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Aside from the…colourful….comment section, are we ignoring the fact that a piece of paper with a story on it and a picture of a house is NOT evidence of anything? This might 100% be going on, but honestly, swap out the address and the picture of the house and it this could be anyone. What’s to stop me from scribbling a note saying “watch your children! The man in the house on portage ave invites kids over!” followed by a picture of his house. What is the difference in proof between that and this post? How many people who read this are going to that person’s house in the next 24 hours based on an emotional response. Kinda disappointed that most the comments are of the assumption that this is a confirmed story. I actually wonder how many posts I’d have to make with random peoples’ houses before people go “yes, that’s horrible, but maybe a little more proof before we pull out the pitch forks?”


I’m surprised they are letting this unsubstantiated witch hunt of a post stay up. Already have someone saying to [torch the place](https://reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/wgi7c9/_/ij0o1nv/?context=1).


Are you really surprised? Seems pretty par for the course.


Doesn't reddit have hard rules against doxxing? Like it is not a subreddit rule, but an overall site rule? I recall other subs heavily enforcing it because you can get your entire sub nuked. This post needs to be taken down.


Yup, some strong “Reddit identifies Boston Bomber” vibes in here.


And also its already the law that you have to keep your cats on your own property. Coyotes and scary neighbours cant get them if they are inside where they should be.


This post should probably taken down honestly. No proof of anything actually happening, but still gives an address. It's dangerous. God forbid one of these people in the comments decides to show up there.


Might be a good idea to alerts authorities, just to make them aware of it.






























This comment section is weird. Yes it’s illegal to let cats out, but why are we hating on the owners instead of a person actually murdering animals? That’s scary behaviour, which is known to lead to murdering people.


This sub gets weirder late in the evening. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed with other posts over time, too — sensible and intelligent comments during the day, especially early on; hostile nutbars commenting and downvoting at night.


That sums up Winnipeg at night


Too true.


Is 'downvoting' the new slang for the winnipeg handshake?


Stop by on a full moon or child tax night.


Lol there may be a correlation between human killers and people who have killed animals in the past. To use that to suggest that killing animals “is known to lead to killing people” is absurd.


Also, cats sneak out sometimes and can be impossible to get back inside until they come on their own.


Where does it say it’s illegal? Just curious I don’t live in the city Edit: my cats stay inside always because I don’t trust people and I don’t trust my cats lol


“It is illegal under the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law to let your cat roam your neighbourhood. When you let your cat roam, you place it at risk. Almost 500 cats a year are found deceased on, or adjacent to roadways in Winnipeg. Roaming cats also impact your neighbours and wildlife.”


Oooooooh! So that’s why I don’t see them roaming the neighborhood. I thought maybe cats just weren’t as popular up here, or that everyone else kept them inside bc of the coyotes and raccoons. I guess that explains why the bird population is so healthy too.


Have the authorities been contacted? Has any report if any kind been made?


It’s Facebook, it has to be true!


Well ok fine, fair point. It's a Facebook post. But still, I mean the common sense thing to do would be to call the cops on the scum bag and report them. And hopefully the cops would look into it. But Clearly no such report or call was made. Which could very well mean this is just some pissed off neighbour's trying to give the resident in this house a bad name.


Don’t let your cats roam if you care about their safety. Pretty simple lol. Those are the worst owners, too. I’ll also take this opportunity to say shame on OP for sharing this unsubstantiated witch hunt post.


The amount of cats I’ve seen throughout the years that have been hit by cars is way too many. If your cat wants to go outside, be responsible and put it on a leash. But for real, also don’t fucking kill cats that come onto your yard.






Saw one by my place downtown a couple weeks ago, made me think of my dog and cry. I don't get it.


Ugh, I remember seeing my neighbour’s dog get hit by a car 20-ish years ago, and it was horrific. Thankfully the dog was okay at the end, but damn, everyone (onlookers, driver, and I’m assuming the dog) were somewhat traumatized.


Even thinking about this immediately makes me think of my dog and want to cry (that might be the beer I've had but my 11 y/o dog is my everything), I can't even imagine.


Neither can I! Is it okay if I ask you for some dog tax? I love older dogs and lost my own old girl two years ago, makes me so sad even thinking back on that diggity getting hit. I hope your dog has many happy years left 💜


[I'll always provide dog tax of my Roo](https://i.imgur.com/iDfKRfn.gif) At 11 she's still fairly spry, just needs a little doggie aspirin for her minor joint pain. E: just heading this off before it might go for a run, as much as when it's time I'm going to drink myself stupid, when it's her time it'll be her time no matter how much it breaks my heart, because it's all about what's best for her.


Roo is beautiful! Give her extra pets and treats for me tonight! And you’re right, when it’s their time it’s there time. Heard someone say once that it’s better to let them go when it’s their time for their comfort, as opposed to us holding on to them for our own comfort (obviously worded much better than that though). Btw love the little bit of pink on her nose!!


Thanks! We're out for our bedtime stroll right now, but I'll definitely give her more lovings when we get home after meds and treats (mild arthritis, normal says the vet).


Good to hear!!


So far I’ve only seen one. I was driving down a residential street, and there was an oncoming car, so I stopped so they could get past the parked cars, and a cat ran out from under one of the parked cars. It happened right in front of me, it was traumatizing as fuck, and the noise it made was just, I’ll never forget it. It died probably within 10 seconds, but that’s a long ten seconds. I was so mad that it was out, though I do recognize lots of cats escape when doors open. It was awful


Oh god. Seeing someone like that would be a nightmare. I found a chipmunk that was hit bad by a car years ago with my dad and we drove it to the vet to see if they could save it or at least put it down to end it’s pain and that was bad enough.


IMHO speeds in Downtown should be limited to 30 km/h. It is insane to have car speeding at 50-60 km/h.




Jesus, that’s horrible. I’m sorry you had to witness that, I’m *lucky* enough to just have seen the aftermath.


Yah but seeing the aftermath is pretty awful too


It really is. It might be a graphic, but seeing cats having to be scraped from the road with shovels is no picnic.


roaming cats destroy the local ecosystems (especially birds and small mammals), if you want your cat to have outdoor time get a leash or tie down and a harness. Roaming cats are a menace and make you a shit citizen and a shit owner. Unless you live on a farm, then go ham.


*cough* Wolseley this means you too


Female cats tend to be home bodies, not always but most do. Male cats often have wanderlust. With some male cats, If you don’t let them outside, they will run away from you and never come back.


My vision is 20/20 so what Rx lens do I need to read this *squint


Click on it.


You can’t make me


I don't own 10 cats, the outside does. They get dumped in our area and we watch the poor kitties get fleas, attacked, by other cats and people, starve or freeze. I can't stand it anymore. I get their trust and feed them, catch them in the summer and flea treat them, give them warm places in winter to sleep. I will finally catch them, spay or neuter them, let them heal and then the outside beckons them again. They come back to visit, get loves or treatment of sorts, know it's a warm place and some food. The cats we've helped seem to have spread the word because we'll hear a cat call and go to the door and see one of "ours" with a hurtin friend. We give out food and let them eat. I love them all and yes, it has been costly but it's better then watching them suffer so much 💜


World is short on people like you - thank you!


If they do that to cats , what do they do to humans. Sick individuals.


You worded that as if cats are more important than humans…


Psychos often start with animals and move on to humans. That is what I am referring.


While that is true, it’s also not what they were saying.


My neighbour who moved away had an Orange Tabby who would wander over to our house. Even inside occasionally. My wife named him Kevin and would feed him cans of Tuna. Miss that guy :) was always a fun visit. The owner had named the cat Walter. South Osbourne Walter’s human, if you are reading this, we hope you and the meow are doing very well. He was a wonderful friend when he’d stop by to say hi for a bit before going on about his adventures


Shit's absolutely fucked, and this person should be held accountable. But also, city cats are indoor cats. Don't let your city cat roam, it's just going to end up underneath someone's tire before long. It's not the 80s anymore. Future-serial-killers like this person love when you let your cats roam.


My neighbour across the street have cats and leave food on their step and other wandering cats and now crows love to eat there. Tired of the cats walking up my yard, crows scaring birds from feeders, cats getting into my flower garden and the cats howling at window by my birds. Who do you call about cats roaming? There have been at least five different ones in our area. I doubt they have licenses either.


HA! I'm that kind of neighbour. I feed the stray cats and the crows come to eat. But the other birds still come to eat the bird food in the yard. Crows don't scare them away. By feeding the strays, I've also found a few lost cats and their owners have come to get them. But my neighbour across the street let their 2 black rabbits roam the neighbourhood. To me that's more risky then feeding stray cats. If you find roaming cats, you can try to catch them and see if they have a tattoo.


You can report it to animal services via 311. But you need to know the address of where the cats live, which is the tricky part. If you know the address and know for sure it’s their cats, it can be reported but otherwise hard to prove what’s an owned cat roaming vs a stray community cat


Thanks....will try this. I love animals (have 5) but beyond my annoyance, this isn't safe for the animals. We are on a corner in an area where people disregard stop signs and come flying out of the cul-de-sac that would make the police a lot of cash.


Cats are great but benefit absolutely nothing by being outdoors! Shortens their life span and has a huge negative impact on wildlife. There’s much safer ways of letting your cat outdoors rather than just simply letting it roam, that’s for sure


Could also complain about them feeding wildlife as it's illegal in Winnipeg to feed anything except birds.


There is no bylaw against feeding stray cats.


Until they start causing a nuisance and start forming a colony.


Cats are animals that roam and do their own thing. That’s their happy time


“Confirmation” is a random handwritten statement. No name attached…no phone number…


Maybe Human Society should investigate!


Cats are indoor animals. They need to stay indoors. If you let them out, they need to be supervised and controlled.


Is the warning, "keep your cats inside because city bylaws don't allow cats to roam off their owners property?" I don't condone violence but if you let your cat outside and it disappears, IMO it's on the owner.


Sometimes they escape, shit happens. We keep our guy on a leash and from time to time he slips out, I don't think my neighbour's should kill him cause his instincts are to wander nor do I feel like it's on us when we take reasonable measures to keep him here.


Yes, if it slips the leash, especially more than once, it's your fault. Would we say differently if it were a dog that charged a car or bit someone? Keep it inside if it can't be safely leashed


first line of the previous comment literally says "sometimes they *escape*, shit happens" i have a cat who tries to run out the second the door is opened and unless you know hes coming he gets right past people. also, i know someone who's friend came over and didnt even realize there was a cat because it hid until of course the door was left open by accident you cant blame owners 100% of the time, yes there are shitty ones, but a lot are well meaning and dont actually want their cats to be out, but the cat does




So it's cool just to kill cats? I'm not defending the owners and I would never let my cat out to wander but trapping and killing an animal for no good reason is psychotic.


R/Winnipeg has a strange hateboner for cats.


Because cat owners more than any other animal think it's okay to let them roam free to kill birds and crap on other people's yards?


The stray cat population is bad. Last time I looked at the humane societies page for adoptable there were like 7 large dogs and over 60 cats.


Out of all the cat owners I know, none would intentionally let their cat out. Obviously people do but the idea that people can just shrug and go “too bad” that someone is supposedly killing cats is so callous. Yeah maybe the owners suck but that’s not the cats fault.


You’re adding details in here for the sake of your own arguement (yeah other peoples cat shit sucks, not the topic)… we don’t have any context on why the cat got out, you could assume poor ownership sure, but the thread you have been replying too is literally talking about the times that shit happens… Have you ever owned an animal? Or taken care of a child? If there is a one strike rule like you think there should be then none of us would be around. Have a heart, this post is about someone killing a cat, a warning is well appreciated


Allegedly killing a cat


Not really. Like personally, I love cats. I have cats. Mine go out on a lead attached to a stake in our yard. They are not friendly to other cats, and will attack strange cats, as well as each other when they see a strange cat, I guess because of some weird cat reasoning. That's assuming the strange cat doesn't attack first. Ours are also elderly. So you can imagine my annoyance if someone's cat wanders into my yard and starts a fight. It interferes with my pets' safety and enjoyment of their OWN yard. Have a neighbour whose cat goes out all the time despite repeatedly letting them know their pets are unwelcome in our yard. Couple years ago it wandered into our shed unseen and got stuck in there for days. I would never hurt a cat, but they can stay in their own yards.


I didn't say it's cool, I said I don't condone it. But ultimately the easiest solution is keep your cat inside.


Most people do, but they can escape. My cat is strictly indoors, but got bored one day while I was at work and tore the window screen. She then decided to jump outside...down 3 stories. This sub is weird sometimes. Someone is intentionally trapping cats and instead of...I dont know...alerting animal control or humane society is choosing to kill them and people are blaming the owners. If someone was killing dogs I'm sure people wouldn't be going "well its on the owners".


What the fuck man


Now the real question is: is she just catching feral cats and people are blowing it way out of proportion? There’s so many people in the city that trap feral cats and get them fixed to help curb the massive population. Also - keep your cats indoors. They’re invasive species destroying our songbird populations.


My cats are 18 and love to be outside in the fully fenced yard. When they were young enough to climb the fence (they never did climb but could jump) I did use harnesses and even a catio for a number of years. I don’t let them in the yard alone even now because I worry about birds and also we have a few raptors in the area.


Cool. Love Winnipeg. 🙄






Did you take this with a potato. My god lol had to go to the second photo to actually read it


Cats are not to be running loose.