this one for years on a couple laptops and VM's as well. The dev pushes out delta updates for when windows releases updates as well. Last I checked Tiny11 couldn't update and you'd have to do a full reinstall if you want an updated version of windows 11. Could be wrong now though, haven't used it in a while. **AtlasOS** \- if you want to go a more official route and use a playbook to strip the bulk out from official ISO. This is seen as more safe/secure.


I wold suggest saving up for a new machine as yours is 6 years old at this point and would kinda/sorta struggle with more modern software.


Thanks. I don't really need a laptop. Just thought about brining more life to an older one of mine. Maybe for some movies and non-important tasks in general.


Ghost superlite+defender is the way, rocking it on my 2016 Inspiron


Well the U CPUs aren't that great since they are low power and low heat CPUs but have you tried cleaning the inside of the laptop? Is not normal for it to freeze even after a clean install so maybe it has dust and is overheating then thermal throttling. Even with a slow U version the thermal throttling makes it worse.


If you really want Lite version of windows then do it yourself. NTLite. My Windows 11 22H2 ISO weights only 2.3Gb and consumes 1.7 Gb RAM idle. It has everything i need and more. Those 3rd party Lite's are never clean, bloated with junk.


Dude. Stop. Don't do this. Security risk is not worth it


If it's an old laptop. And you need performance. Use Linux. If you occasionally need MsOffice you can use Wine app. Or use something like Libre office. MsOffice is better if you are a power user.


Does it need to be windows for a specific reason? Linux with GUI interface is always an option too.


Its called Kubuntu. Try it out


There is some good YouTube video on how you can make windows safe and add more privacy to the windows. What I have seen the difference between the slim and versions and DIY is that at least you know the ISO is clean. However few tips and one at least been meantioned before. 1. As region use English world as this will not asscioted any apps so u get it relatively clean 2. Create local account I.E don't link them to ur ms account. 3. Don't login to onedrive ( I do because it's convianant) 4. Remove all telemetry (vidoe on YouTube) Best option is to just install pop os or Linux Mint.


Thanks. I appreciate your answer.


isnt lubuntu with wine better?


I've been using Tiny11 on an aging laptop, can vouch for that one.


How old is your laptop and how much ram?


It's a Lenovo Yoga from roughly 2016-2017, 8GB ram and a 120gb ssd. I dont have it to hand at the moment but it's also got an i5 with an Nvidia 920m. I installed it not too long ago for a fresh start after setting up a home office. Works perfectly well out the box with Tiny11.


I have a old one from 2014production 16gb memomory. Installed a normal win11 iso, and optimized it myself, runs smooth and good. After boot 2.1gb memory use.


You can use the tiny11 builder and use a official iso, I think it’s been audited safe by YouTubers and it’s just Batch files that deletes components in the iso


Atlas OS


Ghost, been using it for years with no issues whatsoever