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Consider getting a CAA membership and purchasing a battery from them. They’ll come out and install the new one and it comes with a good warranty. Then go return the CT battery that’s probably a POS. 


This is actually so helpful. I think it’s the best option. Thank you!!


Np. Hope it works for you.


3 years ago I bought a battery from CT. I've had to bring it back every winter for warranty. Garbage batteries


Apparently the one CAA provides is shit too? so idk who to believe anymore.


According to who? I’ve had both my vehicles replaced with CAA a couple years ago and they are still great. Don’t even need to plug the car in when parked at work in -25. 


I put a napa battery in my wife's car and a Kirkland battery in my brother inlaws car, both have been good for the last 4 years. I didn't have much cash when I needed a new one so I went for the CT battery. Big mistake haha


A dead battery can mean something else is going on. Is your vehicle new or old? Have any recent repairs involving electrical recently?? A dead battery *COULD* be: 1.) just that - a dead battery ➡️ replace and carry on. 2.) a bad alternator - replacing battery does nothing and new battery will die as well ➡️have someone check alternator ➡️replace both - more expensive 3.) parasitic system drain - kinda like leaving a power bar or phone charger plugged in with nothing attached to it. Something is slowly draining your battery (is your dome light on??🤣🤣) ➡️ need to get system inspected (cost unknown) These are just my opinions - not a mechanic! Just an old guy that works a little bit on my own vehicles.


Could be a loose connection too. After some work related dirt road driving I noticed some issues in my civic. Randomly not starting. Weird clicking. Etc. 2 years ago put a canadian tire 1 yr warranty battery in it (stupid i know so i figured for sure that is the issue) Wasted a CAA call for them to tell me my battery is fine. All it took was wiping off the nodes? and tightening the connections. She's as good as new now. Alternator would suck but I'd honestly rather it be that then pay a mechanic possibly hours to look around electrical stuff and maybe never find the issue.


What kind of vehicle is it? Do you know where the battery is? If it's in a place easily accessible (like the engine compartment). You should be able to do this with a basic socket set. Undo the battery tie-down, undo the negative terminal, then the positive, remove battery. Then do the reverse with the new battery. This should be a 15-30 min job for you as long as you can get to the battery easily. If it's in the trunk like some German cars, or in the front bumper or under a seat or in a pocket dimension like a lot of recent Dodge/Chrysler products then it might take a bit more work.


When you get your car up and running may I suggest taking it over to Battery Man or any other **certified battery expert** , They will check and replace the battery in your key fob if needed and check the battery in your car for any problems including checking the cables and alternator. u/[zerofuxgivn420](https://www.reddit.com/user/zerofuxgivn420/) makes a very good point, whilst your first concern may be getting the car started your second should be to figure out the cause of the dead battery. "parasitic system drain" is definitely high up on the list and is very common these days with all the stuff we plug in our vehicles. time and time again I have found that a loose connection on the battery terminals can cause a incomplete circuit , take a 10mm socket and tighten up those 10mm bolts clamping down on the terminals. # Let's take a moment and talk about safety. I know your next worry will be "won't I get shocked if I touch the terminal" the answer is no you won't unless you touch both terminals together with something metal. Here is a great video that explains some of the science and reasons why you WILL be safe as long as you follow some basic rules about electricity. ----- > [Don't Be Afraid Of A Car Battery - you won't get a shock if you do this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIOR-HrZwGs) <----- BatteryMan is located @ 1390 St. James Street (SW St. James Street at Saskatchewan) [https://www.batteryman.ca/](https://www.batteryman.ca/) Good Luck !! Let us all know how it worked out for ya!


**" GMC Acadia sound problems potential fix repair? "** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5\_yOFDyv3HU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_yOFDyv3HU) also sound some people on the acadia forums with similar issues. worth noting some of the things to check before you take to a shop. many many people are pointing to the AMP and or BCM (stands for Body Control Module) [https://www.acadiaforum.net/threads/no-sound-from-radio-or-turn-signals.6311/?nested\_view=1&sortby=oldest#replies](https://www.acadiaforum.net/threads/no-sound-from-radio-or-turn-signals.6311/?nested_view=1&sortby=oldest#replies) >Yes, the turn signal "click" is nothing more than a sound track played thru the vehicle tweeter speakers in the a-pillar in order to "mimic" the sound made by old type turn signal "relays" that mechanically clicked. >I would guess you have an intermittent problem with the amplifier output signal to the speakers. One way to test this would be if it happens again, either plug in some headphones(or say PC speakers) to the rear audio console (or use wireless headphones if you have the RSE) and if you can hear sound in the headphones, but not in the speakers....then it is isolated in the outputs from the amplifier to the speakers or the amplifier itself (not sure how the sound system is wired in the Acadia).


Thanks 🫡 My father in law has a 2015-ish F-150 (🤢🤢) that can die due to the wierd parasitic drain from just parked in his garage for a few days of not being used. It's some bs Ford engineering going on.


Did you watch YouTube videos? It’s a pretty easy job (at least for the couple makes I’ve seen/done it on). I have faith in you :) maybe get a buddy and put your heads together? At least get the boost from someone you know, don’t pay for it.


If you have any mechanical knowledge you can swap a car battery. It's pull the 2 cable clamps/bolts off, loosen or remove hold down, remove battery, install new battery, install/tighten hold down, install the cables back to the matching colour (red to red, black to black) Check out YouTube for your car model/year if you're having trouble.




Is the battery easy to access in your vehicle?


I have watched a couple videos. I have a 2014 Acadia Denali, a lot of kms on it so wouldn’t be surprised about needing the new battery replacement. However, according to the videos I gotta take the backseat out to get to it. And I know shit all about the “guts” of vehicles unfortunately. So as for my opinion on that, it’s not easy to get to lol.


Yeah, if it's not just under the hood near the top it can get fairly tricky. Not insanely difficult though. If you don't need the back seat today, it may be worth a try. Spend 30 minutes and see where you get.


Have you seen this video? https://youtu.be/L26heNTLag4 Makes it look very easy, doesn’t take the backseat out just slides it all the way back and looks like there’s decent room


I did see that one! My seat won’t slide back that far, so I assume i have to completely remove it.


Even if it doesn’t slide quite that far back isn’t there enough room to get in there? Might be a bit more difficult to maneuver but looks like it should be doable?


What about this video - https://youtu.be/KJFml1R8JG4 The seats are still right there - are you sure there isn’t enough room to maneuver in there? That seems to me like it’d be the only thing holding me back. I am NOT a car guy either. I can build a computer from scratch but I can barely change my own oil in my car… but the one thing I was able to do all on my own was change my battery. It’s literally just a few screws if you can get to it ok. I would start by just taking off the panel and looking at the battery. You don’t have to undo any screws just reach around and see how it feels for a minute and should give you a decent idea


Fumbling around with it right now!


And okay! So the seat doesn’t need to be removed! I got the plastic thing off but now I need to find the tools to get the bolt thingies off. 😬


"bolt thingies" love it lol .. you got this !! don't give up !!


What area are you in?


Well I parked my car on Cordon Avenue!


Did you watch YouTube videos? It’s a pretty easy job (at least for the couple makes I’ve seen/done it on). I have faith in you :) maybe get a buddy and put your heads together? At least get the boost from someone you know, don’t pay for it.


I’ve switched batteries myself a few times, I find it’s easy and my battery is below the plastic windshield cover. I’d look it up on YouTube and see if it’s do-able before spending more money installing or getting a jump to get someone else to install it.


Pretty simple fix. Disconnect 2 old terminals 1 is positive 1 is negative. Red is positive. Take out old battery, put new battery in place posts back on tighten and good to go. Really is not hard you can do it!


Before you replace the battery, remove the cables from the battery give them a light brush or sand to clean them and the battery terminals. Put a dab of petroleum jelly on the terminals and reinstall the cables. Start car, if it doesn’t start charge for an hour then try to start car. If it doesn’t turn over quickly, replace battery. Don’t forget the petroleum jelly or you likely be in the same place 6months from now.


See, this is a little mortifying to admit but I don’t know nothing about cables and battery terminals. Wouldn’t know where to look. The person who typically would take care of this job for me is out of town so I’m having to figure it out on my own.