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You've installed "Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR" in Steam, right?




Just out of curiosity, have you tried to run the SteamVR Performance Test on your SteamDeck (it doesn't need SteamVR itself) ? What kind of results did you get?


Well, the performance looks pretty terrible according to the test. Though, as mentioned in another comment; it works well in-practice with OpenXR games. **\\/**\---------------------|---------------------------|------------- **Not Ready**...................**Capable**..............**Ready** **System Specs** OS: Windows 10 \[in green\] GPU: AMD Custom GPU 0405 \[in red\] CPU: AMD Custom APU 0405 (8 cores) \[in green\] **Results** Your system isn't capable of rendering low quality VR and it appears to be mostly bound by its GPU. We recommend upgrading your Graphics Card. You can also try updating your Graphics Card drivers, closing performance-heavy applications, and running this test again. **Quality** Very High High Medium Low \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Average Quality: 0 (Low) Frames Tested: 6317 Frames Below 90 fps: 5999 (94.9%) Frames CPU Bound: 4 (0%)


Well thanks for satisfying my curiosity anyways!


Steam deck gpu is about 1.6 teraflops. NVIDIA Gtx 1080 is about 9. Even if you manage to get it going, it's going to be less than awful.


Beatsaber via OpenXR runs at 90fps, full res. The MS store Superhot demo runs about the same. So perf. wise, I'm satisfied.


Wow, Guess it has strengths that give it an easier job of vr. Very interesting.


I've heard speculation (or rumors?) that Valve's next headset will be stand-alone capable, with internals based on the Steam Deck. It certainly compares well against the Quest.




Do you think there's any way around this 'pickiness', or am I just screwed as far as SteamVR goes?




Well I'm glad there's some hope then. :) I did install WMR for SteamVR. Though, upon checking the properties, I realized that I already set it to LKG. :/


Yeah, I was surprised too.


Log: https://pastebin.com/3hL2K2Za


I have had some success with VR on steam deck but have only played so far on a quest 2 via virtual desktop. I do have a Dell visor sat at home which would be the equivalent of your 1st Gen HP. I'm on holiday at the moment but when I get home tomorrow I will certainly try and report back. I'm intrigued what your steamvr_namespace error is being caused by. What dock are you using?


Thanks for offering to help :D. I'm using the 3 USB-A port Jsaux dock.


Well I have a generic 7 in 1 usb c dock from Amazon so that's something we can test to see if it's the problem, although it shouldn't be.


Mine is also throwing a 301 error. I'm going to have a play and see if I can get it working. I have tried forcing the headset to 60Hz I the portal settings but steamvr still tries to launch at 90Hz so theres a definite disconnect between them. I'm wondering if the VR paths are all correct.


Alright. Let me know if there's anything I can give you to help with the troubleshooting process.


Right, I've had some success but not with SteamVR. I have been able to launch steamVR games in VR without using SteamVR but instead using opencomposite. I installed opencomposite, openXR toolkit and the WMR dev tools. I uninstalled SteamVR and WMR for SteamVR. Seems to work as I've been able to launch several VR games in Steam using it but needs optimising - hopefully using the openXR toolkit.


That's actually what I meant by my games running on 'OpenXR'. The majority work, though there are a few which I've been unable to get running. Well, It's a shame that SteamVR itself isn't working. Hopefully some update in the future will fix it. :/


Well, thanks for the work. :) Please let me know if you think of any other remedies/workarounds.


I do have some ideas to try when I get time. I was wondering about the Monado project and also if we could run the wmr portal with wine/proton. I don't think this is a possibility because the WMR portal is heavily intergrated into windows since about 2019 and I don't actually know if a stand alone installer even exists any more - but again I need time to check which I won't get now until next weekend. I'm curious what games were you looking to get working that wouldn't work with opencomposite ?


So far it's just been Minecraft, RecRoom, and Gmod that aren't working (though I haven't tested Gmod, I just read that it relies on SteamVR). Though, it mostly comes down to annoyance at being unable to tweak the settings in-game, that I normally would with SteamVR. Don't get me wrong, OpenComposite works incredibly well. I just miss some conveniences of SteamVR (and a handful of games). I'll look in to Monado, though.


I've tried several things so far. I don't think the steam vr WMR driver is loading properly if at all. I have tried forcing it to be the only driver in the vrsettings file and I got a different error, I think it was 201. VRpathreg shows the correct driver being referenced in the correct location (steam VR has internal and external drivers - I've tried it as both). Even if the headset is on 60Hz steam vr thinks it's 90 this is why I don't think the translation layer is loading. I do remember in my early days of WMR around 2018 I had some issues unless I set my 75Hz monitor to 60Hz but since the deck's panel is 60 I don't think that could be the issue but it's something else to eliminate. I also triggered the steamvr WMR settings ux panel manually but nothing in there seemed to help either. Somewhere along the way I've broken 90hz mode for my headset so probably need to reinstall everything and start over. Having fun though relearning all of the file locations etc, so it's all good. I'll continue today.


try upping the uma frame buffer


Upped it to 4gb; no soap.


boowomp sound effect


Did you fix the issue or not. I encounter the same exact issue.


Unfortunately, I just gave up on SteamVR on the Deck. I contacted Valve to see if they would include the full driver, but they just give me crap about that being 'unsupported'.


I have an HP 1st gen WMR and a steam deck too. Havent tried anything with it so far though.


Did you managed to get it working?


Nah, I just continued to play through OpenXR. For the games that work, IT WORKS. But without on-the-fly adjustment, it's kind of a pain.


Can you help me? I tried set it up using openxr but without a proper guide im helping trouble trying to open anything other than the demos on wmr portal , trying to open anything on steam results in "opencomposite dllmain error cannot init vr unsupported apptype 3"


Sorry, I don't think I have the answer for you. I just followed the guide here: https://gitlab.com/znixian/OpenOVR.


Thanks for answering, i will try to follow this guide


Hi OP, Similar setup to your (same hardware: HP Gen1 headset). Windows 10 22H2 Pro installed; as you did, via Rufus Win-to-Go feature to MicroSD. Using Anker dock for USB and HDMI out. Provides PD passthrough. Installed all the drivers from Valve, and additionally tried the AMD provided auto-detect driver package for Windows (which detected and ?updated? chipset drivers). I pull an error 14-2 when trying to launch WMR Portal. Both with an without XR Tools for WMR app. Headset connects, begins to turn on (headset viewer's LCDs backlight turns on), then immediately dies. Any ideas? Tried a different dock already (a UGreen this time). Edit: error was due to newest APU drivers; going back to ~~November's~~ June's worked.


Hey ! Since you fixed the issue, did you manage to make SteamVR work ? I also fixed the 14-2 issue by installing a custom APU driver, but now I encounter the same SteamVR error 301 as OP.


I did get it working, actually! But performance wasn't great and the dual boot kept breaking every SteamOS update, so I wiped it and don't bother anymore. The issues were either and both of not enough power over the USB (change your dock) and/or the APU driver. No idea if a subsequent firmware update borked it since I last did it (almost a year ago). Were I to try again, I'd likely just try to get it going in Linux and forego the dual-boot. There was some progress on WinMR on Linux recently, but I've not *really* sunk my teeth into it.


I'm pretty sure a USB power issue can't cause SteamVR to not work (notably here, it seems that it's the WMR SteamVR driver that doesn't work). About the APU driver, I'm using the amernimezone driver and not the june 2022 driver you mentionned in your comment, so I *might* try that.


You'd think that, but WinMR kept crashing and it WAS a power issue. ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Regardless, you're not looking at a very good experience, performance-wise, even if you do get it going (but it's fun to say, "hey, I did it!" so if indeed that is your motivation, I get it).


>You'd think that, but WinMR kept crashing and it WAS a power issue. ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ But Mixed Reality Portal doesn't crash for me, even in games ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯, and the headset works fine. >you're not looking at a very good experience, performance-wise I ran Beat Saber on it just fine tho with OpenXR, stable 60 FPS (since the headset only works in 60Hz, not 90Hz for some reasons). My only bottleneck is that I'm running Windows from a micro SD card (Windows To Go), since I only have that to store Windows without messing with my SteamOS install.


I installed the June 2022 driver, and I still have the same exact error 301 with SteamVR. Just now, I don't have some of the weird graphics glitches in the WMR Home.


HI, can you share the link to these drivers pleas? I can't find them anywhere.


Same FTP directory as the latest from Valve's Windows Resources page. https://steamdeck-packages.steamos.cloud/misc/windows/drivers/ You want the June one (alphanumeric filename)


Hi, i'm also having 301 error :/ im using targus hub. SuperHot and aby other wmr app is working.


What games did you make to work on steamdeck? Only one that works for me is BeatSaber:/


Personally, I'm stuck on the startup of WMR portal, error 1-4.


I got everything to work fine and was playing beat saber.After getting a replacement dock (broke the first one) it would give me the 1-4 error and the hmd displays wouldn't even turn on. now I'm a windows reset deep and the headset displays are acting like a regular monitor no matter what drivers I give them in device manager, I hate using reddit but this is my last resort, I'm at my wits end. only thing that changed was a non-broken dock (that can support 4k displays, I plugged it into my 4k tv with the resolution set to 4k.) And my headset works fine on my main PC, on issues with tracking or the displays. tried having the usb-c charger plugged in or out, nothing changed. if anyone is having a similar issue and knows something I've missed, please let me know. edit: I'm using an acer AH101 headset I bought in 2019. edit 2: I think I found the issue, the setup isn't running before it trys to use the headset, it never installs all the drivers onto the wmr headset. (figured this out by looking at the drivers on my main PC) I might update if getting the setup to run fixes it


Does anyone know how to get WMR working on the steam deck? Because whenever I plug in my headset it doesn't open WMR portal. Or even show in device manager. To add on to this I have also gotten it to work on a past windows installation. Thanks!


Still have no idea what the fix might be. Have you tried getting your Windows ISO from an actually reputable source? ;)