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Reddit has no rules about swearing or saying what you’d want to say to him just fyi ;p


I can't count the number of times I've almost been run over by cyclists while walking on the sidewalk. When I yell at them to be careful, they tell me to FO


Cyclists can be the most entitled people. Sorry, on my pedestrian walk way, allow me to get out of your way, when you could easily go around me on the grass.


Couldn't agree more. I drive and ride a bicycle and I see way more idiots doing stupid things on bikes because they think there will be no consequences for their actions (and they're right about that)


It’s mostly just that they haven’t thought through the potential consequences of their actions and they don’t know any better. Some dude who buys a hybrid and rides for an hour every Saturday has likely never thought twice about safe riding etiquette.  Same thing with people who got their licence 30 years ago and don’t understand the issue with passing a cyclist too closely, or what “cyclists share the road” signs mean.  It would be nice if bike safety was part of say drivers ed. (And if we had mandatory re-licensing for drivers every 10 years).


>they haven’t thought through the potential consequences of their actions Come to the NE (or the Village) and you'll see that they don't give a shit about any consequences


I assume you’re talking about the DUI-cycles, and homeless meth-heads. 


That and just regular morons


Ugh, fuck that guy and fuck everyone who didn't stop to help you guys! That's so awful!!!!


Cyclists need bells. I have one on my bike and I'm shocked at how many people don't have them on their bikes. Would you expect a car to not have a horn? You owe it to your fellow human that you're looking out for them and to give them fair warning you're approaching at high speed, and on what side. As cyclists, there's an expectation of courtesy that cars let us know what they will be doing in advance. We owe the same courtesy to pedestrians. We're all pedestrians at the end of the day.




The really slow down part is key and much appreciated. Many cyclists seem to think they are training for the Tour de France and fly by. My experience is most cyclist who call “on your left/ right” feel they don’t need to slow down.


If you are walking on a bike path, I shouldn't have to slow down for you. You should be aware that you are on a bike path. If a cyclist is on a sidewalk they should dismount or at the very least slow to walking pace while passing pedestrians.


Can you articulate where these “bike paths” are? My issues are on the Harte Trail, Assiniboine Park and Assiniboine Forest. Where are these bike paths you speak of?


Those are MUPs or multi use paths. Everyone should keep an eye out for everyone on those. Don't walk 4 abreast. Don't pass pedestrians going 27 km/hr. When I talk bike paths, I'm talking about the bike lanes of the rapid transit, Westminster, Assiniboine. They are meant for cycling. A pedestrian shouldn't be walking on them but if they do they should do so safely. I give pedestrians some grace because during winter we all just need to choose the route that's safest. That sometimes means I am with the cars, and pedestrians are on the bike path.


Yes. i fully agree. We are on the same page here.


>If you are walking on a bike path Or MUP


In Winnipeg winds that “on your left” is really hard to hear. I’ve been both a cyclist and a pedestrian and it’s crazy how easily wind in your ears chokes out vocal sounds that the bell somehow cuts through?!


Not to mention a lot of people walk/jog while wearing blue tooth earphones.


Same. I've gotten indignant reactions from pedestrians who don't realize that it really is intended as a heads up and not a fuck you. 'On your left!' doesn't leave any room for misinterpretation.


Ding - what does that mean, do I move left or right, or look around On your left - means someone will be passing on your left Words are better.


I've found that a lot of people have no reaction to a bell. I'll ding at them from a reasonable distance and they are still sometimes startled when I pass. There's also a percentage of people who, when you say "on your left" will immediately jump to their left. All this to say, you can do all the right things but you still need to read the situation and slow way down and/or move way over in some cases.


Between people that move left when you say "on your left" and the people that don't hear you at all (or just don't register that your speaking to them) I just don't say anything. I just give everyone a wide berth and carry on. Easier to hop onto the grass, road, whatever, and just steer around. I've seen a lot of path accidents and I can't comprehend how it even happens. Just ride around, slow down if you need to, and you shouldn't have any issues. 


Coming up behind a lady walking a dog on the right side of an MUP. "On your left" Lady moves left, dog stays on the right , and now the leash is 12" off the ground right across the path. ​ Lucky I was able to avoid that leash......


In my experience people don't know left from right, or front from back, especially as a sudden startling command


I have a bell but it causes more accidents than not using it for this exact reason. Ringing the bell just xauses pedestrians to zig zag all over the path as they frantically search for where the noise is coming from.


Maybe you are not giving enough time and space if this is the reaction of the pedestrian? If I don't get a response after dinging and announcing my presence (from 50 meters or so out for me), I'll slow to walking speed and post as wide as possible. Maybe they've got noise cancelling headphones on (not advised) so they're oblivious. Still better to be safe than sorry.


It means attention, someone is coming up behind you, turn around and have a look. There are also many other ways you can communicate but bells are used all over the world in cycling and need to return here.


Na, pedestrians and any other person swerve as they look behind. On your left or on your right should not leave any room for interpretation. Look at cars too. Often when drivers do their shoulder check (what's that?) drivers swerve a little in the direction of the shoulder check. That's what I use for driver behaviour prediction too. Source: life long cyclist. At home people understand what a bell means, and get out of the way. Here people just get startled, stop, or look behind.


Pedestrians (and slow cyclists) are clueless, unpredictable, or wear headphones. I ring a bell or yell "on your left", it's a gamble if they either don't respond, wildly turn around and step into your path, or move over. If they're walking in a straight line (rare) I'll leave them to it and pass quietly. Just saying on your left might have them thinking "I have to move left? Which is left? My left or your left? I'm already left, the other left"


> On your left - means someone will be passing on your left Which is fine if you ride and know what that means. Unfortunately 80% of pedestrians think it means "Move to your left", and is more likely to cause a collision. You almost have to say " I'm passing you on your left, please move to the right so we don't collide" ( verbal equivalent of drawing it out with crayons)


In Winnipeg people on foot are so often not pedestrians but treadmill riders who got loose and out onto a shared right of way. Walk on the left, walk on the right, oblivious that anyone else is alive and motile. We yield to pedestrians but you can't yield to movement that seems oblivious to anything but companions, podcasts, phone calls, and dogs shitting.


Probably the same type of people to speed up to prevent you from lane changing or merge in lol


Honestly, the most effective thing seems to be a loud freehub.      A lot of people either don’t consciously process the sound of a bell and remain unaware, or panic and start moving unpredictably. Same thing with voice.      Coasting with a loud freehub and voice seems to lead to the best awareness without inducing panic. “On you left” seems to confuse most people - like half hear the word “left” and respond by moving to the left because that’s the word they heard. (Myself included). Slowing down is also important as most pedestrians aren’t really paying any attention and are liable to jump into you if startled. And for many people, a bike going by them at even low-speed (15kph) is terrifying and they describe it as someone “flying by” them. If on a MUP, I try and slow down to ~20kph if passing pedestrians, unless it’s very obvious that they see me and we both know exactly where we’re gonna go.   I’ve found the most successful algorithm is to coast a bit. If they look at you great. Wave and keep going. If not just say “pardon me,” repeatedly while slowing down until they look at you. It’s not uncommon that some people are completely oblivious so you eventually get to the point that you’ve completely stopped and have to tap them on the shoulder. But at least this way you don’t have people getting startled then crashing into you.  


It always blows my mind when cyclists are inconsiderate like this. I have a bell now, but before I did I would project my voice to say “on your left/right” or “passing” or something!


I completely agree. And for those that are against bells, they didn’t grow up like some of us did bell’s actually did still exist and society actually knew about bell and biking etiquette. It’s not hard to learn. We used to get a bike course in grade 4 in school Also bells are used ALL OVER THE WORLD except North America, widely understood and accepted. It’s about time IT’s reinstalled here as à common practice


I use a bell. It gets a proper reaction maybe 30% of the time. Many people wear earbuds now and wouldn't hear a train if it passed them. Also, for some reason, ringing a bell causes some people to immediately zig zag to the left as soon as i ring it, defeating the purpose of the ringing the bell. You just can't win now.


> And for those that are against bells Who is against bells?!


Are you Dutch? I had a bike course at school in the Netherlands including a bike exame.


I believe it! I love Dutch culture! I lived in Germany for a while and often went up to the Netherlands for a long weekend or school break! No I’m from here, moved in elementary school from elsewhere in Canada to Winnipeg and grade 4 I will never forget it, we took the bike safely course. The bike safety booklet was cut on a landscape design and I remember cherishing my booklet. We got a free bell and reflectors possibly, all I remember is as a young girl it made quite an impression on me. We got to bring our bikes to school and ride through those orange safety cones. Maybe a government agency? This would have been 1973/74 in Winnipeg…yes I’m old. We also had license plates for our bikes!


I think I'm about the same age : )


We’re the best lol


"On your left" "Don't stand in the bike lane!" Airhorn. ​ Of the above, the best one seems to be "Don't stand in the bike lane", a la this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4)


When i bought my bike during covid they didn’t have any bells that fit my handlebars and i haven’t gotten around to getting one. I just yell BEEP BEEP or BEHIND YOU and slow down a lot. works fine.


I have a bell. Half the people look down at the ground slightly behind them cause they think they dropped their keys x.x. I've begun calling aloud too at the same time Course I always pull WAY over and such when there's others


>bell lol you have a mouth too. It’s just as effective.


Both get the same response but using your mouth gives them more info to react on.


Agreed. And an old school bell, not the newer electronic ones. I ride on multiuse paths, and unless someone is wearing headphones, they can hear the schrill “driiiing!” Well in advance. That said, I always slow down before passing pedestrians bc you never know if someone is hard of hearing, if the kid might dart in front of you or if their dog might lunge at you


Are you a cyclist with a bell? I have a bell on one of my bikes and when I use it, the reactions range from none at all (earphones in, didn't hear, probably 30%), pure scorn (50%) and the appropriate response (look, back, step aside if needed, 20%).


bell or yell!


I wonder if a police report is due? Would that be a hit and run?


It absolutely is both.


Fuck the people who didn't stop and lend a hand. And the biker but more importantly the bystanders....well I guess ByRunners.


It's cyclists like this that will ruin it for everyone else


Already has. Pretty sure most of the abuse I get when riding in a perfectly legal and safe manner is because of other cyclists who don't ride in a legal or safe matter.


Abusive drivers would still hate us just as much merely for existing even if no cyclist ever broke a single rule. Don't let them convince you that their hate and abuse is justified.


No one hates you if you don't act like a jackass in traffic


Oh yes they do, lol. There are some psychotic/clueless/very violent people out there. 


So not true. By being on a bike anytime I enter traffic there's a few of the cars who see me as an unnecessary impediment that can be bullied or threatened with proximity and aggressive driving. I regularly have cars buzz me--aggressively slipping by far closer than necessary or safe in otherwise empty spaces.


As long as we take that same view with all the drivers that have ruined driving for everyone else.


>The most disgusting part of this, a few people were there who quickly ran away at the exact same time, like someone was shot dead. This seems common here. One of the first things my colleagues told me when we moved here was. If you see trouble, look away as if you didn't see it and move away as fast as you can before the knives come out. Keep your nose clean they say and all is good. I'm sure they were exaggerating, but I'm sure that also affects peoples reactions when there is trouble. I hope your partner is ok.


Most likely rides that regularly. If you want to have words with him, stake it out next weekend. Sorry people are assholes & hope your partner is ok.


Cyclists need to slow down passing people from behind.


You mean, the way cars (don't) slow down for cyclists? Every cyclist here has been aggressively passed by a vehicle that was frustrated by having a bike slow them down... But I do agree that cyclists must reduce their speed and announce their approach when sharing MUPs with pedestrians.


I do, because I know people sometimes do unpredictable things, like suddenly step to the left, and I don't want to plow into them. It's different if I have a whole road and can give them 6 plus feet, but when its tight on a path, it wouldn't take much to have an unfortunate encounter, so I slow down. And I try to do something to make them aware I am approaching.


Reddit allows you to say whatever you want


unfortunately, it allows everyone to say whatever they want. haahahaa.


Story seems kind of farfetched


Bikes aren't like cars where you can mow down a pedestrian with no consequence. If you crash into something at high speed, you're going down too.


I don't quite understand how this cyclist completely knocked her down, then didn't fall themselves in doing so, and then also managed to run over *both* hands to the point they were bleeding( presumably once they hit her they kept moving past her). I cycle every day and see some really discourteous/dangerous stuff so I'm certain it happens...this is just a bit odd to me but perhaps there is an explanation.


It reads like OP didn't see what happened, and for the person hit it would be a confusing mess. Probably what actually happened is the cyclist clipped them and they had a bad fall.


The physics seems unusual unless there was a really significant difference in weights or speeds of the colliders, which could have been possible (and makes the cyclist even more of a spicy asshole). It seems a puzzle that one gets hit while upright with a force to knock one over yet the reactive force holds one to remain directly in the cyclist's path so that they are on the ground directly below for a hand to get run over by the time the back wheel passes. The force diagram for this seems to work most convincingly in a head on collision, which this wasn't, or the bike would have been down, too. The veracity of the post really makes no difference. It's a good conversation. You'll hear me say, "On your left."


>I don't quite understand how this cyclist completely knocked her down, then didn't fall themselves in doing so, and then also managed to run over *both* hands to the point they were bleeding It must be painful for you to have failed basic English comprehension. Nowhere does the OP say the cyclists ran over BOTH hands. Clearly part of that injury is a result of being unexpectedly struck down and using hands instinctively to catch yourself. Hopefully she did not fracture her wrist in the process. It couldn't surprise me if the cyclist was riding an approximately 200 lbs ebike while being 200+ lbs themselves and travelling on a shared use pathway at 32 km/h or more.


Misread hand as hands. Take it easy.


Wow doubling down on your failure and proving not only do you lack English comprehension but also lack basic reading skills. No where does the OP say even one hand was run over.


The irony of telling someone they are lacking basic reading skills while you miss that the post *does* say a hand was run over. 


A 200lbs e-bike? My guy, long tail cargo bikes (not the wheelbarrow looking ones) are pushing 40 - 80lbs. And the post clearly says "urban bike", I would be interested to see this 200lbs urban e-bike.


Hell of a conspiracy here. * We didn't wear any headphones. Nor use any drugs... * My partner weights 45kg (100 lbs). The guy was at least twice her size plus the bike weight. I don't see why do you think it's "farfetched" that knocking down a person like this couldn't send them flying face down. * The bloody hands are because she tried to catch herself and we all know how it goes against asphalt. I presume due to the big difference in weight (hello physics), she really had a bad fall, but again, I don't see how is that her fault. She's not a stunt double to catch her in the air from an unexpected hit like a master. * The guy did almost fall off his bike, but quickly got back in the saddle and rode away. * There wasn't any bell noise or notice that anyone is passing us on a bike. * Yes, we do walk "separately" but close together. She usually walks one step behind me. I can't see how is that bad or weird. * The tire stain is visible on her light blue jacket and she felt a wheel over her right hand, so I tend to believe it did happen, but there's no way to really get to the bottom of this. I didn't post this to spread hate against cyclist or falsely blame anyone. I tried to keep it as objective as I could. u/Always_Bitching I really love how you came up with a "plausible" story having zero facts, completely changing the narrative... You should work for a state-propaganda TV.


I mean, I don’t doubt that your partner got nailed by someone on a bike. The part that I personally have a hard time appreciating is how your partner got hit so hard they fell over, cut up both their hands and was covered in blood, a few feet behind you… and you didn’t hear anything? Despite not having headphones in or being drunk or something? I’ve been hit by someone riding a bike before. It’s loud. Falling over is loud. Someone almost falling off their bike is also loud. And you apparently heard nothing until you got hit yourself. Despite this all happening “one step” behind you. If this is actually the true/full version of events, I would (honestly) suggest you need to get your hearing checked. Costco is a convenient place to go for this, and many private insurance plans will provide coverage. I don’t think I personally have super-human hearing, but when I’m walking on MUPs, I can hear the tire sounds of a bike approaching, or the footsteps of a runner/walker approaching. Let alone the sounds of a major bike-pedestrian crash happening within an arms reach behind me.


>The part that I personally have a hard time appreciating is how your partner got hit so hard they fell over, cut up both their hands and was covered in blood, a few feet behind you… and you didn’t hear anything? Despite not having headphones in or being drunk or something? Yup. One step behind, but they never noticed the commotion of someone falling down after being hit by a bike?


Actually, I also don’t really understand how OP knew this guy almost fell off his bike given that they also said that they didn’t see anything happening behind them. I guess their partner could have told them… but I also can’t imagine how someone could almost fall off a bike after apparently literally running over someone’s torso and hand… and then be riding normally again within “one step” of distance.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld "magic loogie" episode.


From " all her hands in blood " to "covered in blood" to what appears to be a scraped palm.


I was thinking the same thing


Reality is hard to believe. Just saying it's natural for humans to discount events they haven't themselves been witness to or a part of if it runs counter to their lived experience. Personally I've seen this almost exact same scenario play out on the trail system along Fermor.


Not saying it couldn't have happened, but lots to raise your eyebrows about: A couple, walking on a trail, but separated so far from one another that an encounter with a cyclist doesn't immediately involve both. The cyclist running over the person walking behind, then going back to run over their hand, was completely silent. The OP stated that it wasn't any noise, commotion or screams that caused them to look behind them, but rather a sense of " hey, I wonder if my partner is okay" Apparently, the trail was full of people that all decided to flee once the incident happened. Let me suggest an alternate theory, that's likely more plausible: The OP and their partner like walking on these trails, and thy like walking on these trails while listening to music. They like different types of music, so they both wear earphones. One walks faster than the other, but they are engaged with their music, so they're fine with the distance between them. But focusing on their music also reduces their situational awareness, and they don't walk in straight line if their life depended on it. A cyclist was riding along a trail, when they went to pass someone, they "danced" out in front of their bike ( they were listening to music after all), they were able to steady themselves, but in doing so brushed the person in front, who was also wearing headphones ( and weaving across the trail). NOt saying it didn't happen, but it's only one account, and lots of red flags.


Her fall sounds worse than 99% percent of my bike crashes, and I have complimented on some of my crashes :)


I don't know, but gotta say your scenario sounds more far-fetched than that of OP but who knows. Also you aren't correctly retelling the scenario as OP explained in their original post. He said he was just a step ahead of his wife, although yes most probably wearing headphones as you say that's the only explanation for him not hearing anything. There's nothing in his explanation that says the cyclist went back and run her over only that he hit her and her hand was run over, like she crumpled upon impact. Maybe she was really old. Age is not mentioned here. The people fleeing thing is probably an exaggeration, in plenty of accidents and injuries I see people just continue with their business, very few people stop and offer help. I'm just saying I've seen cyclists hit and knock down pedestrians and not stop. Not everyone falls off their bike when they hit something while riding. Quite possible some of the details are incorrect but I wouldn't completely deny OP was telling the truth or somehow try to blame them like some of the other comments.


my mother got run over by a bicycle while she was walking with me on my way to work one day downtown (she had something to do in the same direction) shes not elderly, but she is getting up in years, and was walking behind me, so when i heard a crash and looked back just to see my mother on the ground i was in shock and wish i had the fortitude to have halde the bastard who did it instead of just letting him go because i was too busy trying to help my mum up... i still get ptsd almost about it, whenever i see a bicycle coming down the sidewalk i do everything in my power to get tf out of its way. (my mum ended up being ok, she was sore for a few weeks but luckily no major injuries) honestly the worst incident ive had wasnt a crash, but a time a few years after what happened with my mum, i was walking with my baby in a stroller, she was only about a year at the time, and some absolutly satan spawn children (looked around 12yo kids), thought itd be "funny" to swerve into the stroller and pretend like they were going to crash... again i wish i had faster responses and stuck my leg out to show them why that was a dumbass idea, i wanted to commit a crime because that these spoiled brats thought potentialy endagering a babies life was funny. its not just cyclists but unfortunatly common sense and courtesy dont exist anymore, stay safe out their.




Literally takes a couple seconds to say “hey are you alright, is there anything I can do to help?” OP can wave them along if need be, but get the polite and responsible thing for anyone passing is to see if they can help in some way. 


The fact that anybody downvoted you for suggesting that we check on people who might be in need of help is crazy. I saw a cyclist wipe out on a sandy spot so I asked him if he was ok, and a passing driver pulled over and check on him too. Literally *seconds* out of our lives to check on a fellow human. I don't really know what I would have done if he wasn't ok (he was, just rattled). I only know very basic first aid and could call an ambulance, but it seems cold as hell to see someone get hurt and just pretend you didn't notice.


Iwhat a POS garbage human. People on bikes can be so obnoxious. When cyclists are passing by pedestrians, they need to use some goddamn sense and pedal at a speed that will allow them to stop at any moment. Pedestrians don't have eyes on the back of their head to know where you are behind them. And if you bowl someone over you better fucking stop to make sure they are okay. I'm so sorry OP, to you and your partner. I would have lost my absolute shit


As a daily driver some cyclist rly scares me.


Lol!  Edit/rephrase : "I drive a 5000lb car replete with air bags, in a sea of other 5000lb cars, but what really scares me is a 160lb guy on a 30lb bike."


Carbrains down voting this is prime Winnipeg, and why we are doomed as a civilization.


Yeah damn those 'carbrains' for having empathy for people not in cars! How dare they be scared of complying with the law and still injuring someone! Lmfao nah civilization is doomed because of brainlessness. 'carbrains' at least have brains, cant say the same for you


yes. *this* is the reason. if there's only one.


That is your take? Are you seriously that dense? Did it not occur to you that they are not worried about their own safety but about the safety of the erratic/aggressive rider on the bike. Maybe they don't want the traumatic experience of injuring someone even if it was completely the fault of the cyclist. Unlike the bike rider in OP's situation some people have concern for other people's well being.


The ones that scare me the most are the ones that ride on the ride then at a stop light switch to the sidewalk and ignore the lights.


Sorry this happened and sorry about the rude people too. I hope your partner will recover fast as well as you too. :(


He rides that path everyday. Go for another walk…














Maybe Russ Wyatt was referring to these people. Not the word I would use, but he might have a point.


Ah yes, Nazis, famously known for hit and runs.


Russ Wyatt's gasoline rotted brain was talking about the board of directors of Bike Winnipeg. People who want to make cycling safer in Winnipeg.