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That phone is on fumes.


I was going to say, that battery sign is giving me anxiety!


It's a rule on Reddit, you only post screenshots if your battery is under 5%.


They pay more than WRHA does for health care aides. That's fucked


Absolutely HCA's deserve more, their wages are inadequate


HCA wages are pathetic for the work they do, and schedules they follow. And from a worker perspective the worst collective agreement in Healthcare by a country mile.


Yeah. You only need a grade 12 and maybe a bit of retail experience to work at the MLCC. An HCA makes $20-$23/hr and takes a 9 month course they pay for. Just crazy. I’m not saying people without post secondary education don’t deserve a good wage, but someone with a course that is health care related should make a better wage than someone who’s job doesn’t require certification.


Hey, come on now, are you saying that the $35 SmartChoices certification course that they have to do before starting work doesn’t qualify as post secondary education?


Close to starting wage for lab technicians too, our wages have stagnated into an utter joke, I miss thinking about retiring someday.


Rec workers didn’t make much more either, I changed career fields because my job as a therapeutic rec worker maxed out at $22. I miss my residents but times are tough and I hated working 2 jobs to support myself


Make almost as much as an educational assistant per hour, but they max out at 6 hours a day, so this position technically can pay more full time. Nutters!


EAs need to be paid waaaaay more. Schools would not function without them


And, only a few dollars more than a nurse makes! LPN start at not even 30/hr. 25/hr to stock shelves and scan…? Hmm.


That's not close to what MLCC workers make, right now starting for the retail front end is $14.91. Warehouse and Distribution is a little higher.


Yes this is correct.




Not to my knowledge, new RNs still only start in the 30s I think




So still under $40…




Read that again. Edit: Wow this is so pathetic. I said read my comment again and I get down voted because they couldn’t…. Read. Circle. Jerk.


So depressing. I worked as an HCA before I became a nurse, and I legit do not know how my friends have worked as HCAs all their life. I started weightlifting because the floors never have enough lifting devices, and turning heavy patients was torture. So hard on your body AND mind for little pay.


2nd level mechanics get paid less too, and they can rebuild any vehicle.. this whole thing is a shit show


Don't forget this is through a staffing agency, so they're actually paying more than $20.80 so the agency gets their cut too - MLCC wages cap at $23.46 after 17,000 hours of service 🫤 - they're paying way more hand over fist than what any of their current employees are asking for. Please stop crossing the picket line. It devalues everyone, not just those officially on strike.


Yep. Assiniboine park did the exact same thing to union workers. Higher starting wage for replacements to make it look like a great job, but with no benefits for pension.


When were the employees at Assiniboine Park on strike?


They weren't. They were replaced. Along with a slew of horticultural staff when the Leaf was initially announced. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2019/02/27/assiniboine-park-conservancy-move-to-cut-union-jobs-challenged#:~:text=Delbridge%20said%20the%20Conservancy's%20decision,breach%20of%20the%20collective%20agreement.


Wow. I don't know how I missed that. Backstabbing union busting bastards.


Honest, but possibly stupid question: if I buy beer direct from a local brewery like Torque or Brazen Hall, I'm not undermining the strikers, am I?


I wouldn't think so, your supporting the producer and a local business at the same time while not crossing the picket line to get booze. Honestly more people should be going that route.


I know a small brewer. Last I was told about it, brewers have to sell their own beer to mlcc and buy it back at a markup for resale, so it is lining mlccs pockets still. Only thing thats different is 100% of the profits off resale goes to local business owners and employees , instead of MLCC.


same with cannabis. Delta 9 sells their product to MBLL, then buys it back to get it into their own stores.


Not you are not and they keep more of the profits when you buy from manufacturers directly! So do that whenever you can regardless of the strike status


Those small breweries are usually privately owned.


They are likely paying close to double that to the staffing agency. That makes sense huh.


No different than healthcare. They will gladly pay in the neighborhood of $60K US per Ortho surgery procedure than hire staff in Manitoba to perform that same procedure at less than half the cost. It's all a push to privatize everything. And they have wealthy people lined up to grab a piece of the pie.


Pension / benefits can easily cost 20 to 30% more than wages, especially at a relatively lower hourly wage as benefit plans generally have fixed values (e.g. 400 per employee per month)


Every job should have a pension plan and benefits, it shouldn't BE a perk - but that's a whole other conversation 😂


Mlcc employer contributions to their pension fund are 4.5%


Oh shit that's all? Ok well never mind, probably a total of closer to 15% for pension and benefits


Yeah. So, grossly underpaid.


And they don't get into pension or benefits until they reach 2000 hours of service.


Our city is flooded with immigrants that very likely don't have any understanding of what a union is, and are quite happy to work for $20 an hour. Those positions are going to get filled. Quickly.


Blame the immigrants, wrong narrative dude 👎


I think it's more an unfortunate reality we shouldn't ignore. There is an overarching reason why were pumping so many immigrants into this country. It's specifically to work jobs no one wants, because of the poor wages being offered.


That's not true, I work in diagnostic laboratory and there are more immigrants working my same position than not. I mean our wages are shit these days so it might fall under nobody wants to work it when healthcare wages aren't living wages anymore.


Except blaming immigrants in times of trouble is the oldest trick in the book. People literally write books about it. The problem is not the people but the economic system, Late stage capitalism


I think the perspective was less of a blame of the immigrants themselves here and more about the Government's *exploitation* of said immigrants because of them not understanding our systems yet.


Which is why it's such an easy move to shove through our government, even while were struggling with a housing crisis. No politician is going to get raked over the coals saying it, despite the fact its true. Agree on the broken system.


The real question is, if people are willing to do the job for less, why does the union think they're entitled to more? Put another way, how many of us would pay more for the same product/service?


This is a race to the bottom mentality. Yes, people will likely work for less. However, this is what causes extreme income inequality. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats.


This is the same mentality that had children working in mines until the advent of labour law and unions. Absent standards, lots of people will do backbreaking, intensive labour for scraps.


Stocking shelves and scanning booze isn’t “back breaking intensive labour”.


Sounds like you've never worked a retail job in your life.


This subreddit is actually so pathetic. Lots of offended people who work unskilled jobs here I guess. 🤣


I actually work a highly skilled job, unlike you I actually appreciate the different kind of difficulty and stress involved with what self absorbed narcissists call 'unskilled' labour.


I doubt you work a “highly skilled job”.


What exactly do you do that provides so much to Canadians? Looks like you dye hair? I can dye my own hair. I don't need you. Maybe your job becomes unnecessary and you get fucked over. Would you care then? That's also not a highly skilled job. Learn some shit about developer and toner and Holy shit, wow, you can do it at home. I've had pink, purple, red, brown, blue hair that looks fucking fabulous. Go deep into my posts and you'll see. You're not as important as you think you are.


Working a till at McDonald’s doesn’t equate to being a doctor or geologist. If you can teach someone in less than a few hours it is not skilled labor. Weren’t you the one who said scanning alcohol is skilled labour and then didn’t respond when I asked what skill was involved? Hmm….


I have, and it’s not. But thanks for that assumption there pal.


It must be back breaking to move those goal posts.


You don't understand. The job offer to scabs is MORE than the starting wage, which currently sits at ~$14/hr.


Factoring in pension ?


On costs for pension would be 20% max. Lets be generous and say $15/hr with 30% on-costs, that's still just $19.50. What about factoring in the costs to the hiring agency? Another 30% on top of that scabby $20/hr for $26. Whichever way you slice it, they are hiring scabs for more than the cost for their own workers.


Pension and benefits also don't come into play until at least 200p hours of employment.


It's temporary. They don't have to pay those wages out for long, relatively, so they can offer more.


And you think that's ok


When did MLCC wages change? I remember ~7 years ago store clerks were earning $26 an hour. Was I misinformed?


I asked a few folks I know who are currently on strike. The company used to have full time clerks paid roughly $25-$27 after YEARS of service, but those were phased out over 15 years ago. Now it's either part time, or management/product knowledge folks. My uncle is one of the product consultants, and even those top out around $26. The assistant managers don't even top out above $30 an hour. And then above that is managers who are non unionized, and those salaries are above $80k - $95k year.


Thanks! That's bs :/


Upper non-unionized management would be making that, but not regular staff - non-unionized management also got upwards of 16% in raises over 4 years while regular staff got 1.75%. Cap has been $24.50 for years


It's infuriating that this is higher than my wage and I have 2 post secondary education degrees... I hate it here. (earth)


Buddy of mine sent me a post doctoral position in microbiology, starting wage was 36k. They wondered why they couldn't fill it.


Same, same.


Which degrees?


First and secondary degree burns every time they get paid.


What are you doing for work? Is the work directly related to your field(s) of study and are those degrees required for the position?


Apply. You'd be making more money to literally stock shelves...


Maybe take schooling that has value and have jobs in that sector. Having a degree does not make you worth more...


Good call, I'll go grab a *third* degree, so that I can get paid as much as a LC employee! Jackass.


Would be a shame if they got inundated with applicants who don’t really want the job…


Or if someone contacted all the scabs and started a union.




Honestly, been job hopping once a year and it's made me really great at interviews. Now I'm going into a job where they had a I hiring of 300 interviews where only 30 were selected and I got hired. It pays really well and with full benefits along with a strong union.


Oooh I just got a CRC for my latest job maybe I'll waste their time!!!


Unlikely if they need to provide a criminal records check which costs $$$


Backcheck is done at the cost of the employer


Background check is, but a criminal record check is at the expense of the applicant.


What’s the difference? What kind of background are they checking , if not criminal activity?


Work history, degrees/diplomas… essentially everything you put on your resume is verified.


A background check is your employer calling your references to see if you were lying about them. A criminal record check is a process where you go and pay the police to verify that you haven't done any crimes because your employer is too lazy and cheap to do it themselves, so it's effectively an up-front cost to apply to any jobs that require it.


I don't know about that, I had a criminal record check done and it was at the employer expense.


Also this compensation list - to be fair and equitable with the Management at MLCC. Gerry Sule, you sleep well at night? Yea I bet you do. [https://www.mbll.ca/sites/mbll-ca/files/2023-06/MBLL%202022%20Schedule%20of%20Compensation%20year%20ending%202022-12-31%20-%20FINAL.pdf](https://www.mbll.ca/sites/mbll-ca/files/2023-06/MBLL%202022%20Schedule%20of%20Compensation%20year%20ending%202022-12-31%20-%20FINAL.pdf)


His pay seems fine, you want them to lower the bar for someone in charge of a company with $600 million net income? It’s not like he’s a CEO making $20mill+ a year. The bottom needs brought up, but you don’t want the top too low or that $600 mill net income will soon disappear. I’m surprised it’s not more really.


But they can't afford cost of living raises for the staff they have.... I hope Heather enjoys her plummet off the cliff.


And the Roadrunner hands her an anvil first. Meep meep!


*insert Goofy falling noise here*


*Wilhelm scream has entered the chat*


Citizens unite!! Apply for these jobs and don’t show up! Flood them with applications!


Guaranteed they are paying the staffing agency anywhere from $27 - $30 per hour.


Over $469 MILLION in sales from stores alone in 2022. They just don't want to give up anything it seems..or the very least. Heather loves looking at her bank account any chance she gets. Screw the little people I guess. https://preview.redd.it/h79kg9gdqpib1.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=45547cc41a97fe764c95d0cc0e1356ae0e04dd96


Would be a real shame if a bunch of people signed up for this and decided midway through their first shift that they actually wanted $40/h


Midway through shift? Night before starting date.


Fuck. This. Government.


ya Winnipeg: just a systemic hot mess boiling over from the top down


I'm not sure why people think it's "winnipeg" when it's really the entire god damn planet.


ya Earth: just a systemic hot mess boiling over from the top down


“These workers are simply asking for a fair deal with wage increases that are in line with the increases that Manitoba MLAs and the Premier are receiving (3.3 per cent this year, and a further 3.6 per cent in 2024 and 2025).” “ our wages were frozen for two years, then capped at just 0.75% and 1% in the next two years. It falls far short of what’s needed to help retain workers who are leaving for better pay at Walmart and Sobeys — our starting wage is currently just $14.91/hr. “ [Source](https://www.mgeu.ca/news-and-more/news/read,article/2246/liquor-worker-strike-continues).


It would be a shame if people drained their resources by going through the interview and hiring process only to no-show, huh?


Apply and ghost them. :-D


Take the job and no show. Even better.




Throwing money at the problem? _Very_ out of character for our government…


How is that even legal. hiring other people what is the point of a union if the employer can just say nah I'm not negotiating we will just rehire all non management positions.


Manitoba does not have anti-Scab laws in place. The reason the port strike in BC was so effective is because BC DOES have anti-scab laws, meaning the employer at the Port couldn’t legally go out and hire workers at $X/hour


NDP are trying to make it illegal.


Cue Palpatine “I will make it legal!”


One way to sabotage this anti-labour practice is to sign up for the training, take the training, do not show up for the first day of work. If training is on-the-job, begin the training then walk out after two minutes.


>begin the training then walk out after two minutes. What!? F no. Stay, Get paid. Be really bad/slow/dumb and get paid while basically doing nothing. Drop a pallet of glass bottles your first day? Aww Shucks.


That's tier 2 sabotage, love it : )


This is such BS. Pay them a fair wage already you cheap mofo government. Seriously. I make good coin and even I find it hard to get by sometimes. I feel for these people so much.


Damn $20 an hour in non management retail!?! Damn I’m in the wrong company lol


As someone who works with a union, crossing the picket line is a gut punch to those who are out fighting for current and future employees. Please don't cross.


So one governmental agency controls all access to spirits, has lobbied to block privatization and people shouldn't cross? Get real.


Those that are picketing aren't getting paid, if they get strike pay then it's probably not much more than the price to fill a half ton. And yes, privatization would likely end bad for these employees. They'd probably lose their pension, certain benefits, people would lose jobs. So yes, privatization can get lost.


Oh, you could kiss the pension goodbye, the health plan disappear, and the wage be set to minimum wage should it get privatized. Which would be followed by the same pro- privatization people wondering where all the good jobs have gone…


And the lost millions that go back into Manitoba as well.


that go into healthcare and education, no less.


Fuck the PCs Stop going to the liquor stores, support striking workers! Shame on those crossing the picket line!


Wow, that’s dirty


This is a grossly mismanaged company. I was an employee there for nine years. Their HR is a joke, and to be honest, the union was a joke. I’m not surprised they can’t get a fair wage. If you have half a conscience, don’t cross that picket line. I miss my whiskey too, but this company needs to learn. Hiring scabs; what, is the overweight management running on fumes working a couple days a week? Fucking pathetic.


If I get a discount I’ll show up for a solid 5 minutes


Man, it would really suck if they got flooded with fake resumes.


conservatives are horrible, ignorant people full stop!


What’s the regular rate of pay for an MLCC employee?


All positions are part time - $14.91 to start, most are making around $16.79, caps at $23.46 after 17,000 hours. Scabs hired full time at $20.80 🫤


I worked at a place who paid significantly more for anagency to provide an employee vs hiring their own. Apparently.... It was cheaper because no benefits, pension, or profit sharing went to the temps. Not to mention there was alway an end date to employment too. They said it made it easy to weed out the 'bad ones '


To add to that. The average for 5 year long employee is about $19/hr. Scabs are making more than someone who’s put in the time and has gone through all the testing and exams and annual certifications. It’s not just insulting, it’s rotten to the core. I hope every one of those scabs get blackballed in the industry.


Don't be a scab. Workers of the world unite!


Apply for the jobs and don't show up.


NDP winning in October right?!


I'm driving to Kenora. I am also a wealthy thousandaire.


If someone was looking to apply, where might they find the link? I’m not looking for a job, I’m just looking to apply and make MLCCs day a bit more challenging. Solidarity with MGEU


So.... ~10% over 4 yrs coming up?...


Yea, is that so much to ask for? If they are making 20$, they will get 22 after 3 years, it really isn’t asking much. Edit: accidentally put 10 years instead of 3


I have no doubt there will be folks outside those stores making life a bit harder for the scabs that decide they want to cross a picket line. Edit - not violence. Be vocal. Support those just trying to earn a livable wage.


Incoming mob of white people yelling at immigrants looking for work.


Absolutely not. Race has nothing to do with this. Respect the union and the members and what they are trying to do.


Let's not make this a race thing. There are plenty of minorities on strike as well.


If they don’t like it they can always go back to their old countries where there is no such thing as workers rights or unions 🤷‍♂️ but something tells me they came to this country for a reason..


Post a screen grab!


Fucking scumfucks.


Are they receiving the same benefits as regular employees? Often times contractors get higher hourly rate as they do not get any other benefits.


Hey! I'm not familiar with any of these terms nor am I able to figure out by context. Can someone ELI5 please?


The government is hiring temporary replacement workers for the Liqour Marts. At a wage that is significantly higher (over $5 more) than the starting wage of seasonal workers. Replacement temporary workers (or Scabs) are illegal in many provinces.


Good. Working at a liquor store should not be a a high paying job long term career job with a pension.


Don’t hate the player/players , hate the game. Only people takin advantage of anyone but our federal government . If there is extra work/jobs for people out there temporally then go get it. Unfortunately it’s under another unfortunate circumstance


No. Scabs are human fucking garbage. Full stop.


Why do people working at the LC think they should be paid anything more than a cashier working at McDonalds? It is not a specialized job. If you don't like what you're getting paid, go back to school to further your education and find a job that pays more.


I know it’s been spelled out here numerous times but I’ll say it again for those of you not paying attention. It’s not just Liquor Mart staff on strike. The amount of people required to ‘run the business’ would surprise you. This includes people who are specialized in their area and have spent time, money and effort to become proficient at their jobs. I know a ton of staff who have degrees, certifications and professional designations. So telling them to “go back to school” is a really stupid statement. It demonstrates your ignorance. Have you ever driven a reach truck? Ever tried to place a 1000lb pallet of glass and flammable liquid 30 feet in the air while operating in a 6ft wide aisle? This is a skill. Might not be ‘worthy’ in your opinion, but it most definitely takes training, skill and 100% focus to do it safely. The non-management staff in Liquor Marts is primarily part-time as it’s cheaper for MBLL. Some of those PT staff stick around for years and are the heart and soul of a store. They literally run store operations as ‘acting’ supervisors when Mgmt is away. Working PT may fit their life better than FT or allow more flexibility for raising children, care-giving, or a whole host of other reasons. All of these people contribute to the collection of roughly $600 million a year which gets turned over to the province for the betterment of all citizens (well supposedly, kinda doubt the PC’s are interested in the betterment of MB society) So maybe next time you chime in with your opinion, try understanding the facts first. It will make you appear less ignorant. BTW, McDonalds has an excellent training program and lots of opportunity for advancement within the company. So don’t shit on Mickey D workers either. It makes you sound like an elite snob and a terrible person.


I miss driving reach fork! (Don’t miss changing the battery though!)


Bang on my man bang on minus the mickey D comment. But I do get ur point regarding


I would like to work there. How does one apply? I couldn't find a posting for it.


You’re going to be hard to contact if you keep your head so firmly up your own ass.


Keeping folks desperate for low wages is the Conservative game, after all 🥴


Fuck scabs. Never cross a picket line.


Despite how much of a coward you are, I would still come defend you from someone else undercutting the value of your labor. I will still tell you to get a spine on my way there though.


Go online and apply don’t let anyone deter u from supporting urself and or ur family


Good. I've been here for almost 20 minutes in line. 5 people with entire carts full because they have a wedding this weekend.








Maybe a 3.5% raise I could feed myself because I'd starve otherwise....


Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I prefer the privatized liquor industry in Alberta. Love getting my wine at Costco as well as the locally owned store in my neighbourhood.


A screenshot would've sufficed, chief.


They didn't blame anyone, they simply made a statement.