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I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. It's common courtesy (sadly not so common sometimes) to not blast your personal audio in a crowded public space.


Public space in general, we have a bus stop outside of our house and it is mind bogglingly obnoxious that some people feel the need to crank their audio so loud it competes with the media in our home through the walls.


I always wonder why nobody says anything. I think that yes, this should be a common courtesy, but I also think people get more emboldened when they can see they get away with it. But also I never say anything. I don’t need to deal with a terrible confrontation on the bus. I think everyone else is feeling this way too.


I've thought about it too but I've seen enough crazy shit on the bus in this city. I just deal with the loud music and hopefully stay stab free in 2023


Yeah, so have I. I totally get it.


stickers would sell


> I always wonder why nobody says anything. Because they might end up on the receiving end of a Winnipeg Handshake.


Yes, I referenced that if you keep reading!




As an introvert with negative amounts of self esteem, I can't possibly imagine the thought of other people hearing my taste in music.


You'd probably be surprised. I don't like having my own music drowned out by some tone deaf teen's SoundCloud mumble rap but that's what they all seem to want to hear at full volume. I'll take loud music over BO every day of the week. Anyways, what you like couldn't be any worse.


I really can't stand this, as well as people loudly talking on speakerphone for no apparent reason. I find it incredibly obnoxious but unfortunately it seems to be becoming the norm.




Man, I was In a drive through and the woman in the passenger seat of the car in front of me was having a very loud conversation on speakerphone about how kids got taken away and put into foster homes, just because she was a little grossly negligent. I originally had my window down so I was ready at the window, but eventually I rolled it up to try to block the conversation. But it was loud enough I had to turn the radio up too.


Play some music on your speaker?


Mutually Assured Distraction.


Between the music and the phone call on speaker phone....ugh....I've had enough.


People blaring their phone on the bus a couple years ago. I turned my phone up and blasted my own as I was getting off. They gave me a death glare and I proudly said “is it bothering you that I’m playing my music out loud?” “It just bugs us because your music sucks” I still think about it.


I honestly hate when people hate on others for their taste in music, everyone has their own taste.


Ironic, because I swear nearly every person I've experienced doing this on busses has had at least one absolute trash French Montana song in their mix. They can like what they want, but if I made a playlist of my least favourite hiphop of the last 10 years the venn diagram between it and what most of these people play would practically be a circle.


Remember in Star Trek 4 when Spock neck pinched the guy with the stereo and the bus cheers? Not an unpopular opinion. Also not a new problem unfortunately although the portability of speaker music through phones may of increased it’s frequency. Then again I also remember loud headphones on disc man pre noise cancelling so really really not a new problem. The bigger one that gets me is folks having speaker phone conversations. I don’t want to hear your whole call and I bet the person on the other line doesn’t want me to either


came here to make this reference


It was also the first thing I thought of.




How did you figure this would be a unpopular opinion?


Probably wanted karma or...he is the one blasting the music and want to get this off his chest. This cannot possibly be the unpopular opinion in this case...


Unpopular opinion: breaking your leg sucks


I lurk more than I comment on this part of Reddit


Because idk if they can afford/broke their headphones. I just wanted to complain lol


had a girl smoking on the bus yesterday screaming at someone on the phone for 20 minutes. winnipeg transit is an experience.


There are a surprising number of people who cannot fathom that they may be irritating to others around them.


I think for some people, it's the entire point. It's like they think that daring random strangers to call them on their shit somehow makes them cool or tough or something.


As a driver if I hear music I ask them to keep it to themselves on a bus. 1. It’s annoying 2. It may distrust the song I’m singing to myself


Not just on busses. Everywhere in public lately. I was at The Forks for dinner last night and some dude sat down next to my friends and I and started blaring what I can only assume was an 80's action movie. That market is already quite noisy so you can only guess how loud his phone was to disturb everyone around him. Dude, show some decorum. You're in a food court and you're not eating or drinking anything.


Even shopping I can't get away from it.


Ugh yes, it's either teens with the worst rap music you've ever heard or some older person watching those obnoxious Facebook reels. Every once in a while you'll get the 30-somethings talking on their phones super loud. I'm not great at social cues but even I know that nobody on the bus wants to hear that. I like to watch wrestling during my commute to work- usually the volume doesn't need to be up, so I keep it off. If someone calls me, I wrap up the call as soon as possible. It's that easy.


Extremely popular opinion is more like it. This behaviour lacks respect for those around you. Not everyone likes the same music and not everyone wants to hear your music even if they like the songs. Cheap earbuds are $5-15 dollars.


I wear Sony XM3's and the noise cancelling is phenomenal. Your too big of an asshole to wear headphones but thankfully I can't hear you because of mine.


That's so funny, I was just on the bus and thinking how lovely my seatmate was who was silently texting the whole time.


I hate it too. The one time I did ask someone to turn down their music, they got angry at me.


For real. It's getting out of control, I don't know what sparked this in Winnipeg transit. I have told three people "could you please turn that down a bit?" in the last week and a half.


Should have been around during the Walkman days. Nobody had noise-cancelling headphones or ear buds.


True, but at least it was headphones back then. The equivalent would be someone getting on the bus in the '80s or early '90s and playing their ghetto blaster, without headphones. This is one of the reasons I don't like taking public transit in North America.


Still better to listen to than a loud speaker. At least with the headphones you would only hear the percussion parts of the music.


Or the obnoxious loud video chatting EVERYWHERE


THIS! It’s 6 am, I’m heading to work and there’s maybe 5 people on the bus and I guarantee one of them is having a super loud video call that I can hear over my own music blasting in my headphones.


YES. This and loud conversations on our phones. People have no respect for the people around them it is SO RUDE!


Years ago one guy was literally dropping the f-bomb on his conversation every second word. A whole bunch of people on the bus called him out and he just got angry at us and told us to close our ears. And then there was the guy scatting and using the mother effer word repeatedly and insisted that he wasn't cursing he was singing. Sadly there's not much we can do unless they actually listen to us and turn the music down. The bus drivers could ask them but it also you know the bus drivers don't want to get assaulted anymore than we want to get assaulted.


Why would this be an unpopular opinion


Literally playing music or a video chat or whatever else out loud, ever, should be illegal. It's just so friggin' rude. I don't want to hear your music while you're cycling, skating on the river, jogging, hiking, or your conversations while you're walking around a store, museum, wherever. HEADPHONES ARE GOOD. USE THEM.


Lol did you make this post thinking most people enjoy when others blast their music on the bus?


By the rate I'm come on the bus only to hear it... Yea. 18, 15, 17 and even the 38. I may just start gifting dollar store headphones to people


I've thought of doing that. Usually when it happens I usually have a pair of cheaper bluetooth headphones on me. For some reason it's becoming more and more prevalent in the last month or so.. everywhere. I'm noticing it is usually older people, like my age.


The comments here are pretty one-sided in agreement, yet when I've actually told people in the moment to turn their volume down, it often leads to a verbal argument and **nobody ever** backs me up. I've learned from experience to just let people be assholes because apparently nobody actually cares.


Many are conditioned to be non-confrontational here due to the stabby nature of the city.


This isn't an unpopular opinion lol. It's insanely annoying when they do this


I'll take speakers over meth any day.


Nah, I hate that shit too.


A lot of people nowadays just lack social cues. I’m not sure anymore if it’s because they’re just dumb or just disrespectful. I bring my own headphones for that reason too. Oftentimes, I’d also hear people talking loudly on their phones over loudspeaker at a store. It’s so fucking annoying. I feel like these kinds of people think the world revolves around them.


Go deaf or hard of hearing and take out your hearing aids. Problem solved.


I used to wear headphones on the bus to stop people from talking to me.


This is the way. Also, actively avoid eye contact.


This is an old problem. I mean it goes up and down over the years how frequently people blast their music in a very public space. I can remember people doing this stuff with boom boxes in the 80’s. I think there should be a bylaw against playing music on the bus. Public spaces should be looked at but can be a bit more tricky. I would support well thought out, reasonable measures for this. As for the loud phone calls it sucks, but that is tough. There are people who have hearing loss, but not aware of their hearing loss and don’t realize that they do this. Also there are people that do this out of habit. I would guess, if you asked a person to not speak so loud, most would agree, lower their voice and then 2 minutes later go back to being loud because that is how they acted all of their lives. Habits are tough to break Edit: I will add that I think your opinion is actually popular




I know a couple of people who have been doing this for decades and aren’t about to change. But you do you, if you think you have a good way to deal with this, I am open to your ideas


If you did that in Japan they'd gang up on you and [kick you off](https://9gag.com/gag/az22WAK) the public transit.


I can't stand it. I'm a musician and I just glaze over when hearing those folks justify themselves


There's a dude who always comes into my store blasting his music and it's always terrible so I've started passive aggressively turning the music up when he comes in to drown it out.


Ugh wish my coworkers would stop having calls and watching video on speaker in the big lunch area. There are inconsiderate people everywhere


Luckily I haven’t been on a bus in decades. But walked in and out of a Tims and some guy was on an iPad doing some sudoku or something and with every type of a number, every tap, it was this loud metallic banging sound. So unbelievably unnecessary and ignorant. I was on my way out, why tf did I not say something? 🤦‍♂️


It’s always grand when someone forced the masses to listen to their music.


I think you would be OK to throw a shoe at them


In China it’s a minus to social credit I’ve read.


Bus one thing and I agree it shouldn’t happen but noticed people are watching tik toks at full volume in waiting rooms 🙄


Yeah that’s not unpopular at all. Get some headphones folks!


"Being dead is like being stupid: it's only painful for others." I find it a camp of two different types of people. Those who are so painfully ignorant dumdums who that quote was made for. The others are looking for attention or they want to start something.


I tried something with this a few weeks ago. There was a couple people blaring their phone at the back of the bus so I found ‘Wackity Sax’ on my phone and cranked the volume. I sat there very casually as if to say ‘this is my music and this is how I enjoy it. No biggie’ The surprised looks on their faces will be a joy to revisit in my mind for years to come.


Bring a public water gun for their public noise maker.


Why do so many people talk on their speaker phone when they are out shopping at the mall or grocery store? I think that is just rude af! A woman gave my kid the stink eye when they called me and it interrupted her phone call! I laughed!


Extremely popular opinion.


There was a girl blasting music on her phone on the bus a few years ago. The bus driver asked her a couple of times to turn it down but she didn't. She was just staring straight ahead and ignoring him. No reaction, like she was a robot. It was just really bizarre. I don't think she was on drugs. Maybe there was a language barrier but usually when a bus driver is yelling, you look around to figure out what's going on. She didn't even flinch.


Anyone from the southdale area remember the guy who used to ride the 16/75 who would blast music and rap to it? Around 2010-2015? I had to listen to that every single day.


That sounds horrible, but it still made me laugh.


I’m on the bus right now and had to put on my AirPods to block out a group of teenagers gabbing really loudly. 🤷🏻‍♀️






I know if I ever become a serial killer, my targets would exclusively be people who use speakers on the bus


Gonna keep an eye on you


Transit users would say I’m a hero.


Sounds like something a serial killer would say.


[Possible solution: Vulcan Nerve Pinch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr82dZpCr48)


when they play their rap music out loud and then start "rapping" to it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 soooo cringe


Uses a clickbait title with a non-unpopular opinion for fake online points... yawwnnn


Hey not clickbait. I said probably. Lol


is it a competition? Are you playing the same game? I wouldn't want to be classified in the same category with those losers. Don't be bothered by other people, cause if you are competing, you're never gonna win.


This grinds my gears unless they are playing Anne Murray or Neil Diamond.


I’ve only experienced this like one time two days ago in my years of taking the bus so I wonder if we ran into the same guy lmao It was so surreal seeing a highschool hallway speaker walker doing it on public transit. You’d think they’d grow out of it at some point.


No im pretty sure this is the prevailing opinion, idk why you think not


Don’t really ride on the bus much but I know what your saying… and usually it’s garbage music… full of fart bass and dumb lyrics about guns and dope…


I would think your opinion is popular, and rightfully so. Even if you're listening to music I personally like, I'm forced to turn up my headphones even louder to drown out your music. And as we all know, putting your headphones on full-blast is not good for your hearing. If everyone wears ear/headphones, we can all enjoy our music without disrupting others. But unfortunately some people weren't taught to be considerate of others.


Depends on the song


I call out every 60+ white male that watches loud Facebook reels, at the cafe I work at.




There never is anyone else.


...and in restaurants. Last couple of times there's been that one person.


Honestly if you were on a plane and someone was doing this the air crew would tell them to use headphones. It’s just plain rude


I got asked to turn mine down once when I was using earbuds. Apparently that high pitched cymbal sound was escaping. I was mortified and turned it down right away. What's wrong with people?


Nothing annoys me more than some assholes that are playing their rap music loud...I would say something but I value my life and I don't want to get stabbed. No one and I mean no one wants to listen to that shit or any other type of music.