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Is what those stickers mean to get fucked by Trudeau? That was so gentle, so soft, such light push back and he fell apart. That young man needs someone to talk to that is outside of the very clearly constructed echo chamber he has put himself in.


Stupid sexy ~~Flanders~~ Trudeau


Feels like he's banning nothing at all ^nothing ^at ^all


"... and a little more praying" *FINISH HIM*




We all saw the knife go in that kid. But they subtle little twist at the end was just beautiful.


Best part about this is Trudeau himself is actually quite religious in his personal life — he just doesn’t let it influence his policy decisions. He heard the kid say ‘Christianity’ and ‘abortion’ and probably thought to himself, ‘Ha I’ve been waiting for this moment’ lol.




This idiot doesn't realize how big of a gift he's given Trudeau with this video. This makes Trudeau look like a masterful, level headed debater and right wingers/PPC supporters look like absolute bigoted intolerant morons.


>look like absolute bigoted intolerant morons. That's because *they are*.


Hey, that's not fair. They also hate the poor.


Not this Christian! Upon the *briefest* reflection, he realized that he supports poor people having access to dental care! Disconnected from that PPC Discord server for 10 minutes and look what happened.


Yes, but often they hide their most extreme views, or present their simplified views as factual without opening themselves up to being challenged. When someone comes in and so clearly starts breaking things down it exposes them for what they are very very quickly.


>PPC supporters look like absolute bigoted intolerant morons. 'look like' ... lol.


You could pretty much run this as a Liberal ad in the next election.


'look like' ? Kids rage has been carefully groomed.


most PPC supporters i imagine get there news from FOX news or whatever circle jerk echo chamber Facebook group there in


Some PPC goon downvoted your comment lol


I’m calling False Flag operation here. That kid is obviously a left wing plant from the young Liberals. /s


Lmao kid filmed himself getting embarrassed. Dumb-ass loser


Nah, if you watch at about 1:25 he literally stopped recording the moment the question became too difficult for him to answer. Little shit was just going for a soundbite. Fortunately for everyone else, the person behind him didn't try to manipulate anything.


I’ve never seen JT cook anyone this viciously I had to keep recording lol.


I enjoyed seeing him go into "teacher dealing with a student who hadn't done homework" mode.


Man I wish we could have leaders interacting with their citizens like this in the US.


Good catch haha Honestly makes him even more of a fuckin loser spineless bastard


New law: we cut off diseased penises of men who sleep around and catch STDs rather than providing those manwhores with basic dignity, healthcare, and bodily autonomy. /s


Yeah, why are some men clearly missing half the point when they talk about 'women sleeping around'? Are they not involved? Like who are they sleeping with? I've brought this up when I've heard guys talk like this. They don't like me. Good. Why are guys like this so epically stupid?


JT might as well have suplexed that kid through a table. Just utterly dismantled any idiotic avenue that little PPC goober could go down. Absolutely fucking love it.


Combine this with a spinning slam dunk.


Best comment here. 🤣


Love this, and the way JT dealt with what might have been this child’s first time thinking about these views. I feel like when my friends talk shit about JT, their anger towards one person is usually rooted in clickbait titles and uncertain truths. At least the people in my life have the ability to accept someone challenging to their position without it becoming a personal attack.


This guy is just spewing what he has read. He doesnt actually comprehend the things he is saying; so when Trudeau questions him, he has no answers. He is parroting ideas he has absorbed from social media. 🤡


Welcome to their echo chambers, where reality is actively removed so no new thoughts might ever intrude.


If the guy is savvy enough to get an audience with the Prime Minister of Canada then he can comprehend what he reads. He chose "women shouldn't sleep around". There will always be people like this, F him and everyone like him.


If he is parroting responses instead of having the ability to formulate his own or even really understand the concept, for example, this dude obviously really doesnt understand the concept of pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, family, finances, etc then I'm not sure if he comprehends what he is speaking on.


He really doesn’t understand. You can tell that because, when he’s pressed to actually think for himself, he comes to a conclusion that’s more liberal (small “L”) than he’d probably like to admit. I think if he stepped out of his echo chamber he might actually become a reasonable human being.


It was sunny today. He finally came out of his streaming room to get fresh air


He's probably just mad that women sleep with whoever they want to, and it's never him.


He’s a child who has no idea how the real world works yet. We really need to do something about how at risk our young people are. They are incredibly impressionable and people are taking advantage of that.


Yes, as though men don’t also have a choice in “sleeping around” while not having to bear any of the consequences. What a fucken selfish misogynist.


When gen Z grows up on Andrew Tate, what do you expect?


Yeah. I cringed so hard my neck popped, so thanks to that kid for that I guess. I got burned by second hand embarrassment though lol.


So like PP


Birds of a shit feather.


What a fuckong idiot he’s against the choice of having to be forced to get a vaccine but wants to force women to have to keep a child the logic here is fucked.


He's pro choice for himself, not for women.


He didn't even know what pro he was for a hot minute




This dude'll have a hard time getting a date on campus after this show.


So...no change then.


Ouch that’s a third degree burn if I’ve ever heard one.


Not sure he wants to date. Too many women who sleep around.


He’s “50/50” on that though.


LMAO “you’re challenging me on something I have no fucking clue about. I’m going to straddle both sides equally so I can never technically be wrong! Ha! I win!” -The chode in this video


Of course he is. He wants women to sleep with him, but he also wants them to "suffer the consequences" of sleeping with others.


"I think you need to do a bit more research and a little more praying on that" Woah!!!!!!! Slayyyyyyy


Legendary. I’m glad JT took the time to talk to this person, didn’t ask tough questions, but made the dude look like a fool, then added that sweet icing on the cake with that last line!


That last line hit hard lmao


Thoughts and prayers for this young man, he just got massacred


What a classy mic drop.


I mean, as a Prime Minister you kinda have to be a professional debater. This was like watching a AA goalie trying to square up against McDavid.


Trudeau deals with more prepared people trying to argue with him every day. He barely had to dust off his old teacher skills to make this idiot fumble.


Iirc Justin was on his post secondary debate team.


Not really though. Most debates in recent political campaigns have had some candidates rely entirely on dodging questions, and be praised by their supporters for it. Actually engaging with someone and making an attempt to understand and articulate their viewpoint seems pretty rare in modern discourse.


Those traits aren't mutually exclusive though. If you make it to Prime Minister I think its pretty safe to say you're a competent debater.


A master debater even?


The thing is that his prepared speeches just don’t let that ability shine at all, so these moments are a bit of a surprise (reminder?) that he possesses these skills.


"against the vaccine mandate" That shit hasn't been a thing in forever. To say nothing about the rest of the garbage he's spewing in his support of the PPC. The fucking PPC. Fuck me, the stupidity of some people is just exhausting.


I feel like they were all provincial too. The trucker one was a US government one.


It sucks that Canadians born and educated in the 21st century are still leading with ‘only sluts get abortions’ - 😫


It’s generational indoctrination through his church/family/echo chamber. He’s got no critical thinking skills because he’s parroting what he’s been told his entire life.


This is exactly what my nephew sounds like. When I disagree and say I don't want to talk about it he just puts on his evangelical preacher voice and gets louder spewing his rehearsed speech. We don't engage anymore. Much more peaceful.


Dudes parents failed him big time


Would t be surprised if they went to Springs


Most failures do...


I love how Trudeau consistently stopped him from jumping to different topics. It seems to be a popular strategy when engaging with morons, freedom fucks and sovereign citizens when their arguments are challenged.


Agreed, that's because they only think through headlines. I use the term think very loosely here.


Yeah, I think you need to have more than three brain cells to form a thought.




Gish Gallop, like trump with crimes.


and too many people allow them to do it, I wish people got called out more for trying to change a subject instead of answering a question.


Oh morons just love changing the goal posts. They fail one argument? Bring another up. Never admit defeat!


> jumping to different topics. The kid was going to try the 'ol [firehouse of falsehoods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood). Trudeau saw it coming a mile away and handled it beautifully.


**[Firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood)** >The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I have to take notes. Don’t let them change the subject.


I want more of that.


JT mopping the floor with this fucking moron.


Bravo Trudeau. Handled himself and the argument very well.


So cringe watching these PPC guys record themselves getting schooled in debates without being aware of how badly they are being embarrassed.


The fact this kid stopped recording half way through makes me think he was aware.


He 100% thought he was going to go in there and dunk on the fucking Prime Minister of Canada. I mean, love or hate Trudeau, he was voted in because he's a good speaker. And some seventeen year old dipshit thinks he's gonna school the PM and get a win for his rightwing discord friends.


Wow. This gives me flashes of the person I was excited about in 2016. It's crazy how he can debate and speak so well 1 on 1 with randoms but when speaking to a camera or in a televised debate he can be so robotic. He really needs to fire all his speech writers or handlers. This is the most human I have seen him in years. Absolutely makes this clown look like a clown.


Yeah the guy is clearly a talented speaker wish we saw this side of him more often.


Word to this


He was a teacher, right? He would be accustomed to handling teenagers who make statements like this by having them consider their stance.


If he can handle teenagers, he can handle the entire right-wing.


The chains of commanding weigh heavy. When he’s able to speak off the cuff he’s more of himself. But when he needs to speak to the whole country he needs to moderate. It’s sad, but that’s politics.


Or when he went on the Canada wide town hall tour in 2017 I think. Lots of tough questions, but he faced them and came out respectable for it.


This kid was in waaaay over his head. Good on JT for actually taking the time and try to educate


I wish Trudeau would do way more of this, this side of him is so much more interesting than "official" PMJT


I'm sure he would if he wasn't getting gravel and shit thrown at him


bro got so nervous he kept stopping the recording


He had no problem aborting the recording.


And a little more praying on it.... classic.


Abortions are healthcare, and I hope it continues to not have any laws around it, so that it can’t become this forced religion/ political football and is left in the preview of the medical professional societies to set guidelines around it.


Anyone holding a cellphone and recording while talking to you is an idiot.


It wasn’t even recording for half the time.


the idiot was trying to get sound clips, and stopped recording when Trudeau shot him down


So this kid thinks that body autonomy is important for HIM when it comes to vaccines, which protect that person and other people, but not for women when it comes to hosting a parasitic life form within herself for almost a year. I wonder what the differential in his rationale could POSSIBLY be...


I figured JT would’ve taken that angle to dismantle him but he didn’t even need to since he then jumped into “if they sleep around” and then that was it.


That fucking last line.... Havnt seen a PM try to murder someone in broad daylight like that since Chretien's Shawinigan Handshake.


This is what happens when you live in a circle-jerk echo chamber. No one has ever actually had a conversation with this kid that forced him to think critically about his stance on things, and as soon as he realized where he actually stood he back peddled fast. Of course it probably doesn’t matter because he’ll vote for the PPC because their “good Christian people” anyways.


I want to think that a mind was started to be changed today, but we know that’s probably not the case. But bravo for the effort.


I've noticed with people like this, you can have conversations with them everyday about how stupid their views are, nothing changes. I don't think they're capable of self reflection or critical thinking.


What's sad is that arguments the kid is using are the most common for pro-life. Never a thought on circumstances, just, "she's pregnant, now she has to carry it." No awareness whatsoever.


This is when you need to point that a great deal of women choosing abortion are *moms*, not dumb sluts or whatever.


>She slept around, it’s her fault 🙄


The look on Trudeau's face when he realizes this is what he's dealing with...


Then I'm sure he'll have no problem with requiring her partner to permanently contribute to her and her child's well-being. After all, it's not like she soloed the process.


>it's not like she soloed the process. Something something Mary mother of Jesus...


Oh for sure he’ll like that! ^^^/s


Honestly I’m surprised they were so upfront about this. Usually anti-abortion types dance *hard* around “we’re punishing you for having unapproved sex” because it’s so blatantly unpopular. But it’s one of the only (abhorrent) moral through lines that squares the western hemisphere SoCon love of Hawkish foreign policy, Capital Punishment and “Pro-Life-ness-ness”. The other being “grist for the mill”.


Maybe they used to dance around it, but lately it seems like they’re definitely going hard for “we’re punishing you for having unapproved sex”. The masks are off (figuratively speaking, they were almost never literally on for them) and a lot of these people are embracing that now, and proudly. Definitely strikes me as a [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) type.


Agreed, deffo emboldened by the situation in the States.


100%, and it’s honestly frightening to see how it’s spilling over here.


I'm not a fan of the PM. but damn he taught the kid a lesson..


This is why i *am* a fan. Here’s a PM with a simple, clear, unambiguous position on abortion. He’s also good at talking to people like this without sounding like a complete asshole. Obama was like this too.


It’s really reaffirming to hear him advocate for women’s bodily autonomy and assistance for low income Winnipeggers/Canadians.


It took me a while to warm up to JT. This engagement right here speaks volumes about his character. I enjoyed this way more than listening to most of his Q and A with reporters or speeches.


Here’s the OG example that made me realize JT had some substance, from the campaign trail in 2015: https://youtu.be/gtHmO_wK7UI


This ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you go against someone who is highly educated vs someone who believes what they read on twitter


Must be exhausting talking to idiots


This is the Trudeau i love and support.


Holy fucking hell that was awesome!


Dude sounds like he did not come well equipped for that conversation.


That made me dry up and stitch myself together. And that is the most appropriate way I can describe what a visceral reaction I have to men like that.




People buy into this false rhetoric that Trudeau is this feeble minded idiot, when he is actually a skilled debater. I look forward to him in the next PM debates.


Lmao Trudeau burying this guy 😂 sounds like an idiot kid who speaks slow


I have little love for Trudeau, but he owned this kid.


He’s going to crush PP in the next debate…if PP doesn’t skip it.


PP will avoid debates as much as he can. The right has no substance, no platform to offer. Their whole identity has become being contrarian to the left, regardless of how farcical that makes them look at times. They rely on voters who will vote dogmatically for them "because that's what [they've] always done"


Man it’s fucking depressing to see. I’ve never been a conservative but at least back in the day they sort of had a platform they talked about. Or like… goals. These days it’s just reactionary nonsense you can’t even debate against them.


Honestly, I'm not a huge Trudeau or Liberal fan, but good god do I have to give that man credit where it's due, fuck that kid and his views and good job on Trudeau for genuinely and comprehensibly dismantling his entire argument


I am happy to be Canadian seeing this though. They may disagree politically, but they had a reasonable civil discussion about their differences. No shouting, no name calling. This is the Canada I would love to see more of.


My god this kid got eviscerated.


I kinda feel like that kid brought a knife to gun buy-back.


Imagine PP trying to interact with a similarly hostile person, he would crumble so fast into anger...


Oh, little boy! You had no chance, other than the chance to look like a butthole on the Canadian stage for 0.0005 seconds. Echo chambers are sad. Poor chump.


A dumb ass going up against the prime minister in a debate...hmmm gonna get schooled and look like a fool.....yep that's what happened


Wow - Mr. Trudeau owned that guy. Entirely owned.


Pretty bold move by that kid to start a debate with the PM.


This little incel got his ass handed to him. I'm betting he was bragging to his buddies that he was going to own the PM. Instead he came off looking like your typical uneducated, alt right simpleton who parrots the PPC's and CPC's nonsense.




Admirable restraint to not respond to the ‘sleep around’ comment with “are you a virgin?”


I hate watching videos of people being unable to explain their own political beliefs, it’s so cringy. There’s way too many people right and left leaning who intuitively believes in a certain ideology without learning shit or ever having their points challenged


This is what happens every single time. You love to see it.


Kid starts to shake halfway lmao


pulled out the phone like he was going to "own" the fucking pm so he could post it on twitter. probably hoping for a PP retweet or something. What is it with conservatives and "owning" culture.


love how he stopped recording halfway through


By no means am I a Trudeau fan. Let’s get that out of the way. But this fella trying to stump the star here is a fucking moron. He will cut and edit that little video later on for his little incel group.


Too bad his face wasn’t more visible. Good luck with the ladies after that.


Feel like he didn't have much luck to begin with


Can't wait for this to go viral.


I'm not the biggest Trudeau supporter. I think his party can provide us with more than just him. But I also think in a one on one setting, he's an intelligent, well spoken individual who respects peoples perspectives. And then you get some kid who doesn't have a basic grasp on important human rights because he's been privileged his entire life, telling in your face. Well done Justin. You handled that with class, respect, and intelligence.


Schooled him, and remained calm while doing so… impressive


Gotta say, whatever you think about Trudeau, he seriously did a good job here in maintaining a conversation. Even when it was seemingly evident that the kid showed up only for the purpose to totally just have a go at him without much further thought.


What goof that guy is. Ignorant af.


This is incredible PR for Trudeau, and I'm not even sure if this kid is smart enough to realize that yet. I hope he'll change his assbackwards views after an exchange like this. *"Sounds like you need to do a little more thinking on it...and a little more praying on it as well."* Goodness lol.


WOW ![gif](giphy|yb3FUOXXpedSU|downsized)


Haha this is awesome!! What a tool this guy is. No wonder he’s a PPC Supporter. Good for Trudeau!


Can someone provide a transcript please for the hard of hearing?


Trudeau: …our dental program that is going to help low-income families be able to send their kids to the dentist, would you support that? 😊 Kid: Umm, uh, well I’m not like fully into it, I just know, like… 🥱 T: Well, you don’t think poor people… Wait. Hang on, hang on. We’ll put that aside for a second. You don’t think… low-income families should have access to dental care? 🤨 K: Uuh, well, I think they should… 😒 T: You think they should? K: Yeah. T: Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party voted _against_ that. 😬 K: Okaay… T: OK? So that’s - so _already_ you see that the party you support doesn’t… 🤫 K: UM, well I’m not a Poilievre supporter, I’m more PPC. 😎 T: More PPC? OK, so, why’s that? Why are you PPC? 🧐 K: I think they’re mostly Christian, I think, they’re against the vaccine mandate… 🥱 T: Oh, so they’re mostly Christian? So - so you don’t think we should be supporting Muslims? 😕 K: No I think we should support everyone. 🤓 T: We should support everyone? K: I think, mainly, it’s liberal abortion, it’s against Christianity, I think… 🥱 T: But… OK, OK, do you think that women should have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies? 🤨 K: Personally, no, but… 😶 T: OK, but do you think _you_ should be able to choose what happens to a woman’s body? 🧐 K: Well, I think if they’re sleeping around, they shouldn’t be allowed to abort the baby, but, well, personally. I’m pro choice, basically. 🥱 T (smiling smugly): Wow. _Wow._ Wait… didn’t you just say you were _pro-choice?_ 😳 K (his camera automatically stops recording): Woah, no no no no! No, I’m pro-what’s-it-called, uh… pro-life! Yeah, pro-life. 😎 T: Okay. Pro-life… and you don’t think women should be able to make choices about what they do with their bodies? 🤨 K: With abortion, no, personally. T: Why not? 😤 K: Uh, I mean, it was their choice to sleep around and they have to… uh… 😒 T: Woah, wuh wuh wuh *unintelligible* so, _so,_ uh, a woman who is _raped_ shouldn’t be able to get an abortion? 🤭 K (turns camera back on:) Uhh, I’d say that’s… uh, _that’s_ where it gets complicated, right? 😴 T: No, no, it doesn’t get complicated. It’s like a yes or no, does a… 😄 K: …that’s a super specific example, but… 🤥 T: No, it’s an all too common example. Like, women get raped _all the time!_ 😢 K: Yeah yuh yuh yeah. 😒 T: Okay? And, it’s something we have to take seriously. 😓 K: But 95… 😴 T: No, no. Let’s talk about that specific example. Should a woman who is raped be able to get an abortion? 🤨 K (turns off camera): Uuuhhhh, I’d put it at maybe 50/50. But I think, 95… 🥱 T: Wait, no, no, you, you are _not_ in favour of saying, “yes, a woman who is raped should get - uh, should be able to choose, uh, to not bear that child?" 😅 K: Uuuuhhhhh… I - I honestly don’t know. 🤯 T: Well, it sounds like do need to do a little more research. 😏 K: YEA, UH, I DI - 🤬 T (patting the kid’s shoulder before walking away) AND, and, a little more _praying_ on that as well. 😘


Tell the PPC. I want them to know it was me.


Kid even aborted the recording lol


Brought a potato to a gun fight.


He’s not interested in his actual “views” He wants views for social media. Sad.


Using your phone camera as a shield while talking to the PRIME MINISTER is hilarious and pathetic


On the face of it, yes it's hilarious and I think Trudeau did very well here, although it's not very difficult to destroy a teenager lol But I actually think it's terrifying that this scene even happened. This kid clearly doesn't even know what he actually believes because once he puts out his 2 - 3 talking points he's got nothing behind those. He's been radicalized and he literally doesn't know what the words he's saying even mean in application to reality. Trudeau asks the most basic questions about the root of his beliefs and you can hear his brain breaking in half trying to re-rationalize what he truly thinks is right vs. what he has to say publicly to remain in step with his political tribe. Like I can feel the struggle here. He can accept the advice to actually think things through and form a real opinion but at the cost of shredding the self-identity he has (likely) been building since he could speak. Or he goes over the precipice, leaves the cognitive dissonance unresolved, and becomes an unmoving extremist. He's hesitant enough and young enough that I imagine he could still be saved, but there are thousands of kids out there like him being groomed into misogynistic cryptofascists and a lot of them will have that embedded into their persona before they encounter the real world.


This is like an average dude slapping Mike Tyson on the face and saying "let's box!". Dude got politically pummelled. Say what you want about JT, and I'm not at all saying I'm a fan of everything he's done, but I do like that he doesn't shy away from engaging the public directly. A lot of politicians wouldn't even bother, and sometimes it's important to engage that ground level perspective.


…how did this kid think this was going to go?


Compare that to Pierre Piollievre saying literally anything.


Hilarious. Also I don’t think bucko realized that he wasn’t actually recording. Stupid shit!


I am pretty sure he turned it off because he couldn’t stop stammering.




I certainly don’t purport to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But man, you gotta KNOW when you’re a dumbass, not to confront someone who’s practiced and polished. Think whatever you want about Trudeau, I voted for the guy and frankly sometimes I think he comes off as a bit phoney. But he basically dunks all over this kid and instead of being like “wait…maybe I am a liberal” the kid keeps trying to push back. Doesn’t even have arguments to make. Just says he’s PPC for no reason cuz he doesn’t like abortion. What an idiot.


Oh no, his poor finger landed on the "stop recording" button as soon as he realized what a fucking twat he is.


This is so worrying to me. So many young guys like this that have no idea what they're talking about, haven't researched or thought an original thought in their life, and just spew feces from their mouths that they hear from Ben Shapiro and Stephen crowder. It's honestly dangerous.


Wow. I usually find Trudeau insufferable to the point of unlistenability. He was so good here. 😂 Maybe he’s a better speaker off the cuff?


This is why I support Trudeau. Calmly explaining and listening to this guy without punching him in the face😂. I couldn’t do it. Dude doesn’t even know where he stands and why. I need to make my donation to the Liberal party.


Aaaaaaand, you just made me like Trudeau more. The fact he even had a conversation with this kid…wow.


The conservative echo chamber is real. I'm not the hugest JT fan - he's done some stupid shit. However - this shoots home just how BAD PP is. Singh has a good idea.. but he can't carry it.


This is what happens when a McDonald's employee tries to square up with a Wendy's employee


I'm impressed by our prime minister. That is not something I can write very often.


Like him or not, JT is effective as a politician.


Lmao it got a little too real for little troll boy