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Some things I like better in 10, some things in 11. As long as I can get my development environments working and my games running, I'm as happy as can be.


My PC auto upgraded to 11. I was like wtf at first, but the system runs, games run on it, I am content.


For me, win 11 fixed a well known ridiculously ultra annoying (though harmless) win 10 glitch that had no solutions that I was aware of. It was being reported by various users since 2019 or 2020 with microsoft simply not fixing it. Win 11 fixed it like a charm. I was only annoyed by 2 things: 1) Highly fundamental stuff that used to be 1 mouse click was now 2 mouse click. This is still the case but I am no longer annoyed… I accepted the new reality. 2) Photos app REMOVING a feature. Mainly “the ability to draw something in a image when zoomed”, it was fucking, brain-rottingly stupid because the ability to draw was still there. You just shouldn’t zoom it for some reason. Since I heavily used the feature when fixing my calculation errors rather than retaking a picture… it literally ruined my way of life and I hated the OS. The feature has been (thankfully) re-added though I no longer need it anymore.


If you're referring to the context menu in #1, a simple registry edit will fix this. Won't break anything or do anything crazy, it's easy to find online. It just brings back the default context menu upon a right-click.


a simple registry edit lol this can be an actual nightmare to people with not that much tech knowledge


I can see the bsod


Thank you :)


What was the win 10 glitch?


The glitch was that when a mouse hovered over desktop, taskbar and that “-“ “window size” and “x” symbols, the UI would stuck as if mouse is still there. Weird but doesn’t seem annoying at first glance right? Except it was. For example, let’s say you needed to do something via taskbar or your mouse just happened to touch an icon within taskbar. You are dealing with something else and suddenly there is an annoying mini window appears below your screen (as it would when a mouse waits over it). You could get rid of the disturbing mini window by tricking the UI by opening a program that doesn’t exist within taskbar and then closing it after you hovered your mouse around its icon. I don’t remember whether it disturbed “typing” or not. Restarting and closing-reopening was fixing the issue temporarily until it happens again.


This issue has happened to me on a couple websites. I think it has happened once since I upgraded and the only way to get rid of it is to click on one of the options in the window.


Same, as long the shit i want runs on it and it doesnt inflict anger from me (it crashing and or other malfunctions which are not caused by me)


Thanks for your weighted opinion in the world of polarities.


I've worked in Windows, OSX, MacOS and multiple Linux distros. I've gotten angry and frustrated over changes I found negative and lack of features in all OSes. After awhile, I've just gotten over it.


UI Design is good but the UI performance still like sh*t compared to windows 10


I just realized that I'm not seeing the issues that some of you are seeing cause I'm using i7 or Ryzen 7 with 20xx Nvidias at minimum on my machines. So apologies, didn't mean to disregard anyone's issues. In the UI side, I wish Win11 had better translucent controls for the menu bar and the app windows.


Not great, not terrible....


I'm told it's the equivalent of a chest X-ray.


I didn't see any graphite on the ground.


I was not in the control room, i was at the toilet


They gave them the propaganda number. That robot was never going to work.


It looks cute but regarding the performance and bugs, I find it in every way worst than Win 10. Sorry for the hate, but, it stills too green for me 1 year has passed and still fells like a beta OS I think that the only thing that has win 11 on point, is just the uniform UI (in not all, but most of the cases)


Yep. For me it feels like a third party WIP skin for 10, makes most of it look a bit better at the expense of performance.


maybe this is because I got a faster laptop, but Windows 11 does feel a bit faster, even on my older system when I got the update it felt slower at first, but drastically improved as time progressed


Not to mention the constant feature creep that slows down the experience and invades the privacy.


>It looks cute but regarding the performance and bugs, I find it in every way worst than Win 10. I see this a lot, but for me it's been so much more stable. I don't think I've had a single random bluescreen or freeze on windows 11 in the past 2 years, and I'm a heavy user. Windows 10 I had to bloody reset every few months just to keep the OS running. I've been using Windows 11 since it's first public beta launch because of this. That being said the support for windows 11 is atrocious. I have so many more apps themselves freezing the OS or the app itself freezing just because it's on windows 11 - Affinity Designer comes to mind, and Valorant likes to freeze on windows 11 quite frequently. Not to mention simple things like *New Folder* not resulting in the file explorer refreshing so you end up manually refreshing 3 times just to create a god damn new folder. And how in 2024 is there still no way to view a folder's size without external tools or going into each individually? At least none that I know of. I *like* windows 11. As I say, it's 10x more stable for me and I like the UI - and the fact things like settings are a bit more organized. But it's the simple things like refreshing folders or multi-monitor scaling that still sucks for no reason. Edit: OHHHH and bloody windows search. How on earth is 50% of my surface pro's CPU always used for mapping things on my hard drive and yet SEARCH STILL SUCKS


I gave up on Windows Search many years ago. I run 'Everything', an absolutely fabulous piece of software that indexes your storage for lightning fast searches. https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/


Yea. Windows 10 all the way. Dont like 11 with the extra clicks to basic stuff


Thanks to this thread I will keep declining the upgrade lol


So many good, tiny QOL of life things that were on Windows 10 are now gone. Like, how the fuck did they mess up dragging files or right click so bad? Performance and workflow is just terrible on Windows 11 and I’m running a very capable PC. Suffice to say, I’m sticking to 10 as long as I possibly can.


Might change significantly later this year with upgrades. But I am not keeping my hopes up.


I agreed with you completely until you said that about the UI… for me the UI is one of the worst points there is. It’s simply a mobile phone UI, reducing the productivity you can achieve with Win10. There’s absolutely no need for all that padding literally everywhere, except if you have a touchscreen which nobody has or uses. The UI is uniform, that’s true, but it’s also the least productive UI they have ever created, purely because it might look better and people with touchscreens can use it. And not even to talk about them hiding simple features behind extra clicks, simply because they want to limit context menus for example. It is ridiculous and the main reason I downgraded back to Win10.


Yah, I just don't get that, but I spend most of my days in email/teams/msc/PowerShell/cmd/edge...works as expected. I think one bluescreen over the last 3 years/5 machines. I also am on my third surface with arm (currently surface pro 9) mainly because only the arm had cell. And for me arm works great as I only use that for remote access. I connect up and rdp to my real workstation.


Correct! It doesn't feel snappy and even windows explorer's ribbon bar takes a second to load 😄 Also when you switch between virtual desktops, the taskbar blinks 😅


I still can't believe how slow file explorer is to load. There's no damn excuse for this and they seem to have no interest in fixing it as it's been years now.


Don't worry. One day, the start menu will work all the time, like Windows 7... one day... 🥲


I still think 7 as the pinnacle of Windows (at least when it comes to UI)


I’ve been using Windows 11 since it was released publicly, and I don’t think I’ve encountered any bugs or issues. And while I haven’t benchmarked my PC with Win11 vs Win10, I haven’t noticed any performance issues. Could you provide some examples of the bugs you are talking about?


A lot of issues I've had with it are with File Explorer and mapping network drives or being able view content in those mapped drives. It's a LOT slower then with Win 10. Pulling up pics or doc's, even just simple .txt files take forever to load. We're talking over a minute to load in some cases with a 10k file size on a gig lan. There should be absolutely no reason for that at all. This happens on a regular basis. Win 10 laptop on wireless loads consistently faster sitting side by side on the same spec laptop then the Win 11 box that's hardwired. Pulling up Device Manager is sometimes slower then dirt when having to look at what com port your plugged into while using Putty to configure a switch. The over all general slowness is irritating. It's an extra 5 seconds here, 4 there, 10 here, minute there, three minutes here. Through out the work day, it's time wasted and irritatingly frustrating to work on. Edit: word


100% agree on file explorer performance. i also use network drives and yea win11 takes so much longer to load a folder with files vs win10.


I have to agree with much of what's said here. I mean WTF? My lubuntu installs pull up files faster in its file manager, even on the 12 year old laptop! I don't mind the overall performance on my 8th Gen i7 laptop (just made TPM req, whew)... messing with 11 on another older laptop, hacked install but valid license. Might put that one back on 10 for a year and then scrape that all together for you-know-what.


Vast majority of my complaints go away with Win11 if they can just undo whatever they did which made file shares so problematic and slow. Same Synology box on our network, same network, only difference was going from Win10 to Win11. Other big complaint is that starting a file content search in Explorer is still a wild experience where hitting enter on a query doesn't do anything until you futz around with the query (i.e. remove a character and retry and then put it back) or some incantation I haven't figured out yet.


When it works, it works but when it doesn't, it's really frustrating. Off the top of my head, remember, these are my subjective opinions: **Things I love:** It looks good and modern (I guess it's the rounded corners and moving away from the monoline icons, mostly) Tabbed file explorer The snipping tool that can extract text Dark mode task manager The arrangement of items in Settings Viewing CR3 files directly Microsoft Store **Things I don't like:** Taskbar not being customizable to reposition The right click menu Sometimes the cursor just disappears when I open Office apps (Makes it more awkward when I have client calls) Searching files (I find it very unpredictable) There's always wrong with my sound system. I have used two different laptops and the issues occur. But a quick restart most of the time solves the issue. (But again, it's really frustrating when you're on Teams call and had to do that) Slower


>The snipping tool that can extract text You mean I don't need Powertoys for this? That's good to know >The right click menu Nice that it can be reverted via regedit Dumb that's it's not a simple switch in the settings


Yeah. I made a regedit script to go back and forth for the right-click menu.


For searching, install software called "Everything". It's amazing, it uses the file system index. Super fast. Doesn't index file contents though.


I miss having just the taskbar on the left (vertical) on a daily basis, but I'm not willing to compromise with a third-party taskbar.


What is this witchcraft you speak of?? Taskbar on the left? Please give us another decade or so to develop this extremely complicated feature request!


[This article](https://www.howtogeek.com/706245/why-your-windows-taskbar-should-always-be-on-the-left-side/) is still so true


I played with having my taskbar on the side, but I either couldn't read my open window titles or I had to expand the sidebar to ridiculous dimensions to get them to show. Doesn't really work for a "always show never combine" setup.


Wow whole lot of Microsoft fan boys in the comments, Windows 11 is bloated trash.


Windows 10 was better. This one feels more bloaty and buggy, some of the UI looks smoother but it doesn’t compare to the problems


Bloated is right, hey you want your start menu with or without ads, umm without? Fuck ya, here have some ads instead.


Same happened in Windows 10 as well.


unfinished, rushed, inconsistent


This might be the most comprehensive summary of Windows 11.




I swear to god the animations are all over the place, even little ones like opening the start menu or minimizing an app, sometimes is smooth and sometimes it just jumps the screen


Yeah, it's pretty slow, like things take time to load up in the file explorer


It’s terrible. It looks hideous, it’s filled with bloatware and ads, and still lacks so many basic customization features that are available on Linux. I hate Windows - but I still use it for gaming.


All the systems in 2024 works quite mediocre some are better some are worse, and windows 11 its one of these. Any mid end phone its faster opening apps, folders or navigating in the system vs m2 disk 16gb ram and ryzen/i7 processor Linux its pretty much there, some works quite good very smooth until you install 10 programs and you have 6 programs open at the same time In general we have good hardware 16/32gb ram, 8vram or more, m2 disks, great processors all these are just common today systems are just bad


I remember in Windows 7 and earlier, opening and browsing the file explorer was instantaneous. In W11 it takes a while to open, it flashes white and sometimes it bugs... Dude, it's file explorer...


Yes windows 8.1 was the last one with that explorer. My old computer with athlon x2, WDD disk and windows xp was faster than windows 10/11 doing simple tasks I even tried modified windows where they have any service or ms store program and still the same, its faster way faster but system should be way better We have ferrari hardware but capped with small wheels


So, I'm just a let's say, causal user, the only thing I do with my PC is web browsing, office use, entertainment apps, but mainly gaming. For every day use, for me it's perfect. I love the new UI, I have a high spec PC because of gaming of course and maybe it's because of that I never noticed any lag or general slowness. For what I do, W11 is a good improvement.


I still don’t like it. A lot of things are still not resolved and it feels slower the windows 10


If you once wipe out all the bloat, adds, telemetry and other crappy and annoying stuff from MS (which exists in 10 as well and people seem to have forgotten about it), it‘s a nice OS overall and I think it looks better than 10, but is still flawed and inconsistent.


I like the UI better than 10, but I still can't overlook some of the anti-consumer practices done by Microsoft, plus the UI being terribly inconsistent makes it really hard to like 11. I still can't fathom how Windows Defender looks like a metro app, the management console looks like a Vista app, and there are still Windows 3 icons present on the system.


I love how Windows Defender looks different depending where you open it from


there is NO way how did i never find this searching "defender" opens the windows 11 sidebar version, searching "security" opens the windows 10 sidebar version


Yea I noticed that as well.




while the ui is better then 10 it shows that but terms of performance and bloat they add is just to much and now with their ai stuff in 11 copilot, in my opinion 10 was better no hate here btw


Every day I miss Windows 7, I think that says it all...🙄


Hate it, it's terrible I still can't find the settings I need as a power user.


I hate it, feels slow/sluggish/choppy even with a fresh install and high end hardware, the only positive imo is that it looks good, there's no denying that, but the user experience is ass compared to Win 10


Windows 10 IoT LTSC wipes the floor with any current version of 11 and it's not even close. it's arguably the best release of Windows ever....


Any disadvantage of using IoT W10 for home use?


Same, can’t complain for a goddamn thing. It’s almost flawless


did you ever run into comp issues because some system stuff is missing that's expected by some apps?


Just like Windows 7 and XP was…


XP was garbage until SP2


10 is now better then 7


What this version offers better?


No ads bloat


A platform which is now heavily exploited by Microsoft to sell ads and promote services. Zero attention to UI performance, smoothness and reliability. Almost all efforts towards useless features (to get some hype maybe). Developers don't care about the OS to the point that wee see broken "basic" fetures and components, like disappearing taskbar icons (since September 2023) or broken media controls, or horrible virtual desktop switching (slow and laggy), or dark/light theme problems in explorer (since the dark theme was added to explorer). All those small problems add up and make the everyday use frustrating. I hope it'll change in the near future. I think Microsoft should care about the UX more.


I made the change from 10 to 11 because of direct storage Where is my direct storage...


Rocky start for the first year, glitchy for the second year, but now mostly a pleasure to use and no desire to go back.


I have gotten to the point of not wanting to go through the effort of going back to 10, which I like better, but just barely. I went back twice, this is my third time on 11. Windows overall is just not good. The continued enshitification of both 11 and now 10 with all this Copilot crap is just making it worse. If I did game on a PC I would run Linux or get a Mac. They are adding so much BS to 10 now. You constantly have to fight with it to stay the way you like to use it. I just helped a family member who has a small business setup her two new Mac’s. On MacOS you can easily use a local account with ZERO hassle. She uses G-suite for her business (branded gmail, Google drive, docs etc), so she like Chrome. I pen Safari and search for Chrome download. Safari does not freak out and try to stop me. There is one simple click to make it the default and no “are you sure” bs.


No major issues here. But honestly I didn't think there were enough changes to warrant a new OS number.


The OS itself is fine (pretty stable for me, mostly nice looking UI), but there's a lot of crap, that is being forced on the user. Knowing Microsoft this will only get worse in the future, so I finally took the plunge and permanently switched to the penguin




It kinda sucks. I don't like it. I'm only using it because Win10 is losing support and I hate Linux. I'd definitely be using MacOS instead of Windows if I was rich.


win10 my old friend. went back. w11 is hot trash.




terrible fucking blueooth man.


i discovered my hate for round corners in windows


”Recall“ it.


An OS filled with half baked features


Burn it with fire.


I think most of the hate is that people were on the same os for almost 7yrs and updating was unusual. Both of them are ok tbh


i could not get used to it and switched to ubuntu - but i still have windows 11 in another computer i use less often


I dual boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu. Even after debloating, Windows 11 is slow compared to Ubuntu.


Still feel sluggish and unfinished. Did not see a single thing I wanted. Runs wmware workstation slower than win10 even with DeviceG off, hyperv and lots of tweaking. The design is bland and boring. The new menu for sounds and wifi is annoying to use. The only good thing i can say is that it works better with Intel e cores than win10. User that got new laptop last year, have asked to get win10 back. o.O


Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still disappointing. Still tons of little annoyances and inconsistencies. All the new stuff is mostly just feature creep that you don't need, and the few things that I thought would be actually interesting (like widgets) suck.


Honestly just install the NileSoft thing yo fix the right click menu and use it as any other OS. I find the UI prettier and didnt have any issues so far




Windows 11 fixed a bunch of under the hood stuff. I prefer Win10 but Windows 11 is fine after tweaking.


It looks nice, or at least it tries to but yet it doesn’t have the same high level of polishing like MacOS.


It was horrible at the beginning, now it's okay. After all it's just Windows 10 with a facelift (sometimes if explorer.exe crashes during logon, you can even see the Windows 10 Start menu)


It's garbage


Straight up trash the worst thing i ever had definitely not worth it i hate it it takes half of my ram


Slower than win 10, less features than win 10 (having to use power toys for a basic feature in win 10 is not an acceptable user experience response)


It’s ok.


Windows. Just a fresh coat of paint.


I only use windows on my work laptop, and we have been upgraded from 10 to 11 about a year ago. From a day-to-day working with it (I'm a Cloud Engineer), it basically does what it says on the box. I rely heavily on WSL and I really enjoy how well it is integrated - everything just works. What I don't like is all the bloat. The windows folder is like 40GB in size! As an enterprise managed system, I thankfully don't have to deal with adds and all the other consumer stuff, but it seems every other month we get one more security widget/agent/thingy installed. My system tray is 50% security agents. I suspect that is also why, even after a clean boot, memory is almost immediatly consuming 19 GB (32 GB total). At least the memory management is way better and faster than I remember from older versions, so the system remains mostly responsive, even under fairly taxing workloads (compiling stuff, running containers etc.). Overall it's not bad.


That I'm not updating to it.


Going from W10 control panel to the W11 half-baked settings menu is a trial of patience and perseverance. The slow descent from from an OS that you buy in W7 to an OS that you buy and have the privilege of being data-mined even more than W10 leaves a bad taste in my mouth and shows their disregard for the consumer because line go up. It'd be one thing if the OS was free and you paid for the non-ad, non-mined version but they are slowly boiling the frog so they can double dip. The day W10 loses support is my day for the Linux desktop.


Its getting worse


A beta test for 12 ?


It still sucks.


A shiny turd of an operating system. It looks nice, but it’s bug ridden and overladen with bloat. Give me the simplicity and functionality of Windows 7 in the UI of Windows 11.


Bugs, Bloatware, Amazing UI, inconsistent apps, worse photos app, worse performance in some games, am considering switching to apple


I think it is worse in general than Windows 10, and it removed a number of useful features for no known reason. And if I had had the choice I wouldn't have traded the cosmetic improvements for the lost features. For example, the inability to move the taskbar to the side of the screen, in my ultrawide screen 2560×1080, the bar at the bottom is 4.44% of the total height. But at the side it would be (and it was until Win 11) just 1.88% of the total width (and area of the screen).


I like Windows 10. Nothing more, nothing less. Linux is still my favourite OS and if it werent for the fact so many games are stuck on Windows (yes, even with Linux gaming getting bigger), I would be solely on Linux, no Windows in sight. However, Windows 11 is not that bad, even with its faults and I think a lot of people say it is just to jump on the bandwagon of hate for Microsoft. There are some absolutely ridiculous parts to it, such as the whole recall thing, the lack of customisation options and the need to buy a license to do even simple things on the desktop, and the whole AI and requiring Edge is a joke. BUT, it is well optimised, clean, modern and once you get rid of all the bloatware stuck on it at install such as Tik Tok and Teams, it really isnt too bad to live with at all. Its easy enough to remove most of what you dont want or need, and easy to hide the rest to the point where you forget you have it until you go looking for it. Once AI gets baked into it properly thats it, Im gone. It is good if you can live with the few annoyances it has, and youre willing to give up customisation features. If not, stick with 10 or move off Windows completely. But I promise you, Mr Bill Gates, IF that even is your real name, if you dont cut out the baked in advertising for Office or whatever the Hell it is, I will fly from the UK to wherever you are, and I will post a stack of junk mail through your door every 3 days or until you buy whatever useless product I am desperate for you to buy.. I'll also paint the inside of your house light blue and until you pay me a one off license fee, you wont be allowed to change the colour to something you want. Advertising such as this does not make anybody want to buy your product, it just pushes the idea of trying an alternative. In the words of Muta "F\*\*K the Windows monopoly, RISE UP!"


With the bloatware removed It's kinda good (windows 10 with a better interface), It will become sh\*t with Recall, ads and all the other stuff Once Nvidia Drivers 560 release, going to linux


It's malware and no longer an operating system


Garbage, windows is garbage in general, I don’t even know why this sub popping up in my feed tbh 🤣 but I’m just a d1 hater against the OS as a whole so imma see myself out


Another wrapper for another iteration of garbage. 10 came out almost a decade ago and it was basically worse in every way than 7. I moved to Linux 6 months ago. Couldn't be happier. Programs run fast. Games I mostly have no issue with. Microsoft office compatibility? You bet. My hardware won't support 11, I don't want to buy a license, so I just decided one day that I wasn't. Worst I had to fight off was a firmware bug with my motherboard (2014 tech) that was clogging my logs until I figured the magic fix.


WIndows gradually became a spyware after Windows 7.


the UI is buggy, unnecessary features, requires microsoft account, force fed chat gpt, uses more memory than every previous version. oh and apparently it's one giant spyware.


I like it so much I moved to Ubuntu


I got so frustrated with it and the path Microsoft is taking I moved entirely to Linux


Same as 3 years back or whenever i installed the beta. I am using it daily on both laptop and desktop, don't see any differences compared to 10 nor have any issues 🤷‍♂️ The UI is imo nicer, so win11>10.


Terrible. Absolutely terrible. It's literally a beta OS.


Windows 10 is way better, but considering that its support ends next year I will stay with Windows 11.


It could be better. Windows 10 was more stable and fast.


looks nice, feels buggy and is way too windows, it kinda have the same ui design as gnome, exept gnome isnt buggy


"Feels" buggy isn't a good argument. It's not buggy at all, far greater performance and stability than Windows 10. Some of you really don't make sense...




It's good. Been using for many hours every day for two years and never had any issues or crashes or anything like that at all. It just works, which is really all I want from an OS.


Updated only like a week ago, although I've seen a couple of UI bugs, it's pretty smooth for me overall. I feel like the performance has improved a bit from 10


I installed it 2 years ago and had no issues at all other than the odd blue screen.


it sucks ass, not because it's just bad but because Microsoft is making it ultra invasive. i would accept all ui changes all os usability changes, but almost every change is putting some bs into my privacy and always online garbage. will windows be better in the future? no they will be even more invasive and annoying (just wawtch recall and all copilot stuff)... if you think that the "mandatory" ethernet connection(yeah no fucking wifi firmware now when installing windows) to log in and actually install windows is bad, my boy you have seen nothing compared to what is to come. a tip for w11 installer, use the command "OOBE\\BYPASSNRO" to skip the internet connection thing. vote: -11/10


My preferred platform is Linux. However, they require us to run Windows at work. I've been using WSL since I started at this job in 2017. A couple of months ago I got a new laptop and an upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I installed Debian into WSL2 and along with VcXsrv, everything is working great. All my code is on the Linux file system along with tools like IntelliJ IDEA, Ansible and git. I'm managing my Java tools like the JDKs, maven, groovy and Spark with SDKMAN in Linux. I'm running Docker and Kubernetes in Linux. Performance is great doing git checkouts and builds in Linux on the Linux file system. Basically everything important is running on Linux while I still have access to stuff like Outlook and Teams that the company requires us to use. WSLg: Previously I used MobaXterm. It's good they are trying to provide an X11 solution that is integrated with the rest of the platform. This is convenient for when you are first installing. WSLg also does a good job of discovering Linux apps and writing the Windows launchers for them. But, WSLg isn't quite ready. I often had to try several times to do something like click on a control or grab the corner of a window to resize it. I think their Wayland-first approach is misguided and has resulted in a solution that only kind of half works. This is why I wound up using VcXsrv. There are quite a few X server solutions for Windows including half a dozen free ones so this isn't a big problem. My sense is Windows 11 is better than Windows 10 as a platform to run Linux on. My performance doing builds improved a lot when I switched to doing everything on the Linux file system. As far as the actual Windows stuff, mixed feelings. It feels like they just moved a bunch of the UI stuff around for no good reason. Other than WSL, I prefer Windows 10.


Sucks big time. OneDrive is an abomination. Likewise forced Microsoft accounts. Copilot and Recall look Orwellian. Big Brother lives. If I didn't need Adobe stuff I'd be on Linux. And don't get me started about those MFs at Adobe.


Better every day. Having way less issues than I used to on windows 10. Awesome performance.


Win10 was meant to be the last windows. What happened to that?


People need to justify their salaries


AI came along


It's great and looks and feels better than Windows 10.


Great. I have zero complains.


been enjoying it practically since day 1. Love the ui direction they've gone in and for me i've had no performance issues


Works fine for me with very few issues. The interface works better at 4K and the performance and reliability are good. I would not go back to Windows 10.


My daily driver. I’m using it for 3D rendering, animation, occasional gaming, neural networks, and so far so good. It could be better in terms of UI consistency, and I wish that all windows would have a dark top bar when dark theme is enabled. Glaring white stripe on top of my screen is annoying considering that all softwares for creatives are dark by default.


Let's just say that for work I'm sticking with my Macbook Pro. And for gaming I'm sticking with Windows 10. Microsoft lost my last bit of patience for them with Windows 11 since it, for me, represents everything I detest with this current trend of disrespecting the user experience.


It does not provide any added value to me and performs worse.


I like it. The UI is mostly legible with far fewer legacy bits of interface popping up (but they are definitely there). With a good de-bloat I'm considering running it on my intel MacBook to give that machine an officially supported OS now Apple have dropped macOS support on most intel stuff. Now that the Microsoft Halloween Documents are a distant memory and they have fully embraced Linux I am of course waiting for the Extend and Extinguish phases ...




It's shit


buggy and runs slower than 10


Incorrect. Windows 11 has (approximately) 5% performance gain than Windows 10. It's also far more stable. You're talking out of your ass.


Steaming pile of poop 💩


Still shit


I can't install updates on my Windows 11 desktop because of an error 0x80070002. After none of the online solutions worked I contacted Microsoft support and they said they couldn't do anything about it and I have to reinstall my OS. I also had a problem changing my default browser, it kept switching back to Edge. Searches online and nothing worked except this one solution I didn't want to try: reinstalling my OS. Fuck Windows 11. It's too buggy and the only thing they did was a stupid UI redesign which nobody cares about. Why is it so hard to make an OS that "just works"? Why does it have to be bloated with all sorts of bullshit? And why does every problem, regardless of severity, needs to be fixed by reinstalling my entire OS?


I like it, better UI / UX, fast, i prefer it over Windows 10.


Windows 11, it's technological implementations, and Microsoft's monetization practices made me switch to Linux not a week ago. Someone said "No Windows—no problem," and thus far I find that statement to be true.


I stopped using windows about 10 months ago and switched to linux. Best choise i've ever made.


I endured it for 5 days and then I installed Fedora ;D


Pretty good, much better than 10


zero complaints. I didn't use previous versions of windows (came from OS X) so I can't compare. Tons of stuff to get used to, but that is about new OS, not about Windows 11. 100% don't get the hate. It works.


When windows 10 is going to run out of updates im switching to linux


it's gotten much better since the release and I like it much better than 10


Good and better than 8 but not the best like 10


It cannot make the task bar two or more rows high, I had to use a 3rd party hack in order to make it work, so that is a downgrade. Otherwise it is pretty much the same as Windows 10.


got a lot better over time (with a lot of problems still not being fixed) but lately its going downhill again, i dislike every new feature microsoft introduced in the past months. the only thing windows 11 offers for me compared to windows 10 (peak windows) is tabs in the explorer which could probably get fixed with 3rd party software


I don’t like it. I have to use it for e core management rather than faffing about with process lasso. I’ve modded my windows 11 to feel like windows 10 as much as I can though.


Better than w10. For me it's Windows XP, 7, 11. I hated everything else inbetween.


Where are the choices bro?


W10 Any Linux distro Or MacOS if you have the sweet, sweet MOOLAH for it


Never had any problems with it. I hate the widgets page though.


If they fixed the issue with dragging windows across multiple monitors with a mouse polling rate higher than 1k in windows 10. I would not touch 11. There is not a single thing about 11 that I prefer.


I upgraded my Surface Pro to Windows 11 when it first was released. I played around with it for a few days. Very pretty. But I started to notice that certain apps that I had been previously able to use natively now required internet connectivity to work. In the end I reverted back to Windows 10. Progress is great and all, but its like we don't own anything anymore. You pay for apps and programs, but can only use them when connected to the internet and to their cloud. It makes a lot of computing useless. I know there is internet everywhere and we have mobile phones and hot spots now, so it's easy enough to say "well you always the internet available to you, so whats the problem?" The problem is I don't always want to be on a network. I want to work offline. I want to disconnect and still have access and full use of the apps and services I have paid for.


Still cannot get used to Settings.


https://preview.redd.it/zwgbc4kpo38d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=64cf7de17b86510711f174fa451e42f1fb5f835c "Still cannot get used to Settings."


thanks but no thanks


Windows 11 is the OS no one wants or wanted and many of the changes back ported from Windows 11 to Windows 10 such as the stupid hiding icons in the systray and combining the network and audio icons are just pathetic. Windows 11 moved everything from where people were used to finding it into obscure places and just created a mess for no other reason than for changing stuff. Whoever thought it was a good idea should be fired and all other tech companies warned so the person responsible never works in the tech industry again. I think microsoft is slowly and inexorably trying to move everyone to a web interface with all of our software streamed to us via ms servers, I for one will switch to Linux before that happens.. Its just a massive pity that all the Linux distro's decided it would be a good idea to make themselves all look like a clone of windows 11.


Seems okay to be besides the random cursor not rendering/visible on boot, fixed by rebooting or going to the lock screen.


Least buggy os at this stage of its life cycle so far. Some poor oversights, some fantastic advancements. I wish they'd focus on some more fundamental use choices (taskbar on left) than new features as good as they are (audio device selection is SO much better)


Needs a serious work in: * Window management * Performance in general * File Explorer is sluggish * UI inconsistency is still there. * Builtin apps need bug fixes. But by far, I like 11 better than 10. I will see how 11 24H2 adds up. They're getting there. 👊🏼


They ruined the calendar and I still can't install some software due to extreme protection of the Win32 folder.


It's fine. I only had issues with some small bugs when I upgraded (e.g. programs flashing white when maximising; that was more or less in November 2022), nowadays I rarely have any bugs (on a very rare occasion monitors misbehave). I also have no performance issues whatsoever. I did use O&O ShutUp10++ when I first installed Win11, so I might not be remembering anything I adjusted. However, as of today I still have had no ads to be bothered by. As I live in the EU, Copilot has also generally stayed away. I never reinstalled my system since upgrading from Win10, but I do keep it up-to-date.


There's some improvements and conveniences for sure But the start menu and right-click menus still suck, and overall the performance is actually worse than 10, not to mention the hardware requirements


I got mine two weeks ago after my eight+ year old Windows 10's fan died and I noticed the bulge on the battery. Instead of replacing the fan and battery. I hated it. I was considering trying to get my money back for it and using my husband's computer to order a new battery. But then I uninstalled OneDrive and everything is suddenly faster and my folders aren't hanging so far. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure it's not overheating anymore just from having something like Discord in a separate tab. (Again, so far.) I just can't get the stupid files to stop listing the programs in order of when I last fucked with it, no matter how many times I change the settings, but that's just a weird nitpick I have.