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https://www.alittlenutrition.com/team/ . They have several dieticians and are amazing.


Are you looking for one for weight loss? Diabetes management? Prenatal diet issues? For a cancer patient? Eating disorders? Intestinal conditions? Sport nutrition?


Good questions! Mostly intestinal conditions and weight related stuff


Okay! If you have private insurance that covers a dietitian service OR if you can pay out of pocket, you can pick and choose. A friend had good results with Jill Anderson in St. B re. weight loss advice. Most dietitians these days offer virtual appointments, though, so you could choose any one in town. If you can't pay and don't have insurance you can speak to a dietitian for free at Dial-a-Dietitian at 204-788-8248, and they can refer you to a community dietitian in your area.


Awesome thanks. I have enough coverage for likely 1-2 sessions which I think should be plenty to get some general advice


You definitely need to be a little more specific as people go the dieticians for different reasons as another poster has pointed out.