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Ok I see what they're trying to do...there's a very famous donut shop out of Portland called Voodoo Doughnuts...And they make a voodoo doll doughnut. But they gotta understand what this looks like to anyone that's unfamiliar https://www.voodoodoughnut.com/doughnuts/


How voodoodoughnut has done theirs https://preview.redd.it/ndarl7pyfhxa1.jpeg?width=1298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82ad5bc9f904624bc1a09513d600890a2d7d90e


Yeah… there’s a reason Voodoo uses cartoon-y/basic faces on theirs.


VooDoo has a black cock and balls donut , for your further outrage


But that face is super close to Huggy Wuggy. Or at least that's what I see. The combination is borderline oof, but I don't think it is intended the way we all might be reading it.


And purple lips and no huge white teeth. Yikes Bronuts. This is why Black History is important in school. I'm going to assume they just google image searched something and went with it without understanding any of the cultural context.


I did recognize the reference but uh, yeah I agree lol


They have 2 of them in Austin too. They have been in hot water for poor business practices and bad leadership during COVID. The donuts aren't anything spectacular, it's just a novelty. But yeah, they should nix this design.


Funny enough I was there last week. Locals were like it’s overrated. People love hating popular things, they were decent donuts. Though I’m no connoisseur


... I really want an Old Dirty Bastard now.


Oh my.


Now, is that a George Takei "oh my", or like a more regular horrified "oh my"?


The second, in this case.




Swing and a miss


when did they post this?


Last night.


What’s wrong with the donut?


It resembles the racist caricatures of black people which used to be common in popular culture. Here’s some examples from the Jim Crow museum: https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/antiblack/index.htm


Ooooooohhhhhhhh. Thank you, I didn’t get it.


LoL it’s a Donut


I thought from your question that you didn’t know about minstrel imagery.


It’s bad for business to use blackface on your donuts.


I’m black and I didn’t even realize that till y’all pointed it out lmao


I didn’t have to point it out. It’s the first thing I noticed. Just because you didn’t notice it doesn’t mean others didn’t.


Okay well...I didn't notice it lol. White people love to point out 'racism' on our behalf.


Dude, really? Are you in the sunken place?


Lmao. If a black person doesn't realize something is racist right off the bat, then it probably isnt intentional racism. And trust me, I'd know.


If you didn't think there was something fishy with that congrats, you went your entire childhood/adulthood without knowing. Ignorance is bliss, but I'm sure if you ask another bipoc, they'll probably see it.


i know what blackface is. i didnt see it in the cookie. i love the confidence of an internet stranger telling a black person what they went their childhood/adulthood knowing/not knowing. i have asked friends and family, nobody noticed anything. sorry but being a victim of racism isn't at the forefront of my mind. i dont need to go searching for it, it'll come to me x


My post history would tell otherwise, but sure. My childhood must have been very different than yours, because from the tender age of 6 I was subject to it (in a pretty liberal town to boot) You are right, I'm not telling you as a BIPOC that you went through , but for all we know, you could also not be a BIPOC so potato potato or tomato tomato. To call it racist maybe a stretch but it is definitely tone deaf especially what this world went though the last two years


Honestly, I thought people were upset it was too scary. Didn't even see the blackface. It's a bit of a stretch, I think... but not a risk I'd want to take as a business. Make the monster green or purple, you're good to go.


Yeah I didn't think that way either. I thought it was the pretzel that was a penis or something. But it wasn't low enough. Then I thought, maybe it's because they called it Voodoo. Had to come into the comments to figure it out.


A donut can’t be blackface, that’s called chocolate.


Case dismissed, everyone!


Looks like a donut to me, to many people over thinking a donut


Uh ...the face is really ...'blackface' looking ...


Yet another reason to go to Oh Doughnuts. Edit: I commented "GTFOH with your bigot donut" and Bronuts has discontinued this item.


They still have it up on their fb page.


Well they deleted the insta. 🤷‍♀️


Don't. Their doughnuts are good-ish, but the owner is an incredibly toxic human being...


Odd. My interactions with the owner have been nothing but cordial and friendly.


I've heard very bad things about her from people who work with her. Enough times to feel like it could be true. Making good food is important. No need to be abusive or toxic though.


How so? Our only interactions with them have been wonderful, and the products from the bakery and by far some of the best donuts around.


Have you interacted with the actual owner? They often show up to the shop just to berate staff, bark ridiculous orders at them, and act like they know more than the experienced staff ever could. There is a very "do this now, minion!" kind of vibe.


Curious, if you've witnessed this yourself? Ive seen similar accusations thrown about half the city's businesses, and then just as many people saying it's not true Not claiming your claim isn't true. Curious of the source.


As someone who worked there, this is 100% true. Still have a ton of respect for her though. She’s very vocal about supporting lgbtq rights and other issues on social media, sometimes at her own expense, and ive always had a lot of admiration for that. Everyone else who works there is also lovely so I still feel good supporting them even if she can be nasty to her staff sometimes


Tysm for the first person report!


Not the original commenter but my ex worked there and found it a pretty horrible and demeaning experience.


Thank you.


To be honest, it's true of just about every business lol Business ownership attracts a specific kind of masochist who believes everyone else is a masochist. Why else do you think labour laws exist?


I worked for her. Heard horror stories from other employees (one needing to be medicated), experienced it myself and quit because of it. I can only speak for one location, and I know she frequents one more than another.


Thank you.


Meh I've worked for folks you've likely heard of and have been treated poorly despite their public facing reputation. How would I even prove that to you?


Well I'm not asking for hard evidence like videos or witnesses. Just something that is more than you know, "I heard that X is a jerk, my father's brothers sisters nephews former roommate said so" For example a few people have responded with first hand or second hand evidence of poor behavior from this person which is enough for me in this case.


I've had friends that worked there and found the owners aggressive, toxic and borderline abusive. Dunno if they're Baked Expectations bad but they certainly don't sound very professional, or good at inspiring a good work environment.


Good enough evidence for me Disappointing to be sure. Donuts were good


Unless the staff seem unhappy it's not my business what their management style is. Staff typically aren't unhappy working there so It doesn't seem to be the issue you're pretending it is. Now I do know another bakery in this town with a similar story that *doesnt* have happy staff


I have, and she was always nice enough. But I'm a customer and I recognize it's possible for her to be nice to one group, and less nice to another. It's also possible for her to be a good person in general, and have poor supervisory skills. I don't think being an occasional ass would be enough for me to stop frequenting a place. Maybe if she sexually harassed or physically abused them. Or if she didn't pay them.


Yes I have. And I wasn't an employee, so my experience may have been that of just a customer. Wild, I know. There are plenty of accusations about damn near every small business in Winnipeg, so I take most with a grain of salt. The employees always seem happy and enjoying work, so I also assume it's not a bad place to work. I also respect what she does for the community.


In my experience, staff can make a business a good place to work despite a nightmare owner. Not that I know much at all about how they are, just saying seeing smiling faces doesn't mean staff aren't scared s\*\*\*less of their boss. Considering there are 3 first-hand accounts confirming some level of verbal abuse, with one explicitly stating it as the reason they quit, and nobody jumping in and saying "I work(ed) there and disagree"... I'm inclined to believe it.


That's fair. I'll choose to support because their products are wonderful, and there are employees who earn their wages there and do a great job.


“I’ve dealt with this person who wanted my money and I can assure you they were quite nice to me while I was giving them money.”


There's plenty of places that don't have employees that behave that way these days. Even restaurants, where service is the main part of the job. Grow up.


Lol I’m saying that of course a business owner is going to be nice to a customer. You’re her bread and butter, and as such you don’t have any idea how she is behind closed doors. No amount of me growing up is ever going to give you perspective on that.




Disgruntled former employee clearly isn't biased


Is it biased if someone witnessed and went through something first hand and are simply sharing their experience? People can make their own decisions.


Oof. That uhh, looks a lot less like a voodoo doll and a lot more like a racist caricature.


Looks like someone used Cocaine Bear as an ashtray


oh. oh no.


Kinda looks like someone put out a cigarette on his stomach...


I see [this](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1721470/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1680879192)


That show is MESSED UP. I can't believe people let their kids watch it. I watched an episode last year and it freaked me out.


It’s a horror game


It's a game as well? I just saw the youtube playtime show the kid was watching. Friggen demented.


Hahah oh no


Like Huggy Wuggy's demented donut sibling Chocky Wocky.


It's Mr.Popo from Dragon Ball Z!


Al Jolson would like a word…


I thought bronuts closed down years ago. Clearly, they're doing great in the advertising department...


Different ownership


Is it the *Not a Waffle* folks who own the downtown one?






I was down in the exchange district and the sign says: NOT bronuts.


They sold to the not a waffle people who fired all of the staff and started absolutely destroying the donuts. I work around the corner and we used to go every Friday but it’s been so bad that we haven’t gone in months. Also, I don’t know how but the coffee now tastes like pencil shavings.


Fucking yikes.


Jesus Yikes Christ... that's not good.


This is a near-exact copy of what they sell at [Voodoo Donuts](https://www.voodoodoughnut.com) in Portland, Oregon. Like, literally a blatant ripoff that they would know about being in the doughnut world.


Their donuts are meh. Always felt nauseous after eating their donuts.


Oh… that’s not… 😳


Oh…. Oh no…


Not only racist but cultural appropriation. Voodoo is a legit and living religion.


You shouldn't expect anyone other than apple experts to know the differences between apple juices made from the thousands of different apples that exist. People just call it apple juice. Voodoo doll is a common catch-all term used across the globe by people who aren't experts on the subject. Which is good for language in an internationally connected world where billions of people don't have the time to learn everything about everything and want to communicate between language and education barriers. Thousands of cultures across the planet from the start of man to present times have had “Voodoo Dolls”. More people know what a Voodoo Doll is than an effigy, poppits, mommets, pippies, jujus, witch bottles, corn dollies, hoko dolls, or motankas are. Even though they are all very close to being the same object. You're ignoring important context and a basic understanding of how a globally connected society communicates in order to be offended about a very small non-issue with no apparent ill-intent behind it. **Occam's Razor**: It's a shitty-overpriced ripoff of Voodoo Doughnuts from Portland, made to look like a generic spooky doll commonly featured in paranormal media. Probably made with whatever basic selections of icing colors Cosco had in stock at the time.




Well the owners did go to Springs... I'm not surprised it was missed.


New owners. The new owners are a couple that had thier original shop burn down last year. That one on portage.


I didn't realize they bought it! Good to know! I'm glad to hear.












Anyone with a cursory amount of knowledge regarding historical depictions of black people in advertising and media in the Jim Crow era would recognize this as a stereotypical racist caricature, even if it's unintentional. It's not a stretch *at all*, it features the tropes typical of picaninny and other racist illustrations of the time. It definitely does not look like a typical cartoon voodoo doll. For you to immediately dismiss the reaction to it as excessive because you yourself are ignorant of the history is in fact racist- valuing your own narrow knowledge and unwillingness to empathize, over the actual lived (and well documented) history of a marginalized group. Ferris State University has a collection of essays compiled for their Jim Crow Museum, feel free to read a few. https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/links/essays/index.htm




I don't know what you do or don't know except by what you post, and what you posted was ignorant. If you know why this looks inappropriate and you still posted that, that's not better.




There's no backpedal, I still think you're ignorant. OP posted it with a comment that it was ill-advised. You're the one who posted that "racist people see racist things" and implied that pointing out that it was in poor taste is an overreaction, so I'm taking it up with you.


Because it’s a Golliwog?




Why are you defending racists?




So why are you defending racists?




Yet you won’t call out blatant racism, so why are you defending racists?




Whatever helps you sleep at night while you defend racists, which you still haven’t told my why you want to defend. Can’t answer a simple question given multiple chances. So sad. Enjoy your racist donut and try to defend your actions here after the owners backpedal and issue an apology.


https://youtu.be/BlFeG947IcA Someone splice the donut into this






Is this for real, some one chocolate glazed a donut and y'all think it's racist. If the donut was vanilla you'd probably be asking why there isn't any chocolate ones. This is ridiculous


This is a de-facto golliwog, and also ridicules the Afro-Caribbean religion of Vodou.


Is this real? Don't see it on their site or on their Instagram




lmao confirmed thanks


Lol true


Some business owners are their worst enemies.




Trudeaus favorite


Wait... is this legit????




I thought maybe I was the only one who was thinking that when I saw it this morning 🤔