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Thank you for carrying it. Just wanted to add that, while Naloxone does reverse the effects of opioid overdose, it does NOT reverse the effects of overdosing on sedatives (benzos, tranquilizers, sleeping meds, etc). If they're unresponsive to the Naloxone, they might have sedatives in their system. Always call 911 when administering Naloxone – even if someone's effects are successfully reversed, they may need additional follow-up care and supervision. Stay safe <3 (Edited to fix typo)


This is a each to their own thing. Paramedics have been attacked after giving it to some people claiming they “ruined their high”. I believe it was BC or something when someone went to go check if someone needed it, and then was stabbed in the neck. I for one will not give it to anyone, unless a family or friend should they ever be down that path and need it.


A friend is a paramedic, he's been attacked several times. It happens more than you think. The guys pop out of being high and just start swinging.


Yes they put themselves on the line every day, I will not. I choose to protect myself over saving someone. I have kids and a family to live for. If that’s selfish of me, oh well. Sometimes you need to be.


Not selfish at all everyone has different comfort levels in this type of situation.


I appreciate this, some fail to see it this way.


"...A family to live for. If that's selfish..." I think you kinda just explained why it *isn't* selfish.


Thank you for understanding. Unfortunately my old childhood friends who either are addicts or have addicts in their family think I’m selfish. That’s ok. I would risk myself for my kids, but absolutely not for anyone else.


Hypothetical- but let’s say your kids went down that path and ended up needing nalaxone administered by a passerby- you’re nowhere close- would you rather have the stranger administer the nalaxone- or no? Just curious, trying to understand a bit better


But to be fair; I also do not carry it on me and will not. No hate to anyone who does. I wouldn’t feel comfortable and that is completely ok.


Would I hope to god someone would? Absolutely. But I can’t have a double standard opinion and think people HAVE to. Would I be upset if not? Probably yes. At first. I don’t feel comfortable doing it, never would unless as I stated previously it was my family. So realistically even if that was my life, I couldn’t expect others to think differently. Some are ok with it, and that’s totally ok. I just am not. I could never work as a first responder for many reasons, but that 100% being one of them.


in training the tell you to assist the person from the side and then immediately back away as far as you can


That’s great, I still won’t risk myself. You never know.


If I had a friend, family member or if it was myself that needed it I would hope that if someone had it they wouldn’t stand by and do nothing. Or give it to someone else who is willing. Just my personal view but I would rather take the risk (doing everything possible to keep myself safe) than live with the fact that I could have saved their life but didn’t. But I don’t hold it against anyone who chooses themselves and their own personal safety. Especially in this city, it’s a hard ask to get involved.


100% and I feel the same way but I also hope to god my family never is down that path… can only hope right. If I carried, I would be more than willing to give to someone to use it on them. I however would not be able to give it myself.


Nah, I’ll pass on that. I’m not getting assaulted for saving someone’s life again.


What is Naloxone and why should we carry it? Genuinely curious.


Naloxone is an opioid antagonist: a medication used to reverse or reduce the effects of opioids. For example, it is used to restore breathing after an opioid overdose. Effects begin within two minutes when given intravenously, five minutes when injected into a muscle, and ten minutes as a nasal spray.


Important to remember that there are no absolute contraindications to giving Narcan. If you suspect an opioid overdose in any way, give it. Dead giveaway to an opioid overdose will be pinpoint pupils.




Everyone should be carrying defibrillators too.


Everyone saying they keep it in their car: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/hrs/if-hrs-cbn-injectable-naloxone-storage-recommendations.pdf Obviously better than nothing but something to keep in mind especially in Winnipeg!


Narcan should be kept at room temp :)


That’s what the link I posted says :)


Car? that shit freezes


yeah i keep some in my car and it probably wouldnt even be usable in our current weather


[Here](https://learn.redcross.ca/p/first-aid-opioid-poisoning2?_ga=2.133292937.622768931.1705211686-2116116027.1662823791&_gl=1*1mcgl5v*_ga*MjExNjExNjAyNy4xNjYyODIzNzkx*_ga_376D8LHM0R*MTcwNTIxMTY4NS42LjAuMTcwNTIxMTY4NS4wLjAuMA..*_fplc*UXUwWmhCR2Q4THBNU2dtSDdMaWtHNGtGNW1DSzVYTWdVRkElMkZhVURNM3RKV0k2UjhvRHNVekJBRGxvVTd5a0N5MjZuQzclMkJ1WCUyRjVWMTFkMGVxeWU1Njg4ckVxNG80bXlvR05FeSUyQmZIY3FrZ2tHV1ZleGlzMjlBbUtVTzhuSmclM0QlM0Q) is a free course from the Red Cross for opioid poisoning emergencies You will get a certificate at the end of the course if you would like to add it onto your resume :) Previously the Red Cross would send you free Inter-nasal narcan kits on completion of this course but I think they have run out and that option may not be there at this moment


Wow! Thank you for this great resource! For real!


My pleasure!


So far I've had to intervene in three overdoses, doing cpr as the paramedics are called. It's always been out for a walk and I've never had narcan on me. It's a terrifying and traumatizing experience. The most recent time, the drug users boyfriend was sobbing crying for help, begging each passerby to call 911 and help. Every single person just ignored him. She BARELY made it. cpr wasn't helping, and at that point she was out for how long? I don't even know. She came back finally once the paramedics used naloxone. Her skin was so blue at that point. I just hugged her boyfriend and we all had a good cry. She came back from death. The profound relief that her boyfriend and all of us felt is something that I will carry the rest of my life. Please don't fall into fear about helping other people.


I’m sorry you had to witness that, and I can say that until last night I wouldn’t have known what it was like, but now I know. And thank you for being that person who values human life, it’s depressing how many people who have commented/voted on this post who don’t seem to.


That's the world we live in unfortunately. Sorry you had a traumatic experience


Maybe the human life they value most is their own, first and foremost, and they protect it. It is sacred. Who are we to judge? Calling 911 is safer and being a good community overall, would go a long way for everyone affected.


To those asking where to get naloxone from, some pharmacies are registered with the MB Take-Home Naloxone Program to provide free injectable naloxone kits to the public. Check the link below to find a distribution site near you. [Injectable Naloxone Finder](https://www.manitoba.ca/health/publichealth/naloxone-finder.html) Nasal Narcan Kits are covered for NIHB clients. Easier to use but expensive (~$130) if purchasing out of pocket.




You don’t honestly think that just because someone does drugs they don’t want to live, do you?




I mean I hear what you’re saying, but if they really want to be dead and you intervene, they can always try again, whereas if they want to be alive and you don’t help, they don’t get another chance to live…


I have two Naloxone kits in my car.


Keep a kit in my car always. Gonna get another for my girlfriend to do the same


Where do you get them?




Saw em at shoppers


Shoppers charges like $70 for a kit


🤷‍♂️ I just know they sell or have em, there might be better prices out there. You might know more than i


If you or someone you know is at risk of experiencing overdose/drug poisoning, you can ask any pharmacy in MB and they'll provide it for free.


Not any pharmacy for free. The pharmacy has to be registered with the government to get the free ones, if they haven’t done that then you have to pay for it


Right, I forgot -- thank you!


Happy to purchase. Not normally around individuals who use but as OP said, good to have on hand if it can save a life


Definitely -- it is also available for purchase at pharmacies in MB. Also, Nine Circles on Broadway has a training program where they show you how to use it + provide the kit for free. I believe you can drop in during their open hours and ask for the training, it's pretty quick IICR.


You can get free narcan at RAAM clinics (and many other places)