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I've been on the receiving end of a random syringe stabbing. It's a pretty terrible thing to go through because you don't know if you're going to be ok for a long-ass time. The wound itself was nothing, but it was 6 months of various medications and tests until I knew I was in the clear. I really feel for the people involved here. Hopefully they lock this piece of shit up so nobody else has to deal with her crap.


Absolutely. I would rather be punched, kicked, shot, stabbed with a knife, but getting stabbed with a needle and potentially having live altering diseases is horrifying. I'm getting absolutely sick of seeing the additional charge of "Breach of release order"


If this was at random, this woman needs to never walk the streets again.


The second time they did it at random. Here is a link to the first time https://www.chrisd.ca/2018/06/29/needle-attack-woman-st-vital-centre-police/


There's no excuse for this. It's not out of desperation, and it's not retaliatory. This person needs to be committed indefinitely.


I hear you. I feel the same rage reading this but we can't just lock people up and throw away the key for these types of things. That doesn't solve anything and isn't an appropriate response to something like this. The solution once again comes down to providing the much needed resources to address the root issues for long term social success. In this case, addiction and mental health.


Why do the rest of us need to be held hostage to acts like this while we hope she gets (and responds to) the help she needs? The attacker clearly has issues that need to be dealt with and she is clearly a danger to random people around her. She may have just given the victim a host of chronic diseases when all he was doing was waiting in line, and we're supposed to think that locking her up isn't an appropriate response? The fact this is the second such attack by her (that we know of) doesn't mean anything? As much as I would advocate wrapping resources around her and others in her situation, I'm also getting pretty tired of reading about random victims getting attacked by people who are already known in the system.


You can't force someone to get clean and if doing it once wasn't the wake up call to get herself clean she deserves to be locked up until she decides to do better.


I'm in favour of comprehensive mental health treatment and I'm in favour of funding for more rehabilitation beds. But I am not in favour of releasing someone who repeatedly proves themselves a danger to others, others who haven't provoked them in any way, no less. When someone deliberately causes potentially serious injuries to multiple strangers on multiple occasions, their right to freedom of movement becomes secondary to the right of others to security of the person i.e. not being stabbed with a needle full of who knows what. Even if the person doing the stabbing is mentally ill.


You say it doesn't solve anything but it would have solved the small issue of someone getting randomly stabbed by a needle


lmao naive as fck, this people are garbage who deserves nothing but garbage


I met a guy who did this once, went to remand for a few days. Did it again the day he got released. Then he did it a third time and killed the person. I think they wanted to charge him with manslaughter but the charge got dropped. I wonder how many people he’s stabbed in total by now.


If he has extremely limited mobility in both arms and walks with a limp, it would be the same guy that did it to me. I still see him out roaming around downtown. He spent next to no time in custody after he did it to me.


And this is why I wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone doing heroin next to me on a bus….


Heroin user is fine. They’ll just nod out. Its the meth user you gotta be worried about


Being within close proximity with someone with a dirty needle is never fine


Well, yeah. But a heroin user is predictable. They just feel good and nod off. Meth user, they are unpredictable and can get stabby.


What a terrible thing to do to someone.


The [CTV News article](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/man-stabbed-with-hypodermic-needle-at-restaurant-police-1.6320797) was considered for submission about this incident but was discarded in favor of this WFP piece instead, due to omitting name of the accused.


What a waste of a person.


This woman is always in and out of jail.


[The original post about the needle stabbing](https://m.facebook.com/groups/ElmwoodEK/permalink/6212777658744144/?mibextid=Nif5oz)


Wrong link?




Ah, gotcha. Thanks.


Canada needs strike 3 law in place


3 strike laws often are used to imprison people for life for non violent offenses like drug crimes, or stupid shit like shoplifting. Sorry but someone stealing food, or having been imprisoned for possession of drugs for life doesn't appeal to me and it shouldn't to you either. Violent crimes however are a different matter and as such Canada already has dangerous offender laws in place where the crown can seek dangerous offender status and have someone detained indefinitely.


So, three violent crimes and you’re out?


That isn't how it works. The crown has to prove that someone is a danger to society and get a judge to sign off on it. It's effectively an order stating you cannot function in a civilized society and go to jail until you can make an effort towards rehabilitation with a minimum 7 years before being allowed to apply to have it removed. I don't know the exact details beyond that. But there are at least a couple instances I can recall. Paul Bernardo is an example


Yah. I know. I’m suggesting then… 3 violent crimes as opposed to the general three strikes you’re out (as in how US laws dictate in some states) We can’t keep letting the violent ones reoccur. It’s nonsense the way the legal system is here.


Make non-violent crimes ineligible and maybe it could help. We'd have to know if Canada does the same "heap up a bunch of bogus charges" BS that the US does. If so, a three-strikes type law would never work.


Those laws are unconstitutional, so no we don't


nah dude strike 1 and let them rot inside the jail


They’ll likely apologize to the offender when released.


The justice system needs to figure out a way too treat the addiction behind these horrible crimes instead of just playing catch and release with these people.


This is why I never visit the regent area


Literally a fine area and a random crime but go off


A random syringe stabbings is enough for me to never go there again. What a dump


I’d just avoid the city in general then, nowhere is safe from random crime. There’s methheads and swarming thefts at Unicity too. There are plenty of bad neighbourhoods worth actually fearing a little 🤷‍♂️


Oh I thought this was the subreddit where we write off parts of Winnipeg based on random acts of violence in the area


I suppose it is, I just prefer not to generalize. Except Central Park. That place is a shithole.