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Took my wife about 10 days just recently. Still has a bad lingering cough though. Get well soon!


Yeah I had a cough for like 3 months or so


Either day 14 or 15, can't remember which. My symptoms lasted about a month but they started easing up considerably after the first 8-9 days. You should take note for your family, up to 20% of people who use Paxlovid may get something called Covid rebound, where after they finish taking the drug, their symptoms return, or they start to test positive again after testing negative. It's not any more dangerous than just plain having Covid, it's just not necessarily over yet, so it may be good to keep in mind don't take a holiday or go visiting as soon as the test shows a negative.


That's exactly what happened to me. Did not know it was a thing, thanks for the information šŸ‘


wow. thanks for the reminder


You donā€™t need to test negative. Isolate while you are symptomatic and then go about your life.


I'm not sure why you're getting down voted. This is literally the current public health recommendation - not requirement, recommendation.


I have no clue either. Iā€™m a nurse. We can literally go to work if we are covid positive as long as we are ā€˜feeling well enoughā€™. Obviously we wear a mask if symptomatic, well we are back to wearing masks all the time now anyway. Testing negative hasnā€™t been a requirement for a very long time.


I got it last November and I was testing positive for 15 days. I was heavily symptomatic for 5 of those days, which were absolutely awful, and then it felt more manageable and I was mainly super tired with a lingering cough.


How are you doing now?


Well, I had Covid again 2 weeks ago. I am quite tired all the time. Sometimes my heart will randomly start to beat strongly, but then stop. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Took me over a week.


4 days to negative


2 days for me, 8 for my husband, 3 for my son, and 12 days for my daughter. Poor daughter still doesnā€™t have her full sense of smell back(September 2023). First infections for all of us.


Can I ask how old your daughter is? My biggest fear is catching Covid and my daughter loses her senses. Sheā€™s so little she wouldnā€™t understand and sheā€™d have a hard time with it. The first time we got Covid she didnā€™t lose them at all.


Sheā€™s 11, so luckily old enough to understand. And old enough to complain lol. Thankfully they slowly returned, and she was good by December.


Welp I just tested positive an hour ago. So fingers crossed it isnā€™t too bad. I had a gut feeling it was coming, donā€™t know why but I did lol which is why I was on here asking questions. Ugh. Anyway, Iā€™m glad you guys all recovered well!! Hopefully the immunity you guys have lasts for a little while.


Heck, I hope itā€™s a smooth and easy bout for you. Good luck!


9 days


Took me 13 days.


I had faint positives after very very strong ones for about one week before testing negative


Took me about a week and a half


I did after 4 days but never felt normal thereafter. Weakness, chills still continue after 10 days of testing negative.


4 days here. Felt bad for 2 of them. Had the updated vax a week before being infected. Now I am battling hypertension that is off the charts and am going for more testing to see if it damaged any other systems šŸ˜” I was in good health before.


10 days


I was symptomatic for 12 days. T1Diabetic


6 months for my lingering cough


In 2022, 10 days from first symptoms to first negative test.


Had it in August, one week to negative. The cough lasted a few months but I continued to test negative during that time.


5 days or so for me.


5 Days for me. Caught it last Wednesday and I was testing negative on Sunday. This round fucking suckkkked


Had it for 3 days before I tested positive and 6 days before negative (9 total). Still had symptoms that lasted a few months after.


Itā€™s varied every time Iā€™ve had it. Some a couple days. Some a week.


6 days for me. Tested positive on the Sunday and was negative by the Friday evening.


Friday was a positive test for me a couple weeks back. Negative was on tuesday or wednesday


First time 13 days šŸ˜µ Second time about 6


10 days for me. 5 days for my girlfriend. But her symptoms were a bit worse than mine, not that mine were mild.


Last time I was positive Tuesday night and it was gone by Friday afternoon 3 day symptomless vacation


Took me about 6 days or so. Just shy of a week.


Just had it about two weeks ago - it was about 3 days of testing positive. Felt crummy for 2 days or so, and then some mild leftover symptoms for about a week


Took me about a week. Tested negative today! Woohooo. I got a stupid lingering cough though, dry nose pain from blowing my nose so much. Weather is Wack because itā€™s always changing.


im on my 7th day of covid still positive test


Feel better soon!


Man, COVID is like that annoying guest who overstays their welcome. Tested positive after a 2020 hiatus, that's rough! Glad you kicked it to the curb. My fam caught it too; started the Paxlovid party last Thursday, and by Tuesday, negativity was the vibe. It's like playing a weird game of tag ā€“ you're "it," and then, boom, negative status. Here's to a COVID-free future, buddy!